Saturday, February 8, 2014

Another Resident Files For Pocomoke City Council/ District 3

Just in time to meet the deadline Retired Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin has added his name to run for Pocomoke City Councilman in District 3.  The seat is currently held by Councilman Don Malloy.

This brings the total number of those residents who have filed for the position  to three.

The three names in the running for Pocomoke City Council- Ditrict 3 in Pocomoke City are:

Dale Trotter - who  has been with either Pocomoke City or now Worcester County since 1997.

Kim Jackson - busness owner in downtown Pocomoke City.

J.D. Ervin - Retired Pocomoke City Police Chief after 16 years of service.

In the Mayoral race no one filed to run against the current Mayor Bruce Morrison. 

The election for District 3 will take place on April 1, 2014.

More information on those in the running as it becomes available.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1966.. It's a team effort of Thompsons on the Pocomoke City Police force; Circa 1900.. Winter in Worcester County; 1905.. Pocomoke's William Sartorius; 1941.. Moonshiners asked to aid in Aluminum drive; 2008.. The Eastern Shore provides Maryland's official state dessert. 

Also, a look at past snowfall records. 

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Virginia Working Waterfronts Workshop

Watermen, water-dependent business owners, and representatives from water-related organizations from the Eastern Shore are encouraged to participate in the Virginia Working Waterfronts Workshop on February 26, 2014, locally from a satellite location at the Eastern Shore Community College Workforce Development Building in Melfa (29300 Lankford Hwy). 
The workshop will be held from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm.
The Eastern Shore’s working waterfronts are of great historic, economic, and ...
cultural value. Unfortunately they are threatened by natural, social, economic, and regulatory stressors.

The workshop, which is being sponsored by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program, will be an opportunity to share ideas and suggestions about the issues that are impacting Virginia’s – and the Eastern Shore’s - water access and working waterfronts, and to provide input on development of strategies to keep Virginia’s waterfronts working! The Virginia CZM Program and its partners particularly need to hear from Virginia’s working watermen and businesses.

This event is the first coastal-wide effort to focus on protecting and enhancing water access and working waterfront infrastructure. 
 Response to the workshop so far has been tremendous with registrants representing many sectors including watermen on the Eastern Shore, but more voices from the working waterfront community are needed. The Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission arranged the opportunity for Eastern Shore residents to participate in the workshop at the Eastern Shore Community College satellite location recognizing that travel to Gloucester Point, the other location for the workshop, may otherwise have made participation difficult.

Registration is required to attend. The event is free, but space is limited. Light breakfast, lunch, and refreshments will be provided. Register today! Call Curt Smith, Director of Planning for the Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission at 787-2936 or 

For more details on the Virginia Working Waterfront Initiative Partnership and the workshop visit,

NASA Technology to Help Develop Noninvasive Medical Treatments

NASA has signed two patent license agreements with GRoK Technologies LLC of Houston to help develop novel biotechnology approaches that could have multiple applications in space and on Earth.

The agreements are the results of the agency's Technology Transfer Program, which helps opens up NASA's research and technology to the public for use and development.

The agreements grant rights for four patented technologies invented by NASA and GRoK scientists. NASA is interested in the potential these technologies present for regenerating bone and muscle.

During long spaceflights, astronauts are susceptible to developing osteopenia, which is a condition arising from the loss of bone and muscle mass and bone density. The patented technologies could help GRoK develop breakthrough products for the research and medical communities and advance our overall understanding of biomedicine.

"Biotechnology research taking place on the International Space Station and at NASA centers around the country continues to push the leading edge of science," said Yolanda Marshall, director of the Strategic Opportunities and Partnership Development Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. "This partnership will further enhance NASA's ability to share the unique breakthroughs made in space-based research."

GRoK will be able to use these patented methods on two platform technologies the company is developing.

The first platform, called BioReplicates, will allow users to create 3-D human tissue models that can be used to test cosmetics, drugs and other products for safety, efficacy and toxicity with greater accuracy, reliability and cost-efficiency. Additionally, using such models may reduce the industry's reliance on animal testing.

The second platform, called Scionic, could lead to the development of medical devices designed to target musculoskeletal pain and inflammation in humans and animals noninvasively and without the use of pharmaceuticals.

"The GRoK team is delighted we are now a NASA licensee with the opportunity to bring forward into the commercial sector technologies that have the capacity to improve the lives of people everywhere," said Moshe Kushman, GRoK's founder and CEO.

