Thursday, October 10, 2013

Truckers to 'Ride for the Constitution'

By Suzanne Hamner
Have you gotten your supplies for October 11-13, 2013? Have you made plans to support the Truckers Ride for the Constitution by ceasing all monetary transactions for those days? Are you making your plans to go to DC or stand on an overpass?

The Truckers Ride for the Constitution begins officially on October 11, 2013, and runs through October 13, 2013. Many
truckers will be traversing across the country and have already started their journey to Washington, DC, while others are gearing down to "park it at home" on Friday. Some truckers will be stopped alongside the roadways or at truck stops and parking areas in support of the efforts of those descending on Washington to make America's voice heard. Individuals who are not in the trucking industry are also expected to attend. They can be identified by #T2SDA on their vehicle so they may join in with the truckers and ride along with them.

Organizer Zeeda Andrews appeared on the Glenn Beck Program show to explain to Glenn and his audience a brief explanation of why the truckers are planning a DC rally.

America, we can no longer afford to have Obama in the White House. We can no longer afford to have a Congress with representatives who go against the will of the people. We can no longer afford a government that violates our God-given rights. We can no longer afford for criminals to be leading and legislating this great nation of ours.

According to Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."

Along with all the other violations of the Constitution committed by this administration and government, the guarantee of every state in the union to a republican form of government has certainly also been violated with the federal government's steady encroachment into the powers reserved to the state or the people. Each state has not been protected from invasion of illegals or terrorists who insist on perpetrating domestic violence. And, each state has certainly be refrained from executing powers reserved to it: for example, education of its residents.

Ms. Andrews, in her interview, refers to a section of the Declaration of Independence that indicates a people have the responsibility and duty to secure their God-given rights. Let us be reminded:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security – Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

As the line in National Treasure asserts, "People don't talk like that anymore" with the response being, "Maybe they should."

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution contain more than words or the ideas of men. These documents contain the absolute recognition and confirmation that God, in his infinite wisdom, endowed man with rights that being divine in nature should not be discarded or trampled because of the transient whims of man. Many would argue the Constitution is out of date, should be rewritten or discarded. It is not these timeless documents that are out of date. It is those people that have strayed from God's infinite plan and embraced a decadent unnatural ideology that seeks to remove any source of opposition to their decadence because deep in their heart, these individuals know they are truly in violation of God's laws.

We must remember that we are a Christian nation, founded in Christian values that opened its doors to those who share the same convictions of individual freedoms and recognition of God-given rights. It is those immigrants America beckoned from across the water and across the border. We are not multicultural. We are not Islamic. We are not black, white, Indian or Hispanic. We are American.

Those who seek to change our Constitutional Republic into something else are enemies of this country and are committing insurrection against the people, who instituted this government, deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed. Regardless of the continued rhetoric of some ignorant politicians claiming we are a Constitutional Democracy or a Democratic Republic, our founding documents say different and it is those documents containing the identification of truth that we should hold dear and uphold.

It is time to take a stand America. No longer can anyone sit comfortably straddling the fence. Right now, this moment, every American must decide which side they support – the Constitutional Republic and the US Constitution or whatever government is dictated to us by our creature, the federal government.


SEAFOOD EXTRAVAGANZA ~ Greenbackville Volunteer Fire Department

2 Boaters Rescued By Coast Guard Near Ocean City

Photo/ U.S. Coast Guard
BALTIMORE — The Coast Guard rescued two boaters from a capsized sailboat Monday in the St. Martin River near Ocean City.

A good Samaritan noticed an overturned sailboat and called Coast Guard Station Ocean City watchstanders at approximately 12:30 p.m. to make a report.

A boatcrew aboard a 24-foot Special Purpose Craft was launched and arrived on scene within approximately 15 minutes of the notification.

“When we first got close enough to see the sailboat, we noticed the mast raising and falling in and out of the water,” said Petty Officer 1st Class William King, the coxswain aboard the SPC. “We saw one boater trying to right the boat, but each time he tried the sail would catch the wind causing the hull to come back down on him.”

The crew first rescued one boater who had drifted from the boat and then returned to pull the second off the sailboat.

“It was a good thing for both the boaters that we were able to respond as quickly as we did,” said King. “The environmental conditions were a bit beyond the capability of the boaters, putting them in harms way. When we arrived on scene we noticed the second boater had drifted approximately 25 yards from the overturned boat. The best decision the boaters made was to wear their life jackets. Accidents such as this one happen in a split second, rarely giving boaters the time to don their life jackets. If during an accident a boater is knocked unconscious, or like in this case is separated from their boat, a life jacket greatly increases their risk of survival.”

