Thursday, January 17, 2013

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

Repeal of SB-236-The Great Land Grab

‘Repealing The Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Act of 2012 (SB - 236) - A Bill that Hurts Farmers in the Name of Preserving Them’

(ANNAPOLIS) -- “Last year, the General Assembly took away decision making authority from our local governments under SB-236.  In the name of ‘preservation’, they gave us restrictions, and in the name of ‘planning’, they have now  taken control.  Currently, many local governments are waiting and hoping that some relief will come during the 2013 Session, and I am hoping to do just that with the Repeal of SB- 236”said Delegate Michael A. McDermott (Worcester and Wicomico Counties).  At the end of last year’s Regular Session, the Maryland legislature passed the Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act (‘The Septic Bill’ or SB236).  This bill was passed after a heated debate over the state’s authority in local planning matters because it requires county governments to adopt a four-tier system into their planning maps.  Based on septic and sewer use, this new system will allow the Maryland Department of Planning and the Maryland Department of the Environment to control the growth of residential developments in agricultural areas and makes the state the final arbitor of, what used to be, local zoning decision making.  Under the Septic Bill, the county will be majorly limited in what it can authorize or plan if the four-tier system is not adopted.  County governments cannot allow new major subdivisions to be built without submitting the plans to the Maryland Department of Planning. 
“The passing of last year’s ‘Septic Bill’ hurts farmers in the name of preserving them.  It takes away local sovereignty by employing a cookie cutter approach dictated by Annapolis bureaucrats.  Maryland needs to recognize the importance of local farmers to our economy, the environment, our collective heritage, and the economic viability of a vast portion of Maryland’s economy” stated Delegate McDermott. The four-tier system creates severe restrictions on the installation of septic systems in larger residential developments and rural areas.  Tier I areas are currently served by sewer lines, Tier II areas are designated as ‘growth areas’ where sewer lines are planned to extend to, Tier III areas are not planned for sewer lines or zoned for agricultural uses - but septic systems can be installed as an alternative, and Tier IV areas are designated as ‘conservation areas’ not planned for sewer lines.  In areas designated as Tier IV, the building of large subdivisions and the installation of septic systems are banned.  This tier system has caused grief to many Marylanders who believe that the development restrictions will cause significant land devaluation at a time when their property values have already been reduced by the recessionary economy.  Those who own farms are worried that a reduction of their land value will also mean a reduction of the money they can borrow for supplies and equipment when times are tight.

“Many Marylanders did not have the chance to understand the significance of this 52 page piece of legislation as presented last year. The bill I dropped, repealing SB-236,  should afford those voices a second chance to address the many challenges this legislation created”, concluded Delegate McDermott.  Delegate McDermott ‘dropped’ the bill which will repeal SB236 on Tuesday, January 15th.  He has gathered support for the bill and is waiting on a hearing date.

MarVa Theater This Weekend

Bond's loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her, bringing MI6 under attack.

January 18th & 19th
7 PM
Tickets: $5

Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Company Control Burn

Earlier in the day.......

Around 4:30 in the afternoon fire equipment began to roll in  and the attending fire departments began their preparations for the control burn.  There was no wind at all and fog was moving in.  It wasn't long before activity began to take place in so many different directions!


Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company Chief Dicky Gladding had everything under control


Final inspection.  This would be the last time the building would ever be entered. The three people I assumed to go in there was a Pocomoke City Fireman, the Mayor of Pocomoke Bruce Morrison (a fireman himself) and Worcester County Fire Marshall.

Three items were found in the building that evening.  Some type of trinket, a stuffed animal- that happened to fall in front of the building when tossed AND the "special keepsake" the Mayor found!

According to time in my world it was a little after 5:00 when the fire departments began to wet the surrounding buildings.

Pocomoke City Fireman Larry Fykes with
Pocomoke City Councilman Don Malloy
It was shortly after the wet down- I'd say between 5:30 and 6:00 when the first flames popped through the roof of the structure and what was last known as Lawson's Nightclub would be a memory....
When flames broke through the roof I knew that it wouldn't be long before we would all be warm!!-Or at least I would.
More photos to follow..........


All photos by JMMB

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

BINGO !! Thursday Night

EPISODE 2: Black October In Baltimore / Why Do We Kill?

Why Do We Kill? Episode 2: Black October and the murder of State Delegate Turk Scott from Why Do We Kill? on Vimeo.

