Sunday, February 23, 2014

Field Notes By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Week 7 February 17-21, 2014
Monday Evening Session:

The House heard an oratory presentation by Delegate Keifer Mitchell  (D-Baltimore City) commemorating President George Washington’s Birthday.
Tuesday Morning Session:
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #4    
HB 39
Third Reading Passed (129-0)
HB 40
Third Reading Passed (130-1)
HB 41
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 53
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 220
Third Reading Passed (129-0)
HB 258
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 301
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 303
Third Reading Passed (130-0)
HB 478
Third Reading Passed (131-0)

Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #5                                HB 101
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 102
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 113
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 149
Third Reading Passed (129-0)
HB 202
Third Reading Passed (129-2)
HB 253
Third Reading Passed (130-0)
HB 254
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 288
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 335
Third Reading Passed (129-1)
HB 511
Third Reading Passed (117-14)

Tuesday Afternoon Judiciary Committee:
HB-355 would require the Governor’s Office of Crime Control to establish and expand the program areas that support the survivors of homicide victims in the state. The governor has funded this program area with $500,000 this year and this bill would help delineate the use of these funds in support of these survivors. There were questions raised regarding other victim support programs and it was clearly stated that this fund would not conflict now or in the future with the other fund areas.
HB-370 would require a Maryland judge to decide whether or not a reporter could be compelled to testify on an issue of confidentiality in another state.
HB-375 would increase the penalties associated with felony and misdemeanor Elder Abuse. The felony charge would go from 10-20 years and the misdemeanor from 5-10 years. The need to do this was questioned regarding the current sentences that are being handed down by the judiciary.
HB-379 would create a registry (much like the Sex Offender Registry) for those convicted of Vulnerable Adult Abuse. This has been a perennial bill with small modifications made to it each year.  The reasoning for the bill is clear, but there is reluctance to start another state criminal registry.
HB-382 would place significant restrictions for the release on bail of anyone charged with Elder Abuse or Neglect. It would also require the state to confiscate the Passport of .the individual as part of their conditional release. This bill goes too far to insure that someone shows up for a court hearing.
HB-559 would create an Address Confidentiality Program for victims of Human Trafficking. It would require the Secretary of State to establish this program and administer it on behalf of the victims. The state would receive all of the mail and inquiries for information on behalf of a member of the program.
HB-578 would take away Diminution Credits (good time credit) for inmates that are found to be in possession of a cellular phone. This is being looked upon as one of the measures that can be implemented in an effort to curtail the use of these phones in the prison system.
HB-608 would mandate additional training for law enforcement officers on the issues surrounding human trafficking. The focus of the training would focus on sensitivity and awareness to the crime and the victims who are often seen as suspects in these cases.
HB-614 would require certain notices be provided to the local State’s Attorney’s Office affected when an inmate is transferred from one correctional facility to another. It would mandate certain documents that would need to follow the inmate during the transfer.
HB-638 would exempt the work release and pre release programs of the Montgomery County Department of Corrections from any prohibitions of cell phone devices being located in their locations. It appears that some of these inmates need access in support of their work in this half-way situation of transitioning back to society.
HB-642 expands the established pilot program to cover Baltimore City and any individual under an order of mandatory supervision by the court. This program, called Swift and Certain Sanctions, has proved to be successful in managing those on parole.
HB-696 would change the age standard for Felony Human Trafficking from age 18 and replace it with the age of 21. Law enforcement indicated that most of the contacts they have who fall into this type of category are actually ages 18-21.
HB-701 would reclassify the abduction of a child under 16 years of age for the purposes of prostitution from a misdemeanor to a felony. The penalty would increase from 10-30 years. The crime of kidnapping is already punishable by up to 30-years in prison and we also have a crime on the books called Human Trafficking of a Minor which has very similar characteristics.
