Monday, February 11, 2013

NASA Wallops Island Antares Engine Test Scheduled for February 12

WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. – NASA's Wallops Flight Facility will provide launch range support for an Orbital Sciences Corp. Antares rocket engine test scheduled for Feb. 12 at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport's Pad-0A.
The window for the engine test, or hot fire, is 6- 9 p.m. EST.

The test will fire the Antares' dual AJ26 rocket engines, which will generate a combined total thrust of 680,000 lbs., for about 30 seconds while the first stage of the test rocket will be held down on the pad. The hot fire will demonstrate the readiness of the rocket's first stage and launch pad fueling systems to support upcoming flights.

The test will be visible and audible in the Wallops Island local area. Given the broad window and non-operational nature of the test, no live webcast or formal public viewing is planned. NASA's Wallops Flight Facility will provide range support for the hot fire, including communications, data collection, range safety and area clearance.

The test is a key milestone leading up to the first flight of the Antares rocket, which is preliminary scheduled for about four to six weeks following the completion of the engine test.

NASA Photo

Orbital is building and testing its new rocket and Cygnus cargo spacecraft under NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program. NASA initiatives like COTS are helping develop a robust U.S. commercial space transportation industry with the goal of achieving safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation to and from the International Space Station and low-Earth orbit.

A demonstration flight of Antares and Cygnus to the space station is planned for later this year. Following the successful completion of the COTS demonstration mission to the station, Orbital will begin regular cargo resupply flights to the orbiting laboratory through NASA's Commercial Resupply Services contract.

The launch pad is the first of its kind constructed in the United States in decades. Preparations at the pad for the hot fire test were enabled through partnership between the Spaceport, Orbital and NASA, including representatives from Wallops; NASA's Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis, Miss.; NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida; NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Hunstville, Ala.; and NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.

For more information about Orbital Sciences Corp. and the Antares rocket, visit:

Sunday Evening Fire - Old Bait and Tackle Shop in Parksley

Sunday, February 10, 2013 / 11:30 PM
Old bait and tackle shop on Lankford Highway in Parksley

Fire units, along with the Virginia State Police BCI units,  responded.  It was reported  flames were shooting out from  the back of the building.  Fire was found shortly after it had begun so there was little damage to the structure  and there were no injuries.

The fire is currently under investigation, and believed to be arson.

This is the second fire that occurred over the weekend.  On Saturday night fire was started in a storage shed that was NOT abandoned and was currently being used to store thousands of dollars worth of equipment and possessions.

Sunday evenings fire brings the total to 46 fires in Accomack County since November 12, 2013.


Information that leads to an arrest and conviction could result in an award of up to $5,000 from the Virginia Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (

Additional numbers to reach the Virginia State Police Chesapeake Headquarters are toll-free at 1-800-582-8350 or at (757) 424-6820; the Accomack County Sheriffs Office can also be contacted at (757) 787-1131

