Friday, April 6, 2012

NBC Probe Centers on Staffer in Shooting Story Error

(Reuters) - An internal NBC News probe has determined a "seasoned" producer was to blame for a misleading clip of a 911 call that the network broadcast during its coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, according to two sources at the network.

NBC News brass interviewed more than half a dozen staffers during its investigation of the misleadingly edited 911 call placed by George Zimmerman just before he shot the unarmed Florida teenager, said the sources, one of whom is an executive at the network.

The clip aired on the network's flagship "Today" morning show last week.

The edit made it appear that Zimmerman immediately told police that Martin was black, when, in fact, the full tape reveals that the neighborhood watch captain only did so when responding to a question posed by a dispatcher.

There was no clear indication on Thursday of what, if any, disciplinary actions would be taken against the producer or other staff involved in the incident.

The sources at the network, who declined to identify the producer, said NBC News executives did not know the 911 call was misleadingly edited until news reports surfaced days later on right-leaning blogs including and


The sources described the producer's actions as a very bad mistake, but not deliberate.

NBC News declined to comment on Thursday. The network said on Tuesday it would not release names of the employees involved. It has apologized for the incident.

One of the sources said that NBC News President Steve Capus would not lose his job over the incident.

The Today show's editorial control policies - which include a script editor, senior producer oversight, and in most cases legal and standards department reviews of material to be broadcast - missed the selective editing of the call, said the NBC executive.

Executives have vowed to take rigorous steps to formalize editorial safeguards in the news division following the incident, one of the sources said.

NBC News staffers who have been working on the Trayvon Martin story for several weeks in Florida were at first "in shock" over the incident, and later furious, another source, who is an NBC producer, told Reuters.

Public pressure has been building on the network to fully explain the incident - which critics charge has inflamed racial tensions in an already volatile situation.

On Thursday, a New York Post editorial characterized the edited 911 call as "pretty damning evidence of willful misconduct by NBC News" and suggested that racial violence could ensue over irresponsible news coverage.

Television news veterans in New York said they were baffled over how the error came to be broadcast given the intense vetting such a sensitive story would normally get at a major network such as NBC.

Executives from parent company Comcast Corp, including Chief Executive Brian Roberts and Chief Operating Officer Steve Burke, who doubles as the CEO of NBC Universal, are not involved in the investigation, two sources inside the network said.

NBC's Today - which has dominated the U.S. morning landscape for more than a decade - is currently in a ratings war with ABC's Good Morning America, which has been picking up viewers.

(Reporting By Christopher Francescani and Peter Lauria; Editing by Paul Thomasch and Martin Howell; Desking by Jackie Frank)


All-You-Can-Eat Dinner- Greenbackville Vol. Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary

NO Fire Tax- But Increase In Personal Property Tax & Real Estate Tax For Accomack Co.

If you were lucky enough to get a raise at the beginning of the year and thought maybe you might be able to get a little bit ahead....sorry.  I honestly don't know how much more our local and federal governments can take from us.

By Connie Morrison

The Accomack County Board of Supervisors met last night for a public hearing on the proposed unified fire district, and to consider a resolution to adopt the 2013 budget, which would include the unified districts.

In a move that apparently caught some members of the Accomack County Board of Supervisors by surprise, District 6 Supervisor Robert Crockett moved to adopt a budget resolution that did not address the creation of a single Fire Tax District. Instead, a substitute resolution was introduced to add 3.5 cents to the proposed 2012 real estate tax rate and 5 cents to the proposed 2012 personal property tax rate for general government, and to do away with an equivalent portion of the tax structure that has been traditionally referred to as the Fire and Rescue Tax.

The move came following the public hearing on the uniform fire district, when County Attorney Mark Taylor told the Board that he had received a communication from attorney Jon Poulson, representing Chincoteague. The material provided by Mr. Poulson suggests the Town of Chincoteagues firm commitment to fight inclusion in an Accomack County-wide fire district to the bitter end. Such a fight would put county funding for volunteer fire and rescue service on the mainland at risk.

