Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Students are last link in Baltimore-to-Shore tree chain

SNOW HILL -- Worcester County students had the chance to get their hands dirty as close to 200 students helped restore a portion of the Nassawango Creek Nature Preserve by planting trees.

Students from Berlin Intermediate School and Pocomoke and Snow Hill middle schools spent Thursday and Friday planting nearly 1,000 trees that they had raised in their classrooms during the past year in the Nassawango Creek Preserve.

"They were so enthusiastic," said Deborah Landau, a Nature Conservancy conservation ecologist. "With them being the ones to have started the seedlings, it's like they have a relationship with the trees."

With the help of Nature Conservancy and National Aquarium in Baltimore staff, the middle-schoolers went through the entire process of planting the Atlantic white cedars they had grown. Students located low, wet areas for the trees, which have been threatened in recent years with the draining of land that occurs for farming and development, and planted them. They then added a pellet, designed to give the tree a bitter flavor, to protect it from grazing deer, and flagged it.

The students planted Atlantic white cedars, Landau said, because those used to grow along the East Coast from Maine to Florida, but have been greatly diminished since settlers cut them down to use for building and later as once-marshy land was drained for farming. To help reestablish the cedars in the Nassawango area, Landau and other Nature Conservancy staff burned an area of unhealthy loblolly pines, returning nutrients to the soil, and had the students plant the trees there.

Landau said the entire project gave the students a better understanding of their environment.

"They were asking thoughtful questions," she said, "and we talked about preserving as well as actively restoring land."

Susan Land, a seventh-grade teacher at Pocomoke Middle School, said her students really enjoyed the opportunity to visit the Nassawango Preserve.

"Not a lot of them get to come out like this in the fresh air," she said.

The students were not the only ones who benefited. Three organizations -- the Nature Conservancy, Maryland Conservation Corps and National Aquarium -- were pleased with the serendipitous way the project turned out.

It was the Baltimore Aquarium that obtained a grant to purchase the seedlings, but then its planned planting location fell through. At the same time, the Nature Conservancy had been preparing the Nassawango land for Atlantic white cedars, but was not able to get the trees it had planned on. And so, with the help of Maryland Conservation Corps staff who provided local students with guidance during the growing process, the Nature Conservancy and the National Aquarium combined their projects, planting the aquarium's trees at the Nature Conservancy's site.

"It worked out perfectly," Landau said. "It's a nice partnership and everybody benefits."

Delmar man killed crossing Route 13

Police have identified the pedestrian killed Sunday night in a traffic accident on Route 13 across from Salisbury University as Eric Steven Parkinson of Delmar.

The 20-year-old had been a student at Wor-Wic Community College for the past two years and had planned on someday becoming a math teacher at the college level, said his mother, Ronda Parkinson.

"He was terrific. He had a beautiful personality. He was always living life so comically. Everything was just so light to him," she said when reached Monday afternoon, holding back tears on the telephone.

Witnesses on the scene at 11 p.m. Sunday night said that Parkinson stepped in front of a vehicle from the median on northbound Route 13, across from the Hardees, while the light was green.

The accident is currently under investigation, but Maryland State Police Sgt. Andre Bratten said there is no evidence at this time that the driver's speed played a role in the crash.

"The only cause noted is that the pedestrian failed to yield the right of way to the driver," Bratten said Monday.

The area where Parkinson was struck is directly above an underground passage for pedestrians who cross the highway along Bateman Street.

Police identified the driver of the vehicle in the accident as Elida Trevino, 49, of Salisbury. In the crash, her maroon-colored GMC Jimmy sustained severe dents to the hood, and its windshield was shattered in spots.

Emergency personnel found Parkinson about 40 feet from where the vehicle struck him. He was pronounced dead on the scene and then transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center.

The death toll for pedestrians killed on Lower Shore highways has climbed in recent times.

On May 16, a Stephen Decatur High School student, Matthew B. Barcase, 16, of Ocean Pines, died after being hit when trying to cross Route 50 in West Ocean City.

On Jan. 11, a 40-year-old man was struck and killed by a Jeep Cherokee when attempting to cross Route 13 in Delmar.

In April 2007, an Ohio woman was struck and killed when walking on Route 13 near Laurel. In March 2007, a 20-year-old woman and her 4-year-old daughter died in Pocomoke City after being struck when trying to cross Route 13 in Pocomoke City. That same day, a 36-year-old woman and her 3-year-old daughter died after being hit when crossing 62nd Street in Ocean City.

Ronda Parkinson said her close-knit family is having a difficult time coping with her son's death.

Parkinson is a 2007 graduate of Delmar Senior High School, his mother said.

In addition to graduating with academic honors, his mother described him as one of the greatest baseball players in the school's history. He was a first baseman and regular on All-star teams when growing up, she said.

In addition to his mother, Parkinson is survived by his father, Dennis J. Parkinson Sr., his older brother Dennis J. Parkinson Jr., and his sister, Desirae Parkinson, a 10th-grade student.

"To lose our baby is so hard. Everybody loved him," his mother said.

2 Fired Md. ECI Guards Plead Guilty to Assault

Two fired Maryland correctional officers pleaded guilty Tuesday to assaulting a defenseless inmate at a state prison and agreed to testify against seven co-workers charged with beating the man over a two-day period.

Timothy Mellott, 23, of Woodbridge, Va., and Lucas Kelly, 29, of Frostburg, Md., each pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree assault, a misdemeanor punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $2,500 fine. No sentencing dates were set. The other seven officers have pleaded not guilty.

They acknowledged brutalizing Kenneth J. Davis, 42, who is serving 19 years for a series of robbery convictions in Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties in 1998. Davis is housed at the Eastern Correctional Institution near Westover, according to the Division of Correction.

Assistant Attorney General Jason Abbott, who is prosecuting the case, told Washington County Circuit Judge M. Kenneth Long that the episode began March 8, 2008, when Davis hit Mellott in the face during an apparently routine check during the night shift at the medium-security Roxbury Correctional Institution near Hagerstown.

Two other officers broke up the fight, handcuffed Davis behind his back and escorted him to the Administrative Segregation Intake Area, or ASIA unit, a holding area inside the medical dispensary where troublesome inmates are sometimes housed.

Davis was cooperative during the trip to the ASIA unit, Abbott said.

The party was met in the ASIA unit by Lt. Robert D. Harvey, 62, of Hagerstown and Correctional Officer Keith Morris, 27, of Warfordsburg, Pa., who were told of the attack on Mellott, Abbott said. He said Harvey led Davis to a cell and kicked him in the midsection, knocking him to the ground.

Morris then entered the cell and punched Davis, followed by Mellott, who punched the inmate and kicked him in the back, Abbott said.

Davis remained handcuffed and did not attempt to hit or kick the officers during the beating, he said.

Harvey, Mellott and Morris are among four defendants from the 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift. The role of the fourth man, Scott Boozel, 28, of McConnellsburg, Pa., wasn't explained.

Kelly is among five other officers charged with assaulting Davis the next day during the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift. Abbott said four of those officers- Kelly; Reginald Martin, 38, of Chambersburg, Pa.; Michael Morgan, 39, of Fort Ashby, W.Va.; and Justin Norris, 24, of Martinsburg, W.Va.- learned of the attack on Mellott during morning roll.

"There was an implicit agreement among the defendants to go to the ASIA unit to find Kenneth Davis," Abbott said.

He said they got in a van, drove to the medical dispensary, entered through a physical therapy door and met officer Tyson T. Hinkle, 33, of Martinsburg, W.Va. Hinkle accompanied them to Davis' cell, where they found the inmate on the floor, Abbott said.

Once again, Davis did not threaten the officers or try to hit them, Abbott said. He said they kicked Davis numerous times in the body and genitals while he tried to protect himself by curling into a ball.