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

Field Notes - Week 5
Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities

Week 5 Feb.4-Feb. 8, 2013

Monday Evening:
I drove over to Quiet Water Park to make a presentation to two outstanding Worcester County residents who were being awarded the 2012 Sportsmanship Award through the Maryland Dept. of Parks and Recreation. The state recognized Stephen Decatur Middle School student athlete Sarah Mitrecic and Coach Stan Parker for their commitment to sportsmanship and their pursuit of excellence.
Tuesday Morning Session:
HB-75 passed this morning allowing for a change in reporting deadlines for certain utility companies. We also adopted HS-0001 which was a rebuke of certain actions taken by Delegate William “Tony” McConkey during 2012 and to accept the report of the House Ethics Committee and the recommended actions. Delegate McConkey apologized to the House members for his conduct, but also offered some defense of his actions. I voted to censure the delegate and accept the report judging his actions as wholly inappropriate. (Full Report)
Tuesday Judiciary Committee Hearings:HB-262, HB-267, HB-482, HB-483 all address synthetic cannabinoids and the distribution of faked controlled substances. The legislation seeks to outlaw all aspects of synthetic marijuana and provide the judiciary with the ability to take certain notice as the drug compounds are adjusted by the drug dealers to skirt the law. This particular drug is being sold as “bath salts” and “popery” mixes which are laced with a chemical compound designed to mimic the marijuana high.HB-338 updates the limit on felony theft to requiring a value of over $1000.00 to bring the various laws governing theft and robbery in sync with one another.HB-202 seeks to address the malicious destruction of property, specifically transit vehicles. I do not see the need for this bill when felony MDOP already exists.HB-382 would require defendants to pay into the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund. It would expand the requirement by allowing these fees to reflect the current practice of funds being received for PBJ cases.HB-180 would provide an affirmative defense for caregivers of those individuals who acquire or provide marijuana for medical purposes to patients.HB-183 would modify the composition of the state Correctional Training Commission. It would require the Commission membership to also consist of members from within the ranks of Correctional Officers. We heard from representatives of the corrections employees who feel the strong need to have a voice at the commission level. I suggested an ex-officio status for two committee members who would be appointed from within the ranks.HB-254 would allow a local jail facility to detain individuals on Arrest documents when a District Court Commissioner is otherwise not available for a Preliminary Hearing. As written, this bill would only affect Allegany County. It is a good idea and I will be trying to see if other counties can be added to the bill.HB-311 would require a parent or care giver to report a child as missing within 24-hours and 5-hours to notify authorities upon the death of a minor child once the condition becomes known. This was crafted to address some of the issues arising from the Casey Anthony case in Florida where a child’s disappearance went unreported.HB-250 would require the victims in criminal cases being given priority in receiving compensation from a defendant before the state receives their penalties or fees. It puts victims first and gives priority for restitution.HB-219 seeks to limit the use of “No-Knock” Search Warrants without prior notification being given to local authorities. The bill would require that the Sheriff of a jurisdiction would need to be notified prior to the execution of a “No-Knock” Warrant.  These are warrants that are issued which do not require the police to “knock and announce” their presence prior to executing a warrant.HB-377
seeks to codify the procedure for using GPS tracking technology in criminal investigations. This bill would require law enforcement to secure a court order in order to capture this information.
Wednesday Morning Session:
Several House of Delegates Awards were presented this morning. The Speaker’s Medallion was presented to John M. Colmers from John Hopkins. The Thomas Kennedy Award was presented to the late Delegates Howard P. Rawlings and Jean B. Cryor. The Caspor R. Taylor Jr. Founders Award was presented to Delegate Veronica L. Turner (Prince Georges Co.).

Wednesday 2nd Amendment Rally on the Mall: 

Photo: Here I am with Delegate Smigiel and Delegate Norman waiting to get started.
Thousands turned out for a pro-gun rally on the mall conducted at noon. It tied in with the first hearing in the Senate of SB-281, the O’Malley-Brown Gun Bill. While thousands attended the rally, thousands more signed up to speak in the Senate. Just before we began speaking to the crowd, a beautiful American Bald Eagle circled overhead…not a familiar site in downtown Annapolis to be sure, but an incredible omen for those attending. I’m quite sure that for every thousand that attended, there were another 10,000 that wanted to be there to raise their collective voice against this bill.

Surely there are areas where we could work to make things better for gun owners and our communities, but much of the bill is cosmetic. Banning one type or class of firearm over another is not going to get the job done and is a fool’s errand. Portions of the bill address mental health issues, which we could focus on this year, but much of the bill misses the target. I spoke to the folks as did many other lawmakers and grass roots organizers and it was wonderful to see such a passionate response. I tell you, it made those senators take notice. If we, as citizens, responded more passionately about the other areas of life that come under attack by our elected officials, our Maryland would be a much better place to live and raise a family.
Wednesday Judiciary Committee Hearings:
HB-129 would create a task force committee to study the implementation of a right to civil counsel in Maryland. The principal would be to create a mechanism for providing legal counsel for civil litigants so lower income citizens could have assistance in cases involving basic needs and services. This type of bill will be hamstrung by funding issues, but the concept should be studied.
HB-130 addresses the issue of awarding attorney fees and expenses by the courts. The advocates testified that many cases do not move forward since they are not monetary based and the attorney would have difficulty taking such a case due to the financial implications. This bill would allow a Maryland judge to allow for the awarding of attorney fees in such cases is deemed appropriate by the court. There is some degree of confusion as to what courts this might apply.
HB-186  would create a Law Enforcement Training and Technology Fund by assessing a $5.00 fee on court costs for traffic violations. The money collected would be distributed to the counties through the Governor’s Office of Crime Control. This fund exists within the governor’s budget, but has never been funded.