HB-721 would require each state correctional facility to deploy at least one full body scanner for use in the institution. It would also require the Dept. of Public Safety and Correctional Services to provide a report on the deployment by January 1, 2015.
Special Order of HB-296:
I argued for, and received, a Special Order for this bill which names thousands of acres currently owned by the state as State Wild Lands. This is the state’s version of a Wilderness designation by the Federal Government. If passed, it would change the designation on thousands of acres on the lower shore and would place them off limits from any type of future development. It would also limit the impact allowed by man and would eliminate the ability to use any motorized equipment on the land and would not allow for any additional roads or trails. In fact, you would not be allowed to ride a bicycle on these lands if they are so designated.  Worcester County sent a letter objecting to this designation. Senator Mathias voted in favor of the legislation in the Senate. I will be meeting with Chairman MacIntosh and the DNR to determine if the bill can be amended to allow for more activities.
Tuesday Judiciary Voting Session:
Bills Voted Favorably:
Wednesday Morning Session:
Bills introduced on Second Reader. (from Health & Govt. Op/Economic Matters)
Wednesday Afternoon Judiciary Committee Hearings:
HB-724 would allow the Attorney General to bring a civil action against anyone who violates the State’s prohibitions against vulnerable adult abuse. The damages could be for personal injury, death or property loss/damage.
HB-845 would require courts that hire private stenographers for recording the courts actions must provide at least 5% of their stenography services free of charge for indigent persons who appeal their cases to a higher court. We heard testimony that many courts provide this service for free to these persons but that is not the case throughout the state.
HB-857 would require a uniform subpoena form and other standardization of forms for all of the Circuit Courts in Maryland. This bill passed two years ago but was vetoed by the governor. It remains a good government idea.
HB-867 would expand the Maryland False Claims Act and allow the state to recover additional money that is fraudulently taken by individuals. Currently we have law that addresses Health Care /False Claims.
HB-914 is a request for raises for Orphan’s Court Judges in Charles County.
HB-1004 is a technical adjustment to existing law. It would require a person to file a written objection to a modified administration in order for a modified administration to be revoked (this addresses estates and trusts).
HB-1069 would allow a person to bring a disciplinary action against an  individual who takes an action against a person although they are not a licensed Social Worker when the license would be required for that person to act in the first place.
HB-1089 is a request for raises for Orphan’s Court Judges in Anne Arundel County. This bill will allow for annual cost of living increases when appropriate.
HB-1112 is a request for raises for Orphan’s Court Judges in Frederick County.
HB-1206 is a request for raises for Orphan’s Court Judges in Baltimore City.
Wednesday Judiciary Voting Session:
Favorable HB-355,
Thursday Morning Session:
Special Order of HB-296
I was able to offer Amendments to this bill which would require the Department of Natural Resources to maintain trails and roads that exist in the lands affected by this bill in Worcester County. As this language was missing from the bill, I had strong concerns that over time without maintenance, all of the access trails would be erased by which hunters and other recreational seekers would not be able to utilize the land which is currently being utilized by the public. The Chairman received the amendment without objection and it became a part of the bill which was then passed on to Third Reader status.
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #6
HB 228
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 238
Third Reading Passed (128-4)
HB 256
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 346
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 364
Third Reading Passed (132-0)
HB 386
Third Reading Passed (125-8)
HB 545
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 555
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 575
Third Reading Passed (133-0)

Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #7
HB 12
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 13
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 31
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 147
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 174
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 205
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
HB 206
Third Reading Passed (127-4)
HB 529
Third Reading Passed (133-0)