Abbott said Kelly, when questioned by investigators, initially denied any knowledge of the beating. But he later admitted his involvement and provided the names of the assailants.

Kelly, who represented himself, declined to comment after the hearing.

Mellott and his attorney, Assistant Public Defender Charles Bailey, also declined to comment.



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Sotomayor Video: Judges Make Policy, Latinas Better Than Whites

Watch and see if this is reported by the main stream media. This is Obamas new ultra liberal supreme court Justice pick.
Do you think a judge should 'Dictate' from the bench?

Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama's pick to become the newest Supreme Court justice, is on the record with some controversial remarks about 'diversity,' 'judicial activism' and female judges vs. male judges.

For example, the New York Times reported that in 2001, at the annual Judge Mario G. Olmos Law and Cultural Diversity Lecture, Sotomayor had this to say:

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

“Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences,” she said later, regarding non-white, female judges, “our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.”

Also, there is a 2005 video of Sotomayor, speaking with potential law clerks, saying that a “court of appeals is where policy is made.” She added: “And I know — I know this is on tape, and I should never say that because we don’t make law. I know. O.K. I know. I’m not promoting it. I’m not advocating it ...”

Regarding Sotomayor's chances to avoid a filibuster of her nomination, Senator Orrin Hatch told Politico, “I'll tell you one thing, I'm not very happy about judges who will substitute their own policy preferences for what the law really is; who think that they can run the country from the bench when they actually have a limited role. And that role is to interpret the laws made by those who have to stand for reelection."

Despite Hatch's misgivings, Democratic Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York sent a personal letter to President Barack Obama asking him to appoint a Latino to fill the next vacancy on the United States Supreme Court Back in April.

“It’s long overdue that a Latino sit on the United States Supreme Court. Sonia Sotomayor and Ken Salazar are two candidates who would make outstanding justices. They have top-notch legal minds, years of experience, moderate approaches to the law, and would make history by being the first Latino on the court,” Senator Schumer said.

"We are fortunate in New York State to have jurists of the caliber and intellect that Judge Sotomayor has exhibited during a lifelong career of service to the bench. As an accomplished jurists, as a woman, and as a Latina she would bring to the United States Supreme Court a much needed voice. We must be committed to diversity on our nation’s highest bench. These candidates will restore the balance that we so desperately need on the Court,” Senator Gillibrand said.

GM (Government Motors) presents new car!

In a special news conference today, Government Motors announced its new concept car…

The new GM (Government Motors) proudly introduces the 2010 Obama….This car runs on hot air and broken promises. It has three wheels that speed the vehicle through tight left turns.

It comes complete with two Teleprompters programmed to help the occupants talk their way out of any violations.

The transparent canopy reveals the plastic smiles still on the faces of all the “happy” Democrat owners.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Flags Half Staff

Taking a look around our small town today I noticed several municipal flags that are flying FULL staff. Several local business also.
Our local Police station was flying full staff and that was to me the most disturbing. Especially with the police occupying the old Amery building.

So on a day as historic as this day why not take all of 5 minuets to follow the flag protocol in remembrance of our fallen hero's? And more so this goes to our civil servants.

I was more saddened than disgusted I think.

If you cannot fly your flag half staff, protocol calls for a black ribbon atop the flag. This is real simple folks, it is, in my opinion very disrespectful to the families of those they lost protecting our freedom to not take 5 minuets to at least show respect in honor of those millions that met the ultimate sacrifice.

Memorial Day History

Memorial Day History a Great read

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. There are many stories as to its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns laying claim to being the birthplace of Memorial Day. There is also evidence that organized women's groups in the South were decorating graves before the end of the Civil War: a hymn published in 1867, "Kneel Where Our Loves are Sleeping" by Nella L. Sweet carried the dedication "To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead" (Source: Duke University's Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920). While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it's difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. It is more likely that it had many separate beginnings; each of those towns and every planned or spontaneous gathering of people to honor the war dead in the 1860's tapped into the general human need to honor our dead, each contributed honorably to the growing movement that culminated in Gen Logan giving his official proclamation in 1868. It is not important who was the very first, what is important is that Memorial Day was established. Memorial Day is not about division. It is about reconciliation; it is about coming together to honor those who gave their all.

Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. The first state to officially recognize the holiday was New York in 1873. By 1890 it was recognized by all of the northern states. The South refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I (when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war). It is now celebrated in almost every State on the last Monday in May (passed by Congress with the National Holiday Act of 1971 (P.L. 90 - 363) to ensure a three day weekend for Federal holidays), though several southern states have an additional separate day for honoring the Confederate war dead: January 19 in Texas, April 26 in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi; May 10 in South Carolina; and June 3 (Jefferson Davis' birthday) in Louisiana and Tennessee.

In 1915, inspired by the poem "In Flanders Fields," Moina Michael replied with her own poem:

We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.

She then conceived of an idea to wear red poppies on Memorial day in honor of those who died serving the nation during war. She was the first to wear one, and sold poppies to her friends and co-workers with the money going to benefit servicemen in need. Later a Madam Guerin from France was visiting the United States and learned of this new custom started by Ms.Michael and when she returned to France, made artificial red poppies to raise money for war orphaned children and widowed women. This tradition spread to other countries. In 1921, the Franco-American Children's League sold poppies nationally to benefit war orphans of France and Belgium. The League disbanded a year later and Madam Guerin approached the VFW for help. Shortly before Memorial Day in 1922 the VFW became the first veterans' organization to nationally sell poppies. Two years later their "Buddy" Poppy program was selling artificial poppies made by disabled veterans. In 1948 the US Post Office honored Ms Michael for her role in founding the National Poppy movement by issuing a red 3 cent postage stamp with her likeness on it.
Traditional observance of Memorial day has diminished over the years. Many Americans nowadays have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. At many cemeteries, the graves of the fallen are increasingly ignored, neglected. Most people no longer remember the proper flag etiquette for the day. While there are towns and cities that still hold Memorial Day parades, many have not held a parade in decades. Some people think the day is for honoring any and all dead, and not just those fallen in service to our country.

There are a few notable exceptions. Since the late 50's on the Thursday before Memorial Day, the 1,200 soldiers of the 3d U.S. Infantry place small American flags at each of the more than 260,000 gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery. They then patrol 24 hours a day during the weekend to ensure that each flag remains standing. In 1951, the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of St. Louis began placing flags on the 150,000 graves at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery as an annual Good Turn, a practice that continues to this day. More recently, beginning in 1998, on the Saturday before the observed day for Memorial Day, the Boys Scouts and Girl Scouts place a candle at each of approximately 15,300 grave sites of soldiers buried at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park on Marye's Heights (the Luminaria Program). And in 2004, Washington D.C. held its first Memorial Day parade in over 60 years.

To help re-educate and remind Americans of the true meaning of Memorial Day, the "National Moment of Remembrance" resolution was passed on Dec 2000 which asks that at 3 p.m. local time, for all Americans "To voluntarily and informally observe in their own way a Moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or listening to 'Taps."

The Moment of Remembrance is a step in the right direction to returning the meaning back to the day. What is needed is a full return to the original day of observance. Set aside one day out of the year for the nation to get together to remember, reflect and honor those who have given their all in service to their country.

But what may be needed to return the solemn, and even sacred, spirit back to Memorial Day is for a return to its traditional day of observance. Many feel that when Congress made the day into a three-day weekend in with the National Holiday Act of 1971, it made it all the easier for people to be distracted from the spirit and meaning of the day. As the VFW stated in its 2002 Memorial Day address: "Changing the date merely to create three-day weekends has undermined the very meaning of the day. No doubt, this has contributed greatly to the general public's nonchalant observance of Memorial Day."

On January 19, 1999 Senator Inouye introduced bill S 189 to the Senate which proposes to restore the traditional day of observance of Memorial Day back to May 30th instead of "the last Monday in May". On April 19, 1999 Representative Gibbons introduced the bill to the House (H.R. 1474). The bills were referred the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Government Reform.