(In Ways and Means testifying with Delegate Fisher on HB-106)

Bill Hearing on HB-106 (Repeal SB-236):
This afternoon I had my hearing on the repeal of last year’s Sustainable Growth-Septic Bill, HB-106. What a great turnout from the shore and the rest of Maryland. The testimony took a couple of hours and I heard from some of the folks on the committee who supported the governor’s bill last year that may be having a change of heart after listening to the folks today. While we had many come up for the 2nd Amendment rally on the mall today, a significant number came to testify to repeal a bill that is a jobs killer and a taking of land rights and value with no compensation to the owner. It truly represents a great land grab by the governor and I was proud to stand with Delegate Fisher (R-St. Mary’s) and make a passionate plea for them to move forward with a full repeal of this legislation. I want to thank all those who took the time to travel from all over this great state to speak out on this very important subject.
Photo: Presenting in Ways and Means with Delegate Fisher.
(Click here to see testimony-start time was 3:19 pm)
Bill Hearing on HB-188 (Generator Tax Credit):
My hearing on HB-188 was conducted before the Ways and Means Committee this afternoon. The bill allows for a tax credit of up to $7000.00 for gas stations who install emergency power generation equipment. The credit would be provided against their State Corporate Income Tax liability. I showed a prepared video of the problems encountered following Hurricane Sandy. The members asked several thoughtful questions and I believe the bill may have a chance at moving forward.
(Click here to see testimony-start time is 3:09pm)
Thursday Morning Session:
We had a good debate this morning over HB-89 which would create a surcharge tax on natural gas consumers in Maryland of up to $2.00 per month. It was said that this would “protect” consumers by putting a cap on the amount that can be charged for replacement projects on underground pipe. It was argued that these fees area already factored into utility rates by the Public Service Commission and they have the ability to include these increases in the rates at anytime they feel it is warranted. Originally, I liked the idea of a cap being in place and supported the concept. In the end, there were too many unanswered questions and potential outcomes that moved me to be unfavorable on the bill.
Thursday Special Committee on SB-281 (Gun Bill):
We heard from the State Superintendent of Public Schools and her staff regarding school safety. As one might expect, their position and approach tended to be very academic. They do not like the idea of introducing any firearms into the security equation as an option. They do not like the idea of electronic control devices either. In fact, they did not even like the idea of off-duty or retired police having the ability to carry firearms on their campuses. They want to spend the money on locking doors and training people how to respond.  This is alright, but we know that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Their failure to embrace this notion is disturbing.
Thursday Judiciary Hearings:
HB-257 seeks a change to the makeup of the local St. Mary’s Adult Protective Services Board. Currently the law requires a psychologist be one of the members and the board has had trouble keeping this particular position filled.
HB-277 would change the manner of hearings conducted before the judiciary in cases involving children in need of assistance. It would add a new review hearing to be conducted within 6-months of a child being brought into the system. This would be a minor extension of the hearing schedule already being conducted.
HB-278 would require the notification at least 10-days prior to any hearing involving a child be made to a foster parent, caregiver, or pre-adoptive parent.  This is in response to a federal mandate requiring these actions to bring Maryland into compliance with federal law. It is requested by the Maryland Judiciary.
HB-200 would make strangulation a First Degree Assault as opposed to a Second Degree Assault. There was testimony that this issue needs to be addressed to deal with domestic violence assaults. Since Second Degree Assault already carries a 10-year penalty, the committee seemed reluctant to increase the penalty for any degree of strangulation or choking as the full penalty is rarely being applied.
HB-178 is a bill that would strengthen the Dangerous Dog Law. It covers issues surrounding registration with Animal Control and dog owner liability when it comes to protecting the public from dog bites and attacks. The committee is attempting to address the Dangerous Dog Law in light of recent court decisions which make Pit Bulls, by definition, a “dangerous breed”. I believe a bill one bill will come out of the committee to address this issue.
HB-618 would place a strict liability standard on all dogs which are considered to be “running at large”. This is the bill which was favored by the Judiciary Committee during one of the Special Sessions in 2012.
Judiciary Voting Session:
The following bills were approved by the committee:
HB-12; HB-116
Friday Eastern Shore Delegation Meeting:
We heard from Sec. of Agriculture Buddy Hance today and generally it was discouraging. Former Ag Secretaries always found a kindred spirit in the Eastern Shore Delegation, but that is not true for Sec. Hance. While previous Ag Secretaries often fought against the Governor’s proposals tried to minimize the damage for the farming communities, Sec. Hance seems to accept the environmental push down of fees and over regulation as unavoidable and offers rarely a whimper of objection. Much of this was pointed out by Sen. Pipkin. Sen. Mathias defended the governor and the administration. I’m quite sure our previous Ag Secretaries from the shore would have already resigned in protest of the administration’s actions. The fact that Sec. Hance feet remain fixed speaks volumes.