The Coast Guard crew transferred both boaters to the Ocean Pines Marina where Ocean City Fire Department EMS checked the boaters for injuries.

No injuries were reported.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

David Craig on Maryland's Dismal Tax Foundation Ranking

For immediate release 10.09.13
Contact: Jim Pettit

Harford County Executive and Maryland candidate for Governor David R. Craig released the following statement today on the campaign's facebook page regarding the Tax Foundation's just-released business climate tax comparison.  

"Maryland Ranks 41st on the 2014 Business Tax Climate Index. Maryland was ranked 22nd in 2006. We can do better."

The Tax Foundation's report comes on the heels of the Craig campaign raising concerns last week about Lt. Governor Anthony Brown skipping a manufacturing event in Towson. 

All of the major candidates for governor attended the October 4th forum and their positions on the jobs and economy, except for Brown, are available here:

"Anthony Brown should have attended this event," said Craig.  "Voters do not know where he stands on growing jobs in the important manufacturing sector, and Maryland's business climate continues to stagnate under the O-Malley-Brown Administration's 40 tax, fee and toll increases that remove $3.1 billion out of the economy each year." 

The Regional Manufacturing Institute forum focused on a national study in which Maryland earned a "D" letter grade  in the manufacturing sector compared to the other 49 states. 



Tax Foundation 2006 ranking:

Tax Foundation 2014 ranking: 

David Craig Facebook:

SAVE THE DATE : "House Of Pocoween"

Registration Deadline For Children's Grief Camp This Friday

The 2nd Annual Camp Fragile Hearts Grief Camp for children 7-17 dealing with loss, will be held at Camp Silver Beach YMCA, Saturday October 19th. Children can still be registered up until this Friday October 11th.

Based on the popular support group introduced by Hospice & Palliative Care of the Eastern Shore 6 years ago, the camp provides Eastern Shore children with resources and support, in dealing with issues arising from the loss of a parent or guardian, divorce, foster placement, military deployment, or incarceration.

The camp is free of charge, but registration is required, If you know a child who would benefit from the extra attention this program provides, please contact Hospice immediately to start the sign up process, or download forms from and deliver them to Hospice on Market Street in Onancock.

Camp combines group activities with certified counselors, with the many resources of YMCA Camp Silver Beach. This includes kayaking, the alpine tower, scavenger hunts, and much more.

Questions can be directed to Mozella Francis or Faye Eller at 787-3310.

Again, deadline for free registration is this Friday October 11th.


Pocomoke City Police Dept. Arrests 9/1/30/13 - /completion...

Names from the September 1-30 Arrest Report were accidentally omitted by me when originally posted a few weeks ago.  Sorry.  BW

Chief Kelvin D. Sewell


September 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013

09-15-2013 Edward Warfle, age 32 of Laurel, DE was arrested and charged on an outstanding warrant thru Somerset County for traffic offenses.

09-15-2013 Edward Kidd, age 47 of Los Angeles, CA was arrested and charged with Possession of CDS – not Marijuana.

09-16-2013 Robert Baytops, age 20 of Horntown, VA was arrested and charged with Possession of CDS Paraphernalia and Theft.

09-19-2013 Breon Ayres, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Conceal Dangerous Weapon, Possession of CDS – Marijuana, Possession of CDS Paraphernalia and Tress-Private Property.

09-19-2013 Shawn Brown, age 42 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Possession of CDS – Marijuana and Possession of CDS Paraphernalia.

09-20-2013 Julian Washington, age 23 of Mappsville, VA was arrested and charged with CDS Possession of Paraphernalia.

09-20-2013 Tyrone Beauford, age 42 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Wicomico County for Child Support.

09-21-2013 Chelsea Ford, age 20 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

09-22-2013 Jauan Holden, age 25 of New Church, VA was arrested and charged with CDS Possession – Marijuana.

09-23-2013 David Wells, age 30 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Alcohol Beverage in Public Place.

09-23-2013 Travis Vanavery, age 36 of Kalamazoo, MI was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree and False Imprisonment.
09-24-2013 Youvanda Hatney, age 44 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $500.

09-24-2013 Francis Crippen, age 32 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct.

09-25-2013 Shanae Harmon, age 18 of Horntown, VA was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

09-25-2013 Shanice Johnson, age 19 of Horntown, VA was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

 09-25-2013 Alphonso Taylor, age 43 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Somerset County for FTA.