1 Dead, Another Hospitalized in Motorcycle Accidents in Worcester

As the weather breaks and we move closer to the dog days of summer it is a very enjoyable event to fire-up the two wheeler for a ride to cool off and let mother nature perform it's natural wonders in the form of fresh air, the cool breeze of an evening ride and a swallowed bug every now and then. Please ride respectfully and careful, wear your helmet and riding gear (protection) even the most seasoned rider can be subject to a mistake by a unsuspecting motor vehicle driver. Remember it's not always the motorcyclist fault, and riding has it's own draw backs when others are not paying attention and can lead to a fatal accident by no fault of the cyclist.
Please ride to ride again. Be aware of your surroundings. A cautious rider is a safe rider, your loved-ones will thank you.
Be safe and enjoy your bike, don't be a statistic. Your family needs you.

WORCESTER COUNTY, Md - Police say there were two serious crashes Saturday night (5-23) involving motorcycles in Worcester County.

The Worcester County Sheriff's Office say the first accident happened on St. Martins Neck Road. The motorcyclist died of his injuries and his passenger received minor injuries, police say.

Authorities did shut down the roadway as officials cleared and investigated the scene.

The second motorcycle crash happened on Eagles Nest Road. In that accident, police say the passenger of the motorcycle, who was not wearing a helmet, suffered a serious head injury and was airlifted to Shock Trauma.

The driver was taken to the hospital with his condition unknown at this time.

Investigators with the Worcester County Sheriff's Office say in both accidents it appeared both drivers were speeding and had been drinking.

Police have not yet released the names of the people involved.

At 3 p.m. Today, Americans Asked to Take a Minute to Reflect

Americans are being asked to stop whatever they are doing at 3 p.m. local time Monday to share a minute on Memorial Day and honor those who have died in the cause of freedom.

"The time 3 p.m. was chosen because it is the time when most Americans are enjoying their freedoms on the national holiday," according to the White House Commission on Remembrance. Congress established the National Moment of Remembrance.

"The Moment does not replace traditional Memorial Day events; rather it is an act of national unity in which all Americans, alone or with family and friends, honor those who died for our freedom," the Commission on Remembrance said on its Web site.

"It will help to reclaim Memorial Day as the sacred and noble holiday it was meant to be. In this shared remembrance, we connect as Americans."

Observances are to include an interruption of Major League Baseball games; the pausing of the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington; and the National Grocers Association and Food Marketing Institute asking shoppers to pause in stores nationwide to remember the fallen.

"We want our citizens to contemplate the ties that bind us and take a moment to put 'Memorial' back into Memorial Day," said Carmella LaSpada, executive director of the Commission on Remembrance.

Children touring Washington inspired the idea when LaSpada asked them what Memorial Day meant and they said that's when the swimming pool opens, according to the commission's Web site.

Courtesy WBOC.COM website

ECI Death Mix Up

An inmate at the Eastern Correctional Institute is dead and in a mix-up, the wrong family was notified. The Department of Corrections says two cellmates were on a recreation break. Johnnie Hughes went to take a shower and when he came back to his cell, William Beatty was dead. Prison officials mistakenly notified Hughes' family that he was the cellmate who died. They say as soon as they realized the error, they put Hughes in touch with his loved ones. Officials say Beatty's death appears to be suicide. The Corrections Department says ECI is the state's largest prison and is extremely well-run.

Remembering Those Who Served… Memorial Day 2009

To those brave men and women who have gone before and who are serving today.
Thank you.

Remember Me…

Sunday, May 24, 2009

WTH Of The Day

Fresh from a proposal to
charge residents extra fees for street lights , D.C.’s latest effort to generate revenue is to ticket residents for parking in their own driveways.

No, :that isn’t an exaggeration

Beverly Anderson is mad as hell. She just started to get tickets for parking in her own driveway.

That’s right. The District of Columbia is ticketing people who park their cars in their own driveways.

“This is clearly an attempt by the city to extort money out of property owners,” Anderson tells WTOP.

Anderson has received two of the $20 tickets in the past month. Anderson has owned the Capitol Hill house (and the driveway, so she thought) for more than ten years and has never gotten a ticket. And she’s not alone.

It turns out that D.C. has an odd, obscure law stating that the land between the front of your house and the street, otherwise known as your driveway and front yard, falls under a bizarre classification known as “private property set aside for public use.” Essentially, though owners have to pay for its maintenance and upkeep (they can be fined if they don’t), it’s considered public property. Which apparently means that, technically, you can’t park your car on it. The city recently dusted off the law, and began writing parking tickets if any part of a resident’s car is parked between the front facade of their house and the street, even if it’s parked in the driveway.

When Anderson complained, one D.C. official told her that if she wanted, she could pay the city to lease the land between the front of her house and the street, which would allow her to park her car there legally.


President Barack Hussein Obama, On Foreign Soil, Said The United States Was NOT A Christian Nation?

Will the MSM show this? I can answer that... Nope!

Rep Randy Forbes (R-VA) responds to the Moonbat Messiah’s declaration before a Muslim audience that America does not consider itself a Christian nation:

More Green Death, A liberal Death Trap And News The MSM Will Not Report

The Smart ForTwo is the reknowned Daimler product commonly referred to as "The Smart Car". A two-passenger, rear-wheel drive auto, the ForTwo is among the tiniest production cars ever seen on American roads.

The EPA rates the Smart vehicle at 36 miles-per-gallon (combined city and highway driving), barely beating the Obama administration's recent directive of 35.5 MPG for entire auto fleets by 2016.

Put simply, Obama and the Democrats want you and your family driving in these unsafe vehicles.

Oh, don't get me wrong, Smart Cars have performed reasonably well in some controlled tests.

Crash tests have shown that the Smart, while having little in the way of crumple zones, has performed better than might otherwise be expected. That said, NHTSA's testing group gave the ForTwo mediocre marks in both frontal passenger protection as well as rollover. It awarded the vehicle its highest score in exactly none of the testing categories.
As for those big government Statists (AKA "Democrats") who say, "well, there won't be any SUVs in the future", I simply ask: will there be tractor-trailers? Pickup trucks and heavy vans for business? If so, the physical mismatch between these types of vehicles endangers anyone inside the rolling death traps.

In January of this year, The Seymour Herald reported on one such encounter, which -- fortunately -- was not a fatal accident.

A two-vehicle collision on Chapman Highway Monday afternoon stalled traffic for at least an hour near Shiloh Church Road.

According to the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Teresa Melas, 41, of Knoxville, received non-life threatening injuries in the accident. She was driving a Mercedes-Benz Smart car that was traveling west on Chapman Highway.

Melas was removed from the car with the Jaws of Life, and was flown to an area hospital by a Lifestar helicopter, which landed on Chapman Highway at the intersection of Shiloh Church Road.

...Rupprecht, who had recently returned home from basic training at Fort Knox, Ky., said he was driving a white | Direct Links | Movies world | Software world | Download PC Games | Mediafire Links | Celebrity PicturesChevy Camaro in the right westbound lane of Chapman Highway when the tiny car driven by Melas passed his car and clipped its front driver’s side tire.

“She was going really fast and when she hit his front wheel, her car came around in front of us and she hit the embankment and turned over,” said Ranieri. “It scared us, because her car went way up in the air and we were afraid it would land on us.”

[Passenger] Ranieri said she looked in the mirror and saw Melas’s car flip over several times behind them. Ranieri said it scared her because the car was lightweight and “flying like paper.”

In another instance, reported on AutoBlog Green:

...While driving along on I-95 in Connecticut at 70 mph, a [Smart Car] driver who goes by the name of "evilbean42" on the Smart Car of America forum (SCOA), was on the receiving end of a bump from a car which had been bumped by a car which had veered from the exit lane into the next, somewhat occupied, lane...

