Sunday, January 5, 2014

Antares Launch Moved To Wednesday

NASA Photo
Mission Updates

Orbital, in consultation with NASA, has decided to reschedule the Antares CRS Orb-1 Space Station Resupply Mission launch for no earlier than Wednesday, January 8, 2014. The new target date was set due to the extreme cold temperatures that are forecasted for early next week, coupled with likely precipitation events predicted for Sunday night and Monday morning. While we are preserving the option to launch on January 8, it is more likely that the launch will take place on Thursday, January 9 because of a much improved weather forecast for later in the week.

The launch window on Wednesday is 1:32 - 1:37 pm EST (18:32 - 18:37 GMT). If weather conditions on Wednesday do not prove favorable, the launch window for Thursday, January 9 is 1:10 - 1:15 pm EST (18:10 - 18:15 GMT).

Rollout of the rocket to the pad will occur as previously scheduled tomorrow night, January 4, due to the relatively favorable weather, and the fact that the cargo has already been loaded onto the Cygnus. The team will execute on-pad preparations (mating the rocket to the pad, rotating the rocket to its vertical position, connecting umbilicals, etc.) immediately after rollout.

The Launch Readiness Review is currently scheduled to take place on Monday January 6. If the launch occurs on either Wednesday, January 8 or Thursday, January 9, Cygnus rendezvous and berthing with the space station will occur early in the morning of Sunday, January 12.


TIME MACHINE ... 1948, 1895, 1969, 1861, 1881.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

March, 1948
(The Sunday Morning Star- Wilmington, De.)

Princess Anne Now Md. State College

Special to The Sunday Star

Maryland State College is now the official name of the Eastern Shore School that formerly was known as Princess Anne College, according to a recent announcement by Dr. J.T. Williams, president of the institution. In a brief interview Dr. Williams observed that such a recommendation had been before State authorities for some time, and that the recent official approval was fitting inasmuch as the College derives its support from state funds.


February, 1895

The state of Maryland was snowbound with 16 inches reported in Pocomoke City. Waterways were icebound. The New York Times reported "The eastern shore of Maryland is almost entirely cut off from the outside world." 

August, 1969 (Time Machine archive)

Some available properties being advertised by an Ocean City real estate firm included the following:

Oceanfront- Four 2-bedroom apartment buildings, facing directly on the ocean. Knotty pine wall, wall to wall carpet, completely furnished. Each with tile bath, modern kitchens. These apartments are completely rented for 1969. $65,000 complete. 

Bayside- Modern 2-bedroom home. Suitable for year around living. Hot water, baseboard heat. All tiled bath. Spacious lawns. Residential neighborhood. Completely furnished. Lots of closet space. $21,000.

Oceanfront- Condominium apartment. 1-bedroom. Wall to wall carpet. Paneled walls. All electric heat and air conditioning. All electric kitchen. Full tile bath. Sun deck. Directly on the ocean. No ground rent to pay. $19,950. 

  August, 1861
(The Banner Of Liberty- Middletown, N.Y.)


You were advised last week that a movement of a rebel force from the Eastern Shore of Virginia into Maryland was on foot. This maneuvre of the enemy begins to assume formidable proportions and considerable importance.

The lower part of Delaware is filled with rebels. There are companies of rebels already organized and armed there, as well as in the lower counties of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Rebels from all the other parts of Maryland have been recently flooding that section. Numbers have come across in open boats from the western shore of Virginia to Eastville, Northampton County, Virginia. Quantities of arms and munitions of war have been carried into the Eastern Shore of Virginia from Philadelphia, either by the railroad running through Delaware to Salisbury, Md., near the Virginia line, or by vessels seaward and landed on the coast of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, convenient to Drummondtown, Accomac county. It is estimated that there is now in that section of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware a large force of rebels, partially armed and equipped, and ready to be thrown forward by way of the railroad from Salisbury, upon the lines of the Philadelphia and Baltimore and Newcastle and Frenchtown railroads, and the Chesapeake And Delaware Canal, so as effectually to cut off communication from Philadelphia, at the moment of the greatest need, and to aid another uprising by the rebels in Baltimore and the secession counties of southern Maryland along the Potomac. Washington thus would be completely begirt with rebel forces, and if compelled to surrender or stand a siege, it would take weeks for a new Union army to be concentrated on the banks of the Susquehanna, and force its way through Maryland to the relief of the capital.

