Monday, November 7, 2011

Accomack Citizens Vote For Sheriff Tomorrow - And More......

One important decision Accomack county residents will be making is deciding the postion of Accomack county Sheriff. The two candidates Walter Marks and David Rogers and Incumbant Todd Godwin. Godwin was appointed Sheriff upon the retirement of Sheriff Larry Giddens, who retired in August.
In a forum last week each candidate spoke during a forum held open to the public. In reviewing their own personal views of changes that need to be made I am quite certain that either one of them is to hold the job. Most of what they spoke of and the changes that need/should be made make sense.....but then there are some that just dont.
Personally, I like the fact that shortly before his retirement the then Sheriff Giddens partnered with the nearby counties in the attempt to clean up crime- not in just one neighborhood- but all neighborhoods in many joining counties. I'm mainly speaking of Accomack County and Worcester County simply because I know more about it.

Reggie Mason was elected as sheriff in Worcester County last year. It was at that time our present Sheriff Larry Giddens began working with the Worcester County Sheriff's office in sharing information concerning crime in both counties. This makes most sense since both counties are close.  Knowing this should give all of us the satisfaction of knowing law enforcement is working for US and doing their best.

At the present time Sheriff Todd Godwin maintains that friendly working relationship with, not just Worcester County, but many counties up and down the East Coast. I am sure most of you are aware of the major drug busts in both counties recently. Not only have these drug busts been successful in Accomack but Northampton County as well.

Sheriff Todd Godwin, his department and all departments called to duty to fight crime and rid out streets of criminals have done an outstanding job in a short period of time. I am certain that will continue.

Utilizing delivery persons, utility persons, bus drivers as eyes for the law is a good thing. It is a needed tool in our society today. Worcester County has been using this method for quite some time.

Community meetings- IF you can get the people to attend. I don't want to attend only to hear that crime is down. If you can't tell me WHERE, WHAT the crimes ARE I'm not interested. The public needs to know if the house on their block has been robbed, what was taken, what day.....residents deserve to know everything there is to know if you want US to be your eyes and ears.

Open and honest crime reports - weekly or monthly. If the suspect is still at large and you know who you are looking for DO NOT give us a discription and a name! Give us a PHOTO. So many people today have nicknames. We don't know the real names and just a worded description is of no use. We'll forget that. Most people can remember a face.

Crime reports are most important to the residence of Accomack County because we simply only know about an arrest when it is written in the local paper (once in a while) or after the trial. This is no good. I always ask "when did this occur"?

As residents of Accomack County we can not help YOU fight crime if you do not give us the tools we need.

Crime education in school? Oh, this is my favorite! What a waste of time. Those children that you will spend time talking about crime to and how to avoid, stay safe, etc. are the same children that go home to it. Children mimic, most times, what they learn and see at home.

It's an environmental problem, I guess. I spent many years raising my children (as many parents have/do) to be law abiding citizens because that's where it's supposed to begin. It's the PARENTS responsibility NOT mine. I certainly do not want MY tax dollars being spent on anything but a decent education for these children.

What are we supposed to do about these children that need that extra education about crime? Don't know. Maybe check with the parents.

Good luck to all three in the race for Sheriff of Accomack County. Three wonderful men - Each of them qualified to do the job.

Huge Fire Roars In Preston....And I Was Thinking....

Sometimes I don't understand why things can't always remain where they were, or the way they were, when you left them while you were young and growing up. Childhood memories.

A massive fire roared through a  vacant building on the corner of Main and Maple Streets  in Preston, Maryland that needed assistance from fire companies from Caroline County and the neighboring counties of Talbot and Dorchester Counties. 

Preston, Maryland, in case you don't know, is called "the biggest little town in the USA".  My guess would be there are maybe 700 to 800 people living in Preston and I'll just bet half were there.  

I remember well that building from my childlhood days. My dear Grandmother lived across the street. My sister and skipped along the sidewalk many days on end as children with that building across the street never out of our sight.

My childhood memory of it was that the Preston News and Farmer newpaper office was there. In my memories of that great building   the older people of the town, after leaving the office, would cross the street and speak to my sister and me.

