Sunday, April 28, 2013

TODAY! Demarva Discovery Center

Come today at 2 PM for a FREE presentation on Lyme Disease

Gumboro~Crisfield Mudbogs Banquet

Gumboro~Crisfield Mudbogs Banquet
Saturday, March 23, 2013
If you left the Crisfield Elks Lodge the evening of the 2012 Gumbobo~Crisfield Mudbogs banquet hungry then you just can't be pleased.
Those grand ladies of the Elks provided mudboggers with another tasty and fulfilling meal - from appetizers to dessert!   Thank you so much for the hospitality. 
Also a big thank you  Wright Townsend,  Charlie Price and Randy Beers for arranging an evening for all mudboggers to congregate and enjoy each others company for a few hours under one roof. I must say this is a delight when we can all get together to catch up on what changes will be made to each truck - IF the driver cares to tell. 
Wright Townsend, Jr.  was presented with a special award for all he has done for the mudbogs...certainly well deserved.  However, it should be mentioned over and over that these three, Wright Townsend, Jr., Randy Beers and Charlie Price are actually the driving forces behind the mudbogs every year!  Without their hard work and endless hours dedicated to racing the mudbogs would not be possible.

One nice surprise to all of us is that there will be an extra mudbog this summer thanks to the Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Company. We are excited about this and I have to admit that this pleases ME greatly!  Crisfield is my favorite choice for mudracing (having been married to a Crisfielder years ago) and this year the opportunity to assist the local fire department with its fundraising  along with bringing mudbogging to Worcester County is exciting!  More information on this adventure will follow very soon.

Mudbogging in Gumboro or Crisfield would in no way be possible without sponsors.  I do not have a complete list of ALL sponsors for the mudbogs so here are the ones I do have.
Tawes Bros. GMC Buick
Crisfield, Maryland
Eddie and Sue Heath
Heaths Crab Pots/Crisfield, Maryland

Snap -On Tools

Barry Wise  & Wright Townsend
Winner of the 50/50 Raffle was Barry Wise

To follow what the Gumboro~Crisfield Mudbogs is doing this summer you can go to
   Gumboro~Crisfield Mudbogs on ON FACEBOOK
More photos and racing info will be posted soon.
Remember the first mudbog for the 2013 season is this Saturday, May 4th in Gumboro, Delaware. 
More details during the week.

"The United States District Court Greenlighted Troy Durham’s Lawsuit" ....

Breaking News in the Troy Durham Case
Dan Powell Watch/ Blog
We here at the DPW watch have just learned that the United States District Court greenlighted Troy Durham’s lawsuit against disgraced Sheriff Bobby Jones, Somerset County, County Attorney Kirk Simpkins, and against John and Jane Does who are “Somerset County Commissioners and/or the County Administrator and personnel specialists.” This unnamed County Administrator is, of course, none other than Dan Powell.

Somerset County and Kirk Simpkins had tried hard to get this lawsuit thrown out, but this court decision denies their motions to dismiss, meaning that the county, Kirk Simpkins, the former county commissioners, and Dan Powell personally are potentially liable for both standing by while Bobby Jones unlawfully fired Troy Durham and also the current county leadership for allowing the continued mistreatment of Troy Durham.

Senior federal judge Bill Nickerson pulled no punches in his opinion, referring to the latest tactics by Somerset County, at the direction of their attorney Kirk Simpkins to be nothing less than continued retaliation against Troy Durham:
"Perhaps most egregious example of continued retaliation is the decision on the part of some or all of the Defendants to deny Plaintiff back pay for the lengthy period of time in which he was unemployed due to Sheriff Jones’ retaliatory action. Simpkins, an attorney, has proffered what to the Court is a seemingly indefensible position that the County has no obligation to provide back pay to Plaintiff because “[i]t is [Simpkins’] understanding that a judgment for back wages has already been rendered by the U. S. District Court against Sheriff Jones individually.”
The court decided that if Troy Durham proves his allegations, Kirk Simpkins would be liable under Section 1983.


ALSO READ....Full Text of Decision Against Somerset County in Durham Case

TIME MACHINE ... 1889..1987..1921..1896..1913

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

June, 1889
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)

An Immense Meteor.