We also heard from the Delmarva Poultry Industry (DPI) representatives who painted a very bleak picture of their industries status in Maryland. New House construction is not even close to meeting a sustainability number for the industry. Folks are still reporting 1-2 year wait times and delays for permit approvals. We heard from the banking side of industry which highlighted the damage to borrowing power done by last year’s Septic Bill (SB-236). When you contrast our decline with our neighboring states progress, it appears very unlikely that we can recover. The industry is expanding in Delaware at the same rate it is contracting in Maryland.

The Mayor’s Association was in town for meetings and we had Mayor Gee Williams from Berlin and Mayor Bruce Morrison along with his wife Laura in attendance at the meeting. I also had the privilege of being shadowed by Jack Fager who came with his mom Michelle from Ocean City to see Maryland government in action.

Gumboro~Crisfield Mudbog Race Schedule for 2013


For more info on the Gumboro~Crisfield Mudbog go to
on facebook

Apparent Homicide of State Prison Inmate Under Investigation


(CUMBERLAND, MD) – Maryland State Police and Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services investigators are continuing their investigation into the apparent homicide of an inmate that occurred early this morning at a state prison in Allegany County.

The victim is identified as Ricky Bailey, 51, who was an inmate at the North Branch Correctional Institution. According to prison officials, Bailey was serving a sentence of life without parole.

A suspect has been identified and is an inmate at the same correctional facility. Charges against him are pending. He will be identified publicly when charges are filed.

Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators were summoned to the North Branch Correctional Institution by prison officials this morning to conduct the investigation. They are being assisted by investigators from the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Internal Investigations Unit.

The preliminary investigation indicates that shortly after 4:00 a.m. today, inmates in the housing unit were having breakfast delivered to their cells. An inmate told correctional officers that his cell mate needed to be removed from the cell. Officers entered the cell and found Bailey seated at the rear of the cell, leaning on the lower bunk.

Officers determined Bailey was unresponsive and appeared to have sustained injuries to his head, neck and extremities. Prison medical staff responded and began resuscitation efforts. An ambulance was summoned and responded to the prison from Cumberland. Bailey was pronounced deceased at the scene.

State Police crime scene technicians responded to the scene and processed the cell for evidence. Investigators are continuing to interview correctional officers and inmates. A specific cause of death is not known at this time. The victim’s body will be transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy to determine a cause and manner of death.

The investigation is continuing.

Maryland State Police

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Afternoon on the Eastern Shore

Beautiful Sunday on the Eastern Shore!  Hope everyone was able to get out and move around....

Who IS Responsible !!?

When all this is over who IS going to pay for all of this???   Hardworking people having their possessions BURNED simply because someone wants to burn them??  Bobby Chesser's  possessions destroyed- not to mention the others that have been at the hands of an arsonist.  Just like a thief in the night.....  The sad part is you simply never do recover from it.  How sad that no one can put a finger on who is to blame.  Maybe, just maybe, the bloodhounds are onto something. 

Temperanceville Family Estimates Loss At $25K ..

TEMPERANCEVILLE, Va. - The flames at the scene of the latest fire may be gone, but hours later smoke still rises off the ashes.

Only remnants of a storage barn remain from a Saturday night arson in Temperanceville. This time, it's affecting the Chesser family. Bobby Chesser, owner of Chesser Farm says that this could cost him at least $25,000.
Unlike many of the past arson cases, this was not an abandoned structure. Charred chicken fans emerged through the rubble as Chesser showed WMDT the thousands of dollars of equipment lost.

Beside the fans, Chesser says he lost "some machinery, some lumber, some storage stuff, some decoys, a little bit of everything."
"When you have a loss like this and you can't recover it, for no reason somebody burns it down, burns you out, it's rough," said Chesser.