They knew knew everyone in that small town. And it didn't hurt to be the granddaughters of the once town police chief (back in the day) and have a dad,(also firemen) aunts and uncles (firemen) that were all well known. My great grandfather settled there. My great uncle and second and thirds cousins were farmers.

Looking at the photos here (taken by my second cousin) I couldn't help but think that if we were still children watching the blaze how the heat would warm our faces.....the water from the hoses wetting our feet.  My Grandmother and Mother and Father would have had a different idea about the ordeal and would have taken us into the house hoping fire wouldn't spread as massive fires  often do.  The old building is gone. 

 Soon the remaining portions will be torn down,  loaded up and hauled away.  Forgotten.

I will always remember that building and the fond  childhood memories that go with it for as long as I have memory......

Steph- I borrowed your photos.

Notice To Shore Beef and BBQ Customers

NOTICE: According to Ron of SHORE BEEF and BBQ there has been a change in plans and SHORE BEEF and BBQ  WILL be in

ACCOMAC at their Front Street location 

Get your appetites ready
cancel the brown bag lunch!!!


Pulled Pork Sandwich/ w side
Drink ~ $7.50

  !! ALL DAY !!

You can find Shore Beef and BBQ on facebook.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Progress Being Made On New Restaurant

I hardly ever make a trip to Pocomoke that I don't travel from one end of Market Street to the downtown bridge.  Since it has been flying high in Cypress Park, at the base of the drawbridge,  the American flag has always been a wonder to see for me.  It always amazed me just how far back on Market Street one can see that magnificent array of red, white and blue.
Sunday October 30, 2011 - After taking photographs of the many ways a flag can fold in the wind I couldn't leave without checking on the progress of the new restaurant being built at the edge of the Pocomoke River. 

I was so delighted to see that progress seems to be coming along nicely and certainly hope that the winter months ahead don't hamper the progress.

A friend of mine and myself have made plans to visit the restaurant when it opens to talk about two of the things we love about Pocomoke City............
the wonderful American flag
and the beauty of the Pocomoke River.

(I hope they have crab crepes on the menu)

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting

7:30 p.m., Monday, November 7, 2011
City Hall

1.      Call to Order, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
2.      Review and approval of minutes from meeting of October 3, 2011.

3.      Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.      Authorize Mayor to sign proclamation for Native American Month – November 2011 and Native American Heritage Day – November 25, 2011.

5.      Mr. Donnie Drewer, District Engineer of Maryland State Highway Administration, to discuss S.H.A. projects and plans for 2012.

6.      Mr. Tom Worley, representing Comcast of Delmarva, Inc., to discuss upcoming franchise agreement renewal.

7.      Discuss letter from the County Council of Talbot County regarding the possible closure and relocation of the U.S. Postal Service Processing Facility in Easton, Maryland.

8.      City Manager to present four-month budget status report.  (October 30, 2011)

9.      Discuss proposal from Beauchamp Construction Company to construct concrete pad for generator at Water Treatment Plant.

10.  Discuss proposal from Maryland Environmental Service (M.E.S.) for smoke testing of sewer manholes as part of an Infiltration/Inflow Study.

11.  Review bids for demolition of vacant house at 501 Laurel Street.
Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.

Mob Threatens Worcester Prosecutor...Big State Police promotion to Pocomoke native... Prominent Pocomoke business and civic leader is remembered.


March, 1932

(The Morning Herald- Hagerstown, Md.)

Mob Threatens Worcester County Prosecutor

Berlin, Md., March 24 (AP)- An investigation to establish the identity of the members of the mob which surrounded the Atlantic Hotel early today and threatened State's Attorney Godfrey Child, was promised today by Charles R. Mason of Pocomoke City, a member of the Worcester County Board of Commissioners.

Mason said the investigation would be conducted by the County Board of Commissioners.

Meanwhile, State's Attorney Child was resting comfortably at his home in Pocomoke City after being conducted there by Sheriff Wilmer S. Purnell after the latter and state troopers had dispersed the mob about the hotel. He made no intimations today concerning any actions he may take against the persons in the crowd.