About 8 o'clock on Wednesday night, a remarkable illumination lasting fully a minute, was observed of the whole eastern horizon. A splendid aerolite, variously described as from one to two feet in diameter, shot across the sky from southeast to northwest. The illumination was like that of a brilliant electric light and was so intense that ordinary print might have been read by it. The meteor burst as it neared the lower horizon into magnificent glowing masses. About five minutes after it disappeared a heavy rumbling sound was heard, shaking windows and, some say, giving a distinct shock. It was an unusual and splendid sight.

(Pocomoke City couple aided)August, 1987
(The Frederick News Post- Frederick, Md.)

Special To The News-Post


Thirty-two Frederick teenagers and their six adult sponsors decided to make a difference in an elderly couple's life this summer by participating in a workshop "Life's More Than A Beach 1987."

Sponsored by Evangelical Lutheran Youth Ministries, these young people worked together to recondition a home that was falling down around its 85-year-old residents. Having spent most of their life in their Pocomoke City residence, Mr. and Mrs. Severn Whitehead were no longer able to do the maintenance on their rapidly deteriorating home because of their increasing age and their medical disabilities.

"The project was rather ambitious." stated Pastor Scot Noon, youth pastor at Evangelical and leader of the work project. "We painted the entire exterior of the two-story home, replaced two sections of roof, installed new screening on the front porch, landscaped around the home, completed some general housekeeping, and delivered hundreds of canned goods items which the church had collected.

Although the staff had no idea how long each project would take, the young people were committed to seeing that the home was repaired. If free time became available, Ocean City was only 30 miles away.

While doing the workcamp project, the young people stayed at Pocomoke River State Park, Shad Landing area, camping in tents.

"As I figure it," said Noon, "the budget for the event was nearly $2,800, with over half of that going directly into supplies for the home. The additional 418 hours of labor contributed to the Whiteheads, making the worth of the project was about $10,000 in retail value. But the true value of the workcamp rested in helping some beautiful people who really needed it, in learning cooperation and teamwork, and trying to care and reach out in love."
June, 1921
(The Denton Journal)


Touring the Eastern Shore

The Eastern Shore Society of Baltimore left that city Friday morning on its first automobile tour of Eastern Shore counties. It is their intention before returning to have visited each of the nine counties and the nine county seats. There are about 35 in the party, representing natives of all the (Eastern Shore) counties. The party had lunch at Chestertown, after which they proceeded to Centreville and Easton. The first night was spent at Cambridge. Saturday morning the trip will be resumed to Salisbury, Princess Anne, and Crisfield. In the afternoon the trip will be resumed via Pocomoke City and Snow Hill, and the day's fun will end at Ocean City. On the return trip the party will go via Denton and Rock Hall. Arrangements are being made in the respective county seats to greet the visitors at the Court House. This society was organized in 1913 with 112 members and now has over 500. 

July, 1896 (Time Machine Archive)
(Peninsula Ledger) 

Dr. W. H. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Pocomoke City, MD. prepared to do all kinds of dental work, and guarantees satisfaction. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of ---nitroas Oxide Gas or Cocaine. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Prices Moderate.
The cheapest place to get your Spectacles and Eyeglasses is at Wm. Sartorious. Eyes tested free of charge.
W. Ulysses Schoolfield, Surveyor, Pocomoke City, MD. special attention paid to adjusting disputed lines.

June, 1913
(The Washington Post)


Failure of Coroner's Jury to Place Blame Stirs Public

Special to The Washington Post.

Salisbury, Md., June 28.- Governor Goldsborough of Maryland will be called upon to assist the local authorities in their effort to clear up the mystery surrounding the death of Miss Florence Wainwright, bookkeeper of the Home Gas Company, who was found dead in her office on June 20.

State's Attorney George W. Bell made this clear today, when he also said there was no possibility that the coroner's jury which conducted the investigation, and which adjourned at 3:30 this morning until Monday after an all night session, and after one ballot had been taken, would render a verdict implicating any particular person or persons as being responsible for the young woman's fate.

The prosecutor further said that, in his opinion, the jury would disagree when it reconvenes next Monday morning, or it would return a verdict to the effect that the unfortunate girl died as a result of an illegal operation at the hands of a person or persons unknown to the jury.