09-27-2013 Myisha Dunson, age 26 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Litter/Dump less than 100 lbs.

09-27-2013 Robert Hayman, age 66 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $1,000 and Theft Scheme less than $1,000.

09-27-2013 Keydrick White, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with DUI.

09-28-2013 Dashawn Wise, age 37 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Worcester County for Failure to Pay Fine.

09-28-2013 Melvin Tipton, age 42 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Charles County for various traffic offenses.

09-28-2013 Tamara Wise, age 32 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

09-28-2013 Gerri Fitch, age 33 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Worcester County for FTA.

09-29-2013 Joseph Revels, age 52 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

09-29-2013 Larry Belote, age 19 of New Church, VA was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Accomack County for Sexual Assault.

A Pocomoke City juvenile, age 15 was arrested for Assault 2nd Degree.

A Pocomoke City juvenile, age 15 was arrested for Theft less than $100.

Fifteen (15) additional arrests were made for various traffic violations during the month of September 2013.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Transamerica Open House/Ribbon Cutting

Transamerica Agency Network Pocomoke Office
Grand Opening

Friday, October 11, 2013
3:00pm until 7:00pm

1532 Ocean Highway, Suite 104
Pocomoke, Maryland

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 10/11/2013 – Transamerica Agency Network Inc. (TAN), an innovative marketing organization, announces the opening of a new office in the Pocomoke City area.
The new office will allow better access to TAN’s extensive product portfolio designed to help protect the financial futures of America’s families.
Mr. JD Marshall is excited about the opportunities that the new office will bring to the Pocomoke area. “We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of our first Transamerica Agency Network office in the Pocomoke area.
For more information, please visit


5 Firefighters From Sussex County Delaware Arrested

On October 4, 2013 around 1:15 am Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were alerted by a member of the Bishopville Community that several people were riding around in a dark colored truck smashing mailboxes. 

Deputies from the Sheriff’s Office along with Troopers from the Maryland State Police Barrack in Berlin began converging on the Bishopville Community. 

A Trooper from the State Police located a dark colored pick-up truck traveling on Saint Martin’s Neck Road near Route 90.  The Trooper stopped the truck and upon approaching the vehicle he located 4 people in the bed of the truck along with the driver

They were identified as, Stewart William Pryor,  28, of Millsboro, De., Dylan Lee Sharp,  19,  of Milton, De., Franklin Adam Martin,  23,  of Milton, De., Sean James MaGee,  23,  of Selbyville, De, Addison Hill-Bittner,  22,  of Rehoboth De.

Also in the truck bed was 29 watermelons. 

While one Deputy assisted the Trooper, another began traveling the roads of Bishopville. 

Through the Sheriff’s Office investigation a total of 14 US Mailboxes, 1 Waste Management Trash Can, and 1 sign for a Church Parsonage were located damaged. 

The investigation revealed that the suspects were riding along Bishopville Road and Saint Martin’s Neck Road throwing water melons at mailboxes in an attempt to destroy them. 

During their initial interviews all 5 identified themselves as Firefighters from Sussex County Delaware. 

All the subjects were arrested and charged with malicious destruction of property and are awaiting trial.

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Throwback Thursday -October 10th- At the MarVa Theater

Five high school students, all different stereotypes, meet in detention, where they pour their hearts out to each other, and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought.
 Thursday, October 10th
7:00  PM
Tickets:  $5

Monday, October 7, 2013

Obama administration seeks to reduce cases of cancer in US…by changing the definition of cancer

If you needed another reason to oppose government run health care here’s one to make your blood boil.
from Forbes:

The federal government wants to reduce the number of Americans diagnosed each year with cancer. But not by better preventive care or healthier living. Instead, the government wants to redefinethe term “cancer” so that fewer conditions qualify as a true cancer. What does this mean for ordinary Americans — and should we be concerned?

On July 29, 2013, a working group for the National Cancer Institute (the main government agency for cancer research) published a paper proposing that the term “cancer” be reserved for lesions with a reasonable likelihood of killing the patient if left untreated. Slower growing tumors would be called a different name such as “indolent lesions of epithelial origin” (IDLE). Their justification was that modern medical technology now allows doctors to detect small, slow-growing tumors that likely wouldn’t be fatal. Yet once patients are told they have a cancer, many become frightened and seek unnecessary further tests, chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery. By redefining the term “cancer,” the National Cancer Institute hopes to reduce patient anxiety and reduce the risks and expenses associated with supposedly unnecessary medical procedures. In technical terms, the government hopes to reduce “overdiagnosis” and “overtreatment” of cancer.

read the rest
And why would the Obama administration want to re-define cancer? Because starting tomorrow, Obamacare will begin subsidizing millions of Americans’ health insurance, and cancer tests and treatments are expensive.