As the drug business spread its tendrils through the city of Baltimore in the 1970s, a shadowy vigilante group emerged threatening to fight the narcotics trade with street justice. And in the cavernous parking garage of a non-descript apartment building Black October did just that. Gunned down was State Delegate Turk Scott, a consummate political insider who had just been indicted for bringing ten kilos of heroin into the city. Tasked with solving the crime was former Baltimore Homicide Lieutenant Stephen Tabeling. The veteran cop takes the reader inside the investigation of one of the most notorious murders in charm city history. A deep and compelling look at the emerging drug business that would engulf the city in violence for decades.

If you want to learn more you can purchase the ebook at

Or, Why Do We Kill?

Current Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell and Stephen Janis
Why Do We Kill?
The Pathology of Murder In Baltimore

Episode 2 is just as gripping as Case File 1/The Bounty Hunters. 
Many of us were in our teens during the 70's and if we take time to reflect on the events of those days gone by we CAN remember those dark and difficult days....

1st Episode / Case File 1THE BOUNTY HUNTERS

Thanks Tom 

Sharp Divergence In Maryland Counties' Job Growth, Economic Performance

Annapolis, MD - Change Maryland issued a report today that shows how each of the state's 24 jurisdictions are performing on job growth. The report comes on the heels of the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics quarterly report on employment released last week.

Analyzing employment trends since 2007, Worcester County has emerged as the clear leader attracting jobs. Since 2007, the county has increased employment levels just over 50%, a remarkable gain of over 10,000 jobs in the five-year period. The county's property tax rate is among the lowest of any of the state's 24 jurisdictions, while the local income tax is the lowest.

"The county with the lowest taxes is attracting the most jobs and generating the most economic activity," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "We need only look to our own backyard for yet more proof that lower taxes lead to economic prosperity."

A separate Change Maryland report issued last summer showed that Worcester County increased its individual income tax base more than any other county. In the most recent Internal Revenue Service data, Worcester increased its tax base just over 2% as measured by net gross incomes flowing into the jurisdiction.

Hogan also noted that Worcester enjoys bipartisan government at the county commission level.

One-party monopoly rule - whether at the state or county level – is leading to economic stagnation, lost jobs and overall decline," said Hogan. "Bipartisan governance, on the other hand, enables a robust debate on tax and fiscal policy that is missing on the state level and in our largest jurisdictions."

The correlation between high local tax burdens is also made clear by looking at the worst-performing jurisdiction. Baltimore City's property tax rate is the highest in the state and double the average. The local income tax rate is also the highest. Its loss of nearly 9600 jobs since 2007 is the worst decline of any Maryland jurisdiction.  IRS numbers also show Baltimore City leading the state in tax flight.

A BLS analysis measures the nation's 328 largest counties in year-over-year job growth. By that measure, Anne Arundel County is leading the state, with an employment gain of 3.6% from 2011 to 2012, the 27th highest growth rate among large counties. Prince George's and Baltimore City, with flat employment growth, garnered the 288th and 280th spots, respectively, in terms of growth rates, far below other large U.S. counties.

County employment and wage data are compiled under the Bureau's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages program, which produces detailed information on local employment after each quarter.



BLS: county employment and wages

State Department of Assessments and Taxation: property tax rates

Watchiing Over The Control Burn Saturday Evening....



Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison and   CPL Brad Morgan of the Pocomoke City Police Department
CPL Morgan received his promotion to Corporal a few weeks ago and has been on the Pocomoke City Police force since 2007.

Riverside Grill - Pocomoke

January 16, 2013
-Cheeseburger Soup w/ ½ turkey sandwich or side salad 5.99
 -NC Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich w/ cole slaw and hush puppies 6.99
 -Pittsburgh Salad 8.99
 -Ale-Batter Fried Shrimp Basket w/ fries 8.99
Happy Hour 4-7 w/ $1 off all appetizers
 @ 8 pm:
 $5 crab dip
 $5 pink or white cosmos
$2 Coors light drafts
 $2 house wines

Let's Make This A Successful Event !!

The Weekend In Ocean City For 2 will be on Valentine's Day weekend!!!

Bring a designated drive OR if you can't do the
Watermelon Crawl a shuttle will be available at certain times during the evening!

Stockton Crime Watch Meeting

 Stockton, Maryland Community Crime Watch meeting held on January 25, 2013 at 6 p.m. at the Stockton Fire Department.

Visit the Stockton Volunteer Fire Company FACEBOOK PAGE

Eastern Shore virginia Residents ~ Get Your Free Flu Shot

The Accomack and Northampton County Health Departments will  offering free flu shots next week. While there is no charge for the vaccine,  the shots will be given on a first come first served basis.

The free vaccine is available to anyone 3 years and older.