  November, 1881
(Reno Evening Gazette- Reno, Nevada)

An island thirty miles away was beautifully brought to view to the people of Accomac county, Virginia recently, as a mirage. The sun rose behind a thick fog bank which soon grew thinner, and suddenly Chincoteague Island appeared with its tall white tower, its dwellings, its trees and shrubbery. A little boy was seen driving a flock of sheep along the shore, and even a little girl in the door of the lighthouse keeper's home, fondling a doll. It lasted but a moment. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1948.. A new name for Princess Anne College; 1895.. Pocomoke City snowbound; 1969.. Ocean City real estate prices; 1861.. Rebel activity on Eastern Shore is concern; 1881.. Mirage of Chincoteague reported.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Surf Dog Ricochet, the SURFice™ Dog celebrated New Year’s Eve with a special ocean therapy tandem surf session for members of our military and people/kids with disabilities. Ricochet is the only dog in the world that surfs as an assistive aid and SURFice dog™ to those with physical, emotional and psychiatric challenges including kids with special needs, adults with disabilities, wounded warriors and veterans with PTSD.
Ricochet surfed with retired Staff Sergeant Randall Dexter who served two tours in Iraq and now suffers with PTSD. “Ricochet has given me a new lease on life. PTSD makes it very difficult to go out, but now that I’ve met Ricochet I get to enjoy the things I used to love. To me she’s a guardian angel”, said Dexter. Ricochet and Dexter have also created the PTSD Battle Buddy Initiative to help other active duty service members and veterans with PTSD. Every 65 minutes a veteran with PTSD dies by suicide. Ricochet and Dexter are committed to changing that alarming statistic through their efforts at
Also on board was Gina, the 9 year old daughter of Bradley Gill, a Marine who just returned home from Afghanistan after 11 months. Gina has autism and when asked what it’s like to surf with Ricochet she said, “She helps me have the courage for popping up and being brave.”
As Gill watched his daughter with Ricochet, he brushed away a tear and said “It’s really special for me today because it’s the first time I’ve actually gotten to see Gina surf with Ricochet and it was amazing. It makes me feel proud and gives her more confidence. This is a child who is afraid to try and ride a bike without training wheels, but has no problem going out in this cold water and hopping on a surfboard with Ricochet”.
Also carving waves with Ricochet at this celebratory session was 7 year old West who has autism and was afraid of the water until he met and surfed with Ricochet and Jacob Benarth who has Ataxia-Telangiectasia.
  Ricochet instinctively adjusts her surfing style based on the individual’s disability. You can learn more at and see more videos and news segments of this special surf session on Facebook “When you put the healing power of the ocean and the healing power of a dog together, you can’t match it! Judy Fridono, Ricochet’s guardian said.
Happy New Year from Surf Dog Ricochet!
Watch news segments at these links…


MISSING:  Lisa Kolarik
As of this morning, 1/4/14,  Lisa Kolarik has been LOCATED and found unharmed.

MISSING:  Lisa Kolarik

Missing since the morning of January 2, 2014.

Last seen in Newark, MD leaving her home driving a blue Toyota FJ Cruiser with Maryland plates.

Kolarik is 5'3" and approximately 120lbs.

If you think you might have seen her or her vehicle, please contact  443-513-1196 or the Worcester County Sheriff's Office at 410-632-1111.

No Sewage Or Contaminants Released Into the Groundwater Or Pocomoke River

State Asks City To Finish Cleanup By Jan. 31
Written by:  Ted Shockley
Staff Writer

POCOMOKE CITY — The state environmental department alleges Pocomoke City broke the law by operating an “open dump” at the site and seeks a cleanup plan by Jan. 31.

Municipal officials say they were following a state recommendation to solidify a berm at the city’s wastewater treatment plant. The resulting construction debris hadn’t been removed.

Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce A. Morrison said the town likely will submit the plan to the state Department of the Environment by Friday.

“We are in the process of correcting the problems, in the process of getting the plan together,” he said.

An environmental department spokesman said inspectors found “piles of soil containing sewage sludge, concrete, asphalt and solid waste” at the city wastewater plant.

The department ordered the refuse removed in accordance with a cleanup plan, but Morrison said removal was the idea all along. He said the city moved concrete and soil to stabilize a berm on an asphalt-lined retention lagoon. The state asked that the berm be reinforced.

But the state also asked that the grass on the berm be mowed, and the rocky surface left no way to keep the grass down, Morrison said.