On the only ballot taken the jury, it is stated, was 10 to 2 in favor of a verdict holding one person responsible for the alleged operation. It is said that the two jurors who opposed such a verdict favored a nondiscriminating finding.

The State's attorney said he would leave nothing undone toward bringing the guilty person to justice, and to this end he has resolved to call upon the governor for assistance. He will also make application to the board of county commissioners to supply necessary funds to employ the most competent detectives money can procure in an effort to unravel the mystery.

The failure of the jury to arrive at a decision after an all-night session behind closed doors has caused much severe criticism. It is confidently believed by many persons here that had the jury completed its inquest and arrived at a verdict when it was first impaneled, immediately after Miss Wainwright's corpse was found in her chair at the office of the Home Gas Company, the person responsible for her death would have been apprehended. Critics say the whole manner in which the investigation has been conducted reflects discredit on the local authorities.

It is alleged that those persons who were first looked upon with suspicion have hardened themselves to the ordeal of an inquisition, and that because of this the coroner's jury lost many points of advantage.

It is evident now from remarks from Salisbury's best known citizens that the great effort on the part of the authorities to keep the results of the investigation secret will no longer be tolerated.
Even now there are well founded rumors of a public indignation meeting at the courthouse, and the ministers of the city have been requested to denounce from their pulpits tomorrow the so-called "star chamber" methods with which the inquest has been conducted.

According to the evidence last night there is now no doubt that the girl died as a result of a bungled operation. The pills, in a box labeled "Quinine," which were found on her desk in the gas office, have been analyzed and found to be exactly what the label indicated.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

NEW Events ~ Pocomoke Cypress Festival


 NEW events added this year!
Wristbands go on sale May 1
Pre-sale wristbands will be available at the Chamber office at 6 Market Street beginning at 10 am Wednesday May 1! Wristbands are $8, 1/2 price regular admission, and are good for Wednesday, Thursday, or 12 to 4 Saturday.
Here's a quick rundown of the Pocomoke Cypress Festival.  For more information go to:


    Cypress Festival 
    Wednesday, June 12 through Saturday, June 15 2013
    The good old days are now!
    For more information see

    ... Wednesday, June 12, 6 pm-10 pm
     6 pm, Pocomoke Elks & Boy Scouts perform opening Flag Ceremony

    Thursday, June 13, 6 pm-10 pm

    Pocomoke Idol

    Friday, June 14, 6 pm-10 pm

    6:30 pm, judging of boat decorating contest. Red, white and blue patriotic theme.
    Entry forms at
    All entries receive free admission passes to Friday and Saturday of the Cypress Festival. You must be present at the judging contest to receive these passes.
    7:15 pm Corn Hole Tournament

    Saturday, June 15, 12 pm-10pm

    Boat Regatta, 2:30
    Mid Life Crisis Band


    Pocomoke City Area Chamber of Commerce is looking for a
    volunteer to lead the Corn Hole Tournament for the Cypress Festival.
    Without a leader for this event it  may have to removed from the

    Lots of great stuff still going on like the boat decorating and raft race!
    Any volunteers?

      Forms and full schedule:

    Fun-Filled Day For You and Your Dog

    Event benefits the SPCA Eastern Shore


    Intelligence Note
    Prepared by the

    Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

    The FBI reminds the public there is the potential for fraud in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center has received indications that individuals may be using e-mail and social networking sites to facilitate fraudulent activities.

    The FBI is aware of a spam e-mail with the subject line “Boston Marathon Explosion” and similarly themed messages being circulated to lure potential victims to malicious software and exploits. Spam e-mails and Web sites to which they are linked use a wide variety of deceptions to trick a user into taking actions that put the user’s computer at risk for infection. Common techniques include links to compromised Web sites and pop-up messages prompting users to download software to view pictures, videos or other files.

    Social media is another avenue criminals use to solicit donations. The FBI is aware that an account on a popular social media service using the Boston Marathon name and official logo was created soon after the explosions. Communications from the account represented that $1 would be donated to the Boston Marathon victims for every communication other users sent to the account.

    Though the account was suspended by the social media service, others may use similar methods to commit fraud.

    The FBI is also aware of numerous questionable domains registered within hours of the Boston Marathon explosions. Though the intentions of the registrants are unknown, domains have emerged following other disasters for fraudulent purposes.