The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 4 PM 7 PM at Accomack County Health Dept., 23191 Front St., Accomac

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 4 PM 7 PM at Northampton County Health Dept., 7114 Lankford Hwy., Nassawadox

Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 8:30 AM 11:30 AM at Accomack County Health Dept., 23191 Front St., Accomac

Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 1 PM 4 PM at Accomack County Health Dept., 23191 Front St., Accomac

For more information contact:
 Accomack County Health Department at 787-5880  
 Northampton County Health Department at 442-6228.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Change Maryland to Martin O'Malley: Follow Andrew Cuomo

Change Maryland to Martin O'Malley: Follow Andrew Cuomo
Annapolis - Underscoring the steady erosion of the state's manufacturing sector, Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan called on the Governor and General Assembly leaders to enact corporate income tax reform.  There is no indication that such reform will be among the Governor's legislative priorities, and the General Assembly's presiding officers and key committee chairs have also been silent in the lead up to this year's session.

"It is not just red states moving to cut taxes," said Hogan. "Governor Andrew Cuomo has aggressively moved to improve New York's business climate and cut the corporate income tax on manufacturers to stem job losses in that sector, and it's working."

Change Maryland, citing Bureau of Labor Statistics figures, issued a report showing the state has the second-worst decline year-over-year in manufacturing of any state.  Maryland's loss of 4500 manufacturing jobs, a 4% loss, is eclipsed only by West Virginia which saw a 5.4% decline in the same period.  The long-term decline in this sector transcends governors' administrations.  Since 2002, Maryland has lost 33% of its manufacturing jobs, the sixth-worst decline in the nation.

The dismal trend has only worsened since O'Malley became governor. Since 2007, Maryland lost 20% of its manufacturing employment base, the 10th worst decline in the country.  Over 26,000 manufacturing jobs vanished during that time.

"It is unacceptable that the state's most powerful elected officials do nothing with numbers as clear and convincing as these," said Hogan. "These are the results when economic development is nothing more than cherry-picked pie charts and bar graphs in the Governor's power point demonstrations."

Just over a year ago, Governor Cuomo forged an agreement with the senate majority leader and assembly speaker on executive proposals to cut taxes and create jobs in advance of the 2012 legislative session.   The corporate income tax rate for New York manufacturers was cut to 6.25%.   Maryland's rate is 8.25%

New York's decline of year-over-year manufacturing jobs is 1.4%, less than half of Maryland's decline during the same period.

About the plan to cut the corporate income tax, New York's Democratic house speaker said the state "wins when manufacturers thrive, so by decreasing their tax burden, manufacturing companies will be more likely to hire and spur the economy."

"As he has done on other high-profile issues, O'Malley should follow Cuomo's lead and build support for manufacturing jobs with the General Assembly," said Hogan.  "I also applaud the minority party for pushing to lower corporate income taxes and recognizing that over-reliance on government employment and dismissing the private sector spell economic trouble for Maryland."

Change Maryland reported on O'Malley's tax-raising legacy which includes 24 tax and fee hikes since 2007, including raising the corporate income tax from 7% to 8.25%. 


U.S. Dept of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics:

O'Malley's Tax and Fee increases:

Riverside Grill - What's Cooking Today

JANUARY 15, 2013
 -Turkey Noodle Soup w/ 1/2 tuna salad sandwich or side salad 5.99
 -Meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes and green beans 6.99
-Apple Cranberry Salad 7.99
-Cajun Shrimp Caesar Wrap w/ fries 8.99

 @ 4 pm: 99 cent kids' meals

 Happy Hour 4-7 w/ $1 off appetizers

 @ 8 pm: 50 cent wings

There Is A Great Need For The Connecting of Cops and Kids In All Communities

Whether police officers are fighting crimes, building safer neighborhoods, or combating terrorism, their relationships with children are critically important. The way police interact with children in a neighborhood can have a significant impact on police effectiveness and safety, and on the stability of communities. Raising Awareness. Modeling Behavior.

Pocomoke City Police  Chief Kelvin Sewell takes time to pose with some of the students at  Pocomoke  Elementary School./Photo Pocomoke Police Department
One-on-One provokes discussion and raises officers’ awareness of children in their work and of the tremendous impact their presence, authority and actions have on children. It is also designed to show how basic knowledge of children and their development can enhance an officer’s impact, safety and ability to achieve law enforcement goals in the community. Children serve an important role in facilitating the goals of law enforcement.
  • Children are almost always present when police officers perform their duties.
  • Children can make police officers’ work easier, or harder, depending on the level of trust that is built between children and police.
  • Positive community attitudes toward police officers and cooperation with investigations can significantly affect the way police officers are perceived: how they interact with children, and act on their behalf on the job, is critical.
  • Children grow up quickly to become the adults of the communities that officers are sworn to serve.
By giving officers tools to communicate and build relationships with children, One-on-One can improve officer’s safety and help officers achieve their law enforcement goals.