The momentum sent the Smart into the guard rail off of which it bounced "like a ping pong ball" and rolled three times back across the highway into the opposite guardrail whereupon it righted itself. The seat-belted evilbean42 opened the door and emerged unscathed, thanks to his Smart friend.

And this Edmunds reporter's eight-year old daughter intuitively knows that riding in a Smart Car is, well, dumb.

Although I'm not exactly keen on strapping my life's most precious cargo into the Smart's passenger seat, I have on occasion offered to take my eight-year-old daughter for a ride around the block just so she could see what the diminutive ForTwo feels like...

She vehemently refuses. Just doesn't seem safe, she says... She's always happy to pose in the Smart Fortwo, just don't ask her to ride in it.

While there are still very few Smart ForTwo's on American roads, other "fuel-efficient vehicles" have proven exceedingly poor performers when matched against larger vehicles.

This photo depicts a fatal accident in which an undersized gas-sipper (not a ForTwo) met up with a semi.

And these photographs illustrate an SUV and a normal-sized sedan after they smashed into each other. The driver of the SUV was unharmed while, tragically, the driver of the sedan was killed by the impact.

Knowledgeable commenters at Reddit observed the crash test footage and noted that the "Smart ForTwo has a tiny crumple zone, and as a result it's coming to a much more violent stop at the end. Notice how the rear end of the vehicle comes flying up off the ground."

The fact about the ForTwo is simple - there just aren't enough of them driving around right now to determine what actually happens. Far fewer of them have been in serious accidents. However... "In the 40-mile-per-hour frontal collision into a stationary barrier, Institute president Adrian Lund stated "We recorded a high head acceleration when the driver dummy's head hit the steering wheel through the front airbag." For responders, his indicates that the institute's test dummy used up all of the available ride down room in the Smart's seatbelt system and interior space as the crash occurred."

The test dummy hit the steering wheel THROUGH the airbag in a 40 MPH crash test. 'the crash test engineers also noted that during the collision, the driver's door unlatched. This also occurred during side-impact crash testing conducted by the NHTSA."

Still feel safer in that little Smart ForTwo? Personally, I think the thing is a little deathtrap but like I said, not enough of them have been wrecked to see. I have seen people driving them like complete assholes, though. Speeding through traffic and cutting into small holes that the ForTwo's size allows for, so it oughta be pretty soon...

And given the fact that modern SUV bumper levels are about shoulder-high for a typical Smart Car occupant, well, the results of a high-speed impact won't be pretty.

Protect your family. Protect your children. Say "Hell, no!" to the Statists that want to control the size of the cars you can buy, what types of lightbulbs are legal, how much water you can flush, and every other trivial aspect of your life. Say no to the Corpulent Government Democrats.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pocomoke Softball Wins State Championships!

Pocomoke High School Softball team won the State Championships with a score of 2-0 versus Fort Hill. This is the first time in years that the Softball team won a state championship and also puts an end to the High School's spring sports season. The team was coached by Sgt. Major Ron Trostle. This year alone, 5 different teams made it to state championships (Soccer, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Field Hockey, and now the Sofball Team)

Anna Brittingham pitched a shutout in the win, the team’s most sucessful run since the school went to the state semi-finals in 1992.

Congratulations Pocomoke High School Softball!

WTH For the Day

Twin Boys Have Different Fathers

(May 19) -- Mia Washington, of Dallas, gave birth 11 months ago to her sons Justin and Jordan. The boys, who were conceived naturally, were born just seven minutes apart -- but medical tests show they're half-brothers, not full brothers.
Washington, it turns out, had a fling with a man other than her partner and ended up conceiving a child with both men. DNA tests from Clear Diagnostics, a local lab, showed there is no chance the boys have the same father, according to Fox 4 in Dallas.

Fox 4 asked doctor Chris Dreiling how such a pregnancy could happen. If a woman releases more than one egg during ovulation and has sex with more than one man during that time, her eggs can be fertilized by different men, he said.
But Dreiling added that such cases are extremely rare.

Washington had the boys' DNA tested after noticing their facial features were different. Her fiance, James Harrison, who fathered one of the twins, has decided to forgive her and raise both children as his own. The identity of the other father hasn't been disclosed.
Washington told Fox 4 she takes responsibility for what she did.
"I'm trying to let everybody else know: Don't put yourself in my shoes, because it can hurt and it does hurt, but you still have to go on with life," she said.

New Study Reveals Poor Roof Strength in Some Small SUVs

Kia Sportage gets poor rating
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Text Size A A A WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Kia Sportage sport utility vehicle received poor ratings Tuesday in new roof strength tests designed by the insurance industry to give consumers a better sense of how their vehicles might perform in a serious rollover crash.

The Volkswagen Tiguan, Subaru Forester, Honda Element and Jeep Patriot received top scores among a dozen small sport utility vehicles tested by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

The Suzuki Grand Vitara, Chevrolet Equinox, Toyota RAV4, Nissan Rogue and Mitsubishi Outlander received the second-highest score of acceptable. Roofs on the Honda CR-V and the Ford Escape merited the second-lowest rating of marginal.

The test results apply to 2009 model year vehicles. The institute tested 2008 versions of the Sportage and Element because 2009 models were not available at the time. The institute said there were few changes between model years and no changes to the roof.

The test results for the Sportage also apply to the Hyundai Tucson, which shares the same vehicle underpinnings. Results for the Escape also apply to the Mazda Tribute and Mercury Mariner, which also have the same platform.

The institute, based in Arlington, Va., released its first results of new tests on vehicle roof strength. The institute conducts crash tests on new vehicles and provides consumers with safety ratings in side, front- and rear-end crashes.

More than 10,000 people a year are killed in rollover crashes in the United States and the government has been considering tougher roof requirements for several years. The standards have not been significantly changed since 1973.

Current vehicles need to withstand direct pressure of 1.5 times the weight of the vehicle. The rules only apply to vehicles of 6,000 pounds or less, excluding many SUVs and pickup trucks. In the test, a metal plate is applied to one side of the roof to simulate it striking the ground.

The Bush administration considered a standard of 2.5 times the vehicle weight but did not finalize it. The Obama administration could release new requirements by late April.

Under the institute's criteria, a vehicle roof must withstand a force of 4 times the vehicle's weight to receive the top score. For the second-highest rating, a roof must withstand a force of 3.25 times the vehicle weight.

The second-lowest score applies to vehicles with a strength-to-weight ratio of 2.5 and anything lower receives the worst rating.

Automakers said it was difficult with a single test to measure a roof's ability to protect motorists in a rollover crash.

Kia spokesman Alex Fedorak said the institute's rating "by itself, does not provide a complete assessment of a vehicle's ability to protect occupants in these complex events." He said anti-rollover technology called electronic stability control has been standard equipment on all Sportage SUVs since 2005.

Ford spokesman Wes Sherwood said claims data from the insurance industry indicates that the Escape "performs well in all types of accidents, including rollovers." The Escape has anti-rollover technology along with sensors that help detect and prevent rollovers.

Honda spokesman Chris Naughton noted the CR-V had performed well in government and IIHS crash tests. He said it was "important that any safety test be considered in the context of overall safety performance."

Read More About Safety

Momorial Day Tribute To Our Heroes

Remember why you are having that cookout.

God Bless our Troops

Pocomoke Students rewarded during Sports Banquet

Way too go Pocomoke students!!

On Thursday, May 21, 2009, Pocomoke High School students were awarded for their performance during the spring sports seasons. Multiple awards were given out to people for their sportsmanship, gameplay, and their overall attitude. Each player on the Tennis, Baseball, and Softball teams were recognized for playing in the sport which they participated in. This year, the Softball team was able to make it to the State Playoffs, which their game will be on Saturday located at University of Maryland College Park, for the first time in years. Coaches were also honored for their work with the team. Congratulations Pocomoke Students for your awards and for all your achievements!