The substitute resolution was then recommended to the Board by Mr. Taylor, and Supervisor Crockett moved adoption, with District 2 Supervisor Ron Wolff seconding the motion. The proposal avoided the question of making Chincoteague part of a county-wide district by maintaining the districts as they are, but dissolving the district-by-district taxation and replacing it with an equivalent amount that would flow into the county general fund. Mr. Crockett immediately called the question, which garnered a scathing reaction from District 1 Supervisor Wanda Thornton who was furious at what she saw as a deliberate attempt to exclude her.

"And Mr. Chesser's laughing and Mr. Crockett's smiling because they are in the loop. Some of the other people are not. And if you think this is a way to conduct a Board of Supervisors then, you know, I could say a whole lot more," exclaimed Thornton.

The motion passed on a vote of 7-2, with Supervisor Thornton and District 4 Supervisor Kay Lewis casting the dissenting votes.

The bottom line for real and personal property tax payers is that they will pay the amounts that were advertised, but the tax will no longer be divided into general government and fire and rescue. It remains to be seen how those general county revenues will be parceled back out to the fire companies.




1/2 Rack Ribs / w  Side
Drink ~ 10.95

Thursday, April 5, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Mandatory Church Attendance Leads To Incident On Tangier Island.

The year is 1920 and Tangier Island is in the national spotlight following a serious incident that occurred as a result of its' local law requiring every citizen to attend church on Sunday.
Read about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

The 'Cinnamon Challenge'

By Nicole Brochu /The Orlando Sentinel

ORLANDO, Fla. — Compared with texting while driving or hard-core drug and alcohol use, teenagers using an everyday cooking spice in a game of dare may sound like harmless child’s play.
But a fad that has kids daring each other to swallow at least a spoonful of powdered or ground cinnamon without drinking water is anything but, U.S. poison control centers are warning. Because the pungent spice is so dry, the body’s immediate reaction is to choke, gag and ultimately vomit.

In fact, “the cinnamon challenge” can lead to excessive vomiting and, in extreme cases, respiratory distress. It has produced a noticeable spike in calls to poison control hot line numbers nationwide.

“Supposedly, the ‘fun’ part is to watch someone choke and retch and vomit. That’s what’s considered fun,” said Wendy Stephan, health education coordinator for the Florida Poison Information Center in Miami, which covers the South Florida region. “People think of it as just silly fun, but for some people it can be a really miserable experience.”

According to American Association of Poison Control Centers data, during all of 2011, poison centers nationwide received 51 calls about teenage over-exposure to cinnamon. But in the first three months of this year, the centers have already received 139 such calls. Of those, 122 were classified as intentional misuse or abuse, and 30 required medical evaluation.

Florida has seen a small number of calls, but they’re on the rise. So far this year, Florida’s poison control centers have received seven calls about over-exposure to cinnamon.

Poison control officials don’t know why the cinnamon exposure calls are spiking now. The “game” has been a YouTube sensation for years. A video dubbed “The Best Cinnamon Challenge” has been viewed 3.7 million times since going up in December 2007.

In February, comedian, actress and singer Colleen Ballinger posted a YouTube video showing her doing the challenge in character as her Internet meme personality, Miranda Sings. It got 70,000 hits the first week and has been viewed more than 171,000 times since Feb. 20.


Gun From the USS Missouri Moves Up the Eastern Shore

One of the guns that helped defeat the Japanese and win World War II moved up the Eastern Shore Wednesday.

The huge 16 inch gun off of the Battleship Missouri was on its way to Lewis Delaware where it will be displayed at a World War II bunker designed to protect the entrance to Delaware Bay during the war.

The gun which was once part of a ship where the Japanese surrendered to US forces in 1945 weighs 120 tons and could hurl a shell 2O miles.

