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More Closings, Cancellations, Postponements
Wedding Expo at the Eastern Shore Community College posponed until February 21st
Adams and Metropolitan United Methopdist Churches hace cancelled Services for Tomorrow
Calvary and Greenbush United Methodis Churches have cancelled services for tomorrow
There are reports of widespread flooding and tree's down through out the area
Power is reported out at Virginia Landing
Island House is closed
Eastville fire department bingo cancelled for tonight
Pungoteaguye Community Church offering shelter for the homeless call Pastor Heuther for more information at 757-710 - 1095 for more details
Seafood Feast at the Elks Lodge is NOT cancelled
Northamton convienence centers Today
Accomac County Landfills will close at 1:00 P.M. today ... will re-open Monday February 8th
Accomac Convience Centers will close at 1:00 PM today re-open Monday February 8th
Romanza at the Arts Enter in Cape Charles cancelled
Delta Academy and GEMS program at Nandua High School cancelled
No trash piuck-up in Melfa today ... will be picked up on Tuesday
Wedding Expo at the Eastern Shore Community College posponed until February 21st
Discount week in Pocomoke City posponed until the weekend of 13 - 14 February
Chesapeake Blitz for the Food Bank has been cancelled
Open Forum at St. Peter's Catholic Church Postponed until February 20th
Mary N. Smith Alumni Association Meeting cancelled
Marva Movie Theater presentation of "Blindside" cancelled
Barrier Island Oyster Roast re-scheduled for February 27th
Zion Baptist Church Men's Breakfast postponed
Sucicide Prevention Workshop scheduled for the 11th has been cancelled but will be re-scheduled at a later date.
Meeting at Saint Mary's Baptist Church in Jamesville has been cancelled
The District United Methodist Woman's Tea cancelled.
Rte 178 Belle Haven and Exmore closed because of fallen tree
Reports of Power outages in Onley
ACT Testing at Northampton High School Cancelled
Parksley Recr. and Accomac County Parks and Rec. have cancelled all games scheduled at Arcadia High School for today.
Tyson's Foods Night Shift Cancelled tonight
ESCC all activities for this weekend are cancelled
Lighthouse thrift shop sale posponed until next Saturday
All Shore Banks Closed today