The mob action followed the rendering of the decision by Justice Of The Peace William J. Bratten in dismissing the kidnapping and assault charges against Robert Allen, Chief of Police of Ocean City, and George K. Jarvis, prominent cattleman. The charges had been preferred by Charles W. Brown who said he had been waylaid and held a prisoner by Allen, Jarvis and two other men for five days last week.

State's Attorney Child presented the evidence for the complainant at the hearing last night and the attitude of the crowd wanted to know why the decision had been in the favor of the defendants. A window in the hotel where Child planned to spend the night was broken and the State's Attorney's automobile was wrecked.

After the hotel was darkened and the doors bolted, Sheriff Purnell and state police were called to break up the mob. Later the Sheriff took the prosecutor to his home.

Footnote: State's Attorney Godfrey Child was also involved in a highly publicized murder case from this same era in which Euel Lee, aka "Orphan Jones," was ultimately convicted and executed for murdering a Berlin area (Taylorville) farm family of four. To the reader who left a comment regarding this case on my preview posting this past Thursday, and to others who may be interested, more information is available at


December, 1969

Maryland State Police Superintendent Robert J. Lally announced that Pocomoke City native Edwin D. McGee would become Commander of the State Police for the lower Eastern Shore. Sergeant Major McGee was a 28-year veteran of the force and along with becoming Commander of the Salisbury Barracks he would also rise to the rank of Lieutenant. In Pocomoke City MeGee was a former president of the Lions Club and an active participant in matters involving Pocomoke City schools.


January, 1977

Pocomoke City residents were remembering the life of R. Harlan Robertson, Sr., prominent civic and business leader in the community, who passed away at age 99. In 1906 he and his brother Clarence founded Pocomoke Foundry And Machine Works, later known as Robertson Brothers. He served in the Maryland legislature as a Worcester County Delegate and later served on the Pocomoke town council from 1924-1938, and served for nearly two decades on the Worcester County Welfare Board. He was a longtime president of Citizens National Bank. Numerous memberships included the Pocomoke City Rotary Club where he was a former president.



March, 1948

(The Times Recorder- Newark, Ohio)

New Magnetic Tape Recorder

Music lovers- and especially those who make a hobby of collecting fine record albums- have a new thrill in store for them when they hear Magnesonic, the sensational new electronic instrument which was made available to the Ohio market today.

Featuring an entirely new method of recording and reproducing on magic magnetic tape, Magnesonic is the product of Sound Recorder and Reproducer corporation of Philadelphia, and only a few weeks ago was formally introduced to a national retailers convention in New York City. 

Ohio dealers are the first in the nation to publicly offer for sale this new machine which has literally hundreds of uses for magic tape, and with which it is possible to make the finest symphonic, orchestral, and oral recordings directly from a home microphone or from radio broadcasts.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Time Changes ..... FALL BACK!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Mob Threatens Worcester Prosecutor!

A 1932 incident has the State's Attorney in need of police protection... 1969 brings a big State Police promotion to a Pocomoke native... a prominent Pocomoke business and civic leader is remembered in 1977.

Read more this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Candidates For Sheriff- Accomack County - Part 2

Written by
Candy Farlow
The candidates were also asked about relations with the Hispanic Community with Godwin citing the language barrier as a hurdle as well as their reluctance to call police. He said his goal is to treat them like anyone else in Accomack County. Marks suggested that local ministers be utilized in getting the message to the Hispanics that the police are there to help and are not their enemy. He also noted that Spanish classes for deputies were an option. Rogers meanwhile called for the hiring of a bi-lingual officer for the department.

The issue of turnover in the sheriffs department was raised by an audience question. In response Godwin said, Im not here to debate Sheriffs Goddens policies but he noted that he did have two employees return to the department when he took over. He also said some towns had been actively recruiting some of his officers but none applied for the positions.

Marks contended there has been turnover in the department. He said three former deputies were now working for him in Onley.

Rogers commented that he is one of the turnover officers. He went on to say that the workload in the department was affecting all parts of his life and management was not doing anything to relieve that strain.

When asked if there had been a passing of the torch from Giddens to Godwin, the new sheriff stated that he had no control over Sheriff Giddens retirement. He noted that he had started at the bottom and worked his way up to Chief Deputy, the position which the code calls for to be appointed to fill unexpired terms.