Bay Shore Railroad transported it across the Chesapeake Bay on their railroad barge then up the Shore to Pocomoke City where the Norfolk Southern Railroad will take over from there. The USS Missouri was the last Iowa Class battleship built by the United States.


And if you were in Pocomoke City yesterday and couldn't figure what the WBOC News chopper was doing flying around  here's what they found.

Photo/WBOC News
Chopper 16 was able to get this aerial photo as the rail car slowly moved through  Worcester County.

This Weekend At the Mar-Va Theater

Use CAUTION When Burning

Several brush fires have been reported on the Eastern Shore in recent days. While the Shore hasnt suffered from a lack of rain, its normal this time of year for brush fires to occur.

Windy conditions combined with dry winter kill brush in the woods and fields often fuel smaller fires which then spread. It is illegal to do any open burning at all until 4:00 p.m.

Remember many local fire companies are now charging those whose negligence contributes to fires. All Shore residents are strongly urged not to do any outdoor burning until conditions allow .

Area fire departments were kept busy from early Wednesday until late in the night with brush fires and were also needed  to  battle two separate residential structure fires.  Fire departments from Worcester County were also alerted and responded.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012





Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwich w/ Side
and Drink ~ $7.50


1/2 BBQ Chicken & 1/2 Rack of Ribs w/ 2 Sides
$17.95  ~ ENOUGH FOR 2

Thanks for the great Wednesday.....hope to see you on Thursday...

Shore Beef & BBQ can be found on Facebook
Look us up and leave a comment.

NASA T-38 Aircraft To Fly Over Washington Metro Area April 5

WASHINGTON -- NASA, in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration, will conduct training and photographic flights on Thursday, April 5, over the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

Two T-38 training jets will fly approximately 1,500 feet above Washington between 9:30 and 11 a.m. EDT. These flights are intended to capture photographic imagery.

If the flights must be cancelled for any reason, they will be rescheduled and an additional notice will be released.

For more information about NASA's use of T-38 training jets, visit:

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Worcester County Sheriff''s Office

 03/30/2012     At approximately 2048 hours, members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office arrested Maurice Bishop, 53 years of age, from Pocomoke City, Maryland on a District Court Bench Warrant issued after failing to appear on 03/30/2012.

Bishop was originally charged with theft-less than $100 and later released.

Richard Douglas - Candidate for US Senate - 2012

Maryland's Business Competitiveness at Stake
with Sales Tax Hike 

News Release 4.4.12

As the General Assembly prepares to adjourn April 9, Maryland tax advocates are attempting a last minute "hail mary" to justify the spend and tax policies of this administration.  Transportation spending proponents are holding press conferences today in Annapolis, Baltimore and Potomac to complement Governor Martin O'Malley's most recent proposal to hike the sales from 6% to 7%.

An attempt earlier in this legislative session to apply the sales tax to gasoline proved politically impossible, and the Governor has signaled his intent to instead raise the sales tax across-the-board to provide additional government revenues, purportedly for transportation.

" As the Governor said himself, all this proposal does is delete the word 'gas' from ' tax.' A sales tax increase is an easy, unacceptable short- term fix to the longer term problem of business competitiveness," said Maryland Business for Responsive Government President Kimberly M. Burns.  "Just like the gas tax, it hits every Maryland working family and business right in the wallet."

With a 7% sales tax, Maryland would join a group of states with the second-highest rate according to the non-partisan Tax Foundation.  Mississippi, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Tennessee, with a 7% sales tax, fall in a second-tier just below California as states with the highest taxes on purchases.  If Maryland were to adopt a 7% sales tax, moreover, it would have the highest such tax in a region that includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.  Virginia has one of the lowest sales tax structures in the country and Delaware has none.

"Say hello to more factory outlet stores near Maryland's borders in Delaware and Virginia," said Burns. "When you're a small state like Maryland, sandwiched between two low-tax states, it's foolish to think increasing the sales tax won't effect Maryland's competitiveness and the behavior of consumers."

