Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bay Bridge ~ Westbound Lanes Closed Due to Incident‏


6/3/13 -- 12:30 p.m. update -- Two Westbound Lanes Reopened‏
Westbound Lanes Closed Due to Incident ~Bay Bridge‏

Motorists Advised to Call 1-877-BAYSPAN (229-7726) for Current Traffic Conditions
Follow us on Twitter at TheMDTA or on Facebook at facebook.com/TheMDTACurrently, the westbound lanes of the Bay Bridge are closed due to an injured worker on the bridge.  Initial reports indicate that the worker's injuries are non-life-threatening.  Emergency response crews are on the scene.  Officials will reopen the lanes as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

For Statewide traffic conditions, visit md511.org.  For the most up-to-date information follow us on Twitter at TheMDTA or on Facebook at facebook.com/TheMDTA.



(LARGO, MD) -- Maryland State Police commercial vehicle enforcement personnel, joined by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), is holding the official U.S. kick-off event for Roadcheck 2013. This is a multiple-day initiative focusing on ensuring the safe equipment and operation of buses, trucks, and other commercial vehicles operating in North America.

On June 4, 2013, Maryland State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division inspection teams will work fixed and roving locations throughout the Washington, D.C metro area. Teams of troopers and inspectors will target commercial vehicles committing traffic violations and in violation of state and federal safety regulations. Starting tomorrow and running 72 hours straight, inspectors from North America will conduct Level 1 inspections of passenger carrying commercial vehicles as well as properly secured cargo.

Roadcheck 2013 helps to remind carriers of the importance of maintenance and compliance with commercial vehicle safety regulations. Inspections will be conducted of vehicle equipment, secured cargo, driver’s log books, hazardous materials documentation, and other areas that impact safe operation.

  A special emphasis will be on the new hours-of-service requirements that take effect on July 1, 2013. 

Court Decides DNA Swabs During Arrests Are Constitutional

Maryland Vs. King Ruling: US Supreme Court Decides DNA Swabs During Arrests Are Constitutional In 5-4 Decision

Police are allowed to take DNA samples from people they arrest on charges of serious crimes, even if there are no plans to prosecute them for the offenses, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision handed down Monday.

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion for the court. Also voting with Kennedy were Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer and Samuel Alito. Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the dissenting opinion, joined Justices Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan in the minority.
Alonzo Jay King
Photo/Salisbury Police Dept.

The case, Maryland vs. King, stemmed from a ruling by the Maryland Court of Appeals, which said that the DNA cheek swab from Alonzo Jay King obtained by the authorities in Wicomico County, Md., was unlawful. King’s DNA was taken following his 2009 arrest on assault charges, and the material linked him to an unsolved 2003 rape. King was later convicted of the rape, but Maryland’s highest court threw it out, arguing that he was subject to unlawful search and seizure.

But Monday’s ruling by the high court reversed the Maryland court’s decision, with Kennedy arguing that DNA samples are the 21st century equivalent of fingerprinting and does not constitute a violation of the 4th Amendment,.

“When officers make an arrest supported by probable cause to hold for a serious offense and they bring the suspect to the station to be detained in custody, taking and analyzing a cheek swab of the arrestee’s DNA is, like fingerprinting and photographing, a legitimate police booking procedure that is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment,” Kennedy wrote.


2nd Annual K9 Fundraiser ~ Worcester County Sheriff's Office

 Fun for the whole family!

 Contact Heather Horner or any member of the WCSO K9 Unit to get your tickets!

Kitten As Office Help ~ Video

Not all of you readers are acquainted with facebook.

Quite often there are videos there that really do catch my eye so I like to share them with those of you who may not ever see them.

Here's a video that NO ONE should miss!  I also had this problem with my now cat when she was a kitten but because my printer is on the center shelf she could never sit comfortably.

Please watch this and if you don't start your day with a loud exclamation please call your doctor...

Printer Totally Ruins Cat's Day!!!

Have a great day !!

Rocket Launch Scheduled For Tonight From Wallops

Rocket Launch Scheduled June 4 From Wallops

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA – A Black Brant XII suborbital rocket carrying the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER)is scheduled for launch between 11 and 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 4, from NASA’s launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

The backup launch days are June 5 through 10. The rocket may be visible to residents in the mid-Atlantic region.

With CIBER, scientists will be studying when the first stars and galaxies formed in the universe and how brightly they burned their nuclear fuel.

Jamie Bock, CIBER principal investigator from the California Institute of Technology, said, “The objectives of the experiment are of fundamental importance for astrophysics: to probe the process of first galaxy formation. The measurement is extremely difficult technically.”