US Navy Award
Andrew Timmons and Amber Holland
US Army Award
Kirstie Denning and Zach Hall
US Marine Award
Sarah Scher and Johnathan Ritter
Rotary Club Sportsmanship Award
Brianna Hall and Logan Becker
Bayside Scholar Athlete
Zach Hall and Amber Holland
Manager of the Year
Darrius Purnell and Ashley Northam
William Fredrick Dryden Award
Darrius Purnell and Sarah Scher
MVP - Tennis
Emily Leonard and Andrew Timmonsn
MVP - Baseball
Logan and Jordan Becker
MVP - Softball
Anna Brittingham
Sportsmanship award - Tennis
Brian Yeager
Gatorade Packet - Baseball
Eric Breithut
Player of the year Packet - Baseball
Logan Becker
Sportsmanship award - Softball
Taylor West and Dannielle Collick
Wilbert J. Mills Jr. Award
Sebastian Cartwright

Accomack County deputy BUSTED!!

An Accomack County deputy sheriff has been disciplined after a video of him speeding on Route 13 appeared on YouTube earlier this month.

The video on the popular Web site -- which allows anyone to upload content for public viewing -- has been watched more than 11,000 times.

The profanity-laced, eight-minute video, made by a 20-year-old male identified as Chura46 and posted May 5 on the Internet site, apparently was filmed from the interior of his Honda Civic and shows the car's speedometer reaching 100 mph briefly as he follows the deputy's cruiser down Route 13 through Melfa and Keller.

The man filming the deputy does not identify himself by name and had not been located for comment Friday. Throughout the video, he criticizes the deputy for speeding while committing his own moving violations -- including speeding and changing lanes in an intersection.

Accomack County Sheriff Larry Giddens said earlier this week that the incident happened May 1 and has been addressed internally.

The deputy, Jason Campbell, was disciplined for violating department policy by speeding, Giddens said. Campbell was not answering a call at the time and did not have his lights flashing as is required when an officer is exceeding the speed limit in the line of duty.

But it is unlikely the deputy's speed reached the 90 mph claimed by the video's maker, according to Giddens.

"He put the camera on his catch-up speed," Giddens said.

Giddens vouched for Campbell, who was hired in January.

"This guy's a good officer, but he's a young officer," he said.

He said deputies undergo more than 20 hours of classroom training in addition to field training before being put on duty.

Giddens was informed of the incident during the weekend by Campbell's supervisor. He would not comment on what disciplinary measures Campbell faced, but said speeding is not grounds for termination.

The Civic's driver repeatedly honked the car horn and tailgated Campbell after the two vehicles turned onto a secondary road in Keller. The deputy, after several minutes, pulled off the road into a dirt driveway.

But the man blocked the deputy's cruiser and continued filming as both men got out of their vehicles. He repeatedly challenged the officer to arrest him after Campbell asked the man to move his car.

"I want to be arrested," the man said. At the end of the clip, Campbell is seen re-entering his vehicle and driving off.

No charges were filed as a result of the chase and confrontation, Giddens said.

The video footage also shows both vehicles running a stop sign and the video maker changing lanes at a high rate of speed while going through an intersection on Route 13.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama vows not to send people to war without cause

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — President Barack Obama promised graduating midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy on Friday that, as their commander in chief, he will only send them "into harm's way when it is absolutely necessary."

In his first address to military graduates, Obama also pledged to invest in the men and women who defend America's liberty, not just in the weapons they take with them into battle.

"I will only send you into harm's way when it is absolutely necessary, and with the strategy, the well-defined goals, the equipment and the support that you need to get the job done," the president told more than 1,000 graduates during a sun-splashed ceremony at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.

Obama praised the role of Navy SEALS in freeing a U.S. sea captain by killing his Somali pirate captors last month.

"The extraordinary precision and professionalism displayed that day was made possible, in no small measure, by the training, the discipline and the leadership skills that so many of those officers learned at the United States Naval Academy," Obama said.

He said he has halted reductions in the Navy, is building up the Marine Corps and investing in the hardware — combat ships, submarines and fighter aircraft — they'll need to do their jobs. He also promised higher pay, enhanced child care and improved support and other benefits.

"In short, we will maintain America's military dominance and keep you the finest fighting force the world has ever seen," Obama said, as more than 30,000 watched from the stands.

The ceremony included the son of Obama's presidential rival, Sen. John McCain, who was among the proud parents. Had the Arizona Republican and Naval Academy graduate defeated Obama, McCain could have been the speaker.

Obama did not recognize McCain in his speech. But he did so before leaving the White House, praising the senator as he signed into law legislation giving the Pentagon new power to curtail wasteful defense spending. McCain was a sponsor of the bill.

"Senator McCain couldn't be here today because he's making sure he has a good seat to watch his son graduate from the Naval Academy in a few hours, and that's where I'm headed as soon as I catch my ride over here," Obama said at the bill signing in the Rose Garden.

Presidents typically deliver the commencement address at one of the service academies each year. Friday's speech was the third graduation address by Obama in the past nine days. He used the previous two to tackle issues that threatened to overshadow both events.

At the University of Notre Dame last Sunday, abortion opponents protested the president's appearance because he supports abortion rights. Obama jumped into the debate, telling graduates of the Roman Catholic university that people on both sides of the abortion issue must stop demonizing one another.

At Arizona State University, where Obama spoke on May 13, the issue was the school's decision not to award him an honorary degree on grounds that he hadn't accomplished enough. Obama said he agreed, saying no one's body of work is ever complete.

On Thursday, Obama delivered a different kind of speech, one in which he sought to regain control of the emotional debate over closing the detention center for suspected terrorists in Cuba. He denounced "fear-mongering" by political opponents and insisted that maximum-security prisons on the U.S. mainland can safely house the dangerous detainees he wants transferred out of Guantanamo Bay.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney countered the same day with a speech denouncing some of Obama's actions as "unwise in the extreme" and repeating his contention that the new president is endangering the country by turning aside Bush-era policies.

From DelmarvaNow

Obama Rides to the Rescue of Harry Reid

Republicans are styling President Barack Obama’s fundraising trip next week to Las Vegas as a desperate measure to save the bacon of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has precipitously fallen in the polls, according to a report by The Hill.

What the opposition is hoping for is a reprise of the rise and fall of another leader – former Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D.

While Democrats emphasize that the presidential trip has been planned for a long time and is not related to any perceived imminent danger of Reid, D-Nev., losing his seat, the numbers game indicates otherwise.

The latest poll by the Las Vegas Review-Journal contains little good news for the veteran politician.

Nearly half of Nevadans have had enough of Reid as the powerful Democrat heads into his re-election campaign.

About a third of the state’s voters would re-elect Reid if the 2010 election were held today, according to the poll, but 45 percent say they would definitely vote to replace him. Seventeen percent would consider another candidate.

Half of Nevada voters had an unfavorable view of Reid, while 38 percent had a favorable view and 11 percent a neutral opinion.
The Review-Journal noted further that Reid’s approval ratings at home have been subpar for years -- particularly since he ascended to Democratic leader in 2004 and to majority leader in 2006.

What’s more, hopes that things might take an uptick with the departure of President George W. Bush have not come to fruition. The Review-Journal described the poll as indicating voters bullish on Obama -- even as they are unhappy with Reid.

Much ado about nothing argue Reid loyalists, who point to the fact that the leader has already raised more than $5 million this quarter – after raising $2.2 million in the first quarter, according to The Hill.

Meanwhile, a Reid spokesman said they expect next week’s fundraiser to add “at least $1 million.”

“Don’t be tempted to Daschle-ize Reid,” one Democratic official told The Hill. “Nevada 2010 is not South Dakota 2004: George Bush not is at the head of the ticket, Barack Obama won Nevada by double digits and Reid has kept a very watchful eye on his own state.”