Maryland Business for Responsive Government favors a fiscal approach that addresses budget cost savings instead of tax increases.  As an example of many such opportunities, the Maryland Department of Transportation and the Department of Business and Economic Development have received scathing audits for wasteful and sloppy procurement practices.



Transportation press conferences today:

Tax Foundation: State and local 2012 sales taxes:

From The ASPCA ~ *We Are Their Voice*


From the ASPCA:
April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, and each year, the ASPCA urges supporters across the country to support our efforts and Go Orange for Animals in honor of the signing of the ASPCA's charter in 1866. Throughout the month, we’ll be encouraging our members to show their support by donning our signature color and going orange for animals. Please join us for this month-long celebration of our victories in the fight against animal cruelty.

How To Recognize Animal Cruelty

Signs That an Animal Might Be Abused

Recognizing cruelty is simple, right? Not quite, say ASPCA experts. Aggressive, timid or fearful behavior doesn't always tell the whole story. Animals may appear to be timid or frightened for many reasons other than abuse.

“It’s almost impossible to make conclusions based on a pet’s behavior alone,” says the ASPCA Animal Behavior Center’s Kristen Collins, CPDT. “The best way to tell whether a pet is being or has been abused is to examine him and his surrounding environment.”

Check out our list of signs that may alert you an animal needs help:

Physical Signs

  • Collar so tight that it has caused a neck wound or has become embedded in the pet’s neck
  • Open wounds, signs of multiple healed wounds or an ongoing injury or illness that isn’t being treated
  • Untreated skin conditions that have caused loss of hair, scaly skin, bumps or rashes
  • Extreme thinness or emaciation—bones may be visible
  • Fur infested with fleas, ticks or other parasites
  • Patches of bumpy, scaly skin rashes
  • Signs of inadequate grooming, such as extreme matting of fur, overgrown nails and dirty coat
  • Weakness, limping or the inability to stand or walk normally
  • Heavy discharge from eyes or nose
  • An owner striking or otherwise physically abusing an animal
  • Visible signs of confusion or extreme drowsiness

Environmental Signs

  • Pets are tied up alone outside for long periods of time without adequate food or water, or with food or water that is unsanitary
  • Pets are kept outside in inclement weather without access to adequate shelter
  • Pets are kept in an area littered with feces, garbage, broken glass or other objects that could harm them
  • Animals are housed in kennels or cages (very often crowded in with other animals) that are too small to allow them to stand, turn around and make normal movements possibly with too many other animals
“Reporting suspected animal cruelty ensures that animals in jeopardy receive prompt and often lifesaving care,” says ASPCA Special Agent Joann Sandano. “By making a complaint to the police or humane society in your area—you can even do so anonymously—you help ensure that animals in need are rescued and that perpetrators of animal cruelty are brought to justice.”

If you see signs of animal abuse, don’t keep it to yourself. Here’s how to report cruelty in your area.

From Richard Douglas- Candidate for US Senate- 2012

Senate Candidate Richard Douglas on Primary Loss

From US Senate Candidate Richard Douglas:

"I want to congratulate my opponent on a hard-fought race in the Republican primary.  Republicans and Democrats challenging Ben Cardin know that defeating elite royal family rule in Annapolis and incompetence on Capitol Hill is an enormous undertaking.  I
urge like-minded Democrats and Independent voters to close ranks with Mr. Bongino to replace Ben Cardin in November.  It is time for a strong Maryland voice to be heard in the U.S. Senate.  Today was the first step toward that goal."

Author and Poet Maya Angelou

Today is the  84th birthday of Maya Angelou. 

 An American author and poet,  born  Marguerite Ann Johnson,  she has been called  "America's most visible black female autobiographer".

"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating
 that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can
 introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other,
 we may even become friends."
  ~Maya Angelou~

16 Inch Gun From USS Missouri To Pass Through Pocomoke Via Railroad

Traveling the railroad sometime this afternoon through Pocomoke will be one of  16 inch  gun barrels  from the decomissioned USS Missouri.