This will be the fourth flight for CIBER on a NASA sounding rocket. The previous launches were in 2009, 2010 and 2012 from the White Sands Missile Range, N.M. After each flight the experiment or payload was recovered for post-calibrations and re-flight.

For this flight CIBER will fly on a larger and more powerful rocket than before. This will loft CIBER to a higher altitude than those previously obtained, thus providing longer observation time for the instruments. The experiment, which will safely splash down in the Atlantic Ocean more than 400 miles off the Virginia coast, will not be recovered.

The NASA Visitor Center at Wallops will open at 9:30 p.m. on launch day for public viewing of the launch.

The mission will be available live on Ustream beginning at 10 p.m. on launch day at:

Mission status on launch day can be followed on Twitter and Facebook at:
http://www.twitter.com/NASA_Wallops or http://www.facebook.com/NASAWFF

Mission status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.
More information on CIBER and the NASA Sounding Rocket Program is available at:http://www.nasa.gov/soundingrockets


Monday, June 3, 2013


7:30 p.m., Monday, June 3, 2013
City Hall
  1. Call to Order, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
2.  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of May 6, 2013.
3.  Review and approval of bills to be paid.
4.  Public Hearing on proposed fiscal year 2013-14 annual budget.
5.  First Reading of Res. No. 475 to adopt the budget for fiscal year 2014.
6.  First Reading of Res. No. 476 to set the tax rates for fiscal year 2014.
7.  First Reading of Res. No. 477 to set fees, charges and penalties for fiscal year 2014.
8.  Discuss letter from MarVa for tax abatement.
9.  City Manager to present list of properties for abatement of taxes.
10.  Councilman Malloy to discuss recent completion of Nature Trail improvements near Stevenson’s Pond and to introduce members of volunteer nature trail committee.
11.  City Manager to present summary of bids received for construction of new golf course clubhouse building.  (Bid opening:  11:00 a.m., 6/3/13)
12.  Discuss letter from Mike Shannon requesting approval of One-Day Beer License on August 18, 2013 for Boat Docking Event.
13.  Follow up discussion on Cassatt Tower building adjacent to railroad swing bridge. (Owner, Norfolk-Southern Railroad)
Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.
Adjourn .

Firemen's Fest- Coming Soon!!


A Special Father's Day Story Time

Join the
Pocomoke Library as they celebrate DAD'S with this special "Saturday Fathers Day Story Time".
Ages 3 to 5
Worcester County Library on facebook

More Teams Needed For Cypress Festival Competitions

Cypress Festival Half-Price Wristbands - $8
On sale at the Chamber, 6 market Street, or the Lower Shore YMCA
until Tuesday June 11 at 4 pm
Unlimited rides! Good for:

Wednesday June 12, 6 to 10 pm
Thursday June 13, 6 to 10 pm
Saturday June 15, noon to 4 pm
New and returning events and attractions include:
Naturalist guided walks on the Pocomoke Nature Trail 
Delmarva Discovery Center Live Animal Shows
Board the Skipjack Hilda Willing every day
Cruises by Pocomoke River Cruises on Saturday 
Crabtown Cruisers on Saturday
Teams needed for 
 Tug O War 
Raft Race- 
Trophy displayed at Don's Seafood and Chicken House!
Boat decorating contest-
 free to enter, 3 gift certificates prizes, top prize $150 at Riverside Grill!
More information on the Cypress Festival
For upcoming events 

SPCA Awareness Day


The Worcester County Sheriff's Office and Many Others Still Seaching For Missing Older Lady

Helen S. David
The Worcester County Sheriff's Office is still searching or Mrs. Helen S. David, 77 year old white female 5-6 about 160lbs.

She was last seen wearing blue shirt blue pants. Was last seen Monday at 1500 hrs in South Point near Berlin, Maryland.
Worcester County Sheriff's Office is  asking that all South Point residents and residents along the Rt. 611 corridor check their property for Mrs. David.

Call the Sheriff's Office at 410-632-1111 if you locate her.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

6-Year-Old Using Cross Walk Struck By Car

Jasmine Denise Shuman
OCPD Arrest Driver after a Collision Involving 6-Year-Old Pedestrian Crossing in a Crosswalk

On June 1, 2013, at approximately 1:45 p.m. Ocean City Police and EMS responded to the area of 19th Street and Baltimore Avenue, in reference to a child being struck by a vehicle.

Officers and paramedics arrived at the scene and determined a 6-year-old female and her mother were crossing Baltimore Avenue from east to west in the crosswalk at 19th Street.  The child was struck by a vehicle traveling southbound on Baltimore Avenue. 