 "It's not just science fiction anymore. All indications are that 21st century life sciences will change dramatically during the next several decades, and GRoK is working to define the forefront of a new scientific wave."

NASA’s Technology Transfer Program ensures that technologies developed for missions in exploration and discovery are broadly available to the public, maximizing the benefit to the nation.

Making NASA technologies available promotes commercial activity, encourages economic growth, and stimulates innovation in business and commerce.

For information about NASA's Technology Transfer Program, visit:

Elect Bloxom for Delegate ~ Virginia

Elect Bloxom for Delegate

Today is the day to VOTE!
Nandua High School
 Doors Open 1:30
 Doors Close promptly 2:30
Each candidate gives 10 min speech then VOTES are cast
Bring photo ID
All are invited to The Island House Restaurant immediately after


Governor Martin O’Malley Hosts Maryland Mayors Association Reception

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Last night, Governor O’Malley invited mayors from across Maryland to kick off the Maryland Mayor’s Association’s Legislative Conference at Government House in Annapolis. More than 50 municipal executives joined the Governor for a reception in the Governor’s residence to highlight better choices for stronger Maryland communities.
“We’ve faced some pretty tough times over the last seven years. Together, we’ve made the choice to move our State forward, not back,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “In spite of of these challenges, our mayors have stepped up and pitched in, partnering on a number of initiatives with our agencies and ensuring that our State is stronger than it was before the recession.”
“Maryland is a great state because of the work we do together to strengthen our communities and expand opportunity,” said Lt. Governor Anthony Brown. “We’ve made great progress, but our success would not have been possible without the partnership and hard work of our Mayors leading at the local level. Whether it’s supporting local businesses or ensuring residents have access to public services, Mayors in cities and towns across our state make Maryland a better place to live, work and raise a family.”
Over the last seven years, the O’Malley-Brown administration has worked in partnership with mayors on numerous projects in local jurisdictions all over the State. The Community Legacy program has provided nearly $17 million in funds for over 200 projects in municipalities. Additionally, the State’s Main Street program has facilitated the creation of nearly 1,200 new businesses and 4,190 new jobs in 26 cities and towns across Maryland.
“On behalf of the MMA, I would like to thank Governor O’Malley for once again hosting our yearly reception at the Government House. This event affords the Mayors of our great State the opportunity to voice our concerns to the Governor and lobby for ourselves and our municipalities here in Annapolis. We appreciate the Governor providing us the venue to do so,” said Mayor Randy McClement of Frederick.
“The O’Malley-Brown administration has supported progressive smart growth strategies over the last seven years.  For Capitol Heights this has meant the acceleration of our TOD strategy utilizing Community Legacy funds.  We are proud to announce the Town is in the process of selecting a developer for a mixed-use, sustainable development at the Capitol Heights Metro station.  Governor O’Malley has been a tremendous partner in our overall revitalization efforts,” added Mayor Kito James of Capitol Heights.
The O’Malley-Brown Administration continues to foster partnerships with municipal law enforcement agencies to drive down violent crime. Working together, state and local law enforcement agencies have driven down violent crime to 30-year lows. The FY15 budget includes an increase of $16 million in funding for transportation for municipalities and an additional $68 million in police aid. The Governor’s Safe Streets initiative has driven drive down crime by promoting community partnerships, strategic action and investments in needed equipment for law enforcement personnel.
“Under the leadership of Governor O’Malley, the Safe Streets initiative, and $1.2 million in investment, the City of Salisbury has seen an almost 50 percent drop in violent crime over the last seven years. Without the commitment of the Governor, and his willingness to see this through, our strong partnership to fight crime would be non-existent, and we would not see the successes that we have seen to date,” said Mayor Jim Ireton of Salisbury.
The Governor’s FY15 budget builds on seven years of record investments in education to the tune of $6.1 billion since FY2008. Also, the O’Malley-Brown Administration has bolstered efforts to reduce the number of temporary learning shacks around the State, investing $2.7 billion in school construction funding over the last seven years. These better choices have led to better results, propelling Maryland to the head of the class in national school rankings and AP scores, while also sparking historic graduation rates for Maryland high schoolers.
Cumberland Mayor Brian K. Grim added, “Governor O’Malley is a model leader for working together with local government to make necessary projects come to fruition.  If not for our Governor, Cumberland would still be struggling to band-aid together the oldest functioning high school in Maryland. But thanks to the Governor, funding is in place and our community is building a new, state-of-the-art educational facility in Cumberland.  That speaks to Martin O’Malley’s dedication to education and it speaks to his desire to work with local leaders to solve problems.”
“From education to public safety, and through the toughest of times, Governor O’Malley has supported our efforts to build stronger communities for our neighbors. Mayors are on the frontlines of public service and having a strong partner in the State House ensures that we better serve our neighbors and create thriving communities to live, work and play,” Mayor Jeffrey Slavin of Somerset said.


Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Statewide Operation

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Works  With Agencies  During State Investigations

Members of the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) conducted a two day statewide proactive initiative combating those distributing child pornography on the Internet.
            For the past several months Investigators from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force have been conducting investigations and identifying computers on the Internet that are offering pornographic videos of children for others to download.  Investigators were able to trace this information to numerous computers throughout the state.
As a result of this operation twelve search and seizure warrants were executed throughout the state.  The participating agencies are as follows: Maryland State Police, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Baltimore field office, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Anne Arundel County Police Department, Baltimore County Police Department, Baltimore City Police, Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, Frederick County Sheriff’s Office, Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Howard County Police Department, Montgomery County Police Department, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, and Army Criminal Investigation Division.
            Due to search and seizure warrants numerous items or digital media were seized and several individuals were identified that have a sexual interest in children, several charges are pending.  All digital items have been turned over to the respective agencies Computer Forensic Labs for analysis.
Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Natural Bridge Sold - To Become State Park

The Roanoke Times | File 2007
A deal between current and former owners and state groups will protect the arch, Native American village, the waterfall and more.

The Natural Bridge will become a state park under a deal reached between its former and current owners and several Virginia agencies.

The complicated real estate transaction, recorded Thursday in Rockbridge County, fulfills its longtime owner’s desire to preserve the national treasure once owned by Thomas Jefferson.
  Angelo Puglisi donated the 215-foot limestone arch, valued at $21 million, to the newly formed Virginia Conservation Legacy Fund and received conservation tax credits estimated to be worth about $7 million along with $8.6 million in cash for the balance of his Natural Bridge holdings that encompass more than 1,500 mostly forested acres.

“It is something that needs to be preserved as Mount Vernon and Monticello,” Puglisi said. “I’m afraid we are losing the history of our country.”

For Puglisi, entrusting the historic structure to the state offers the assurance that many generations yet to come can stand in awe of Jefferson’s bridge on property surveyed by George Washington and hear the story of the nation’s founding.

Last spring Puglisi contracted with Jim Woltz of Roanoke-based Woltz and Associates to auction the property, but told him that he wanted the national historic landmark to become a national or state park.

“He didn’t want it to be a carnival. He didn’t want to see a zip line off the bridge,” Woltz said.

The deal with the Virginia Conservation Legacy Fund goes beyond protecting the bridge, Native American village and waterfall — features most visitors have viewed. Eventually, all of the holdings, save for the hotel and cottages, will become part of the state park system.

“This is truly a historic day for a very special place,” said Faye Cooper, executive director of the Valley Conservation Council.

“Everyone acknowledges the historic value with Jefferson having owned it. But it has special significance as a rather large property with a great variety of conservation values — scenic, ecological, underlying caverns, rare forest connections — and the geological features are truly extraordinary to tell the history of the region.”

Read More....

Month Long Investigation Leads To Drug Arrests During Traffic Stop

On January 27, 2014, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team concluded a month long heroin and prescription pill distribution investigation.

 On that date the Criminal Enforcement Team conducted a traffic stop of a vehicle that was destined to the Berlin area from Delaware for purpose of distributing a quantity of heroin to an undercover detective.

During the course of this traffic stop, an individual identified as Edwin D. Horner, Age 45, of Milton, Delaware and a Juvenile, Age 17, were found to be in possession of 50 individually wrapped bags of heroin. These same two individuals are also involved in the distribution of Oxycodone to an undercover detective of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team earlier in this investigation.