Investigators believe the fire started around 7:00 p.m. Saturday. Chesser's son, Ryan Chesser says he was on his way home when he received a phone call.

"We were about a mile away," said the son. "The whole sky was lit up. I was scared that it was worse than what it was."

The younger Chesser recalls the police investigation and says "they brought a bloodhound last night to look for some foot prints and tire tracks, but they may not have come into the driveway."

Virginia State Police said last week they do have strong leads and Bobby and Ryan hold out hope an arrest will be made soon.

"I hope this is the last one," said Chesser.

Ryan Chesser says that the arsonist is getting careless and "he's going to make a mistake one of these days."

There is a $5,000 reward for information which could lead to an arrest. If you have a tip, call Virginia State Police at (757) 424-6820.


The Rigell Report: Firm Resolve in Serious Times

Dear Friend,
John Adams once wrote to Thomas Jefferson, “My friend, you and I have lived in very serious times.” Considering the challenges facing our country today, the same may be said of us. In this week's Rigell Report I want to brief you on how I am addressing two of those challenges, sequestration and gun violence. 

Stopping Sequestration

Last week I visited the USS HARRY S TRUMAN while the ship was underway conducting training exercises off the coast of North Carolina. Ably led by Captain Robert Roth, the fine officers and crew of CVN 75 are ready to get underway and take their assigned station in the Persian Gulf.  Yet anticipated cuts to the Navy's budget resulting from sequestration caused the Navy to delay the Truman's departure. The delay is an early indication of the serious impact that sequestration will have on our nation's military readiness and our local economy, if it is allowed to go in to full effect. 

I actively supported and voted for two separate measures that would stop sequestration. Both were passed by the House and were sent to the Senate:

  • On May 10, 2012, H.R. 5652, the Sequestration Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012
  • On December 20, 2012, H.R. 6684, the Spending Reduction Act of 2012

To date, the Senate has done nothing. 

I am not going to give up the fight to find a wiser fiscal path and stop sequestration. This week, I co-sponsored legislation introduced by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon, the Down Payment to Protect National Security Act of 2013.  This legislation would stop the cuts for the remainder of this fiscal year by offsetting them with savings through normal attrition (not layoffs) in the federal workforce.

The Senate need only pass one of these alternatives to stop sequestration. 

Preventing Gun Violence

This week, I, along with Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Patrick Meehan (R-PA), and Elijah Cummings (D-MD) introduced the first bipartisan bill in the House of Representatives of this Congress to address gun violence.

The Gun Trafficking Prevention Act of 2013 (GTPA) gives law enforcement the tools they said they need to deter and prosecute criminals who traffic in firearms. The bill specifically addresses “straw purchasing,” where an individual poses as the actual buyer, but is really acquiring the firearm for another person.** Firearms acquired through a straw purchaser are often used to commit serious crimes, like the Christmas Eve murder of two first responders in Webster, New York.

The GTPA prohibits gun trafficking and increases the penalties associated with straw purchases, which too often are treated as “paper work” offenses.

As a Life member of the NRA, as a gun owner, and as a strong defender of our Second Amendment, I see the Second Amendment as a high and impassable wall that protects on one side every law abiding American’s constitutional right to own firearms; on the other side are those who do not have a constitutional right to a firearm, namely criminals.

I believe in strong penalties for those who break the law using firearms because their conduct inevitably puts pressure on my rights – and all of our rights as Americans protected under the Constitution.

This bill upholds the Second Amendment and better equips law enforcement. It helps create a culture that strongly discourages straw purchasers, which protects our children and our families. It is a serious crime to purchase a gun for someone else and reducing the number of straw purchasers will save lives.

Indeed, we are living in serious times. What is required of us is a firm resolve to do what must be done, to work together, and be guided in our decisions by sound principles that promote Liberty and Freedom. Let us not forget our special heritage and the sacrifice made by those who have defended our nation since its inception. We’re Americans, we can do this!

Yours in Freedom,


**NOTE: The bill is endorsed by the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police and is not opposed by the National Rifle Association.

TIME MACHINE ... 1827, 1976, 1965, 1908, 1890

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

March, 1827 
(Washington Daily National Intelligencer- Washington, D.C.)

Sea Bathing Place on Smith's Island.