    Individuals should always exercise reasonable caution and vigilance when using e-mail and social networking Web sites.

    Based on experiences from previous times of tragedy, it is reasonable to believe that criminals will continue to exploit such events to solicit fraudulent donations, to obtain victims’ personally identifiable information (PII), and to further other illegal activities.

    Individuals can limit exposure to cyber criminals by taking the following preventative actions when using email and social networking Web sites:

    Do not agree to download software to view content. Messages may contain pictures, videos, and other attachments designed to infect your computer with malware.

    Do not follow a link you receive via e-mail to go to a website. Links appearing as legitimate sites (example:, could be hyperlinked to direct victims to another website when clicked.

    These sites may be designed to infect your computer with malware or solicit personal information.

    Verify the existence and legitimacy of organizations by conducting research and visiting official websites. Be skeptical of charity names similar to but not exactly the same as reputable charities.

    Do not allow others to make donations on your behalf. Donation-themed messages may also contain links to websites designed to solicit personal information, which can be routed to a cyber criminal.

    Make donations securely by using a debit/credit card or write a check made out to the specific charity. Be wary of making donations via money transfer services; legitimate charities do not normally solicit donations using this method of payment.

    If you believe you have been the victim of fraud by someone soliciting funds on behalf of disaster victims or want to report suspicious e-mail solicitations or fraudulent Web sites, please file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center,

    Saturday, April 27, 2013

    2 Face Assault Charges At Richmond International Raceway

    Richmond Times-Dispatch
     Two crew members for Richard Childress Racing were taken into custody and charged with assault after what Henrico County police described as a “physical altercation” in the infield area of Richmond International Raceway near the driver-owner lot after the ToyotaCare 250 Nationwide race Friday night.

    Michael A. Scearce, 50, of Mount Ulla, N.C., was charged with two misdemeanor counts of assault, Henrico Police Lt. Linda Toney said in a news release. Thomas F. Costello, 35, of Kannapolis, N.C., was charged with one misdemeanor count of assault. The two were charged and released early today.                    

    "One of the two adult male victims has a shoulder injury," Toney said.

    The website for Richard Childress Racing lists Scearce and Costello as crew members for driver Brian Scott, whose team had a confrontation with that of rival Nelson Piquet Jr. on pit road.

    The altercation began on the track between Scott and Piquet, who drives for Turner Scott Motorsports. Scott accused Piquet of ramming into him late in the race and doing more damage to his car, which already was damaged from a wreck with 50 laps left in the race.

    After crossing the finish line, Piquet said, “A few laps from the end, the 2 (Scott) slid in front of me, I touched him, we both maybe spun, and I passed him. After the race, he door-banged me. He did the same thing to me in Martinsville, and I let that go. I’m not going to take any more from him.”

    READ MORE....

    TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

      1889.. A "splendid sight" in Eastern Shore sky; 1987.. Youth group project aids elderly Pocomoke City couple; 1921.. Eastern Shore Society Of Baltimore plans visit; 1896.. Services available to Pocomoke residents are advertised; 1913.. Coroner's Jury fails to reach verdict in death of young Salisbury office worker, public criticism abounds.

    Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

    Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

    Manhunt Ends When Escapee Turns Self In

    Jessey Dean Dudley
    SNOW HILL -- After a manhunt took place for much of Monday, a suspect wanted for leaving his work release program in Delaware turned himself into Snow Hill authorities later that night.

    At 11 p.m. on Monday, April 22, Jessey Dean Dudley was arrested on a warrant for escape after voluntarily turning himself over to the Snow Hill Police Department. He is currently being held at the Worcester County Detention Center. Additional charges are expected, according to local authorities, including resisting arrest and the assault on the police officer who had previously attempted to arrest him.

    At 8:30 Monday morning, according to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations, the Snow Hill Police Department was advised on a tip that Dudley was wanted in Delaware for escape and burglary charges. He was spotted in the area of Pleasant Manor in Snow Hill, and the Snow Hill Police Department attempted to apprehend the suspect as he fled on foot into a wooded area. He was described as a white male, wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt, and blue jeans. Due to the general clothing description there were numerous false sightings.