But others smell blood in the water.

Brian Walsh, spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee was quick to lambaste the forthcoming Obama-Reid love-fest.

“Unfortunately for the majority leader, one night of rubbing elbows with President Obama and celebrity elites at a glitzy fundraiser is not going to mask a long voting record that’s increasingly out of step with Nevada,” Walsh said.

Walsh added that the big event, featuring such luminaries as Bette Midler and Sheryl Crow, “actually plays into Sen. Reid’s biggest problem facing reelection, which is the well-deserved feeling among his constituents that he consistently places Washington and special interests above the views and values of Nevadans.”

All pundit sparing aside, there’s still a very bright lining in the clouds for Reid – he still has no opponent in the race.

WTH Of Today

Well, other blogs have a "joke of the day" "Picture of Today" "Scoop of The Day" etc. etc.
Well, we are going to have the "WTH" (what the hell of today) of today, so here we go with our first WTH of today. Hopefully I'll be getting some local WTH of today in the near future.

EMT Posts Murder Victim Photo on Facebook, Gets Fired

On the list of stupid things to post to Facebook, photos from a murder scene have to be right up there at the top. Apparently, this never occurred to Mark Musarella, a now-former emergency medical technician (EMT) at Richmond University Medical Center in Staten Island, New York.

While on EMT duty on March 30, the 46-year-old retired police officer was called to a murder in the West Brighton area of New York's forgotten borough. According to Fire Chief, while he was on the scene, he snapped a few pics of the 26-year-old victim, Caroline Wimmer, lying dead on the floor of her apartment with the cord of a hairdryer wrapped around her throat. For some inexplicable reason, Musarella turned right around and posted the images on his Facebook page -- as expected, he was swiftly fired by the hospital and the NYPD was notified.

What's worse, one source told the Staten Island Advance that Musarella may not have even learned his lesson: Although the murder scene picture has been taken down, someone with access to his profile told the newspaper that Musarella's Facebook page still had a photo from a car crash he may have responded to.

If you have to be told that posting photos of a murder scene is inappropriate, then something is clearly wrong. [From: SI Live, via: Fire Chief

American Airlines Pilot Fails Breath Test

LONDON (May 21) - An American Airlines pilot failed a breath test at London's Heathrow airport, the airline said Thursday.
Fort Worth, Texas-based American said the pilot was given the test Wednesday after airport security staff alerted police.
The pilot, whom the airline declined to name, was supposed to operate a flight with 204 passengers to Chicago. The flight was delayed while a replacement was found and the plane eventually took off.
"The company has strict policies on alcohol and substance abuse and holds its employees to the highest standards," the airline's London office said. "Employees at all levels of the company are not allowed to be on duty whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol and regular screening is carried out."

Gas prices drive travel plans

Someone needs to polish-up on their math. It may have been cheaper to fly only one person, BUT.... How about say four people in the car VS four flying?

SALISBURY -- Lorraine Esposito and her sister, Sandra Mari, flew to the Lower Shore from Florida for the holiday weekend while another family member, Al Lopez, drove.

Comparing notes Thursday in the lobby at the Hampton Hotel and Suites in Fruitland, they agreed flying was not only faster, but gas-wise, cheaper.
"We flew in; one in our party drove in," said Esposito said. "In the last few weeks, gas prices rose about 20 or 30 cents, and I found that taking a flight would be cheaper than driving."
The group was referring to Florida prices. But Maryland consumers also entered the holiday week after a double-digit increase a week earlier, to $2.27 per average gallon of regular unleaded gasoline the week of May 10, from $2.17, according to AAA Mid-Atlantic.
But guess what? Compared to last year this time, more folks will be traveling by car for the Memorial Day weekend, which for many vacationers starts today, said Ragina C. Averella, manager of AAA Public and Government Affairs. Expect 609,000 Marylanders, or 3.9 percent more, to travel by all modes at least 50 miles or more round-trip, compared to the same period last year. About 83 percent reportedly will drive.
"Motorists will undoubtedly see gas prices continue their uptick through the Memorial Day weekend," Averella said this week. "However, despite increases at the pump, 32.4 million people are expected to take to the highways this Memorial Day weekend for the official start of the summer driving season."
Averella said warmer weather and travel destination bargains are an allure for travelers at the official start of summer.
"After months of cabin fever, deep travel discounts and cheaper gas will lure many Americans out and about for the upcoming holiday weekend," she said.
Despite recent spikes, gas prices remain a whopping $1.50 lower in Maryland than a year ago, Averella said. Nationally, prices are about $1.48 lower than the period last year.
In Salisbury, the current average price of gas is $2.24, compared to $2.19 last week and $3.70 this time last year, according to AAA.

Despite a creep upward, energy analysts say don't expect a repeat of highs last summer when a record bull market in oil sent gas to above $4 a gallon. AAA reports crude oil at $56.41 per barrel through last week, slashed more than half the $124 per barrel price a year ago. According to the Energy Information Administration, the price of regular gasoline will average $2.23 a gallon through September, which is $1.60 below the same period a year ago.
Andy Miller, manning the front desk at the Hampton Inn in Fruitland, expects this weekend to be among the hotel's busier and attributed the close to 100 percent occupancy rate Thursday to good weather, commencement at nearby Salisbury University and the holiday.
"Some will stay the weekend, leftover people from the (SU) graduation," Miller said. "People are celebrating, staying a few extra days through the holiday. We've got a mixture of people coming from the airport and driving. Springtime is the beginning of our season as well."
Esposito and Mari, who flew in from Florida, were in town for the SU commencement and decided to stay the holiday.
"We'll stay till Sunday," Mari said.
Lopez, who drove from Florida, said the national downturn would otherwise have kept him home, had it not been for his daughter's graduation.
"I'd probably would have done a backyard cookout, gone to the theater," he said. "I would have stayed at home."


Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Heat Is on, Mandate postal vote for absentee ballots

There's nothing inherently shady or dishonest about absentee voting. In 38 of Washington state's 39 counties, it's the only way to vote -- polling places are in the rearview mirror -- and plenty of other jurisdictions around the country allow people to cast votes in absentia with no fuss. What's key, though, is that they require the absentee ballot to go out and come back via U.S. Mail. That's not how absentee voting works in Pocomoke and Snow Hill. Recent events show it ought to.

Our news pages have covered the unhappy election sagas in those towns this spring. In both places, it's perfectly above board for candidates and their supporters to be part of the 'chain of custody' of absentee ballots. Candidates can take applications for absentee ballots to city hall on a voter's behalf; they can also carry a completed, sealed absentee ballot from a voter to the ballot-counting spot. Each town has some safeguards built in to protect the secrecy of a ballot. But, still, the system breeds ill will: some candidates campaign almost exclusively by recruiting absentee voters in in-person visits, and they hand packets of completed ballots -- ballots they can safely assume contain votes for them -- to elections officials. Other candidates wonder, with reason, whether ballots their opponents think won't help them are sitting in a drawer somewhere. When in-person vote tallies and absentee vote counts diverge wildly, passions flare.
It's remarkable, when you think about it, for a town to permit candidates in its elections to handle ballots at all. The opportunity for suspicion of fraud is too high. We have a delivery system for documents that makes any interference with those documents a federal crime -- the postal system. It's time for Snow Hill and Pocomoke City to take advantage of it, as the county's other municipalities do, and ensure that a voter and his mail carrier are the only people who lay a hand on absentee ballots. We don't mean to impugn the candidates who won recent municipal elections -- they played by the rules as they understood them. But the rules do need changing.


Relay walkers get set to pace all night

POCOMOKE CITY -- With this year's plans finalized, the 2009 South Worcester Relay for Life will kick off at 6 p.m., May 30, at the Lower Shore Family YMCA with the presentation of the colors by the Pocomoke High School MCROTC color guard and the singing of the national anthem by Jennie Ronne, the choral teacher at PHS.