Virginia ~ Lowcost Rabies Vaccination Clinics for 2014

Worcester County Public Works Collecting Christmas Trees

Worcester County Public Works Collecting Christmas Trees For Recycling

Worcester County residents can bring their Christmas trees in for recycling through much of this month.

The Worcester County Public Works Department’s Solid Waste Division will be collecting Christmas trees through January 25.

Residents can drop off their trees at the Homeowners Convenience Centers in Berlin and Pocomoke, free of charge. Decorations need to be removed from the trees.

Businesses and organizations that sell trees can’t drop off trees at the Homeowners Convenience Centers, but can bring them to the Central Landfill in Newark for a disposal fee of $70 per ton.

The trees will be recycled by being turned into mulch.

Friday, January 3, 2014

PIZZA NIGHT ~ New Church Volunteer Fire and Rescue

Here's a GREAT idea for dinner on a cold, snowy evening!!

You don't even have to get out of your vehicle!!

FIRST Robotics Season Opens At Wallops Visitor's Center

FIRST Robotics competition seasons kicks off Saturday, January 4 as high school students from across Delmarva will learn about the 2014 challenge that will pit them in competition with other students from the mid-Atlantic, to across the nation, and around the world.

From 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m., January 4, at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitors Center, students from several Eastern Shore teams will gather to learn what task befalls them in the 2014 FIRST Robotics competition. The public is invited to attend.

Amy Davis, FIRST Robotics coordinator at NASA Wallops, said, Every year there are more and more students and adults on the Eastern Shore interested in robotics programs. There is a lot of excitement when these students get together and use their ingenuity to solve the challenges placed before them. Its a lot of fun!

This years kick-off day will include check-in from 8:45 to 9:15 a.m. An engineering challenge will be conducted from 9:30 to 10:15am. This will lead up to the live announcement of the 2014 game challenge from FIRST headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire,
Davis said, "The kick-off day is open to the public to encourage more students in elementary, middle, and high school to take part in the robotics programs in their schools and across the Shore. You don't have to be a member of an established robotics team to attend."


Reception for Delegate Mike McDermott

Restrictions at Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel reports Level 3 restrictions now in place with winds gusting over 55 mph.

All but passenger cars and pickups will not be allowed to cross.

MARKET STREET BOUTIQUE ~ Celebrate the New Year!

Celebrate the New Year!
 Come Shop and Pop!!!

DRIVING SAFELY IN THE SNOW ~ Maryland State Police

 From:  The Maryland State Police

Photo BW

If you must travel, prepare!
 1--Clean all windows for good visibility.
 2--Brush your hood, trunk, and roof clear of snow.
 3--Clean off headlights and turn signals so you can see and be seen.
 4--Reduce speed and keep your headlights on low beam. High beams will cause glare and affect your ability to see.
 5--Drive at a speed that matches the prevailing visibility, traffic, and road conditions.
 6--Leave additional space between you and the vehicle in front of you.
 7--Use safety belts. With restraints you have better vehicle control and you can react with more precision.
 8--Accept the fact that the going may be slow and there will be delays and inconveniences. Resign yourself to a slower pace. Relax and concentrate on your driving. It's better to take more time and arrive safely. Use common sense.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

PLEASE Take Care Of Your Pets!!

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1948.. A new name for Princess Anne College; 1895.. Pocomoke City snowbound; 1969.. Ocean City real estate prices; 1861.. Rebel activity on Eastern Shore is concern; 1881.. Mirage of Chincoteague reported.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Celebrate New Years Eve @ The Saxis Fire Department

New Years Eve @ The Saxis Fire 
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
8:00 PM
Live Music By:
"Gideon Groove"
(However, if possible, please leave a small donation of whatever you can afford to the fire department)
Come out to the Saxis Firehouse and let "Gideon Groove", groove you in to 2014!

 I canceled everything that I had planned to go help the Saxis VFD... I was gonna donate 60 bucks for my wife and myself and just before we went in they put up signs on the doors that said they charge 20 bucks per head...

We turned around and left... some young lady came running out and wanted to know why we were leaving so I told her it was because they had people inside that came in for donations and now they want waaaay to much per head cover after advertising no cover and I had a problem with people that don't keep their word...

she said the band made them do it because people were not donating enough....well punish the band not the people and why was the band even charging at a charity event like that anyway?