The individuals were charged with the following offenses:

Edwin D. Horner III, Age 45, of Milton, Delaware
·         Conspiracy - Distribution of Oxycodone
·         Conspiracy - Possession with intent to distribute Oxycodone
·         Conspiracy - Possession of Oxycodone
·         Conspiracy - Possession of Heroin
·         Conspiracy - Distribution of Heroin
·         Conspiracy - Possession with intent to distribute Heroin
·         Possession of Heroin
Juvenile, Age 17
·         Possession of Oxycodone
·         Possession of Heroin
·         Possession with intent to distribute Oxycodone
·         Possession with intent to distribute Heroin
·         Distribution of Oxycodone
·         Conspiracy - Distribution of Heroin
Edwin D. Horner III was subsequently committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $25,000.00 bond.
The juvenile was referred to the Department of Juvenile Justice. 
Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Friday, February 7, 2014

Pizza Night! New Church Vol. Fire & Rescue Co.

First Friday of the month...
Pizza Night!
(link to Facebook page)

Large pepperoni or cheese pizza for $12
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Photo BW
No need to call ahead or even get out of your car...
just come by and get it!!!!

Proceeds benefit the New Church Vol. Fire & Rescue Co.

Keep Maryland Beautiful Grants Available...

Keep Maryland Beautiful Grants Available for Schools and Environmental Groups

The Maryland Environmental Trust is now accepting applications for grants through the Keep Maryland Beautiful program to help schools, volunteer-based nonprofit groups and communities develop environmental education projects and solve natural resource issues.

“Since 1986, MET has been providing these annual grants for community beautification projects and stewardship programs that engage students in hands-on experiences outside the traditional classroom,” said MET Director Elizabeth Buxton.

MET is offering two types of grants, given annually, through the program:

The Margaret Rosch Jones Award of up to $2,000 is awarded to nonprofit groups or communities for an ongoing project or activity that has demonstrated success in solving an environmental issue.

This award recognizes those organizations that have been actively educating people in their community about litter prevention, community beautification, or eliminating or reducing the causes of a local environmental problem. It is given in memory of Margaret Jones, the first executive director of the Keep Maryland Beautiful Program.

The Bill James Environmental Grants of up to $1,000 are awarded to school groups, science and ecology clubs, and other nonprofit youth groups for proposed environmental education projects. The grants are given in memory of William S. James, who drafted legislation to create MET, incorporating the activities of the Governor’s Committee to Keep Maryland Beautiful.

The objectives of the grants are to: promote a sense of stewardship and personal responsibility for the environment; stimulate a better understanding of environmental issues; help reduce or eliminate a local environmental problem; and encourage education about growth management and protection of rural areas and sensitive resources while discouraging sprawl development.

For an application or more information, visit Completed applications must be received by March 31, 2014.

The Maryland State Highway Administration provides partial funding annually for these grants and awards. The Maryland General Assembly established the Maryland Environmental Trust in 1967, and Keep Maryland Beautiful was created later that same year as MET’s first program. MET promotes the protection of open land through its Land Conservation Program, Stewardship Program and Local Land Trust Assistance Program. Awarded annually the grants are The Maryland State Highway Administration provides partial funding for these grants and awards.

The Maryland Environmental Trust was established in 1967 by the Maryland General Assembly as a charitable organization and now serves as the statewide land trust. MET currently holds 1050 easements totaling more than 129,000 acres in Maryland. Governed by a citizen board of trustees, MET is affiliated with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and promotes the permanent protection of land through its Conservation Easement, Stewardship and Land Trust Assistance Programs. For more information, visit


Earthquake ? or.....??

Data Not Consistent With ‘Seismic Or Earthquake Events’

OCEAN CITY — There were more questions than answers late yesterday about what caused the ground to shake and buildings to rattle in the Ocean City area shortly before noon on Thursday, but Maryland Geological Survey officials have confirmed the data collected at various seismic stations in the area is not consistent with an earthquake.

Just before noon on Thursday, there were dozens of reports of possible seismic activity from Ocean City to Ocean Pines to Bishopville and southern Sussex County and beyond as local residents reported loud booms and homes and businesses shaking for as long as 10 seconds and as many as two different times. The Maryland Geological Survey around mid-day yesterday confirmed there had been “earth motion activity” registered in the area around the same time the reports started flooding in.


Virginia’s Statewide 4pm Outdoor Burning Law in Effect

February 15 to April 30: Virginia’s Statewide 4pm Outdoor Burning Law in Effect

The Commonwealth’s 4 p.m. Burning Law goes into effect Feb. 15th – the start of spring fire season in Virginia. The law prohibits burning before 4 p.m. each day until April 30th if the fire is in, or within 300 feet of, woodland, brushland or fields containing dry grass or other flammable materials.