This is nothing more than a back-door, roundabout form of rationing. It has nothing to do with improving health care or saving lives and everything to do with bureaucrats picking and choosing who gets what tests and treatment


O'Malley Loses 26,000 Manufacturing Jobs - Declares October Manufacturing Month

For Immediate Release
October 7, 2013

Steve Crim


On Friday, Governor Martin O'Malley issued a proclamation declaring October 'Manufacturing Month,' and issued a press release talking about everything he was going to do to turn around manufacturing in the state. O'Malley reasoned, "manufacturing offers one of our greatest opportunities to strengthen our middle class, grow jobs and create new opportunities in Maryland."

"Governor O'Malley finally recognizes - six years too late - the importance of manufacturing to our economy. But we wholeheartedly disagree about the solution," stated Larry Hogan, business leader and Change Maryland Founder. "The O'Malley-Brown plan includes a whole lot of talk - more studies, commissions, roundtables, a monthly blog post, and even a proclamation - but no real solutions for an industry that has lost over 26,000 jobs since 2007, and has lost over 2,000 jobs between July and August of this year."

"The O'Malley-Brown administration has been openly hostile to manufacturing and the private sector in this state since the day they were sworn into office. A monthly blog post isn't going to reverse the troubling downward trend of manufacturing in our state," Hogan said. "In fact, it is an insult to the thousands of middle-class workers and their families who have struggled to find employment and make ends meet because of the O'Malley-Brown misguided policies."

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' State and Area Employment data, Maryland businesses employed 133,200 workers in January 2007. In August 2013, preliminary results indicate manufacturing employment has dropped to just 106,800 jobs - a total drop over 20% in the sector since 2007.

Hogan went in to say, "no amount of lip service can undo this Governor's deplorable record on jobs. 120,000 more Marylanders remain unemployed since O'Malley took office, and 26,000 of those are in our manufacturing sector. It's time we had a governor who will put action behind their words. It’s time to Change Maryland."

Change Maryland founder Larry Hogan is also the founder, President and CEO of the Hogan Companies, leaders in economic development who have brought hundreds of companies and thousands of jobs to Maryland, and have done over $2 billion in business in the state.

Hogan concluded, "This manufacturing proclamation is just the latest stunt by this governor to hide his horrible jobs record.  Last month, the governor made a ridiculous claim about recovering 100% of the jobs lost in the recession when in fact 120,000 more Marylanders are out of work today than when he first took office."

Bureau of Labor Statistics research shows Maryland's unemployment rate was 3.6% in April 2007, and nearly doubled to 7% in July 2013.

Change Maryland is the largest and fastest growing citizen organization in the state. The group organized a Business Summit on Improving Maryland's Economic Competitiveness which focused on solutions to the state's serious economic issues, which was attended by federal, state, and local government officials, economists, think tanks, and over 400 Maryland business leaders.


State and Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings

Series Id:    SMS24000003000000001
Seasonally Adjusted
Maryland, Statewide, Manufacturing, All Employees in Thousands
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
P : Preliminary



Governor O'Malley's Press Release:

Pocomoke Christmas Parade Has NEW Website

It's not too soon to begin planning on being a participant in the 41st annual Christmas Parade in Pocomoke City.

The brand new website is up and running and has ALL the information you need to enter the parade for this year. 
Just go to the website:, select the proper area as it applies to your group or organization  and fill out the application.

This years nighttime Christmas parade will be held on December 2, 2013! 

Pocomoke Fire Company Cadets Host "All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner"


So Much To Do At The Pocomoke Fall Festival This Saturday!

Twist & Shout ~ Beatles Tribute Band Returns To MarVa Theater

Twist & Shout!

Beatles Tribute Band
Opening Act: Evan & Leslie
October 12th
Time: 7 PM
Tickets: $10 in advance or $15 at the door

They rocked the Mar-Va last year and are back again! Don't miss this stellar performance. They'll have you dancing, singing, and shouting for more!

Additional ticket locations include:
Market Street Deli
T's Corner
Enchanted Florist
Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce

Show your Government ID at the door to get in for $10!

Don't Miss This At The Pocomoke Fall Festival