For the photo and story go HERE

Accomack School Registration For Pre K and Kindergarten

Accomack County Public Schools well conduct registration for 4 year old and kindergarten students on April 18, 2012. A variety of registration activities are planned. At that time parents and students will have an opportunity to visit the classrooms, tour the building, and talk with the principal and teachers. The hours for the registration are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the school day and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. during the evening.

All Elementary Schools will register on April 18. Enrollment for both Kindergarten and the 4 year old program requires the following information for each child.Birth Certificate and a certification of immunizations from a physician or health agency; Social Security number;Social Security number;completed physical examination on MCH213F Part 1,2 and 3 . Hemoglobin or Hematocrit and urinalysis are required. Income verification for Pre-K registration only; proof of residency, a utility bill, valid drivers license, car registration or contract papers.

Students who attend Accomack County Public Schools Pre K program are required to have a physical if the one for preschool would be over 12 months old by September 4, 2012. The childs original birth certificate is required to begin school in September.

VA. State Police Sergeants Honored For Valor and Leadership

Virginia State Police
Two Virginia State Police sergeants are being recognized today in Philadelphia, Penn.,by the Mid-Atlantic Association of Women in Law Enforcement (MAAWLE). Sgt. Michelle Anaya of the Chesapeake Division and Sgt. Becky G. Curl of the Salem Division are receiving the association’s 2012 Leadership Award and 2012 Award of Valor,
respectively, at an awards luncheon during the 26th  Annual MAAWLE Conference.

 Sgt. Anaya is being honored for her vital leadership and assistance with launching "The Got Sole Project" in Hampton Roads and the Eastern Shore. Since its inception in 2010, the non-profit program has helped provide more than 1,000 impoverished, migrant
families with gently worn shoes and socks. Sgt. Anaya got involved
when she was approached by Ms Contreras- Rowe who was looking 

for an opportunity to give back to the local community. Through their determination and compassion, "The Got Sole Project" became a reality and has made a significant difference in the lives of countless children.

A 14-year veteran of the Virginia State Police, Sgt. Anaya currently serves as the Chesapeake Division’s Public Information Officer and also serves as the Virginia State Police Representative for the annual Special
Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run® – which raises funds to support the Special Olympics and its athletes. Sgt. Anaya is a firstgeneration Mexican-American and a graduate of Christopher Newport University. During her careerwith state police, she has also served in the Recruitment Unit and in the Sex Offender Investigative Unit.

Sgt. Becky G. Curl was recognized for her role in apprehending a Franklin County deputy who was wanted by Roanoke police as a suspect in the slaying of his ex-wife. The apprehension involved an exchange of gunfire. 

She is a native of Californina and a decorated military veteran.  While serving in the U. S. Army, Curl moved to Virginia in 1987.  She served in the Hampton Police Dept. before joining the Virginia State Police in 1994.  Since then she has been assigned to the Department’s Chesapeake, Culpeper and Salem divisions.

She is currently assigned to the Salem Area Office and also oversees the division’s Motorcycle Unit.



Pit Beef Sandwich w/ Side
Drink ~ $7.95

**A message from the cook:  "See you there....or Dee and KK will see you there.  I just cook and take orders.  Thanks ! " 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pocomoke City Good Friday Community Service

The Pocomoke City Good Friday Community Service is at 12 noon - 1 pm at New Macedonia Baptist Church at 6th & Young Streets.

An offering will be collected for the Samaritan Shelter, Inc. and Save the Youth, Inc.

This service is hosted by the Pocomoke City Ministerial Association, Inc.

Alleged Rape Occurs at Cape Charles

The Cape Charles Police Department and the Northampton Sheriff's Department are both investigating an alleged rape on the beach front at Cape Charles last week. A 20 year old woman told authorities she was walking on the beach at approximately 6:30 PM when she was approached by a man who talked to her for a few minutes before supposedly moving on. She said the man quickly returned and attacked her.