Thursday Afternoon Judiciary Hearing:
HB-371 would create a registration process for dogs declared “dangerous” and would create a state database for registration purposes. It would also alter the definition of a “dangerous dog”  and would also require such animals to be insured by their owners. We heard testimony that this bill was reactive and not proactive and would not stop these incidents from occurring.
HB-373 would require the state to maintain an “Animal Abuse Registry” which would contain anyone convicted of a specified animal abuse or neglect offense.
HB-422 would prohibit any finding that a dog was potentially dangerous simply because of the breed of the animal.
HB-523 would increase the civil penalty for a dog offense if a dog has been previously determined to be a “dangerous dog”. This bill would also create a criminal penalty for a violation to accompany the civil penalties already in place.
HB-563 would place Maryland back under the same standards under Common Law that existed prior to January 1st, 2012 which predated that Tracey v. Solesky case (Pit Bull attack of a child in Baltimore County-Pit Bulls declared “inherently dangerous” by the court”.
HB-665 would require that when a dogs ears are cropped, cropping of a tail, or the removal of claws that the procedure would need to be performed by a veterinarian while the animal was provided with anesthesia.
HB-667 would prohibit the devocalization of a dog or cat being done by anyone except a veterinarian with the benefit of anesthesia. This procedure is also known as “silencing” of the animal.
HB-795 would set up a task force to study the fiscal impact of animal cruelty cases on animal shelters and animal control agencies.

Friday Morning Session:

Senate Bills introduced on  First Reader

Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #8                                                                                                                                    
HB 100
Third Reading Passed (122-0)
HB 106
Third Reading Passed (124-0)
HB 168
Third Reading Passed (129-0)
HB 229
Third Reading Passed (129-0)
HB 251
Third Reading Passed (130-0)
HB 308
Third Reading Passed (129-0)
HB 398
Third Reading Passed (130-0)
HB 399
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
HB 451
Third Reading Passed (108-25)
HB 488
Third Reading Passed (132-0)
HB 564
Third Reading Passed (134-0)

Debate on HB-451:
I offered some debate on the need for this bill which adds “food deserts” to the list of places that are eligible for certain state grants, loans, and special funding. I pointed out that Maryland’s poor business environment has contributed to the diminishing private sector. Our over regulatory environment creates a true handicap to any start up entrepreneur and then the state must come along and attempt to facilitate private sector development through state incentives when these policies created the problems in the first place. It is a terrible cycle of failed liberal policies. Bad policy decisions often result in the creation of state subsidies. (Listen to the short audio clip here)

Friday Afternoon Judiciary Hearings:
HB-185 is in the same posture as HB-306 (below).
HB-282 would require the court to order the shielding of any Peace Orders or Protective Orders when a case is dismissed or if such an order is denied by the court. The shielding would have to be performed within 5 business days.
HB-306 would enhance the penalties for 2nd Degree Assault if the crime occurred in the presence of a minor. The minor would have to be related to the victim of the assault.
HB-307 would lower the burden of proof standard from the current “clear and convincing” standard to a preponderance of the evidence. Maryland is presently the only state in the union that maintains this greater standard in domestic violence cases involving protective style orders.
HB-309 would expand the circumstances under which a Permanent Protective Order could be issued by a court. Current law requires that the person who is the subject of the order must have served at least 5-years for a sentence on a charged related to the domestic violence act. This bill would simply say that a person must be “sentenced” to at least 5-years.
HB-333 this bill is in the same posture as HB-307 (above).
HB-352 would allow for a previous conviction for failing to comply with provisions of certain Peace Orders to be applicable in the penalty phase of a trial for a 2nd or subsequent offense.
HB-397 would allow for the shielding of certain Peace Orders and Protective Orders in cases where a Respondent consents to the issuance of these orders.
HB-572 creates penalties for anyone who fails to report the disappearance or death of a minor within 3-hours once it becomes known to them.
HB-622 seeks to expand the definition of First Degree Assault to include an assault by strangulation.
HB-647 would require a court to hold a hearing for the extension of a Final Peace Order or Protective Order within 30-days of the request and would allow the orders to remain in effect until the hearing is conducted.
HB-775 would expand the eligibility for a Domestic Protective Order by expanding the definition of a person eligible for relief to include someone who is involved in a consensual or non-consensual relationship with the respondent.
HB-1182 would allow a judge to specify a physical distance that a respondent would be required to stay away from a person who applies for Protective Orders. Generally these orders are restricted to issues of “contact” rather than stating a distance that one must stay away.
HB-1278 would place the jurisdiction for cases involving Protective Order Proceedings which include custody issues of a minor with the Circuit Courts. This would eliminate the use of the District Court for this purpose when child custody is involved.