The child was treated at the scene by OC EMS and later flown by Maryland State Police helicopter to the University Of Maryland Medical Center Shock Trauma for further treatment.

The vehicle, which initially stopped after the collision, left the scene but was later located and stopped by an OCPD foot officer as it was about to head west over the Route 50 Bridge at North Division Street.  The driver of the suspect vehicle was identified as:

Jasmine Denise Shuman, 18, of Salisbury. The investigation determined that Shuman was the operator of the vehicle that struck the 6-year-old pedestrian and left the scene.

Shuman was arrested and has been charged with:
  • Failure to Immediately Stop at Scene of Accident involving bodily injury (20-102a1)Failure to Immediately Return and Remain at the Scene of an Accident Involving Bodily Injury (20-102a2)
  • Failure of Drive Involved in Accident to Render Reasonable Assistance to Injured Person (20-104a)
  • Failure of Driver Involved in Bodily Injury Accident to Furnish Required ID and License (20-104b)
  • Failure of Vehicle Driver in Bodily Injury Accident to Exhibit License to a Police Officer (20-104c)
  • Failure Vehicle Driver in Accident to Report Bodily Injury to Nearest Police (20-104d)
Shuman was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was released on $5000 unsecured bond.

At the time of this release the 6-year-old child is being treated for injuries related to the crash and is in stable condition.

Ocean City Police Dept.

TIME MACHINE ... 1952, 1850, 1933, 1914, 1906

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)
May, 1952
(The Salisbury Times)

Several Mysterious Explosions Shake Shore Naval Base Area

CHINCOTEAGUE- First came the big boom. Buildings on the Navy base shivered and shook. Residents of the naval station ran outdoors, fearing an explosion or a bomb. They complained of intense pressure on the ear drums.

Then came another boom. The concussion was of equal intensity. Then another. And another. And another.

The naval base switchboard became jammed with telephone calls. Everyone wanted to know what was going on to interrupt the Saturday afternoon serenity of the Eastern Shore of Virginia for miles around.

Officers began immediately to determine the source of the concussion. It didn't take long to find out that it wasn't coming from the naval base.

That started off an investigation in the Fifth Naval District by the Navy to find out what was the cause. So far nothing has turned up from Norfolk headquarters to shed any light on the origin of the mystery blasts from seaward.

Reports were received from at least two points in Accomack County that the blasts shook plaster off the walls. One report came from the ancient Accomack County courthouse in Accomac, 20 miles away. A home owner in Chincoteague said plaster was knocked off his walls.

It was heard in Onancock, 28 miles away. Folks in Pocomoke City heard the blasts, too. People in Pocomoke City, like those on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, are used to target practice with big guns in nearby Chesapeake Bay. But these blasts, they said, were the severest of all. Nobody counted the number, but the Navy said there were "several."

The Navy didn't discount the possibility of a distant thunderstorm as the cause, saying maybe freak atmospheric conditions caused the concussion to have such intensity.

There was also a possibility that freak conditions could have caused the concussion to stem from firing ranges many miles from here.

The blasts were heard between 2:30 and 4 P.M. Saturday.

What deepens the mystery is the knowledge throughout the armed forces that Saturday is traditionally a day off except in an emergency, hence why would any service units be in action? No emergency in this area is known to exist.

August, 1850
(Burlington Hawk Eye- Burlington, Iowa)

Henry A. Wise.- The Snow Hill (Md) Shield, published in Worcester County, opposite Accomac(k), Va., states that at a reform meeting, held in Temperanceville, on Saturday, Mr. Wise, who is a candidate for the Virginia reform convention, provoked an altercation with Mr. David Wallop, an influential democrat, who opposes Mr. Wise's election. Mr. Wise is said to have made some reckless declaration, which Mr. Wallop pronounced a "d______d lie." (newspaper's spelling.) Upon this, Mr. Wise dealt him a blow, which would probably cost Wise his life, but for the interference of bystanders, who prevented further difficulty. Wallop is still unredressed; and as both are men of high mettle, "the end is not yet."
(Time Machine archive, Sept., 2011)

Thanks to former Pocomoke resident M.W. of Columbia, Md. for contributing the following item this week:

The newest issue of the Keystone - the magazine of the Pennsylvania Railroad Historical Society - has an interesting article about another Eastern Shore train wreck. At about 3:15 in the morning on April 2, 1933, the Northbound Cavalier passenger express derailed in Wyoming Delaware - just south of Dover - killing the engineer and fireman, injuring numerous passengers, and destroying much of the Wyoming Ice and Cold Storage Plant. What makes the story interesting is that the Boston Red Sox baseball team occupied the back 3 Pullman cars of the train. They had played a spring training exhibition game in Norfolk, and were on their way north to Newark for another exhibition game. So they had boarded the train in Norfolk, which was then floated across the train car ferry to Cape Charles, and then North through Delmarva with brief layover in Delmar where the train changed crews. Article gives lots of details about the investigation and determination of cause of crash etc. The Red Sox team players were not injured, but got off the train and helped other passengers and received a lot of praise. The team trainer provided first aid until police and ambulance crews arrived. Just another interesting bit of shore history.

