Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bracelets Used To Smoke Pot

Just a simple looking macrame bracelet.
Could it be that these bracelets are in our area and we just haven't noticed?

Written By
Isabel Mascarenas
Tampa, Florida - A bracelet has some educators and parents worried their about more than making a fashion statement. At first glance, the crafty bracelets made out of a macramé type weave with beads and silver accessories look fashionable, even trendy.

"Looks like those little charm bracelets," says parent Michael Messine.

"They look like regular bracelets," says parent Clyana Wint.

But some school officials in the Orlando area are warning parents the bracelets may be used to smoke marijuana and even hide other drug paraphernalia such as crack, heroin and prescription pills.

Clyana says, "That's crazy. [I] would have never thought that."

Mom Lisa Griner says, "It's too bad our kids feel they have to participate in such things."

Michael wants to see them banned. "Anybody that distributes that, brings it into the county, should put them right in jail."

When the bracelet is pulled apart, one end has a small bowl with a filter. There's a small plastic tube woven into the bracelet capped off by a bead and, when unscrewed, can be used as a pipe.

"I would never allow my child to wear that at all. Never," says Clyana.

Michael says, "It gets in the hands of a young kid, that's a big problem."

Parents we spoke with say kids need to be better supervised.

Lisa says, "I think parents need to be more aware of what children are doing, what they have access to, what they are buying."

The bracelets are sold to smoke hookah, a tobacco from the  Middle East. The bracelets even come in necklace sets and can be bought online or in a hookah lounge.

"I have middle schoolers so I definitely will be looking for them and think the schools need to be more aware, have more knowledge about this kind of paraphernalia," says Lisa.

We checked with Bay area school districts and those that responded, Hillsborough, Pinellas and Sarasota, say the bracelets have not shown up in their schools as of yet.

We also checked with many tobacco stores and they say they don't carry the bracelets, but store owners suspect they are ordered online. The bracelets run about $40.


Meet-the-Candidates Forums - Accomack County

Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore will hold Meet-the-Candidates Forums the evenings of
Wednesday, November 2,
and Thursday, November 3,
at Nandua High School, at which the candidates for the Accomack County offices that will be contested in this years election will present their positions on issues and answer questions posed by the public.

The first session of tonight's Forum, which will begin at 7 PM, will present the candidates for County Treasurer Dana Bundick and Gregory Duncan.

The Forum for candidates for Sheriff Todd Godwin, Walter Marks and David Rogers will follow at 8 PM.

Thursday night forum, which will begin at 7 PM, will present the candidates for the seats for Districts 4, 7 and 9 on the Board of Supervisors. The District 4 candidates are Sandra Hart Mears and Kay Lewis.

The District 7 candidates are Laura Belle Gordy and Emory Hurst. The District 9 candidates are Reneta Major and Wesley Edwards.

Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore has been conducting Meet-the-Candidates Forums for local elections in both Eastern Shore counties for the past seven elections, and they have developed a standard program designed to give each candidate a fair opportunity to make his case for election and provide the voters with an opportunity to learn about the positions the candidates take on controversial issues and evaluate their qualifications.

The Forum will open with the moderators welcoming remarks. Each candidate will then to introduce himself or herself and states qualifications for the office he or she seeks. The candidates then give their responses to several questions that have been submitted to them in advance after which they are asked to answer questions posed by members of the audience. At the end of each session, the candidates have a few minutes to make their appeal for support in their closing remarks.

All of the candidates for contested offices in both Northampton and Accomack Counties accepted the invitation to take part in this years Meet-the-Candidates Forums, which Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore sponsors as a public service.

These Forums provide citizens with the best opportunity they will have to evaluate the men and women who are soliciting their votes, and CBES and the candidates urge Accomack residents to attend these events.

Source;  shoredailynews


Pulled Pork Sandwich/ Side
and Drink ~ $7.50

On facebook - Shore Beef and BBQ

Town of Onancock Has New Police Officer

Town of Onancock has announced that Donald W. Killmon has accepted employment with the town as a police officer.