    The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police, Maryland State Police Aviation, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team, Worcester County Bureau of Investigations and the Pocomoke Police assisted with the search in an attempt to locate and apprehend the subject.

    Due to the fact the Pleasant Manor Apartment complex is near Snow Hill High School, it was determined to place all of the schools in Snow Hill on “lockdown” as a precaution. Local law enforcement remained at the schools for safety. There was no risk of danger for anyone at the schools. The lockdown was lifted Monday afternoon prior to school dismissal. At no time during the lockdown did normal school activities alter, school officials reported yesterday.

    Law enforcement utilized several K-9 dogs to track the direction the suspect fled. The Maryland State Police had deployed a helicopter and assisted with the search. However, the suspect was not located.

    It was later learned that the suspect had walked off at a “work release” minimum security facility in Delaware and had not returned. He was serving an undisclosed amount of time for a burglary conviction.


    Worcester County Library! May Youth Programs


    Friday, April 26, 2013

    Arrests Made In April 13 Shooting in Northampton County

    According to the Northampton County Sheriff’s office, law enforcement officers from the Northampton and Accomack County sheriffs’ offices, Virginia State Police, FBI, and DEA made the arrests of three individuals wanted  in the April 13 shooting death of Jessie Leon Jordan of Cape Charles.

    On April 13, 2013 officers responded responded to an early-morning report of a shooting at A&E Auto Repair, 8131 Sylvan Scene Drive in Machipongo.  The victim had been transported to the hospital by personal vehicle and upon arriving at the hospital officers were told the victim was deceased.
    Devon Blake

    After a two week investigation arrests have been made.

    Arrested this morning,  at approximately 4 a.m. on Friday, April 26, were:

    Devon Thomas Blake, 30, is charged with malicious assault by mob with intent to maim, disfigure, or kill, and with 1st degree murder.
    Durell Marion Fitchett

    Durell Marion Fitchett, 25, is charged with malicious assault by mob with intent to maim, disfigure, or kill.

    Deleon Kinte Fitchett, 29, is charged with malicious assault by mob with intent to maim, disfigure, or kill.

    Deleon Kinte Fitchett

    The three men are being held at the Eastern Shore Regional Jail with bond denied.

    REMINDER! Local Volunteer Firemen and EMS

    PLENTY  of parking for your fire trucks!

    The Upper Deck Seafood Restaurant & Lounge

    Friday Lunch Buffet....$7.99 Fried Chicken, Fried Flounder, Au Gratin Potatoes, Peas & Dumplings, Salad, Tuna Salad, Soup, Cornbread, Cole Slaw

    Friday Night !
    Come on out for DJ Night


    Riverside Grill Pocomoke ~ Entertainment Friday Night

    Friday, April 26, 2013
     -Seafood Chowder (shrimp, scallops & crab) w/ ½ ham sandwich or side salad 6.99
     Seafood Quesadilla w/ beans & rice (shrimp, scallops & crab ) 9.99
    -Tropical Salad w/ chilled shrimp 8.99
    Photo BW
    Happy Hour 3-7 PM
     w/ $1 off all appetizers

    $3.50 Captain Morgan & Sailor Jerry drinks,
    $1.50 Coors light, Bud light & Yuengling drafts

    *Friday 4/26 ~ @ 9 pm*
    Wayne George playing piano classics by Billy Joel, Elton John, Paul McCartney & more

    Chincoteague Seafood Festival

    It's a Tradition.........
    A spring seafood festival has been held here on Chincoteague Island for more than four decades.  The menu includes:
    "Little Neck" steamed clams, single fried oysters, fried fish, appetizers, full salad bar, sweet potato fries, shrimp, cornbread, clam fritters, boardwalk fries, clam strips, raw oysters and clams, grilled chicken, clam chowder,  hushpuppies and soft drinks.  Beer may be purchased separately. 

    Join us the first Saturday in May at Tom's Cove Park from noon to 4 p.m.

    Live Music by Island Boy Band
         Sponsored by Refuge Inn

    The festival provides a venue to sample the best-of-the-best local seafood.  It is a spring tradition here on the Eastern Shore of a part of it.



    Cicada's Expected To Arrive in May ~ "Cicada Tracker"

    By Scott Dance
    Baltimore Sun

    Wondering when this year's brood of cicadas will emerge, and whether they will appear in your backyard? A Virginia company is helping answer the first of those questions.