January, 1914
(The Daily News- Frederick, Md.)

The Bible In The Schools

A bill introduced in the House by Mr. Gatch, of Baltimore County, by request, makes compulsory the reading of a chapter of the Bible at the daily opening exercises of each public school in the State.
May, 1906
(Ledger-Enterprise, Pocomoke City)

(Excerpts of facts about Worcester County)

The banks of the county are the First National and the Commercial, at Snow Hill; the Pocomoke National, the Citizen's National and E. G. Polk's Savings Bank at Pocomoke City; the C. B. Taylor Banking Company, the private bank of L. L. Dirickson, Jr., the Exchange Savings Bank, at Berlin; the Stockton Bank, at Stockton, and the George L. Barnes & Company at Girdletree. The individual deposits subject to check, as shown by the last statements, aggregate over $1,450,000.

The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Snow Hill is now building a handsome home in Snow Hill, and will open a banking department soon.

Pocomoke City, Snow Hill and Ocean City have excellent electric light and water works systems. The lines of the Diamond State Telephone Company and the Pocomoke Telephone Company cover the county in every direction, and first-class town and county service is given by both companies, and through the Diamond State Telephone Company first-class long-distance service is also given.

There are five newspapers in the county: the Democratic Messenger at Snow Hill; the LEDGER-ENTERPRISE and Worcester Democrat, at Pocomoke City; the Berlin Herald and the Berlin Advance at Berlin.
The schools rank among the highest in the State. The religious denominations represented by churches are the Presbyterian, Protestant Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Protestant, Southern Methodist, Old School Baptists, the Disciples of Christ, New School Baptist and Roman Catholics. There are 86 white and 20 colored schools in the county.

The county Court House is one of the handsomest on the Peninsula and was built around 1895 at a cost of about $35,000. The jail was built at the same time and thoroughly equipped. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Parksley Volunteer Fire Company Boat and Bucks Giveaway!

One week away from the Parksley Volunteer Fire Co's Boat and Bucks Giveaway!
 If you don't have your ticket yet be sure to get it soon before the event is sold out!
$40 ticket gets you a chance to win 250 bucks every 15 minutes and a 2013 carolina skiff dlv boat/motor/trailer combo.
Unlimited food and beverages are included in the ticket price.
Entertainment provided by Hit n Run Mobile Music.
6-10pm next Saturday night!
Get your ticket online at www.parksleyvfc.org


Attempted Burglary Leads To High Speed Chase / Arrests Made

Worcester County Sheriff's Office
An attempted burglary of a South Point home Saturday morning led police on a high-speed pursuit into Delaware that ended with two suspects in custody.
 It started about 9 a.m. when two African-American males attempted a burglary of a home in the 11800 block of Porfin Drive, according to Maryland State Police.
 The homeowner fired shots at the suspects, who fled, according to Worcester County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Ed Schreier. Sheriff’s deputies responded to the home, and spoke with the homeowner, he said.
 Over the radio, police said to be on the lookout for the two males driving a white minivan with Virginia tags. A Maryland State Trooper in the area of Route 50 and Route 113 saw the minivan, and attempted to stop it. The drivers didn’t pull over, and the pursuit began.
State police and Worcester Sheriff’s deputies pursued the minivan up Route 113 at speeds exceeding 100 mph.
 The chase continued into Selbyville, where the suspects turned onto Delaware Road, and bailed out of the car. The suspects were found and taken into custody without incident.
 Schreier said Delaware State Police now have the two suspects in custody. He said fugitive warrants must be issued in Maryland. Once Maryland authorities have proper extradition paperwork in place, the suspects can be taken back into Maryland.
 The suspects’ names are not available at this time.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hot Cars ARE Fatal To Dogs!!

There is NO such thing as
When it comes to leaving a dog in a hot car!

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1952.. Mysterious booms shake lower Eastern Shore; 1850.. Rough And Tumble politics in Temperanceville; 1933- Boston Red Sox players help at scene of Delmarva Train accident; 1914.. Bible bill introduced in Maryland legislature; 1906.. Pocomoke newspaper reports facts about Worcester County.