That band ain't that good anyway...I mean my goodness a bar only charges 10 bucks cover for bands like ICU, Surreal, Great Train Robbery, etc. I could have gone to a lot of places and listened to good bands or DJ's for no cover. I'm done with Saxis sorry Saxis VFD

SAVE THE DATE ~ "Pirates of the Chesapeake"

Mar-Va Theater and Performing Arts Center
The Ballet Theatre of Maryland
"Pirates of the Chesapeake"
Saturday,  February 1, 2014

 2 pm – 4 pm
Tickets: $10
 Sponsored by Worcester County Library Foundation, Worcester County Arts Council, and PNC Bank
Purchase your tickets at any branch of the
 Worcester County Library
Tickets on sale now

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve Specials ~ Riverside Grill

New Years Eve Specials  ~  Riverside Grill

-Cream of Crab soup w/ 1/2 sandwich or side salad 6.99
Meatloaf with mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans 6.99
Crab Cake Caesar Salad 16.99
6 oz. Filet Mignon with 2 sides 16.99
 6 oz. Filet Mignon with a Crab Cake and 2 sides 26.99
-Oysters Chesapeake 10.99

Fresh Cut Fries
Pasta Salad
 Cole Slaw
Mashed Potatoes with gravy
 Green Beans
 Mac and Cheese
Fresh Fruit
Soup du Jour
 Cream of Crab Cup 4.59
Bowl 5.79

Happy hour 4-7 w/ $1 off appetizers
 4-Close: 99 cent Kids meals
 8-close: 1/2 price appetizers & import bottle beer
*Complimentary Champagne Toast at Midnight*

Contractor Hired to Fix State Health Exchange Website Gave $650,000 to O'Malley-Led Political Group

ANNAPOLIS – The company hired to clean up the O'Malley-Brown Administration's health insurance exchange website debacle is also a subsidiary of one of the largest contributors to the Democratic Governors Association during Governor O'Malley's tenure as its Chairman, Change Maryland has uncovered.

"Yesterday, the Baltimore Sun sounded the alarm on a potential conflict of interest between the subsidiary and its parent company with regard to the healthcare exchange," commented Larry Hogan, founder and Chairman of the nonpartisan Change Maryland. "Now, we found this same group of companies donated $650,000 to a political organization led by O'Malley."

The company brought in to fix the exchange, Optum/QSSI, is a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, which owns one of the insurers selling policies through the state exchange, according to a weekend article in the Sun. UnitedHealth Group is also the parent company of United Healthcare Services, a group that Change Maryland found donated $650,000 to the DGA throughout O'Malley's tenure as chair. UHS lists the same Minneapolis address on the DGA disclosure reports as the UnitedHealth Group website.

"The O'Malley-Brown Administration handed over an emergency contract to a company that gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the governor's organization, and that has already received over $2 billion dollars in state contracts," Hogan continued. "The governor needs to immediately address these conflicts of interest, and explain how this no-bid contract was awarded."

Change Maryland is completing an ongoing investigation into the relationship between state contractors and their donations to the DGA. The group found dozens of instances similar to this one, where contractors donated large sums of money and were subsequently rewarded with significant benefits from the state in the forms of contracts, extensions, and advantageous legislation.

"This additional data further suggests a disturbing pattern of behavior that, at the very least, is unethical and inappropriate," said Hogan. "I think the public has a right to know the truth about these practices. Did the governor and/or others in his administration solicit large contributions from contractors, then reciprocate by rewarding those donors with huge state contracts, extensions, or other favors or decisions in return?" he added.

Obviously this has serious implications and gives the appearance of the potential for decisions being influenced by millions of dollars in "donations." Recognizing the inappropriate and unethical nature of these relationships, state law currently prohibits state contractors from making contributions to an elected official's campaign account. This evidence indicates the possibility of a deliberate, coordinated effort by this administration to circumvent the intent of the law by soliciting huge, unlimited contributions to a federal, rather than state, account.

Larry Hogan is a business owner with over 25 years of experience in the private sector. As President & CEO of Hogan Companies, he has attracted hundreds of businesses and thousands of jobs to Maryland. After a lifetime of experiences as an outsider political activist, Hogan founded Change Maryland in 2011 to advocate for fiscally responsible government and to give average Marylanders the opportunity to hold their elected officials accountable. 


Company helping fix Md. health exchange linked to firm selling policies
The Baltimore Sun, December 28, 2013 

Democratic Governors Association

Pocomoke Chamber of Commerce Aloha Annual Dinner

Saturday, January 4th is the last day for Early Bird pricing for the Pocomoke Chamber of Commerce Aloha Annual Dinner.