Chief Charles Brown of the Cape Charles police said nothing like this has happened before and his department is trying to piece together the story pending the return of forensic lab results. The suspect is believed to be between 25 and 30 years old.

Anyone with any information is encouraged to call the Cape Charles Police Department at 757-331-3096.

Don't Forget To VOTE !!



April Is Distracted Driver Awareness Month

Pledge to drive cell free this
 Distracted Driving Awareness Month 

Itasca, IL – The National Safety Council promotes April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month and encourages everyone to take the NSC pledge to drive cell free at Thousands of fatal crashes each year involve drivers using cell phones. Those interested in getting involved in this issue can get started by taking the pledge and also find a variety of downloadable materials including posters, videos and more at 

“It’s time to start changing the social acceptance of cell phone use while driving,” said Janet Froetscher, president and CEO of the National Safety Council. “While many understand the dangers, they still use their cell phones when they drive. We hope people will take the pledge this April to help prevent needless tragedies and keep our roadways safer.” 

April also is a perfect time for employers to begin implementing total bans on cell phone use while driving for all employees. NSC developed its free Cell Phone Policy Kit to help employers interested in implementing or enhancing a policy.  

National Distracted Driving Awareness Month was introduced as a resolution by former Rep. Betsy Markey (D-CO) and passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in a 410-2 vote on March 23, 2010. The resolution mentions 9-year-old Erica Forney, who was struck and killed by a distracted driver in Fort Collins, CO, in November 2008. Erica’s mother, Shelley Forney, is a founding board member of FocusDriven – Advocates for Cell-Free Driving. 

Visit throughout the month of April for additional materials. NSC also would like to thank FirstGroup for being a sponsor of Distracted Driving Awareness Month. 

About the National Safety CouncilFounded in 1913 and chartered by Congress, the National Safety Council ( is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to save lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. NSC advances this mission by partnering with businesses, government agencies, elected officials and the public in areas where we can make the most impact – distracted driving, teen driving, workplace safety and safety beyond the workplace.

Williamsburg Pottery To Reopen

WILLIAMSBURG -- A pottery store than has been a big tourist draw for decades in Williamsburg is reopening.

The doors of Williamsburg Pottery closed more than a year ago for a major renovation.  Now, the finishing touches are being put on the $30 million transformation of Williamsburg Pottery.   It will officially reopen on Thursday.

Many people have been eagerly awaiting the store's reopening.

"People would stop in here and ask when it the pottery reopening, or where is it, what happened to it," said Cheryl Chestnutt Brown.

Nearby business owners are hoping shoppers and tourists going to Williamsburg Pottery will also give their businesses a boost.

"We're thrilled that its opening, and we expect a lot more traffic to come through," commented Beverly Grimes.

During construction, the pottery store had only 50 employees.  When it reopens, it will have 150 employees with plans to hire more.


Emergency Alert Signals To Sound Saturday

Worcester County residents:

 Saturday, April 7, Worcester County emergency alert signals will sound from area fire sirens. Officials say to expect a steady alert tone at 10A.M.  lasting for one minute.

These signals are tested the first Saturday of each month. In the event of an actual emergency, the sirens would be used to warn of danger

National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 2012

Presidential Proclamation --

 National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2012


As parents, as communities, and as a Nation, the work of raising our children stands among our greatest responsibilities and our most profound blessings.  The support we give and the examples we set form cornerstones for their success, and by teaching our children to trust in themselves, we equip them with confidence, hope, and determination that can last a lifetime.  Tragically, neglect and abuse erode this fundamental promise for too many young Americans.  During National Child Abuse Prevention Month, we renew our commitment to break the cycle of violence, strengthen support for all who have been affected, and empower our young people with the best we have to offer.