After the invocation by Pocomoke Mayor Michael A. McDermott, Dr. Elizabeth Burke will speak on the subject of cancer. Burke is a dermatologist, practicing out of Salisbury.
Following a roll call, the survivors will be honored by being asked to walk the first lap. They will be followed by the caregivers and finally the team captains. Treated to a reception, the survivors have a special place that evening. They are the people who have faced cancer firsthand. Any survivor who is not registered can do so the night of the relay.
After the special laps everyone will begin to walk, an activity that will continue until 6 the following morning. Laps will have special names such as the Patriotic Lap, the Kids Lap, Breast Cancer Awareness, Life Savers and a number of others.
Also during the evening the walkers and others attending will be entertained by a number of groups. Divided Highway, a band playing local oldies with Jack Burton, will lead off. Caruso will play contemporary Christian music followed by a group of singers led by Brandy Trader. Another presentation will be by soloist Frank Henry. Two men who are well known to relay participants, Jerry Barbierri and Mike Shannon, will serve as DJs later in the evening.
A special event, the Ceremony of Hope, will be held at 9 p.m. with the lighting of luminaries. Each of the lighted bags has a special meaning to the donor. Some will celebrate the life of a survivor who has battled cancer while others are lighted in memory of a loved one who has lost the battle.
In addition to the entertainment there will be a number of activities including a frozen t-shirt contest, a scavenger hunt, a recycled runway contest and a free sing karaoke.
The evening -- by that point, the morning -- climaxes with a celebration lap, closing ceremonies including announcements of top fundraisers and teams, and finally a church service led by Jamar Jackson.
During the eight years that the relay was held in Pocomoke City, between $300,000 and $400,000 was collected to advance the fight against cancer. The teams more than doubled the $15,000 goal in the first year and built on that amount during the subsequent years.
In the 25 years after Dr. Gordy Kiatt first ran on a track in Tacoma, Wash. to make a statement about cancer awareness, the Relay movement has grown to include more that 3.5 million people around the world.
There is still time for anyone who wishes to get involved with the relay. Call Jennifer Holland at 410-957-4898 or Jo Ella Brittingham at 410-957-3512.

Discovery Center offers new art class

POCOMOKE CITY -- The Discovery Center is offering an open art studio class time, with weekly sessions beginning June 11. Bring your watercolor painting in progress or start a new project in a relaxed open studio format, from 9 to 11:45 a.m. Paint, meet other artists, learn something new and build an art portfolio. An artist-instructor will be on hand to provide technical advice, support and critical feedback through informal individual and group critiques. Sessions will begin with a short demo or art lesson designed to enhance the knowledge of the watercolorist. Sign up by the month for $40 or pay $15 per single session.

Raffle and reception support award effort for all American City

POCOMOKE CITY -- Having been named one of the 30 finalists in the All-America Cities competition, Pocomoke City will send a group of leaders and citizens to Tampa, Fla. in June to compete for one of the winning slots.

To finance the trip, the group is planning a fundraising raffle. A 46-inch flat-screen television will be given away at the Great Pocomoke Fair on Aug. 22. Tickets for a chance to win the set are $10 each or three for $20 and are available at Pocomoke's City Hall or the Pocomoke Chamber of Commerce.
A reception will be held on Friday, May 29, at the Mar-Va Theater from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be hors d'oeuvres, musical entertainment and a cash bar. Donations toward the project will be welcome.
Pocomoke City was selected as a finalist from among the 5,000 applicants for progress in the following areas: construction of the new fire house, improvements to the MarVa Theater, improvements to the Sturgis One Room School Museum, and the youth projects sponsored by the Pocomoke City Police Department.

UAW says it has reached deal with GM, government

Erm, This confirms everything I have thought about the unions. Why should a private business have to bow down to the government and the knee breaking UAW? This is the epitome of nanny government central control.

DETROIT (AP) — The United Auto Workers union has reached a tentative deal with the government and General Motors Corp. that would cut labor costs and change the way a union-run trust for retiree health care is funded.

The union announced the deal in a short statement issued Thursday that gave no details, which were withheld pending meetings with members to explain the terms.
The move is a key step toward GM's efforts to restructure outside of bankruptcy court. The company, which has received $15.4 billion in federal loans, faces a June 1 government-imposed deadline to restructure or be forced into bankruptcy protection.
A big hurdle remains. GM needs bondholders who hold $27 billion in unsecured debt to forgive what they're owed for an equity stake in the company. Analysts have said it is nearly impossible that the required 90 percent of bondholders will agree to the offer.
Union members still have to vote on their deal, according to the UAW's statement. It makes no mention of factory closures or production of vehicles outside the U.S., items that the union has protested in Detroit and Washington as the deadline approaches.
GM plans to close 16 more factories, costing 21,000 hourly workers their jobs, as it tries to cut labor costs and shrink its manufacturing footprint to match lower demand for its products.
The Treasury Department, which has been overseeing GM's restructuring efforts, had no immediate comment. A message was left for a GM spokeswoman.
GM has about 61,000 hourly workers in the U.S. but plans to take that number down to 40,000 by 2010.
The Treasury Department's auto task force had pushed for the union to take GM stock in exchange for 50 percent of the $20 billion the company must pay into the trust, called a voluntary employees beneficiary association.
UAW officials have said the union's agreement with Chrysler reached last month will serve as a template for any deal with GM, but some differences had to be worked out.
At Chrysler, the UAW agreed to take 55 percent of the company's stock in exchange for roughly $6 billion of the $10.6 billion that Chrysler owes the retiree health care trust.

GM has said it is negotiating to give the UAW about 39 percent of its stock in exchange for roughly half the $20 billion it owes to the trust. Half the stock would go to the government, with 10 percent going to bondholders in exchange for wiping out $27 billion in GM debt. The remaining 1 percent would go to current shareholders.
Bondholders have resisted the 10 percent offer, saying they're getting too little for the amount of money they are owed. The offer expires Tuesday but could be extended.
A spokesman for a committee of GM's bondholders had no immediate comment on the union agreement.
If its bond exchange offer goes through, GM plans to issue 62 billion new shares and then do a 1-for-100 reverse stock split. The whole deal would severely cut the value of GM's existing shares.
Also under the Chrysler deal, workers will no longer get most of their pay if they are laid off and placed in the controversial "jobs bank." Instead, they will get a smaller amount of pay from the company to supplement state unemployment benefits. Cost-of-living pay raises also were suspended through 2011, and a provision was added for binding arbitration on a new contract through 2015.
The union also agreed to consolidate nonskilled labor job classifications into a team concept at all factories. Performance and Christmas bonuses will be suspended this year and next to help pay health care costs.
Ford Motor Co., which is not receiving government support, agreed in February to a revised contract with fewer concessions than the Chrysler deal. But the company has said it does not want to be at a disadvantage to its Detroit competitors, so it may eventually reopen negotiations with the union.
GM shares rose 15 cents or 10.3 percent, to $1.60 in afternoon trading.

Ten things that Christian Conservatives and Ron Paul Libertarians Can Agree On!

Help me out folks. I have discovered the following three political realities:1. There are a ton of Christian Conservatives who are no longer happy with the Republican Party and are not actively participating.2. There are a ton of Libertarian Conservatives who are no longer happy with the Republican Party and not actively participating.3. In the meantime, Democrats are registering more Democrats and taking our country faster and faster toward Socialism.My question is simple. Christians and Libertarians have far more in common than they either group has with the current Democrat Party.Can all of you brainstorm with me to come up with 10 practical objectives that Christian Conservatives and Ron Paul type Libertarians can agree on?

I'll start.#1 - Eliminate the I.R.S. by implementing a flat-tax, national sales tax, fair-tax, etc.