Mr Kilmon, known as Donnie, is a graduate of Arcadia High school and a fully certified law enforcement officer in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

He was previously employed by the Town of Parksley as a police officer for more than 4 years and served in the Accomack Coumty Sheriff's Department as a deputy for more than five year. Kilmon was a member of the U.S. Navy for four years.

Town Manager Tom Robinett stated,  "Onancock is very fortunate to have someone with Donnie's experience and winning personality as the newest member of our Police Department."

Source;  shoredailynews

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

BINGO - November 4th

"Friends Of the Nature Trail" Volunteers Still Needed

A huge THANK YOU ! goes out to those that have signed up to be part of the Friends of the Nature Trail!


There are still days left to do some work on the Pocomoke Nature Trail but as we all know the dismal fall weather that is typical for the Eastern Shore is getting nearer each day....  So are the holidays, followed by winter.  Remember how bored we all became last year and how the snow seemed to never end and spring and summer seemed so far out of reach? 

Well, my friends, here's the remedy for all those long, dismal days!  Sign up NOW  for Friends of the Nature Trail so that there will be something to look forward to when the weather clears in 2012. 

There's no reason to dread those long winter days if you know in the spring there will reason to get outside and DO something worthwhile!

Info below and the number to call..........

The Nature Trail Committee is still looking for community sprited people to volunteer to keep the Pocomoke Nature Trail alive and growing.

For many years the nature trail has been growing and it is so very important to keep this project alive and growing in the future. Here is where the "next generation" can step in. Here is YOUR chance to have a role in being one of the Friends of the Nature Trail.

You know, the Pocomoke River is a beauty by boat but it is just as wonderful to see from the nature trail.

Needed for this continuing project are:

Money Raisers
And of course citizens to help build.

It's a beautiful part of Pocomoke. Pocomoke belongs to YOU.

Grab a friend or relative or two and become members of the Friends of the Nature Trail.

Here's the number to call. Pocomoke City Hall/ (410)957-1333

Give them your name and tell them what part you would like to play in keeping the nature trail growing into the future.

Legislative Updates - From Delegate Mike McDermott

Oct. 31st, 2011

Empty Cupboards and a Demanding King
by Delegate Mike McDermott

As the month of October fades from view, clarity now comes to Marylanders as to the actions taken by the democratic majority in the General Assembly. Those actions culminate in tax, toll, and fee increases at a time when our state’s economic engine is broken and we find ourselves coming in at number 50 in jobs created, and number 1 in jobs lost.

We hear the chant of, “jobs, jobs, jobs”, but the echo can be heard in empty buildings from Garrett to Worcester. Every extra dollar taken by the state government is just another dollar missing from our local economy, and, with a General Fund Budget that spends 12% more than the previous year, and a Capital Budget almost 200 million more than what was recommended by the non-partisan bean counters, increases are unavoidable. The House Republican Caucus offered an alternative budget that limited increases in spending to 3% (the same level of projected revenue increases), but it was rejected.

So, here is a list of what is proposed by the administration and what has been enacted and signed into law in 2011, as unpleasant as it is:

Governor’s Commission on Sustainable Growth (proposal)
Increase in Bay Restoration Fee (Flush Tax)

  • In total 200% increase from $30 per year to $90 per year by FY ’15 (July 2014)
  • In FY ’13 (July 2012) a 100% increase from $30 per year to $60 per year.
  • In FY 15 a 50% increase from $60 per year to $90 per year
  • Indexing to inflation beginning in FY 16 with a cap of 3% per year

Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Funding (proposal)
  • 64% increase in the gas tax over three years (from 23.5¢ to 38.5¢)
  • 100% increase in emission inspection fees (from $14 to $28)
  • 50% increase in vehicle registration fees (from $50.50 to $75.75)
  • 8% increase in vehicle titling tax (from 6% to 6.5%) or elimination of trade-in allowance        

Toll Increases (Approved by the Transportation Authority 9/22/11)
Key Bridge/Fort McHenry Tunnel/ Harbor Tunnel

  • 50% increase from $2 both ways to $3 both ways effective November 1
  • 33% increase from $3 both ways to $4 both ways effective July 1, 2013
  • Total increase 100% from 2011 to 2013.