    The stubby, winged insects emerge when the soil reaches 64 degrees. Given a series of cold mornings in the middle of this month, the ground is still several degrees too cold for that, at least in Northern Virginia.

    Sutron Corp., a Sterling, Va., company that specializes in environmental monitoring, has posted a "Cicada Tracker" website that plots the daily ground temperature. 

    The graph shows that the soil has remained in the 50s for most of this month, briefly flirting with 60 degrees around April 19 at Sutron's headquarters. But at about 55 degrees as of Wednesday, the ground will need to warm by 9 degrees before the cicadas start to stir.

    Ground temperatures in Maryland are likely slightly cooler given that we are further north. The average temperature at Dulles International Airport in Northern Virginia has been 56.4 degrees so far in April, compared with 55.5 degrees at BWI Marshall Airport.

    But cicadas are not expected to appear in large numbers around BWI or the Baltimore area. The brood slated to emerge next month was largely confined to Calvert and St. Mary's counties in Southern Maryland. There, the ground temperature could be more comparable to that of Northern Virginia.

    Stay tuned to the Cicada Tracker as the weather warms, and start listening for their mating calls next month.

    Read more:,0,6354546.story#ixzz2RXN1NU2a

    Thursday, April 25, 2013


    Thomas Augustyniak
    (Pikesville, MD) – Maryland State Police and the Southern Regional Police Department are asking for help from the public, in the search for a Pennsylvania man with ties to Maryland that has been missing since Wednesday morning.

    The man is identified as Thomas Augustyniak, 53, of Glen Rock, PA. He is described as a white male, 6’1”, 175 pounds with green eyes and gold wire frame glasses. He is known to travel in Maryland and works at a local business in Belcamp, Md.

    Around 7:00 am on Wednesday, Augustyniak left his residence for a walk. He has not been seen or heard from since. He was last seen wearing blue jeans, blue jacket and white leather sneakers.

    The Southern Regional Police Department has conducted extensive searches for Augustyniak, but has not been able to locate him. He is known to visit areas in Harford County.

    There were no signs of foul play or a struggle at his residence. Currently, there is no motive for his disappearance. His family is cooperating with investigators.

    Anyone with information is urged to contact the South Regional Police Department at 717-235-3944.

    Submitted:  MD. State Police

    FULL MOON Tonight Is Named PINK MOON

    April's 'Pink Moon' might actually live up to its name this year

    The first thing to know about a "Pink Moon" is that it's not quite as cool as it sounds: For most of us, Thursday's full moon will remain its normal, milky-white color.

    The name comes from the traditional, evocative names bestowed on full moons: March offered the Storm Moon, May will present the Corn Moon, and Thursday brings the Pink Moon, a reference to pink phlox, one of the first flowers to emerge each year.

    This year, we'll actually get closer to pink than usual, thanks to a lunar eclipse, visible in Europe, Asia and Africa. As the Earth casts its shadow on the moon, our lunar friend might, indeed, look slightly pinker than usual. [Source]