 Rogers had a different take on the situation, saying at the beginning of Sheriff Giddens term he said he was going to serve the full eight years. But, said Rogers, he was later told to sit back and wait that his turn would come. Rogers said he was told in 12 years I would get my chance to run the county. We prayed, we cried, he said, we did all we could but the torch was passed.


"Merry Autumn"

Merry Autumn
 by Paul Laurence Dunbar
It's all a farce,—these tales they tell
About the breezes sighing,
And moans astir o'er field and dell,
Because the year is dying.

Such principles are most absurd,—
I care not who first taught 'em;
There's nothing known to beast or bird
To make a solemn autumn.

In solemn times, when grief holds sway
With countenance distressing,
You'll note the more of black and gray
Will then be used in dressing.

Now purple tints are all around;
The sky is blue and mellow;
And e'en the grasses turn the ground
From modest green to yellow.

The seed burs all with laughter crack
On featherweed and jimson;
And leaves that should be dressed in black
Are all decked out in crimson.

A butterfly goes winging by;
A singing bird comes after;
And Nature, all from earth to sky,
Is bubbling o'er with laughter.

The ripples wimple on the rills,
Like sparkling little lasses;
The sunlight runs along the hills,
And laughs among the grasses.

The earth is just so full of fun
It really can't contain it;
And streams of mirth so freely run
The heavens seem to rain it.

Don't talk to me of solemn days
In autumn's time of splendor,
Because the sun shows fewer rays,
And these grow slant and slender.

Why, it's the climax of the year,—
The highest time of living!—
Till naturally its bursting cheer
Just melts into thanksgiving.

Friday, November 4, 2011

187 East Performance Mud Bog Team &"Touch A Truck" in Parksley - Saturday

The 187 East Performance Mud Bog Team will have their mudbogging trucks displayed in the "Touch A Truck" event in Parksley, Virginia this Saturday. 

"Short and Sassy"
Driver Barry Wise
Please feel free to bring you child to see the trucks and get a real hands on experience with them and all the trucks that will be on display. 

"Sod Buster"
Driver Barry Long

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Parksley Town Square
Parksley, Virginia
10:00 AM until 3:00 PM

"All Night Soldier"
Driver Patrick Long

Also on Saturday




Candidates For Sheriff Debate - Part 1

By Candy Farlow

The second of two candidate forums held by Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore Wednesday night featured the three candidates for Accomack County Sheriff.

Incumbent Todd Godwin was the first to address the gathering, highlighting his 26 years of law enforcement experience, 21 years of which have been served in the office he now administers. Godwin was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Sheriff Larry Giddens who retired in August and is now seeking to win his first election to the post.

Challenging Godwin is Walter Marks who retired from the Virginia State Police and now serves as the Chief of Police for the Town of Onley. The third candidate in the race to be decided Tuesday is David Rogers, a former deputy with the Sheriffs Office.

Following the introductions, each candidate was asked to explain how they would reduce crime in the county. Marks, noting that there is a prevention program for elementary students, said that similar initiatives are needed for middle and high school students.

He also called for more Neighborhood Watches, utilizing utility and delivery persons as extra eyes for the department and increased visibility.

Rogers called for more manpower and education. He said more manpower could be obtained by establishing a sheriffs auxiliary and an education program could help people learn how not to become a victim.

Godwin noted that crime on the Eastern Shore was down last year over the previous reporting period. He noted that the placing of computers in the department vehicles has allowed deputies to spend more time on the road and less in the office. He said he will also be asking the county to fund the hiring of a county ordinance enforcement officer.

When asked about improvements for the jail, Rogers said the department is dealing with an outdated, overpopulated facility. He said 24 hour nursing is needed and training for officers to better identify inmates with mental illness. He also called for the construction of a sally port for security in transferring prisoners from vehicles to the jail.

Marks said as sheriff he would immediately conduct a security survey in order to make the facility as safe as possible for the inmates, but more importantly for the people who work there.