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Studio Day at the Chamber with Artist Charlotte Poore

Studio Day at the Chamber
 Artist Charlotte Poore
  In 2005, Charlotte Poore and her husband moved to Captain's Cove.  During the last five years, she has studied art with Julie Ricken, Diana Davis, Barbara Schmidt, Doris Glovier, Tracey Arvidsen, Willie Crockett, and Nancy Carver Thompson.  She is currently a member of the Worcester County Arts Council and the Captain's Cove Arts and Crafts League.
Come by the Chamber to see Charlotte at work 
 Saturday, June 1, 2013 
from 10 am to 3 pm.

OCPD Reminds Citizens of the New Skateboarding Rules

Ocean City Police would like to remind citizens of the changes to the skateboarding rules during the summer season. On October 1, 2012, Ocean City Mayor and City Council approved an amendment to the town’s skateboarding ordinance. Since then, skateboarding is permitted on the boardwalk during the same times as bicycling.

While skateboarding is still prohibited throughout the rest of the city with the exception of the skate park, skateboarders now have another option.

Beginning on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, skateboarding is permitted between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. of the same day. During Springfest and Sunfest (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), skateboarding is permitted between 2:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. of the same day.

Outside of the summer season, skateboarding is permitted on the boardwalk with no time restrictions.

OCPD reminds skateboarders that stunts and tricks are still not allowed on the boardwalk.

Anyone with questions about the skateboarding amendment should call OCPD at 410-723-6610.

Ocean City Police Department

UPDATE On Bomb Scare In Onley, Virginia

A black briefcase was found abandoned at the CVS pharmacy in Onley Friday afternoon.

The store was closed and the parking lot was blocked awaiting the arrival of the State Police bomb squad which was in route.

When the bomb squad arrived, they opened the case and found it to be empty.

CVS will be open for business as usual today.


Driver Fails to Yield to Pedestrian in Crosswalk

On May 30, 2013, at approximately 1 p.m. Ocean City Police responded to a vehicle collision involving a pedestrian at the intersection of Baltimore Avenue and 17th Street.

The driver of the vehicle, Arun Chainani, 44, of Arlington, VA, was driving westbound on 17th Street and was waiting to make a left turn onto southbound Baltimore Avenue. Chainani, who was yielding to a vehicle traveling eastbound in the intersection, attempted to make the left turn but failed to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian that was in the crosswalk.

The pedestrian was treated by Ocean City EMS and transported to Atlantic General Hospital with non-life threatening injuries. 

Chainani was cited by Ocean City Police with failing to exercise due care to avoid a pedestrian collision.

Ocean City Police Department

Locals Appreciation Weekend At Delmarva Discovery Center

Locals Appreciation Weekend
The First Weekend of Every Month
 50% off Admission for Locals!
(Sussex, Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset
 and Accomack Counties)
PLUS  The Delmarva Discovery is now open
7 days a week 10 AM - 4 PM
Don't forget to visit

Friday, May 31, 2013

Bomb Squad Called To CVS On Lankford Highway/ Onley


ONLEY -- A State Police bomb squad was called Friday afternoon to the CVS pharmacy on Lankford Highway here to investigate a suspicious package.

A black briefcase was found abandoned on the south outside wall at the CVS pharmacy in Onley Friday afternoon.

The store was closed and the parking lot was blocked awaiting the arrival of the State Police bomb squad.

Marines Will LOSE Hot Meal At Afghan Base


Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, and they’re not happy about it.

The cuts will force some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to nbcnews.com.

The midnight ration service supplies breakfast to Marines on midnight-to-noon shifts and dinner to Marines who are ending noon-to-midnight work periods. The base plans to replace the dishes long offered at midnight with pre-packaged MREs.
The moves, though unpopular with many Marines on the ground and their families back home, are emblematic of the massive drawdown of American troops in Afghanistan and the dismantling of U.S. military facilities. More than 30,000 U.S. service members will leave Afghanistan in coming months as the U.S. prepares to hand responsibility for security to Afghan forces in 2014.

To fill the hot food gap in Afghanistan, a group of U.S.-based military advocates and military-family members recently launched a Facebook page — called “Breakfast for Bagram” — to spur food donations that will be mailed to troops all around Afghanistan. The page states: “We are here to help collect and send non-perishable breakfast type foods to the deployed troops on the 17 bases in Afghanistan that are not currently serving breakfast ‘hot chow’ and Midnight chow due to the budget cuts.”
Read more at nbcnews.com.