TIME MACHINE ... 1935, 1996, 1921, 1950's, 1967


(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

September, 1935
The Daily Mail (Hagerstown, Md.)


Nice Personally Seeks To Settle Argument Of Clammers.

SNOW HILL, Md., Sept. 10.— Speeding here in a State Police car, Gov. Nice proposed Monday that protesting Worcester County clam diggers be allowed to pay their new $5 (five dollar) annual license fee in installments to avoid threatened trouble over its collection.

The Governor hurried here after a group of 300 of the clam diggers gathered about the county jail last night and threatened to raze it to force the release of three who had been arrested for failure to take out licenses. He came from Federalsburg, where he had gone to inspect the flood damage and aid in rehabilitation.

Accompanied by State's Attorney Thomas F. Johnson, Elmer 0.Townsend, chief oyster inspector, and William. T.Scott, district inspector, he went to Girdletree, clamming center, and outlined his proposal personally to the clammers.

The Governor said they received it favorably. He expressed hope that Attorney General Herbert R. O'Conor, to whom it will be submitted, will find it may be legally adopted.

A hearing is scheduled tomorrow before Magistrate. W. W. Price at the county court house, for Wilson Young, Willie Duke and Joshua Andrews, whose release from the jail was obtained last night by protesting watermen.

The Governor said charges of failure to obtain licenses pending against these three would be held in abeyance until a ruling was obtained on the installment payment plan.

October, 1996
(Annapolis Capital)


Bally's bid for track stirs slots speculation.

OCEAN CITY (AP) Gov. Parris Glendenning and Worcester County officials want to quash any speculation that slot machines may be coming to Ocean Downs harness track.

Casino magnate Bally's Entertainment has been operating the track since lending its owners $10 million last year, and this week made a $1 million offer to buy the track, prompting speculation that it wanted to put slots there should they be legalized in Maryland.

Ocean Downs officials say the situation at the track has gone from bad to worse since the nearby Harrington, Del. Raceway began drawing large crowds to a new slot machine parlor.

But Mr. Glendenning says he remains firmly opposed to any expansion of gambling in the state.

Mr. Glendenning this summer said he would veto any legislation expanding gambling in the state to include slot machines at horse tracks, or casinos.

According to members of the Cloverleaf Standardbred Owners Association, if the sale to Bally's is approved next week the track will be turned into a training facility and live racing will be ended.

Worcester County Commission President James Barrett said he hopes Bally's will keep Ocean Downs as a harness racing track and said local elected officials are united against any move to allow slots at the track.

Mr. Barrett said the county's other commissioners wrote to Mr. Glendenning last month to urge him to form a task force to study ways to save the horse racing industry without expanding gambling.

Mr. Glendenning said he supports carrying out a study of the industry but said it would have to have the unamimous support of legislative leaders to go forward.

November, 1921

The latest Essex automobile. a five passenger vehicle, was "The Coach," offering "Closed Car Comforts - Open Car Performance." Price, $1,495 F.O.B. Detroit. In Pocomoke City the Essex dealer was Cullen Motor Co.

1950's- Pocomoke City's busy Willow Street

Numerous enterprises occupied Willow Street between Clarke Avenue and Front Street. Recalling the scene during the 1950's: on the east side of the street (middle of the block) going south from People's Food Market was the Flax Confectionery Store, the WBOC Pocomoke City radio studio, and the County Liquor Dispensary on the corner with the telephone company office and operators on the second floor. Across the street on the west side of Willow Street (going north from the corner of Clarke and Willow) was Creath Appliances, Gladding Brothers (Dodge) automobile dealership, Lewis Laundry And Dry Cleaners, and J. Scott Porter (Studebaker) automobile dealership.