    Citizens To Share The Road/ BIKES to the BEACH Begins

    Ocean City Police reminds citizens to share the road with motorcyclists

    This weekend thousands of motorcyclists are anticipated to visit Ocean City and the surrounding area as the 3rd Annual Bikes to the Beach Spring Rally is scheduled to begin on Thursday, April 25. In correlation with Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, which begins May 1, the Ocean City Police Department is reminding motorists and motorcyclists to “share the road” and be extra alert to keep motorcyclists safe.
    Motorcycles are vehicles with the same rights and privileges as any motor vehicle on the roadway. Motorists and bicyclists should perform visual checks for motorcyclists by checking mirrors and blind spots before they enter or exit a lane of traffic, and at intersections. In addition, pedestrians should also get into the habit of scanning for motorcyclists who might be hidden by other traffic.
    “Safety is a mutual responsibility for motorists and motorcyclists alike,” said Acting Chief Gregory Guiton. “Drivers must be aware that a motorcycle, as one of the smallest of vehicles on the road, can be ‘hiding’ in your vehicle’s blind spots. Always check blind spots, use mirrors and signal before changing lanes or making turns.”
    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists are much more vulnerable than a passenger vehicle occupant in the event of a crash. Motorcyclists should also remain alert to other drivers, never ride impaired or distracted and always wear a helmet and other protective gear.
    In order to help keep motorcyclists safe in Ocean City, the Ocean City Police Department would like to offer the following tips:
    • Remember, a motorcycle is a vehicle with all of the rights and privileges of any other motor vehicle.
    • Always allow a motorcyclist the full lane width—never try to share a lane.
    • Perform a visual check for motorcycles by checking mirrors and blind spots before entering or exiting a lane of traffic, and at intersections.
    • Always signal your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.
    • Don’t be fooled by a flashing turn signal on a mo­torcycle – motorcycle signals are often not self-canceling and riders sometimes forget to turn them off. Wait to be sure the motorcycle is going to turn before you proceed.
    • Allow more following distance – three or four sec­onds – when behind a motorcycle so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emer­gency.
    • Never tailgate. In dry conditions, motorcycles can stop more quickly than cars.
    • Never drive while distracted.
    In addition, motorcyclists can increase their safety by:
    •  Avoiding riding in poor weather conditions.
    • Wearing brightly colored protective gear and a DOT-compliant helmet.
    • Using turn signals for every turn or lane change, even if the rider thinks no one will see it.
    • Combining hand signals and turn signals to draw more attention to themselves.
    • Using reflective tape and stickers to increase visibility.
    • Positioning themselves in the lane where they will be most visible to other drivers.
    • Never driving while impaired or distracted.
    In hopes of a safe and successful “Bikes to the Beach” event and Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, the Ocean City Police Department reminds all drivers and motorcyclists to help share in the responsibility of keeping all road users safe, and do your part by safely “sharing the road”.
    Submitted: Ocean City Police Dept.

    Riverside Grill ~ Specials~ Friday Evening Entertainment


    *Friday 4/26- Wayne George playing piano classics by Billy Joel, Elton John, Paul McCartney & more-
    starts @ 9 pm
    Thursday Specials
    April 25, 2013
    -Brunswick Stew w/ ½ shrimp salad sandwich or side salad 6.99
     -Taco Salad 6.99
     -Chili Cheese Dog w/ fries 4.99
     Or 2 dogs 6.99
     *Add Chili & Cole Slaw to your burger for $2
     *Add Crab Dip to your burger $4
    $4 burgers 4-close
     Happy Hour 4-7 w/ $1 off all apps!
     8-close: $3.50 Bacardi drinks

    Change Maryland: Gov. O'Malley Must Return to Annapolis, Address Prison Situation

    Change Maryland: Gov. O'Malley Must Return to Annapolis, Address Prison Situation 
    Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan called on Gov. Martin O'Malley to cut short his international travel, return from the Middle East and postpone his musings about running for President until he has addressed a serious issue of major corruption in the state's prison system. More than a dozen Maryland state prison guards helped a dangerous national gang operate a criminal enterprise from behind bars according to federal prosecutors.
    The indictment details systemic failures in a Baltimore jail in which there was no oversight, gross mismanagement and failure of leadership. A gang called Black Guerilla Family (BGF) and one of it's leaders in the Baltimore facility, were allegedly given control of the facility.
    "Martin O'Malley is not running state government. He was smiling in Israel yesterday talking about running for President while his  employees are being charged by the U.S. Attorney," said Hogan.  "It is unacceptable for the Governor to go missing in action while inmates are apparently free to threaten the public's safety from behind bars."
    According to U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, “Correctional officers were in bed with BGF inmates, in violation of the first principle of prison management. Preventing prison corruption requires intensive screening at prison entrances and punishment for employees who consort with inmates or bring cell phones and drugs into correctional facilities.”
    Thirteen corrections officers essentially handed over control of a Baltimore jail to gang leaders, prosecutors said. The officers were charged Tuesday in a federal racketeering indictment.
    Hogan called on the Governor to immediately dismiss his corrections cabinet secretary for gross negligence, failure to provide oversight of the state prison system and complete mismanagement and lack of control over the department.  He also agreed with the need for a sweeping inquiry into the entire prison system that would include active participation from the General Assembly.
    "Nobody should accept inmates running the show, most of all the Governor," said Hogan.