"....we pledge to develop a partnership with the Community, lead a community commitment to resolve problems, and improve the safety and quality of life in our city."

-Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell-

GOP Rep. Threatens Impeachment If Obama Goes Around Congress to Enact Gun Control

Rep. Steve Stockman R-Texas)
CBS photo
Should President Barack Obama decide to make good on his threat to enact gun regulations through executive order, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) says he may, among other actions, file articles of impeachment against the commander-in-chief.

“I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment,” Stockman said in a statement on Monday.
In a statement, Stockman didn’t hold back, saying Obama is launching an “attack on the very founding principles of this republic.”
“The President’s actions are an existential threat to this nation,” Stockman said in a statement. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years.  The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny. Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.”
Obama said in a Monday morning press conference that he will make public recommendations from a task force run by Vice President Joe Biden to curb gun violence in the wake of shootings in Newtown, Conn. Last week, Biden said some of those restrictions may be achieved through executive order instead of the legislative process.
Stockman said tinkering with the Second Amendment requires due process and the consent of Congress, the representatives of the American people. Stockman is a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives who returned after 15 years in January to oppose John Boehner as speaker of the House.

“The President’s actions are not just an attack on the Constitution and a violation of his sworn oath of office – they are a direct attack on Americans that place all of us in danger…If the President is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist,” he added.


Man Awaiting Trial for 6 Ocean City Burglaries Arrested for Stealing a Car

Alexander George Ellis
On January 12, at approximately 5:30 a.m. Ocean City police responded to the area of Beachcomber Lane, in reference to a motor vehicle theft. When officers arrived in the area, they observed a vehicle matching the description of the stolen car, parked near the victim’s residence with the engine running and a person sitting in the driver’s seat.

As officers attempted to approach the stolen car, the driver, who was later identified as Alexander George Ellis, 20, of Ocean City, fled from the vehicle and jumped into the bay.  Ellis was located, pulled from the water by officers and placed under arrest.

During the investigation, officers located several items in the vehicle that did not belong to the owner of the car.  The investigation revealed that Ellis had stolen several items out of other vehicles from at least three victims who lived in the area.

As a precaution, Ellis was seen by Ocean City Paramedics and transported to Atlantic General Hospital where he was treated and later released to police.  Ellis was charged with seven counts of thefts, including;
  •  Theft:  $1,000 to under $10,000.
  • Theft:  Less than $100.00.
  • Theft Scheme:  $1000 to under $10,000.
  • Theft/Rogue and Vagabond .
 In addition, Ellis was charged with the following traffic charges related to the incident;
  • Attempt by driver to elude uniformed police by fleeing on foot.
  • Attempt by driver to elude uniformed police by means other than failing to stop and fleeing on foot.
  • Driving vehicle without the owner’s consent with intent to deprive owner.
  • Taking vehicle without the owner’s consent with intent to deprive owner.
  • Driving without license.
Ellis was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was held on $25,000 bond.  On January 3, 2013, Ellis was charged by Ocean City police in connection with six residential burglaries that had occurred last spring and was awaiting trial after being released from custody on a $50,000 unsecured bond.

Ocean City Police Dept. Press Release

Monday, January 14, 2013

Riverside Grill - Pocomoke City

Monday Specials
January 14, 2013
 -Turkey Noodle Soup w/ 1/2 ham sandwich or side salad 5.99
 -Taco Salad 6.99
 -Buffalo Shrimp Wrap w/ fries 8.99
 -1 Chili Cheese Dog w/ FF 4.99 or 2 dogs 6.99
 -Chili Nachos 5.99
Happy Hour 4-7 w/ $1 off appetizers
 @ 8 pm: $1 tacos & quesadillas
 $3 margaritas
 1/2 price appetizers and import bottle beer

**Be sure to take your lunch receipt to "A Second Time Around" for a 30 % coupon to be used on any purchase or purchases !!**

Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Company Control Burn

As most of you know this building is nothing but a pile of burned debris this morning in downtown Pocomoke on the corner of Willow Street and Clarke Avenue. 
I have photos to post from Saturday nights control burn that included fire departments from the local area.  There are many of them and I will have them posted later today.