“This law is one of the most effective tools we have to prevent wildfires,” said John Miller, director of resource protection at the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF). “Each late winter and early spring, downed trees, branches and leaves become ‘forest fuels’ that increase the danger of a forest fire. By adhering to the law and burning between 4 p.m. and midnight only, people are less likely to start a fire that threatens them, their property and the forests of Virginia.”

In addition to open burning, debris burning in metal barrels has been the source of wildland fires this year.

“If flames and sparks are flying out of the barrel, that increases the chance they’ll land in dry grass or leaves and start a wild fire,” said Paul Reier, VDOF technician in James City, Charles City and New Kent counties. “Be sure the barrel is secure and won’t tip over, causing the fire to spill out. Stay with the debris barrel while the fire is burning, and be sure to properly and safely dispose of the ashes.” Reier adds that metal barrels should be in good condition – not weak with rust or full of holes. A mesh wire screen, with openings of ¼” or less, should cover the top of the barrel.

A violation of this law is a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by up to a $500 fine. In addition to the criminal violation, those who allow a fire to escape are liable for the cost of suppressing the fire as well as any damage caused to others’ property.

To learn more about how to protect yourself and your property, visit


 April 25-27, 2014

For more information:


Land Tour Also Included At Pocomoke Fair Grounds


Delmarva Discovery Center ~ Planetarium Show

'The Sky Tonight' Planetarium Show
by Dan Savoy and Astro-Adventures
February 8th and 9th
1:00 P. M. showings each day
Sign in when you arrive, as seating is limited to 25 per show.


Igor Gavryushin
From: Ocean City Police Department

(February 5, 2014) – On January 30, 2014, Ocean City police detectives began a theft scheme investigation on an Ocean City resident after being contacted by a local bank official.  The bank fraud investigator informed Ocean City police that they had suffered a loss of approximately $31,000 as a result of deposits made by the suspect, who was identified as Igor Gavryushin, 29, of Ocean City.
Further investigation revealed that Gavryushin deposited over $43,000 into his bank account between January 21 and January 23. All of the deposited checks were later returned to the bank as “Account Closed” or “Unlocatable.” However, before the bank was notified that the deposited checks were being returned, Gavryushin had already withdrew $30,000 from his account.
On January 31, Ocean City police arrested Gavryushin at his home.
 Later that day, detectives served a Search and Seizure Warrant at Gavryushin’s home and located $30,000 in US currency in his bedroom.
Ocean City police charged Gavryushin with multiple counts of uttering bad checks and felony theft.
Gavryushin was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and transferred to the Worcester County Jail on $5,000 bail.

Applications for the Virginia Sheriffs Institute Scholarship Program Being Accepted

Accomack County Sheriff Todd E. Godwin announced today that he is accepting applications for the Virginia Sheriffs Institute Scholarship Program.

  The VSI Program was established to provide an opportunity for young people across Virginia to pursue an educational curriculum in law enforcement or criminal justice. Full-time and Part-time students are eligible for this program and all applicants must meet the requirements set forth by the Virginia Sheriffs Institute in order to qualify as a recipient of the VSI scholarship award. 

Applicants must live in the locality where the sheriff is a member of the Virginia Sheriffs Institute and must be accepted to Virginia Colleges and Universities with a major in the criminal justice field.

 All students interested in the Virginia Sheriffs Institute Scholarship Program for the 2014/2015 school year should contact Karen Barrett of the Accomack County Sheriffs Office @ 787-1131, 824-5666, or 891-2489. 

Applications may be obtained from the Accomack County Sheriffs Office or the Virginia Sheriffs Institute website    Students may also contact their School Guidance Office in regards to the scholarship program. 

The deadline for all applications to be submitted to the Accomack County Sheriffs Office is 5pm on April 11, 2014.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

An Update From Delegate Mike McDermott

Delegate Mike McDermott Update
 on the Department of Natural Resources
By Delegate Mike McDermott

February 6, 2014

"I will hurt you..." - Quote from Acting DNR Secretary Joe Gill

It is tough being a Waterman these days. In fact, their numbers have dwindled to less than half of what they were just a few decades ago, and the actual number of folks making their living full time on the water is even fewer. There are many reasons for the decline, and our Watermen know them all too well.

One area of significant impact has been the regulatory environment which is primarily under the purview of the Department of Natural Resources in Maryland. While this can often be described as a “love-hate” relationship, our watermen and their families continue to fight a retreating battle with the State in order to simply survive.