Wicomico Board of ed and daily times attempt to scam tax payers

Wicomico Board of Ed and Daily Times Attempt to Scam the Taxpayers … AGAIN
May 21, 2009 by Cato Filed under Education, Fiscal Policy, Maryland, Media, Wicomico Politics
Never fear. The government is here to help you. In today’s case, it is the good folk at the Wicomico Board of Education (WCBOE) who are colluding with our own local version of Pravda to pick the pocket of the average, hard working citizen of Wicomico County.
The folks over at the WCBOE are going to scrimp and save to help fix a problem of their own making - a $2 million shortfall in the county budget which the board and Supt. John Fredericksen exacerbated by fighting the county’s request of a waiver of the state momentum of effort (MOE) rules. The Daily Times wants us to somehow believe that the WCBOE are the champions of our children.
It’s interesting. Just last week the WCBOE voted to increase the taxpayer paid portion of retiree healthcare benefits from 55% to 70%. Only board president Robin Holloway dissented. Yet, the $357,000 of taxpayer money to be spent on yet another juicy benefit for government workers and retirees would amount to almost 18% of the $2 million budget hole. The county’s budget will have been adopted before the public even gets a chance to find out whether Wicomico County teachers and staff will receive a pay increase next year, and how much.Where does Fredericksen plan on realizing savings? By deferring needed maintenance on school buildings, reducing school supplies and cutting school programs the WCBOE proves two things:
Public education in Wicomico County is about a lot of things, but it ISN’T For The Children
Public education in Wicomico County IS about keeping the board’s four employee unions happy.
I’m sure that Fredericksen and company will argue that we have to remain competetive in order to attract and retain teachers. Maybe. However, in a down economy this argument is specious to the point of being laughable. A few miles north, in Delaware, school district after school district has announced PAY CUTS, EMPLOYEE FURLOUGHS, and even EMPLOYEE LAYOFFS. In neighboring and nearby states, teachers are paid less than what teachers earn here, yet we are told that our teachers and staff are grossly underpaid. The wage inflation spiral caused by this sad argument has finally caught up to us in tough economic times. It may actually come down to an ambulance not reaching its destination in time to save a life so that artificially high wages can be maintained at the WCBOE.
I know. Supt. Fredericksen and his faithful acolytes will claim that this argument is ridiculous. Really? I recall a conversation with some members of the Salisbury Career Firefighters a couple of years ago where they shared some comparative salary data with a group of ordinary citizens who were (and still are) fighting to get these people well deserved pay increases. Firefighters in Ocean City are paid 40%+ more than their counterparts in Salisbury. Yet, Salisbury is still able to hire personnel. Sure, their retention rate could be higher, but that is a consequence that must be endured until Salisbury can find the money to pay its public safety personnel better. Additionally, the good men and women at the SFD aren’t staging “work actions” like the teachers in Delmar, DE who are upset at a small pay cut.
Back to the Daily Worker on the Wicomico. Reading today’s piece we are to believe that Fredericken and company are heroes. However, we need to remember that this coverage is literally in a vacuum. Where was reporter Candice Evans last week when a majority of the WCBOE essentially gave county taxpayers the finger? She sure wasn’t at the board of ed meeting.
While we have all read about the problems between the Worcester Board of Ed and Worcester’s County Commissioners, the Daily Times has been mute about the WCBOE. While we have read coverage of the Indian River school district and pay raises for their teachers we get fluff, if anything, about the WCBOE. Did any of you read about the retiree healthcare windfall in Wicomico? Now I know that Daily Times managing editor Erick Sahler SWEARS that coverage, or lack thereof, of the WCBOE has NOTHING to do with the fact that his wife is the board’s public information officer. I’m just getting a tad skeptical.
Unfortunately, I consider myself a rational human being. I believe that coincidence is rare. Given the fair amount of coverage given to neighboring boards of ed, particularly in the past few months, I am more than skeptical about the Daily Times‘ relationship with our local school board. I’m reminded of piece I wrote almost two years ago where I criticized Sahler and his boss for continually failing to disclose their relationships to people or entities that they cover (at the time Executive Editor Greg Bassett’s wife was Communications Director for then-Rep. Wayne Gilchrest). Sahler’s response was essentially that if he had disclose his relationship with his wife he would also have to disclose that Op-Ed editor Susan Parker is in the symphony everytime the paper mentioned a concert. Sophistry at its worst.
We need fair, balanced, coverage of our county’s third largest employer. Instead, we receive none … or the lopsided pablum we enjoyed under the Barrie Tilghman administration (and seem to keep getting under the reign of the pretenders - Barrie Comegys and Princess Louise).


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Somerset racial disparities eyed

Hmmmmm? It's evident that the NAACP has not looked at the breadwinner jobs at UMES. Hey NAACP! how about adding 51% white staff to UMES?

PRINCESS ANNE -- Civil rights leaders, labeling Somerset County "the most out of step" jurisdiction in Maryland and perhaps the nation when hiring or appointing blacks, are campaigning to reverse what they call a historical practice of passing over minority applicants.

On Tuesday, officials for the Somerset County NAACP Branch and the ACLU of Maryland jointly invited Somerset leaders to discuss reforms for "racial disparities" in a work force of about 243 employees of which about 13.5 percent are African-Americans.
At a noon news conference at St. James United Methodist Church in Westover, members of the two civil rights groups publicly invited Somerset officials to a June 11 forum to begin an open dialog on disparity in county hiring practices, citing the county's 42 percent African-American population -- the highest black population percentage of any Eastern Shore county with among the lowest number of black workers.
Sam Boston, Somerset County administrator, said he received the report Tuesday morning and had not had time to read it in its entirety. Although, he said, he sees no disparity in the county's hiring practices in recent years. Boston said he is willing to meet with the groups, and added that "I think County Commissioners are open to meet with them."
A spokeswoman at Somerset Human Resources said that Boston's office on Tuesday had requested employment numbers in order to review the situation.
Civil rights members also discussed representation of African-Americans in Somerset County government later Tuesday on National Public Radio's WEAA, 88.9-FM in Baltimore, said talk show host Marc Steiner, who said the issue has gained attention outside the local jurisdiction.
"It is my vision to bring all parties together in a town talk," Steiner said Tuesday from Baltimore, adding Somerset commissioners declined an invitation to join the broadcast because of a schedule conflict.
The civil rights groups delivered a report to County Commissioners detailing county demographics and racial diversity in employment they said show "deeply disturbing disparities" that also are evident at the Somerset Board of Education.

"This is an important day for the ACLU and the NAACP," said Meredith Curtis, an ACLU spokeswoman. "Somerset County is out of step with other counties in Maryland; we would like to see reforms enacted and start a process, put a plan in place, that would see that diversity is valued."
American Civil Liberties Union Legal Director Debbie Jeon said the group's attempt to mend racial injustices in Somerset "goes back decades."
"It is deeply troubling to see the disparity today," she said, mocking the Somerset County motto, "Semper Eadem," which in Latin means "Always the Same."
"With the nation's first African-American president, it's striking how little has changed in Somerset County," she said. "There is a 42 percent African-American population, the highest on the Eastern Shore.
Kirk Hall, president of the Somerset NAACP Branch, said racial disparity also spills into other segments of county leadership and authority. Specifically, Hall pointed to the county Democrat Central Committee, which overlooked community activist and NAACP former president Ken Ballard and Clarence Bell, a businessman with expertise in law enforcement, for consideration as an appointee to the board of County Commissioners. The Democratic Central Committee forwarded two other names to Gov. Martin O'Malley, who will made a selection for the vacant position.
Hall said the commission appointment mirrored the county's past.
"No African-Americans have been elected or appointed to a top county office in the county's history," he said, adding that of the blacks hired, few have professional roles.
Now is the time, Hall said, to "expose the great racial disparity in the great Somerset County."