Join the Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce for a tropical celebration of businesses and community.

Our Annual Dinner will be held on Saturday, February 1st from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. at the elegant Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Department Company Center at 1410 Market Street in Pocomoke. 

This year’s theme is the Aloha Lounge, and costumes are encouraged. Prizes will be given for the best men's costume, best women's costume, and best group/table of costumes.  

Join us as we honor the winners of the Community at Heart, Business Person of the Year, and Lifetime Achievement Awards. Tickets are $25 until January 4th, and $35 from Jan. 5th until Jan. 18th.  January 18th is the final day for ticket sales.  Tickets are available at our office at 6 Market Street in Pocomoke, by phone at 410-957-1919, or online at 


Maryland State Police...

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
This holiday season troopers remind motorists if you decide to drink and drive, be ready for an alternate ride.
 The Maryland State Police provides fair warning to all party goers this holiday season, urging motorists to make alternate plans before driving drunk. State troopers will be out in force, conducting various enforcement initiatives with a focus on impaired, aggressive, and distracted drivers.
 Data reveals the holiday season is a particularly dangerous time of year on the roads, due to the increased number of impaired drivers.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a total of 830 fatalities occurred last year during the holiday season alone.
“The holidays are a joyous time of the year, and troopers are going to make every effort to keep our roads safe for travelers heading to visit friends and family,” said Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent Maryland State Police. “There will be zero tolerance for impaired drivers on the road. If you choose to drink and drive, you will be arrested.”
Impaired drivers often face jail time, the loss of their driver licenses, higher insurance rates, and dozens of other unanticipated expenses ranging from attorney fees, court costs, car towing and repairs, to lost wages due to time off from work. Even worse, a drunk driver can cause a traffic crash that claims someone’s life, or their own.
 Please follow these tips to keep the holidays safe and happy:
• Even one drink can impair your judgment and increase the risk of getting arrested for driving drunk—or worse, the risk of having a crash while driving.
• If you will be drinking, do not plan on driving. Plan ahead; designate a sober driver before the party begins.
• If you have been drinking, do not drive. Call a taxi, phone a sober friend or family member, use public transportation.
• Be responsible. If someone you know is drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel.
• If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement. Your actions may save someone’s life, and inaction could cost a life.
 The additional state police patrols coincide with the Maryland Highway Safety Office initiative “Towards Zero Deaths” and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration initiative “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”.

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Rates Increase Wednesday

If you want to cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel at the old rate you had better do it today. Starting tomorrow the new toll rates will begin. The toll for standard passenger vehicles, pickups, light trucks and vans under 15 passengers will be $13.00 one way and $5.00 for a return trip within 24 hours. The effective rate increase for a two way trip for standard passenger vehicles is $1.00.

However in order to get the return trip discount you must possess an Easy Pass. These are available at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel administrative building at the North Toll Plaza and other local retailers.

Starting May 15, there will be a peak rate of $15 for one way but just $3 for the return trip. This will still make the round trip toll $18.00.

If you would like to view the entire new toll schedule which includes classes for all vehicles, log onto the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel web site and click on Toll Schedule -


Monday, December 30, 2013

Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company Anniversary Exhibit

TONIGHT: Guest Bartender Night

Guest Bartender Night
 at Steamers Restaurant and Sports Bar


Virginia~ Senate Election Next Tuesday

In just over a week, voters in Virginias 6th Senatorial district will go to the polls to elect a new Senator to replace Ralph Northam who moves up to the Lieutenant Governors office. The winner of this election will determine the political makeup of the Virginia Senate which presently has 20 Democrats and 20 Republicans.

Delegate Lynwood Lewis a Democrat will take on the Republican nominee Wayne Coleman a Norfolk businessman. The winner will allow his political party to take control of the Senate.

A win by Lewis will trigger a whole new series of elections to fill his seat in the House of Delegates. It would require primaries for both parties followed by a special election. The time that would take would keep 100 District House of Delegates seat vacated for the 2014 Virginia General Assembly.

Lewis could become the first shore resident to hold the Senate seat since the late Senator Bill Fears served. While Northam is an Eastern Shore native, he is currently lives and works in Norfolk.

Coleman is hoping to attract enough votes from conservatives on both sides of the bay to move the 6th District seat into the Republican column.