In recent years, the DNR has taken it upon themselves to change certain regulations by simply providing public notice, thus avoiding the need to bring these changes before the General Assembly (or the AELR Committee when the legislature is not in session). The Attorney General recently told the DNR that they do not have the authority to bypass the legislative branch.

In an effort to cover their tracks, DNR’s Acting Secretary Joe Gill and the DNR put SB-145 forward this year which, if passed, would give the department the authority to do what has been their practice, although outside the scope of law, for years. It is not in the best interest of any Marylander to grant any state agency broad autonomy to decide what regulations should be created, changed, or enforced at their own discretion, thus negating established checks and balances established by the Constitution.
To no one’s surprise, the Watermen and their allies came out in droves last week to object to this usurping of process and grab for power by the DNR Secretary. During the hearings, a disturbing exchange was reported to have occurred between Acting Secretary Gill and the President of the Maryland Watermen’s Association, Robert T. Brown.
According to witnesses, Secretary Gill approached President Brown outside of the Environmental Committee Room and stated,If you don’t support this bill [SB-145], I am going to be very conservative and cut your quotas, and I will hurt you. Do you hear me? I will hurt you.”
There is no reason to doubt the veracity of those present who heard these words. They were shocked. Secretary Gill has not denied making the statement, although the administration has indicated that the statement may have been taken “out of context.” It appears quite clear that the unfortunate exchange occurred as reported.
As a result of this confrontation, Senator Richard Colburn had Secretary Gill’s nomination for Secretary of DNR delayed until February 14th. This was a wise move as the nominee is now held in contempt by all of the watermen.
Tempers can get away from folks, and we have all experienced it from time to time, but those seeking confirmation to the highest posts of service in State government must be held to a higher standard. The outburst from the acting Secretary is a deal breaker for those who need confidence that the regulatory environment is not managed by a tyrant.  
This entire ordeal, and the manifestation by A/Secretary Gill, is a significant tell of the progressive-liberal way in Maryland where regulations are utilized to move agendas. It has been rightly stated, “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” The power to regulate carries a very similar hammer.
Maryland business owners, including watermen and farmers, are being regulated to death. One can only imagine what the damage would be if entrenched state bureaucrats could simply change regulations whenever they deemed it appropriate. No vetting, no hearings, and no outside input would carry the day in Maryland.
 When it comes to the livelihood of our people, this must not be allowed. More and more, we see the regulatory environment being used to crush certain segments of our economy, while regulations and taxes are being cited by every business fleeing our state.
When one of our governor’s cabinet Secretaries tell our farmers that a potentially devastating regulation is “going to happen this year” no matter what an impact study states, and when another tells our watermen to get in line or “I will hurt you” - then we no longer see public servants, but rather those behaving as kings.
In Maryland, as in our country, the people are the sovereign. Those who choose to work on behalf of the people are public servants.  The failure to apprehend this relationship places the government above the people. This was never the intent of the Founders.
May the American people awaken to the scepter that is in their hand, and as President George Washington said in his first inaugural speech, “Use power to help people.”


Happy Birthday President Ronald Reagan

Born in Tampico, Illinois
February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004
40th President of the United States

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1966.. It's a team effort of Thompsons on the Pocomoke City Police force; Circa 1900.. Winter in Worcester County; 1905.. Pocomoke's William Sartorius; 1941.. Moonshiners asked to aid in Aluminum drive; 2008.. The Eastern Shore provides Maryland's official state dessert.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Delivery Of Antares Stage 1 Assembly

The delivery of the Anteres Stage 1 Assembly had been delayed until Wednesday, February 5, 2014. 

So, Wednesday morning around 8:00 a.m. the rocket assembly passed through the intersection of Route 13 and Route 113 in Pocomoke City, Maryland headed for Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia just a few miles south.

The next targeted date for launching of the Anteres rocket is scheduled for sometime in April 2014.

We'll be waiting and watching for more updated information.