JFK Memorial Highway Section of I-95/Thomas J. Hatem Memorial Bridge
  • 20% increase from $5 to $6 effective November 1
  • 33% increase from $6 to $8 effective July 1, 2013
  • Total increase 60% from 2011 to 2013

Bay Bridge/US 301 Bridge
  • 60% increase from $2.50 to $4 effective November 1
  • 50% increase from $4 to $6 effective July 1, 2013
  • Total increase 140% from 2011 to 2013

Tax and Fee Increases – 2011 Regular Session
Taxes and Fees Increases in the FY 2012 Budget/BRFA

  • Vehicle Titling Tax doubled $50 to $100
  • Vanity Plate Fee doubled from $25 to $50
  • Land Recording Fees – doubled $20 to $40
  • Birth Certificate Fees – doubled from $12 to $24
  • Increase in Hospital Assessments adding 2.5% to rates
  • Increasing Nursing Home Tax from 4% to 5.5%
  • Parole Supervision Fee – doubled from $25 to $50

New Taxes and Fees in the FY 2012 Budget/BRFA
  • 2% Premium Tax on the Injured Worker Insurance Fund (IWIF)
  • Payroll Garnishment Fee for State Employees
  • Maryland Higher Education Commission Program Approval Fee

Other Bills With Tax and Fee Increases from 2011 Session
  • HB 1196 – Increases the maximum fee imposed by Maryland Historical Trust from 1% to 3%.
  • HB 362 – Increases Licensing Fees for the Home Improvement Commission by $25 for each type of license and a new $20 fee for all initial applications.
  • HB 1213/SB-994 – Increases sales tax on alcohol 50% from 6% to 9%
  • HB 195 – Increases the licensure fee for a secondhand precious metal object dealer or pawnbroker from $75 to $300
  • HB 1022 – Establishes a registration and renewal fee of $1,000 for Debt Settlement Services
  • HB 881 – Establishes an application fee of $100 and a $100 per vehicle registration fee for transporting waste kitchen grease.
  • HB 523 – Requires the State Court Administrator to assess a $100 fee for the special admission of an out-of-state attorney.

Viewing these increases with a backdrop of the 2007 increases is worth noting. How many times will we be told about how increases will be placed in “lock boxes” and how taxes and tolls will support specific projects only to see them channeled into the ever increasing General Fund. Speaking of those not to distant increases, less we forget:

Remembering When… The 2007 Special Session
The Largest Tax Increase In Maryland’s History (so far anyway)

  • 20% Increase in the Sales and Use Tax (From 5% to 6%)
  • Also included an expansion to Computer Service which was repealed in the ’08 regular session and replaced with the "Millionaire’s Tax", a 6.25% tax rate on incomes over $1 million. The "Millionaire’s Tax" sunsetted on December 31, 2010.
  • 18 % Increase in the Corporate Income Tax (From 7% to 8.25%)
  • 20% Increase in Vehicle Excise Tax
  • 117% Increase In Vehicle Titling Fee
  • 100% Increase in Cigarette Tax
  • 5% Income Tax Increase on Incomes over $150,000 (4.75% to 5%)
  • 11% Income Tax Increase on Incomes over $300,000 (4.75% to 5.25%)
  • 16% Income Tax Increase on Incomes over $500,000 (4.75% to 5.5%)

(*Many thanks to the House Republican Caucus for compiling the facts and figures)

We all understand the need for government to collect taxes, but how can we accept outrageous government growth in spending when our wallets are bare? Maryland is suffering under a progressive weight from which she longs to be free. Her people are suffering, her businesses fleeing, and those in power refuse to yield or learn.

Maryland, my Maryland...hang in there. Your people are wiping the slumber from their eyes.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Worcester County Sheriff's Office


On 10/27/2011, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Deputy arrested Anitwon Maurice Peoples, B/M, (DOB 09/21/1982), of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania on a Circuit Court Bench Warrant for Violation of Probation. Peoples was later held on $35,000 bond at the Worcester County Jail.