Meanwhile as Lt. Governor, Northam will become the first native Eastern Shoreman to hold one of the top State offices for over 150 years.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Today Is Bob Marley Stamp Day

 On December 29,1982, Jamaica issued a Bob Marley commemorative stamp.

Nesta Robert Marley was a Jamaican singer-songwriter who achieved international fame through a series of crossover reggae albums.

"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!"
~ Bob Marley ~

TIME MACHINE ... New Year's Eve 1964, 1941, 1929, 1966, 1900


December, 1964 (Time Machine archive)

The Carousel Hotel in north Ocean City was advertising a Gala New Year's Eve party to welcome in the new year 1965. It included a buffet preceding a New Year's Eve party, with the party including drinks, noisemakers, snacks and a bottle of champagne for the midnight toast, breakfast immediately following the party, plus a night's lodging in an oceanfront room. Total price for two.. $42.00.

December, 1941
(Salisbury Times)


A Timely Suggestion. Make Your Reservations Now. New Year's Eve Party At The COZY CABIN. U.S. Route 13- Delmar Road. Music by Mel Horsey and his orchestra. Ticket sales will stop as soon as capacity is reached.


EXTRA. To assure sufficient table and seating space, reservations can not be taken after 11 o'clock Wednesday morning. CALL 333 OR 11 NOW FOR RESERVATIONS TO THE NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE. Sponsored by The Lions Club. Music by Eddie Hamp and his 12-pc. orchestra. Featuring Dorris Bell. Torch singer. Jackson-Gutman Bldg. Salisbury By-Pass. $2.75 per couple. Inc. tax. All soldiers home on leave in uniform with ladies will be admitted free upon payment of tax .26. Reservations in advance are requested if possible.

December, 1929 (Time Machine archive)


New York, Dec. 31 -(AP)- Predicting a noisier, more boisterous welcome for 1930 than has been enjoyed by any of its recent predecessors, hotel and restaurant managements today prepared to entertain thousands of New Year's eve celebrants.

Police Commissioner Grover A. Whalen announced that the curfew will drown out the blare of jazz, tin horns and other noise makers in nightclubs promptly at 3 A.M. Wednesday. Hotels, which are immune from curfew restrictions, advertised "dancing until dawn." Cover charges will run as high as $20 a person.

The management of the Hotel Ambassador announced that the capacity of its three large dining rooms would be taxed with reservations for more than 1,000. The Savoy-Plaza made ready to care for an equal number, and other hotels and restaurants announced preparations for capacity crowds.

Radio listeners may hear the New Years chimes as early as 7 P.M. ,Eastern Standard Time, tonight when because of the difference in time it will be midnight in London and the peals of Big Ben, famous clock in the tower of Parliament building, will be radiocast across the Atlantic and rebroadcast throughout this country.

Special New Year's eve radio programs will include a series of concerts by dance bands playing from New York, Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, and Sydney, Australia.

Watch services will be held in scores of churches throughout the city and many offering special music.

December, 1929 (Time Machine archive)

A special vaudeville show and a Fox Super Special singing and dancing picture, "Words And Music," provided the late night New Year's Eve entertainment at Salisbury's Arcade Theater.

December, 1966 (Time Machine archive)

If you were planning to go out to welcome in the new year 1967 here's a look at some of the local New Year's Eve activities you could consider:

A "Chop Hop" at the Pocomoke armory featuring music by the Midnight Walkers and with master of ceremonies Choppy Layton and Wayne Powell...The Orbits appearing at Salisbury's Northwood Bar...Dancing at the Delmar Moose Lodge featuring music with Joey Welz...The True Tones providing the music at Salisbury's Eastside Men's Club Dance...Richard Maltby's Orchestra in Salisbury at the Civic Center's New Year's Eve Ball And Breakfast.

January 1, 1901 (Time Machine archive)

On the the first day of the Twentieth Century an Iowa newspaper, The Davenport Republican, reported on the comments of speakers at its area churches on the previous evening, the last evening of the Nineteenth Century.