The subscriber is deposed to grant a long lease, and very advantageous terms, to any person or company who will erect a Sea Bathing Establishment on Smith's Island. The vicinity of the light-house, now building by Government on eastern end of Smith's Island, affords a situation peculiarly well adapted for sea bathing. The distance of four or five miles from the wooded part of the island, which is usually infested with mosquitoes, there's a breeze, and a superb beach, give the vicinity of the light-house every possible advantage for sea bathing to be found on the southern shores of the Atlantic. It is believed that there is no establishment of this sort on the margin of the Ocean, for several hundred miles of coast. A healthier spot than Smith's Island would rarely be found. The sports of fowling and fishing may be enjoyed there to an almost unlimited degree, and the contiguity of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, affords an easy access to most excellent society.

Please to apply to Captain William Jarvis, near Eastville, Northampton County, Virginia, or to the subscriber.
Arlington House, near Alexandria, D.C.
  May, 1976
Members of the graduating class of the Emergency Medical Technicians, held in Pocomoke City, were: James Ashby, Susan Sartorius, Margaret Hill, Dan Blevins, Patrick Kelly, Dave Twilley, Mike Dean, Joe Byrd, Leslie Thompson, Tom Elliot, and Marion Butler Jr., all of Pocomoke City; Joni Reed, Cindy Pusey, and Gilbert Perdue Jr. of Snow Hill; Clay Stamp and Barry Duffy of Ocean City; Joe Cylypezuk of Berlin. The instructor was Gilbert Perdue Sr. of the State Department Of Health And Mental Hygiene. The students were from local fire, law enforcement, and medical services.

August, 1965 (Time Machine Archive)

Country music fans on the Eastern Shore were looking forward to a big show at the Wicomico Youth And Civic Center in Salisbury, featuring Ernest Tubb And The Texas Troubadours, Loretta Lyn, and Carl & Earl Butler. Pre-show entertainment would be provided by the popular local group Bill Godfrey & His String Kings. Advance tickets were $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for children; 50-cents higher on the night of the show.

October, 1908
(The Denton Journal)

New Peninsula Directory Ready

Polk's new Peninsula Directory of Delaware, Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia for 1908-1909 is now off the press, and ready for delivery. As its name indicates, it contains a complete list of the business and professional men, also the farmers of the above mentioned geographical division, arranged to their different professions and businesses.

It contains besides a complete co-partnership directory with Wilmington, also complete city directories of Cambridge, Salisbury, and Dover. This is in an addition to a large amount of information concerning every town, village, and settlement in the entire Peninsula, which will prove of the utmost interest to every inhabitant throughout these districts.

Former patrons of the work will scarcely recognize this well printed, prettily bound pictorial volume as the successor of the old Peninsula Directory.

Anyone wishing for a copy can procure same by sending five dollars to R.L. Polk & Company, Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md.

Footnote: This item was printed as a news item, not an advertisement. Just a guess that the newspaper may have received a complementary copy of the directory in return for the news item publicity. Wonder if a copy of the directory still exists? What a wealth of information it would contain about the Eastern Shore of a century+ ago!

Memories of Accomac, 1890 John S. Wise Jr.. "Memories of Accomac, 1890" Peninsula Enterprise (Accomac, Va.: August 21, 1937)

A friend recently said to me that after all, our memories remain with us and with many are all they get out of life. Certainly I cherish nothing more than my memories of old Drummondtown and Accomack County in 1890, now nearly half a century ago, when I spent a summer with my dear old cousin, Dr. John J. Wise, at his old home "Woodburn," about a mile north of Drummondtown.

I was then a lad of fourteen and full of youthful vitality and activity and interest and curiosity about all things of the Eastern Shore new to a boy who had spent most of his time in the inland country mountains.
(PART 7, concluding portion)

About the biggest entertainment of those days was a beach party.

Two or three sailing bateaux would take a party out to Metompkin Beach. They started in the early morning and spent the day in the torrid heat and got home all hours of the night and morning according to the wind.

In those days we had little ice. We had no thermos bottles. We had to be content with cold sandwiches.

We had no cabins on the bateaux and we had to take the sun and rain until we could reach the Life Saving Station.

On one beach party we were storm bound over night in the Life Saving Station and I think extra mosquitoes were brought in from all the world. On another years later the weather detained our return.

