The gigantic primate made the prediction for the weekend, picking the paper mache football helmet decked out with Green Bay colors.
Lindsay Renner with the Hogle Zoo works with the primates. She described Tuesday’s prediction. She said, “He did indeed choose the packers - you can mark it down as the winner for this year."
According to Eli, the Packers will take home the trophy during this Super Bowl weekend.
Renner said, “Contrary to popular belief we did not bribe Eli in any way with extra food. He made the decision free of his own choosing."
The primate keepers may have wanted to rig the vote, but they didn’t. Eli was just being an orangutan.
Dawn Neptune is the Behavioral Programs Coordinator at the zoo. She described what was going on, “He did what adult male orangutan's do - he did a display! So, he goes and tries to show how strong he is so it demonstrates to any females that he's a strong adult male."
These large helmets are part of the zoo’s enrichment program, helping these wild animals grow and develop in captivity. In this situation, the display of male dominance may be helpful if you’re betting this weekend.
Renner said, “Every single year that we have done this - this primate picks for the super bowl - he has chosen the correct team."
Four years with 100% accuracy, thanks to an orangutan at the Hogle Zoo.