Some brief excerpts:

From a judge... "Certainly we have not yet gone too far in strengthening the federal government. -- Somewhere, however, must be set the limits of this centralized power, at some point the line must be firmly drawn between the nation and the states. Where this line shall be fixed no one can safely say in advance. It is one of the grave problems we must leave for solution to the courage, wisdom, and patriotism of our children. -- There is some little we may say with assurance of the future. It will be what our children and their descendants make it. To such young people as hear me and who shall take part in molding the coming century I wish to say that you will not do so well as your fathers and mothers have done in life work unless you do better than they did. You have advancement they did not possess. -- We have now in every considerably town a high school where a course of study is pursued equivalent to that of Dartmouth college when it graduated Daniel Webster in 1801. Our state with some others has made provision for establishing free public library in every school district. This, with the university extension courses, so popular throughout the country, and which are continually developing, mark an era in advanced education. Eventually it will bring the college courses to the door of every earnest seeker for knowledge." 

From a lawyer... "By firing my imagination, giving it the reins and allowing it to run rampant, I might predict that in 2000 the stars and stripes will float in sole and unquestioned sovereignty from the North Pole to Cape Horn. I might speculate on the downfall of monarchies and the rise of new republics. I might be right, I might be wrong. I might be so bold and conceited to announce to you that in the coming century men, with artificial wings, will fly like birds through the air. I might contend that our whole system of transportation will be overthrown and a new one put in action. I might even be so rash as to predict that the day is not far distant when mankind will know no disease, no sickness. Trusting in the blessed trinity of chance, accident, or mistake for the fulfillment of my prophecy, I might say that the science of medicine will be so revolutionized that medical assistance will be required only to prevent disease, not to cure. I might be right, I might be wrong, it matters not. Whatever speculation we may make upon the future, we at least know enough to know the past. The world has learned that no man is good enough to govern another man excepting by that other man's consent, and in my humble judgment thereon hangs the destiny of the nations." 

  Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

  As we count down to a brand new year we take a glance back to New Year's Eve in 1964, 1941, 1929, 1966, and 1900... this Sunday here on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting! 

Acccomack County Circuit Court

Acccomack County Circuit Court ~ Thursday - December 19, 2013

Jacqueline Hunter had been charged with two counts of burglary and two counts of grand larceny. Ms. Hunter pled guilty August 14, 2013 and was in court for sentencing. The burglary charges were at her ex-employers, the Rue family, and at local businesses Turner sculptures and Bundick Well and Pump. With no previous record and a guilty plea, Judge Lewis sentenced Ms. Hunter to 10 years on each count with all but one year and six months suspended. At the completion of active jail time she will be on indefinite probation with restitution to be made on count one of $4,937 and $6,826 on count two along with court cost.

Arely Alvarado had been charged with three counts of welfare fraud. Ms. Alvarado pled guilty to all charges. These charges came about after an investigation by Social Services' Mr. Jack Thompson. Ms. Alvarado when confronted by social services admitted that she had been working under a different name and Social Security number and was here illegally. The charges go back to the beginning of 2012 and run through January 2013 totaling approximately $7,000 with $6,430 having been repaid by family members and a promise to pay the balance promptly. Judge Lewis accepted the guilty plea and sentenced the defendant to three years on each count to run concurrently and suspended all time, except time served. Ms. Alvarado will be retained and turned over to the immigration department.

Keyron Bess was charged with the use of a firearm during a robbery and was found guilty in a bench trial in April 2013. Evidence was presented by the Commonwealth that this was a sale of marijuana turned into a robbery at gunpoint with a child and mother in the home at the time. This offense occurred on April 13, 2010. Mr. Bess was not arrested until February 2012. Judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Bess to 20 years with nine years suspended on the robbery charge and an additional three years to run consecutively for the gun charge. The remaining 11 years of suspension would be on probation.

James Taylor, charged with felony shoplifting, was indicted by the grand jury on June 3, 2013 for shoplifting from the Food Lion store in Oak Hall, Va. With a video tape and eyewitnesses available, Mr. Taylor entered a guilty plea. This case was continued for a presentence report and Mr. Taylor was permitted to stay out on bond.

Rynell Crippen was charged with grand larceny being convicted on July 25, 2013 of shoplifting from the local Walmart store and a record of intoxication in public on multiple occasions. Judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Crippen to five years with all but one year and six months suspended.

Torey Duffy was charged with burglary and a reduced charge of grand larceny to petty larceny. Mr. Duffy's attorney Carl Bundick presented a motion to continue this case to allow time for the defendant to be evaluated for programs rather than jail. Mr. Morgan the assistant Commonwealth attorney said he would have objected at the time that Mr. Duffy was convicted and was objecting again today because he did not feel Mr. Duffy would meet the qualifications of any known program. Judge Lewis granted the motion to continue until April 7, 2014 or until the evaluation was complete whichever comes first.