I was piloting one boat and old John (Sounding-pole) Lilliston another. John wouldn't accept it that I knew the Metompkin Bay better than he did and refused to follow me. He put his boat up Deep Gut and grounded it on an ebb tide.

I brought my people in about mid-night but his people spent the ebb in the marsh with the mosquitoes and got home the next morning about nine o'clock.

I am glad to say not all the landmarks have been swept away.

I had the satisfaction of being partially instrumental in the elimination of the old Coleburn storehouse and extending the open space in the centre of the town and in building the present tavern set back of the road.  

I hope the old place will preserve its old character.

These are rambling recollections but they bespeak happy days never to return with these old folks.

They are not intended to present any historical theme — just memories of the old place and the folks as they lived.
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about. It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday Night Shed Fire In Accomack County

Saturday, February 9, 2013 @ 7:41 PM
Fire in a farm shed  at 11182 Sand Road near Chesser Lane- South of Temperanceville.

Atlantic, Bloxom, Parksley, Saxis and Oak Hall Rescue responded to the blaze which was near chicken houses owned by Bobby Chesser.  However, there  was  no damage was reported to the chicken houses.  The shed was reported on the ground when the first units arrived on the scene.

The State Police arson squad was still investigating last night  to determine if the fire was intentionally set.

If this fire is determined to be an arson, it will be fire number 45 since the series began on November 12, 2012.

Information that leads to an arrest and conviction could result in an award of up to $5,000 from the Virginia Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (

Additional numbers to reach the Virginia State Police Chesapeake Headquarters are toll-free at 1-800-582-8350 or at (757) 424-6820; the Accomack County Sheriffs Office can also be contacted at (757) 787-1131

Don't Forget Valentine's Day Reservations....

Accepting Reservations For Valentine's Day....


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12 oz NY STRIP served with 2 SIDES.......$16.99

SINGLE FRIED OYSTERS & SHRIMP served with 2 SIDES......$15.99

Reservations:  (410) 957-3166

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fireman's Fest Valetine's Day Raffle

The Princess Anne Volunteer Fire Department and Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Department are planning to hold a Firemen’s Fest in Princess Anne, MD at the Somerset County Civic Center on
June 8, 2013
to help raise funds for both departments.

The Firemen’s Fest will be a family-friendly event which will include a music concert with various acts (including Chris Lane!), car show, firemen’s muster, vendors from various companies, and an arts and crafts show.
To help raise funds for the cost of the Fireman's Fest event the Princess Anne Fire Dept. and Mt. Vernon Fire Dept. are raffling off a
Valentine's Day Firemen's Fest Valentine's Day Package
 (retail value $125)!
Package includes:
Sterling Silver earrings donated by Bailey Jewelers
 a dozen red roses donated by Priceless Flowers
 and a box of assorted chocolates

Tickets: $5 each or 3 for $10
 Drawing will be held: Feb 12, 2013

For raffle tickets contact any fire department member.

Donated Acreage Is Now A NEW Park in Girdletree

Earlier in 2012 the Girdletree Volunteer Fire Company donated 3 acres of land to the Worcester Parks and Recreation.   A local contractor, Paul W. Jones & Son of Girdletree began the site work required for the new Girdletree Neighborhood Park in May 2012.

Photo/Girdletree Vol. Fire Company
The three acre site donated to Worcester County was to comprise of  two adjoining sections:  one for young children ages 2-5 and another for youth ages 6-12, with plans for a pavilion with grills and picnic tables, and a parking lot.

According to the Worcester County Parks and Recreation the Girdletree Park is NOW OPEN for a walk- through.  The playground/park is located at 5841 Box Iron Road in Gridletree, Md.  By May 2013 a pavilion will be completed.

Photo/Worcester County Parks and Recreation
Please be sure to thank the Girdletree Fire Department for their generous donation to the Worcester County Parks and Recreation.  The park is a wonderful asset to serve the community of Girdletree and the surrounding area.

For those of you living closer to the Pocomoke City area and Newtown Park on Groton Road you will be very pleased to know that the WCPR has  given the park a fresher look. 
A large pavilion great for family functions!
 Charcoal grills, picnic tables, sand volleyball court adjacent to pavilion, with a  playground close by.  Be sure to take a look!

Photo/Worcester County Parks and Recreation

Worcester County Parks and Recreation in now on FACEBOOK  For more information and photos take a look!