Godwin said the jail, built in 1968, is structurally sound and secure as are the policies by which it is administered. He noted that a grant received last year provided for the placement of video cameras in all single cells and cell blocks. Godwin said he would continue the jails GED and ministry program as well as work release trash details, programs the other candidates said they also support.

The men also addressed the regional jail which has five beds dedicated to housing Accomack County prisoners. Marks called for more use of the regional facility by Accomack while Godwin maintained it is in the countys best interest to house as many of its own prisoners as possible. Rogers stated he is not familiar with the regional jail agreement between Accomack and Northampton but that he would research it.

All three candidates also spoke in support of cooperation among all law enforcement agencies on the Shore with Marks calling for regular meetings to disseminate information among officers. Rogers agreed and called for a hot sheet to be regularly distributed to share information on cases. Godwin noted that he has already held on roundtable with other agencies, that his office is sharing be on the lookout notices and are informing police chiefs when incidents happen within their towns.

With regard to drug trafficking, Rogers called for more officers on the highway dedicated to patrolling for drugs, and again stated his desire for a sheriffs auxiliary which he said could help free up deputies for such detail. Marks praised the work of the Eastern Shore Drug Task Force and called for more support for that inter-agency team. He also said high visibility and more training in drug interdiction area needed. Godwin, noting that the number of deputies which are funded is determined by the state compensation board noted that he has shifted an administrative position to provide for a second deputy the on the task force.


Home Town Troop Support

Thankyou for your decision to protect this wonderful country.
We salute you, Nick Jones! 
May God bless you and keep you safe along your journey.

Saturday Is Absentee Deadline

Voters may still apply and vote absentee in-person through Saturday for the November 8 elections.

Voters have through Saturday, November 5 to apply and vote absentee in-person.

However, the deadline to apply to vote absentee by mail was November 1. In order to be counted, voted absentee ballots must be received by the time the polls close at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8.

In order to vote by absentee ballot a voter is required to complete an application listing a qualifying reason. Virginia allows a voter to vote by absentee ballot if they are unable to go to the polls on Election Day for any of the following reasons:

Student-They are a student attending an educational institution or a spouse of a student attending an educational institution, and they are absent from their locality.

Caregiver-They are the primary caregiver for a family member confined at home due to disability or illness.

Business-They will be outside of their locality due to business reasons.

Confinement in jail-They are awaiting trial or have been convicted of a misdemeanor.

Personal Business or Vacation-They will be traveling outside their county or city on personal business or vacation.

Election Official-They are an electoral board member, a Registrar, or an Officer of Election or custodian of voting equipment.

U.S. Uniformed Services or Merchant Marines They are on active duty or are the spouse or a dependent of an active duty service member, and they are absent from their locality.

They are working and commuting to and from home for 11 or more hours during the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Disability or illness-Temporarily residing outside of the United States or a spouse of someone temporarily residing out of the United States Religious obligation Pregnancy.

To accommodate in-person absentee voting or to assist voters by responding to other questions, general registrar offices will be open on Saturday. Voters should check with their local registrar for the exact hours of operation.

Voters can also call to check their polling location or precinct before Election Day. The Virginia State Board of Elections is strongly encouraging voters to check this information before going to vote. Even though a voter may not have moved they may still experience a change. As a result of redistricting, a voters polling place, districts, or precinct may have changed.

Voter registration offices in both Accomack and Northampton Counties will be open Saturday for last minute absentee voters. Their hours will be 8:30-12:30 and 1 til 5 PM. For more information in Accomack call 787-2935 and in Northampton call 678-0480.

More Information Complete list of reasons for absentee ballot

Source;  Shoredailynews

Friday Special At SHORE BEEF and BBQ

(You're going to love this special today!)

(grilled chicken breast topped with applewood smoked bacon and cheddar cheese)
w/Side and Drink ~ $7.95

But here's what Ron says if you want lettuce and tomato with that!  It's going to cost you
$200.00  !!!  HA HA HA- he says.

But really,
 why mess up a great sandwich like that with rabbit food!