Any longtime Pocomoke City residents have recollections of what occupied Willow Street between Clarke Avenue and Second Street? A few I recall included Kilmon's seafood market at the southeast corner of Clarke and Willow; the back entrance to the original J.J. Newberry store on the east side of Willow; on the west side of Willow was Modern Office Supply, Leslie Bunting repair shop, and Western Auto which I think was on the corner of Willow and Second Street. Down the street the Peacock Hotel and restaurant was on the southwest corner of Clarke and Willow. A former Pocomoke resident I was in touch with remembered Ed Tarr's; didn't recall the type of business but said you could also buy 45 RPM pop records there, where he remembers buying the number one chart hit Honeycomb by Jimmie Rogers in 1957. -tk

March, 1967
(Salisbury Times)

Sears on South Salisbury Boulevard was advertising a two-day sale on new Kenmore electric clothes dryers..

 "$68.. no trade-in required. Choose "Heat" setting for drying regular fabrics.. plus "Air Only" for fluffing. Load-A-Door makes a handy loading shelf. Top-mounted lint screen slides out to clean. Safety switch stops tumble with door open. NEVER IRON Permanent-Press fabrics in a Kenmore automatic dryer. 2-year nation-wide free parts guarantee. No money down on Sears Easy Payment Plan."

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

TIME MACHNE ... This Sunday's Preview

1935.. Governor speeds to Girdletree to quell serious protests by clammers in dispute over new license fee; 1996.. Governor and Worcester officials hope to quash Ocean Downs slots speculation; 1921.. Pocomoke City auto dealer offers latest Essex vehicle; 1950's.. Pocomoke's busy Willow Street; 1967.. What $68 will buy in a Salisbury appliance department.
Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



(Pikesville, MD) – Maryland State Police property crime investigators launch a new strategy to patrol the online marketplace for stolen property. 

Since the inception of RAPID, the Regional Automated Property Information Database, in 2009, law enforcement agencies statewide have recovered over $18 million dollars in stolen property. Using the innovative tool, equipped with over 11 million searchable records, police are now able to strategically search eBay, an online marketplace, in an effort to return more stolen property to the victims of property crime. Property includes jewelry, camera equipment, expensive electronic items, tools, lawn equipment, scrap and precious metals.

  Maryland was the first state in the nation to create a central database for the transaction of this kind of data, which has proved successful in solving property crimes and a variety of other crimes. 

 Although the RAPID database is managed by the Maryland State Police, it is the collaborative effort among all law enforcement agencies in the state which has resulted in more stolen property recovered, more arrests and more closed cases. The Maryland State Police RAPID team continually provides advanced training to allied law enforcement agencies.

“RAPID has proved to be an invaluable resource as police seek to dismantle criminal operations and recover stolen property”, says Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. “Criminal investigators continue to strategically use the database as a cross jurisdictional crime fighting tool to make arrests in all types of cases, not only property crimes.”

In April 2013, the use of RAPID assisted police in locating a prime suspect in several bomb threats in Maryland. The suspect was later apprehended and charged on fifteen counts of threats to government buildings.

In May 2013, Maryland State Police took a report of a burglary involving theft of twenty firearms. A check of RAPID indicated the guns had been sold to a local shop which resulted in criminal arrests and the recovery of all the stolen firearms.

     In July 2013, RAPID was checked in reference to a homicide investigation. The information provided resulted in the apprehension of the murder suspect in Prince Georges County. 

Later the same month, police investigated a rash of heating, ventilation and air conditioning thefts from local businesses. While searching RAPID, two suspect names and their vehicles were discovered. The investigation resulted in the closure of 18 cases and the recovery of stolen tags.