On 10/27/2011, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Deputy arrested Alfred Ray Ward, W/M, (DOB 09/10/1970), of Middleton, Pennsylvania on a Circuit Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear. Ward was later held on $2,500 bond at the Worcester County Jail.

On October 21, 2011 members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Enforcement Team were conducting a controlled dangerous substance investigation in the Pocomoke, Maryland area. During this investigation, members of the Criminal Enforcement Team conducted a traffic stop of a vehicle in the vicinity of U.S. Route 13 and Rout 756. As a result of this traffic stop a subsequent vehicle search was conducted at which time a passenger in this vehicle, identified as Dana Lamar Collick, Age 22 of Pocomoke, Maryland, was found to be in possession of approximately 3.5 grams of crack cocaine. A second passenger in the vehicle, identified as Terrence Richard Justice, Age 28, of Temperenceville, Virginia, was found to be wanted on an outstanding Bench Warrant from Wicomico County, for Failure To Appear in court. Both Dana Collick and Terrence Justice were placed under arrest and transported to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office for processing. Dana Collick was subsequently charged with possession of crack cocaine and taken before a district court commissioner for initial appearance. Disposition was unavailable at the time this was authored. Terrence Justice was committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $15,000.00 bond regarding to the outstanding Bench Warrant for his arrest.

FINAL NIGHT For "The Den of Darkness"

Trick or Treat!!


5:00 PM UNTIL 7:00 PM

For children ages 12 and UNDER


Missing Dog - Answers To the Name "PETER"


Fox Terrier whose name is "Peter"

Peter lives on St. Thomas Road in Clam, Virginia (behind Parksley)

If you see him PLEASE  
Call/text - 757-303-0232

His family misses him so very much

 !!REWARD !!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... Old Time Religion--NOT!

February, 1895

(The Telegram- Eau Claire, Wis.)


Performance of a Gang of Free Lovers on Chicoteague Island

There is a gang of free lovers on Chincoteague Island that has greatly demoralized the people and caused no end of trouble. One man, Thomas Bowden, has recently been killed, and more trouble is expected. Joe Lynch is the leader of the gang, and many of the ignorant people have become his followers. It is said that Lynch obtained permission from the authorities of Accomac county to perform marriage and other ceremonies usually pertaining to a minister of the gospel, and in a short time he promulgated doctrines that have led to more trouble.

One of these doctrines- and the one productive of the most trouble- is that each member of the band is to select a "watchman" the man to choose a woman, and vice versa. The couples meet alone together to study Scripture and "meditate." As these meditations frequently last nearly all night, and the "two's" seldom being man and wife, there is considerable objection to the "meditating," especially when a sanctified wife of an "unsanctified" man meditates until 2 or 3a.m. with one of the brethren. Nor do the unsanctified wives feel a sufficient confidence in their "sanctified" husbands to sit contently at home knowing that they are meditating and talking scripture with another woman who is perhaps younger and prettier. Lynch has given it out that all persons who are married according to legal form or by an "unsanctified" minister are in the eyes of God guilty of breaking the seventh commandment and that the children of such unions are illegitimate. These are a few of the teachings of this fanatic, all of them being on a par with the instances given.

The lamentable feature of the case is that Lynch's followers believe him and are energetic in making proselytes. A branch "church" was started at Williamsville, Del., and quite a number have embraced the "sanctified" idea. A few believers also live in Box Iron in the county, a small hamlet near the Sinepuxent Bay and near Chincoteague. An astonishing feature about these people is the readiness with which they quote Scripture and point out how sinful everyone except the "sanctified" are. To do this they display much skill in taking scraps of the truth and severing them from the context to excuse the excesses committed by themselves. The citizens of Chincoteague have got a white elephant on their hands that they would like very much to be rid of, and the desire has only been strengthened by the killing of Bowden. -Richmond State

Footnote: Published reports in September, 1896 placed Joe Lynch, a modern Noah, along a small river in eastern North Carolina with about 120 members of his "sanctified band," with four arks prepared awaiting the "second flood" due December 25th.