Parksely's Fall Festival & 1st Annual Ugliest Truck Contest Combined

Last weekend the weather did not cooperate with the plans the town of Parksley had made for presenting the Fall Festival so.....
This weekend the town of Parksley has combined the Fall Festival with the 1st Ugliest Truck Contest.  Some of the activities arranged for last Saturday have been rescheduled into this Saturdays events.
Ugliest Truck Contest
Begins @ 2:00
Proceeds from the contest go to the medically disadvantaged children of the Eastern Shore.
(Parksley Fire Company / Vendors)

"Touch A Truck"
Gives children a chance to see up close many different sized and types of vehicles.
A wonderful opportunity for children to see many vehicles they recognize but may never get the chance to see what is inside or just how large they are up close.

Parksley, Virginia
Saturday, November 5, 2011
10:00 AM  until  3:00 PM

Thursday, November 3, 2011

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Mob Threatens Worcester Prosecutor!

A 1932 incident has the State's Attorney in need of police protection... 1969 brings a big State Police promotion to a Pocomoke native... a prominent Pocomoke business and civic leader is remembered in 1977.

Read more this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Thursday Special - Shore Beef and BBQ

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sunday


Pulled Pork Sandwich/ Side
Drink - $7.50

Treat  Yourself !

O.C. Police Arrest Wanted Suspect After Standoff

Dennis John Cross
OCEAN CITY, Md.- Ocean City police say a suspect wanted by multiple law enforcement agencies was arrested Monday following a brief standoff.

On Monday morning, Oct. 31, Maryland State Police notified Ocean City police that a wanted person who was possibly armed, may be in or heading to the resort town. Ocean City police subsequently began looking for the suspect, identified as Dennis John Cross, 19, of Stockton, Md., who had outstanding arrest warrants on file with the sheriff's offices of Worcester and Wicomico counties.

During the investigation, Ocean City police received information from the Chincoteague (Va.) Police Department that Cross was the primary suspect involved in the theft of a shotgun and should be considered armed and dangerous.

Based on all the information developed during the investigation, Ocean City police detectives and patrol officers began a search of the 8th Street area.

At approximately 4 p.m., police said officers discovered Cross had barricaded himself under the decking of a wheel chair ramp 
attached to the "Beach Bum" apartments (203 9th Street).

Police responded to the scene and surrounded Cross. He was then taken into custody without incident.

According to police, at the time of Cross' arrest he was in possession of a modified shotgun, which was loaded. Cross was also in possession of an amount of prescription narcotics, police said.

Police said that during the standoff, officers observed Cross ingesting an unknown quantity of pills. He was transported to Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin as a precaution.

Cross was charged by the Ocean City Police Department with theft under $1,000, possession of a Schedule III controlled dangerous substance, possession of a Schedule II CDS, possession of a Schedule I CDS and possession of CDS paraphernalia.

Cross was also served with two outstanding arrest warrants from the sheriff's offices of Worcester and Wicomico counties.

He was ordered held on $10,000 bond for each arrest warrant and $25,000 bond for the charges from the OCPD.

Police said this case is still under investigation and additional charges are pending.

10-Year-Old Trick-or-Treater Pulls Gun

The Augusta Chronicle
Bianca Cain
Staff Writer
A 10-year-old Aiken trick-or-treater pulled a gun on a woman who said she would take his candy on Halloween.

According to a police incident report, the 28-year-old victim told authorities she recognized some boys from her neighborhood while they were trick-or-treating about 6:30 p.m. Monday near Schroeder and George streets and jokingly told them she would take their candy.

One 10-year-old in the group of about 10 juveniles responded with “no you’re not …” and then pointed a 9 mm handgun at her.

According to Aiken Public Safety Lt. David Turno, the clip was not in the gun at the time, but the boy did have a loaded clip in his possession.

The boy’s brother, also 10, told authorities he also had a gun.

The second weapon was recovered Tuesday morning.

The boy who pulled the weapon was brought to the police station where he was turned over to the custody of his parents.

Turno said the boys got the weapons from their grandfather without permission.


Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

What so many have been waiting to see..........

Every Little Girl Loves A Tea Party

What a wonderful occasion for a mother and daughter or even a granddaughter and grandmother to enjoy!

An afternoon tea- just as if Mrs. Costen were living there today. 

Visit her dressing room to accessorize your wardrobe.