Also in July, police received a hit on a stolen vehicle connected to an auto dismantler. The suspect was convicted for auto theft and sentenced to eight years in prison.

    In September, the Maryland State Police RAPID Team assisted in a jewelry store armed robbery. Using the database, sellers of the stolen merchandise were located, resulting in three arrests in three different armed robberies in Virginia and in Baltimore.

“RAPID is one of the most effective tools to fight crime,” said First Sergeant Brian Gill, RAPID Project Manager. “As we continue to collaborate with our allied law enforcement agencies, the goal is to expand and strengthen the database to improve its efficiency.”

On October 1, 2009, a new law took effect requiring second hand precious metal dealers and pawnbrokers to electronically report their transactions to the primary law enforcement agency in the county of his/her operation. RAPID became the state’s central repository for transaction data of all pawn, secondhand, precious metal, automotive dismantler transition records, and scrap metal dealers statewide. Due to the immediate access investigators gained to information about property sold to brokers, dealers and salvage yards, stolen property has been returned to victims in several states including West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, California, and Florida.

     Although law enforcement professionals endorse the efficiency of RAPID, police continue to urge citizens to take preventive measures to minimize the chances of ever becoming a victim of a property crime. Property crime is a category of crime that includes burglary, larceny, theft, vandalism and motor vehicle theft.

      According to the U.S. Department of Justice, property crime makes up slightly more than three-quarters of all crime in the United States. Homes, garages, cars and businesses are all susceptible to the attention of property crime thieves. Most of these crimes occur during the victim’s absence which makes prevention a critical component in planning for the security and the recovery of stolen property.

   So what can you do to recover your property if it is stolen? According to the Maryland State Police RAPID Administrator, “The best thing you can do to assist police in the quickest recovery of your stolen property is to have a record of model numbers, serial numbers, photographs or a video of all of your valuables,” said Maureen Walter, a veteran Maryland State Police property crimes investigator. “Be sure to keep this information in a safe place and not saved on your computer, in the event your computer is stolen too.”

Maryland State Police

Friday, February 21, 2014

Delegate Mike McDermott ~ PRESS RELEASE

Alex’s Law Passes the House of Delegates
(ANNAPOLIS) House Bill 31 “Alex’s Law,” sponsored by Delegate Mike McDermott (R-Worcester & Wicomico Counties), passed unanimously in the House today. The bill, which codifies the right of crime victims to deliver impact statements in court, was initiated after a Maryland mother was denied the opportunity to address the court on behalf of her son, the victim of a car accident that led to brain injuries and ultimately his death.
“Alex’s mother simply wanted the opportunity to tell the court what happened on that day her son’s life was transformed forever. Being permitted to personally express how the crime had impacted her family would have been an important milestone in her healing process,” said Delegate McDermott, who is once again sponsoring the bill after it stalled in the Senate at the close of last session. With the addition of a Senate cross-file with bipartisan support, the bill has gained more traction this session, and McDermott looks forward to full passage.
Under current law, courts “may” allow victim impact statements at sentencing hearings, but some victims find themselves denied the opportunity by courts without an explanation.  Alex’s Law changes the language to “shall,” using the stronger wording to clarify the legislature’s intent and change the norm while still allowing a judge discretion to deny victim impact statements when allowing such statements would be unpractical.
McDermott hopes that the modified language will ensure that victims and their representatives are allowed begin their resolution process in the courtroom. “When  someone and their loved ones have suffered from a life altering crime, whether in an alcohol related vehicular accident or a domestic case, they deserve the right to formally express how that experience has affected them. Alex’s Law is about making sure that the victim’s right to speak is universally upheld in Maryland” concluded Delegate McDermott.
The Senate version of House Bill 31, Senate Bill 272, awaits a vote in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.