January, 1975

Around town, 1975.

Some business locations around Pocomoke City from some 36 years ago (from a newspaper ad indicating where The Salisbuy Daily and Sunday Times was available for sale):

Nock's Atlantic Station, Route 13 North

Riverview Market, just across the bridge

George Reid's, Market Street

Mac Littleton's, Clarke Avenue

Sam Roth's, Clarke Avenue

Paige Webb's, 2nd & 4th Streets

Larry's Market, Market Street

B&B Sub Shop, Market Street

Twin Towers, Route 13 South

Bank's Market, Market Street

Worth's Store, Dividing Creek Road


September, 1881

(The Denton Journal)

Water Ten Cents A Gallon.- Owing to the extremely dry weather of the past month the stock of water on hand in Crisfield has been entirely consumed. The demand is now supplied from the Princess Anne wells . It is brought down by the Eastern Shore Railroad Company and dealt out to the eager purchasers at ten cents per gallon.- Crisfield Leader.



April, 1904

(The New York Times)

Times Square Is The Name Of City's New Center

Mayor McClellan yesterday signed the resolution adopted by the Board Of Aldermen on Tuesday last changing the name of Long Acre Square to that of Times Square. This follows out the recommendations of the Rapid Transit Commission and the Interborough Rapid Transit Company, which is to operate the subway; and it is intended by the Rapid Transit Commission at its next meeting to call the subway station at Broadway and Forty-second Street Times Station.

Times Square takes in the triangle on which the new building of The New York Times is situated, and the name applies to the entire section between Forty-second and Forty-seventh Streets, Broadway, and Seventh Avenue.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Pocomoke Trick of Treat Time


5:00 PM UNTIL 7:00 PM

For children ages 12 and UNDER


Worcester County Sheriff's Office Offers "Candy Checkpoint"

October 31, 2011
From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Worcester County Circuit Courthouse
Located at 1 West Market Street
Snow Hill, Maryland

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Community Policing Division in it's continuing efforts to protect area children and promote "Safe Kids" will conduct a free "Candy Checkpoint" as a added means of protecting our area youth.

The checkpoint will open promptly at 6 pm for trick or treaters that wish to have their candy "x-rayed."

Children should be accompanied by adults and this is not intended to replace the careful screening of the child's candy by a responsible adult.

TODAY at the Mar-Va Theater

MAY 17, 1926 ~ MAY 18, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Missing Dog - Answers To the Name "PETER"

"I am a Fox Terrier.  My family calls me Peter.
I really need to go home because I know my family is missing me very much and are very worried about me. 

Please help me find my way back home..........

I live in the Clam, Virginia area (behind Parksley) on  St. Thomas Road."

Call/text - 757-303-0232

Please keep an eye and an ear out for Peter.  The night is very cold and rainy.  If you hear a dog bark or crying in your area please call out to it.... it may be Peter and you may help save his little life.  He's been gone from home a very long time.  He could have wandered anywhere or could be somewhere trying to keep himself warm.......  Thanks.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Old Time Religion---NOT!

It's 1895 and citizens of Chincoteague are troubled by the actions of an outsider who, in the name of religion, is recruiting followers to "a gang of free lovers."

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Halloween Costumes Can't Hide a Drunk Driver - VA State Police Say So!

By Virginia State Police
RICHMOND – As Virginians celebrate Halloween this year, state police is reminding everyone to keep the party off the road and not to drink and drive. Troopers will be conducting saturation patrols looking for impaired drivers and participating in DUI sobriety checkpoints during the Halloween holiday.

“It won’t be the costumes or pranks that will be scary but someone who makes the reckless decision of driving drunk this Halloween,” says Colonel W. Steven Flaherty, Virginia State Police Superintendent. “Impaired drivers put lives at risk. Be smart this Halloween and don’t be one of the statistics. If you plan to drink then make sure you designate a driver.”