Over half a million American children suffer neglect or abuse every year.  A strong and well informed family unit is the surest defense against child abuse, and parents and caregivers who have support    from relatives, friends, neighbors, and their communities    are more likely to provide safe and healthy homes for their children.  Trusted friends and active community members can help ensure families get the support they need by offering their time and resources, taking an active role in children's lives, and fostering a safe environment for young people to learn and grow.  By coming together in service to our communities, we do more to meet our obligation to do right by the next generation.

My Administration continues to prioritize the health and well being of children across our country.  With partners at every level of government and throughout the private sector, we are supporting services that protect young Americans from abuse and neglect and extend help to those who have been affected.  We are investing in early learning programs and supporting initiatives that promote positive outcomes for children and families.  And we are connecting parents and professionals to new tools to identify, treat, and prevent abuse.  I encourage all Americans to learn more about what they can do at:

Every child deserves the opportunity to grow up with the promise and protection of a loving family.  This month, we recommit to that vision, and to providing care, stability, and a brighter future for our sons and daughters.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2012 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month.  I call upon all Americans to observe this month with programs and activities that help prevent child abuse and provide for children's physical, emotional, and developmental needs.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-sixth.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Attention- Slim:

Regarding your comments on the early 60's crash that claimed the life of Pocomoke's Dr. Hamilton.. email me and I'll email back the original front page headline story about the accident.

Same goes for anyone else who would be interested in seeing the story.

Email me at

tk for ppe


Legislative Updates From Delegate Mike McDermott


“Urge the Members of the Ways and Means Committee to Take Action on HB966”

On March 15th, 2012, the House Ways and Means Committee heard HB 966 - Wicomico County - Board of Education - Selection of Members - Straw Ballot.  This bill, sponsored by Delegate Michael A. McDermott (Worcester and Wicomico Counties), would simply allow the people of Wicomico County to voice their opinions about the selection method of the members on the Wicomico County Board of Education.  It proposes a non-binding referendum that would ask whether voters favor changing the selection method of school board members from being appointed by the Governor to a direct election by county voters.

What has happened since the hearing on March 15th? Absolutely nothing. In response to this, Delegate McDermott is asking the citizens of Wicomico County to urge the Ways and Means Committee Members to vote on this bill.  In particular, please contact the Ways and Means Committee Chairwoman:

Delegate Sheila E. Hixson
Phone Number: 410-841-3469 or 301-858-3469 or 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3469 
Address: Room 131, House Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401-1912
Fax: (410) 841-3777, (301) 858-3777

Delegate McDermott is also asking the citizens of Wicomico County to contact the members of the Wicomico County Delegation who did not support this bill:

Delegate Norman Conway

Phone Number: 410-841-3407 or 301-858-3407 or 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3407 
Address: Room 121, House Office Building, 6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
Fax: (410) 841-3416, (301) 858-3416
Delegate Rudolph Cane
Phone Number: 410- 841-3427 or 301-858-3427 or 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3427 
Address: Room 364, House Office Building, 6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
Fax: (410) 841-3780 or (301) 858-3780

If the people of Wicomico County want the right to simply ask a question at the ballot box, they must act now!

From Richard Douglas U.S. Senate Candidate - 2012

Ambassador John Bolton Backs Douglas, Romney

Ambassador John Bolton, appearing on behalf of Governor Mitt Romney'spresidential campaign at the Royal Kosher Restaurant in BaltimoreApril 1, voiced strong support for Douglas's April 3 primary bid tochallenge 45-year Democratic incumbent Ben Cardin.
"I am grateful to Ambassador John Bolton -- a native son of Baltimoreand Maryland resident -- for stating once again his support for mySenate candidacy and for serving as co-chairman of my campaign," said Douglas.

Douglas looked forward to the Ambassador's possible role in a new

"If the people of Maryland choose me as their next U.S. Senator, I
will look forward to leading Senate action in January to confirm Mr.
Bolton for a senior national security position in a new Republican


Celebrate Your Birthday At The Delmarva Discovery Center