Many thanks Leslie and

Representative Andy Harris - Tax Filing Season Readiness Events

You're Invited: Tax Filing Season Readiness Events

Dear Friends,
This Saturday, February 8, my office will host two Tax Filing Season Readiness outreach events that are free and open to the public. The first will be held from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore in Princess Anne, Md. The event will take place in the theater at the Student Services Center. Free parking is available in the lot adjacent to the Student Services Center.
This presentation will address new changes specific to the Eastern Shore, including the shift of income tax preparation assistance from the local Salisbury IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center to the local Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and Tax Counseling for the Elderly programs. These programs are administered through Shore Up in Salisbury and UMES in Somerset County, as well as local AARP state representatives, all of whom have been invited to attend the event in Princess Anne.
A similar event will be held later that day, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Elkton Central Branch Library located at 301 Newark Avenue, Elkton, Md. 21921. Free overflow parking is available at the Singerly Fire Company across the street from the library.
At both events, the IRS will provide information on tax preparation services, identity theft, and refund fraud, as well as guidance on how to select a return preparer. The events will also provide an opportunity for district constituents to speak with an IRS representative regarding personal tax-filing issues. 
I am pleased my office is hosting Tax Filing Season Readiness events to provide you with the opportunity to speak with an IRS representative about your specific tax-filing issues and to obtain information about the most recent changes to the federal tax code. The current tax code is very complex and sometimes burdensome for millions of individuals and small businesses. With all of the federal tax code changes from year to year, my office frequently addresses these concerns with the IRS. Last year alone, my office handled 126 IRS-related cases. Knowing of this difficulty, I am pleased to have the IRS as a guest for this event on behalf of my constituents.
Please RSVP for either event below.
Do you plan on attending?
If having trouble viewing please click here.

P.S. - If you haven't already, click here to subscribe to my e-newsletter so you can keep up with what I'm doing in Washington.


Andy Harris, M.D.

Worcester County Rabies Clinic

FBI Offers Reward for Information On Armed Robbery

FBI Offers Reward for Information About Mother’s Bar and Grill Armed Robbery

The Baltimore Division of the FBI is offering a $5,000 reward for any information about the armed robbery at Mother’s Federal Hill Grill at 1113 South Charles Street on Sunday, February 2, 2014. Four armed men wearing masks entered the restaurant just before 7 a.m. as employees arrived for work. All four men were armed and threatened employees. One worker was hit with the butt of a shotgun when unable to open the safe.

“Someone in our community knows who these men are. We need that person to come forward—the information they provide could stop these men from striking again and someone being seriously hurt,” said Baltimore FBI Special Agent in Charge Stephen Vogt.

“We will not tolerate violence, in any form, at any level,” said Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts. “We will bring every resource to bear against those who would use guns to bring harm to our city. We are incredibly thankful for the assistance of our federal partners as we all work to reduce violent crime.”

These men, pictured below, are to be considered armed and dangerous. Anyone with information about the robbery or the robbers is asked to call the Baltimore Division of the FBI at 410-265-8080.

Callers can remain anonymous and could receive a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone connected to the crime.


Murder Trial of Northampton County Man Results In Plea Deals

Durrell Fitchett
By Wesley Edwards
A trial for the murder of a Northampton County man was conducted Tuesday in Northampton Circuit court and each of the four defendants reached plea deals with the Commonweath. 

The victim and the defendants attended a party in Machipongo last April. The four defendants from Tasley were charged for their participation in the murder of Mr. Jesse (Bob) Gordon.

The first defendant Durrell Fitchett was originally charged with first-degree murder, malicious wounding, displaying a firearm in a threatening manner, murder by a mob, and participating in gang violence. The scheduled bench trial did not occur when Fitchett entered a plea agreement to second-degree murder and the firearm charge.

John Logan

 Commonwealths attorney Bruce Jones laid out the case as a party with in a garage with a live DJ, alcohol, and drugs. The victim was shot after some type of confrontation from a distance of 6 to 24 inches.

After the shooting, Fitchett and the other three defendants began beating and kicking Gordon. Gordon was declared dead on arrival at Riverside Memorial Hospital from the gunshot wound.

The second defendant Deleon Fitchett then entered his plea agreement. Fitchett's charges were reduced from malicious wounding by a mob, murder by a mob, and gang violence to one count of malicious wounding with the other charges being dropped.

The third defendant Devon Blake a half-brother of the first two defendants was charged with malicious wounding by a mob and with his plea agreement the charges were reduced to unlawful wounding.

The fourth defendant John Logan a cousin of the first three was charged with malicious wounding by a mob murder, by a mob and participating in gang violence. All of these charges were reduced to one charge of unlawful wounding under a plea agreement.

The four defendants were returned to jail and will remain in custody pending the completion presentence reports.


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