State troopers will step up DUI patrols during the Halloween weekend to help make Virginia’s highways and neighborhoods even safer. In addition, State Police recommends these simple tips:          
  • Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin;
  • Before drinking, please designate a sober driver and give that person your keys;
  • If you’re impaired, use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation so you are sure to get home safely;
  • If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact Virginia State Police by dialing #77 on your cell phone. For more information, please visit
In addition, with inclement weather forecasted in parts of the Commonwealth, motorists are reminded to be extra careful if they have to travel tonight through Saturday, Oct. 29. Those needing to travel are advised to:
  • Add extra time to reach travel destination
  • Slow speed for road conditions
  • Increase driving distances between vehicles
  • Buckle up and don’t drive distracted
  • Call 511 for road conditions – not 911 or #77, as these are for emergency calls only

Last Night For "A Delmarva Haunting"

Your last chance for a frightening night!.........
IF you dare go there...............

Be sure nothing follows you home............


The Ocean City Police Narcotics Unit in partnership with the Assateague Coastal Trust, Berlin Police Department, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and Worcester County Health Department will be participating in "OPERATION MEDICINE DROP," a one-day medication take-back effort to be held on
Saturday, October 29, from 10 2 p.m.
"Operation Medicine Drop" is a bi-annual Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) federal program in conjunction with state and local law enforcement to encourage citizens to properly dispose of their prescription drugs. The objective is to get unwanted, unused and expired prescription medication out of people’s cabinets and off of the streets. Citizens are urged to not flush their medication or throw them away. Disposing of medication properly prevents the medication from entering our waterways and landfills.
There will be six drop off locations in Worcester County. Berlin Police Department, 10 Williams St.
Worcester County Health Dept., Public Landing Road, Snow Hill
Ocean City Public Safety Building, 6501 Coastal Hwy, OC/MD
Pocomoke Health Center, 400-A Walnut Street
Food Lion, Manklin Creek Rd, Ocean Pines
Food Lion, Rt 611, West Ocean City
The Maryland Executive Board Members of the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) have hailed this effort as a success in keeping unwanted and unused prescription drugs out of the hands of persons who shouldn’t have them as well as out ofMarylandcoastal bays and waterways. This program was considered a success last April, yielding over 130 pounds of prescription medication in Worcester County.
The program is free and confidential.

If you have any questions, please contact the OCPD Public Affairs Office at: 410-723-6665 or 410-529-5395.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Robert Wood Jr. Found Alive on Day 6 of Search in the Woods

HANOVER COUNTY, VA (WTVR) - Robert Wood Jr. has been found alive following a six-day search in the woods north of Richmond, Vir., confirmed Batt. Chief Willie Jones with the Hanover County Fire Department.

Robert was found at approximately 2 p.m. in a creek bed at the Martin Marietta quarry, under a mile from where he was last seen. The eight-year-old boy is said to be in good condition and has been helicopter lifted to the Medical College of  Virginia.

Robert is in the emergency room being evaluated and treated.

"He was in serious but good shape," said Lt. Col. David Hines, who said that Robert was found by a citizen volunteer.

Robert was reportedly found in the fetal position and with all his clothes still on, said Hines.
He could be treated for anything from malnutrition to hypothermia in this situation said a doctor. Temperatures dropped very low several nights, and the forecast called for falling temperatures, sleet and light snow ahead for the weekend.

Staff and parents are at MCV waiting to get information to piece together how Robert wound up in that location, Hanover Sheriff's Captain Mike Trice said.
"I knew something was happening that was powerful and was fortunate to be part of the team when he was found," said Trice, who also said the helicopter "just couldn't get there fast enough, land fast enough."

It is possible that Robert crossed Verdon Road and wound up in the quarry, and that would explain why search crews found little evidence of the boy in the search grids.

Robert has autism and does not speak, a factor which had complicated the search. There was concern that search crews would startle him and make him run.
Officials have said that Robert had a fascination with the water. The North Anna Nuclear Plant helped aid in the search effort by lowering the water.

Search teams placed survial kits, with blankets and food rations, throughout the forests and they were illuminated with glowsticks.
 Police said Robert ran away from his family around 2:45 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 23. [STORY: Read the orginal story that CBS6 first broke on the missing boy]

He was hiking with his father, younger brother and his father's girlfriend on one of the wooded trails along an 80-acre Civil War battlefield in Hanover County.

Adam Warman, with the Faison School for Autism, that Robert attends, said that cheers rang out through the school when the announcement was made over the loudspeaker that Robert had been found.

"They started yelling and cheering, and crying," said Warman.
The six-day search operation took place on land, water and air. [PHOTOS: Dive teams and dogs search North Anna River for missing boy]

Helicopters flew through the park and surrounding areas, using thermal imaging at night. The orginal search parameters, limited to the park's 80-acres, were extended to over 20 square miles.

Since the park backs up to the water, boats searched the North Anna River.

Since Tuesday, Oct. 25, thousands have shown up to volunteer for the missing boy. On Friday, Oct. 28, 600 returning volunteers showed up to search, and 600 new volunteers were deployed.
"Never been involved in a search with this many volunteers," Hines said.

Trice had said earlier in the week at a press event that Hanover had never seen an operation like this. Hundreds of citizens and agencies coordinated in the efforts and volunteered to help search for the missing boy. It was a regional effort.

"Trunk Or Treat" - Midway On Saturday


Letter To The Editor - MD Coast Dispatch

Missed Opportunity

Having read the letter from Hardwire CEO George Tunis, I think we've lost an opportunity. I think residents nearby to the rifle range never had a clear picture of the opportunity he offered. I think reconsideration by all involved would be best for our community.

Yes, Worcester County has a rifle range where even machine guns are commonly used.

What I foresaw for our community with small scale engineering tests was a presence at the Worcester County Training Range that was willing to maintain the area better and, importantly, a user who would notify locals of testing times.

George Tunis said his charges were going to be smaller than charges previously detonated in Newark. He said that military testing protocols for the armor he protects troops with create a noise-dampening effect because the charges are buried. He said that instead of open-air/flat surface testing as previous AFT training had been, his would be buried and surrounded by woods. They would still go boom, but quieter.

Finding a much-needed training and testing site here is like choosing a landfill site near Denver: It's all breathtakingly beautiful but they still must have a landfill.

Much of our seacoast is indeed beautiful, too, but this isn't about further scaring of the old borrow pit nor burying of trash.

It's about single detonations.

Deer still browse near the county range despite thousands of machine-gun rounds. Ducks still use the bayfront salt ponds.

Eagles positively thrive at Aberdeen Proving Grounds where fantastically more powerful explosions take place almost daily.

Animals generally do thrive where people are absent.

Unfortunately, Aberdeen's off limits to our local manufacturer except when summoned for military testing. He has to take a truckload of money elsewhere for small-scale engineering tests.

I say this to Worcester County's residents: George Tunis is a man of his word. Let us see and hear for ourselves whether there is intolerable noise from these tests, Let local residents dispel their notions and know facts -- test the various charges.

I believe Newark will benefit when they know the truth.

Give Hardwire a chance. Let ATF or the OC Bomb Squad noise-test various charges.

In all of my 30-plus years at sea, several times a week the ocean's quiet tranquility is shattered with the sonic booms of Navy jets on training maneuvers. They're clear to go supersonic outside 20 nautical miles. Hurts your ears, rattles your bones, scares the tar out of you -- the sound of freedom.

I think Worcester County can survive and endure smaller scale noise a few days a year that our soldiers might survive a direct hit in battle. What cost would we not bear that they might enjoy the benefit of coming home. Ours is only the cost of an extra rumble of thunder, a sound of freedom that rolls across our bay and farmland, soon to become as peaceful as a father's hug returned from battle.

Hardwire's products brings soldiers home alive.

Capt. Monty Hawkins


A Delmarva Haunting..............



Shore Beef and BBQ ~ Friday Lunch Info


Beef Brisket Sandwich w/ side
Drink - $7.50

Shore Beef and BBQ will be closing today around 5:30 to join The Den of  Darkness @New Church Fire Dept.
You can purchase their delicious bbq there....