Federalsburg Lions Club ~ BINGO

Federalsburg Lions Club
Come out and support the Federalsburg Lions Club
Federalsburg VFW
Sunday, March 23, 2014
2:00 pm
(doors open at 1:00 pm)
Celebrating Home prizes!!
Tickets are $15 in advance
($20 at the door)
ALL proceeds from this bingo go to purchase new books for the Federalsburg Elementary School LIBRARY!!
 For tickets contact Lisa Schmitt, Mary Harding or Wayne Cole

Eastern Shore Heritage Celebration ~ FREE Admission

Nuisance & Problem Wildlife

How to Prevent or Resolve Conflict with Wildlife

As human populations continue to rise and move into traditional wildlife habitat, human/wildlife contact is becoming more prevalent. This section provides general information and techniques for Virginia property owners when wildlife becomes a problem.

Below are some easy techniques which will usually solve the problem and prevent it from re-occurring:

•If you are feeding wildlife, stop. This will cause them to lose their natural fear of humans.

•Keep trash inside until the morning of trash pick-up or place trash in an animal proof container, such as a metal trashcan with latches on the lids.

•Do not leave pet food outside; keep pet feeding areas clean.

•Remove bird feeders when problem species, such as bears, have been seen around them.

•Close up all openings under and into your buildings. Animals look for places to den and raise their young—don't give them that opportunity.

•Clear overhanging tree limbs and branches which may be providing wildlife access to structures.

•Clear fallen fruit from around trees.

•Pass along this information to your neighbors. If anyone in the neighborhood is feeding wildlife directly, or indirectly, it can cause trouble for everyone.

•Soak a rag in ammonia and place the rag in or on the trash can(s) or building(s) that are the problem areas. The smell will discourage future visits. Remember, you will need to repeat this after a rainstorm.

•Moth balls placed in trashcans or around buildings will achieve the same results.

•Reflective tape, lights, or noise sometimes works, but they will eventually grow accustomed to these methods, so this is only a temporary solution.

•Electric fencing can be very effective in keeping wildlife out of crops, beehives and structures.

•It is illegal in the State of Virginia to trap and relocate an animal to another area.

If these techniques do not solve the problem, you can contact a licensed trapper or a critter removal service which you can find in your local phone directory.


Dominion Energy Company Leases Site Off Ocean City

Energy company Dominion says it plans to bid on a lease for a vast expanse of ocean off Maryland's coast set aside for the development of wind farms. The Richmond, Va.-based company said Tuesday it has filed with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to be among the bidders for the nearly 80,000 acres off the coast of Maryland. The area will be auctioned in two separate leases. The north lease area totals 32,737 acres and the south lease area consists of 46,970 acres. An auction date has not been set but is expected to take place this year.

Dominion says the site 10 to 30 miles east of Ocean City offers the potential of up to 1,450 megawatts of wind power.In September, the company won an auction for nearly 112,799 acres off the Virginia coast for the development of wind power.Dominion Resources Inc. is one of the nation's largest producers and transporters of energy.Energy company Dominion says it plans to bid on a lease for a vast expanse of ocean off Maryland's coast set aside for the development of wind farms.

The Richmond, Va.-based company said Tuesday it has filed with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to be among the bidders for the nearly 80,000 acres off the coast of Maryland.The area will be auctioned in two separate leases. The north lease area totals 32,737 acres and the south lease area consists of 46,970 acres.An auction date has not been set but is expected to take place this year.

Dominion says the site 10 to 30 miles east of Ocean City offers the potential of up to 1,450 megawatts of wind power.In September, the company won an auction for nearly 112,799 acres off the Virginia coast for the development of wind power.


Signup For Pocomoke Little League

Pocomoke Little League

Signups for the 2014 Season will be held over the next 3 Saturdays,
 February 22
 March 01 
March 08
To sign up stop by  Eastern Shore Lanes- 9-11 AM.
Cost is $50 for 1 child and $45 for each additional child in the same family.
Please be sure to bring 3 proofs of residency and your child(ren)'s birth certificate.
 Opening Day will be held on Saturday, April 12th.
More info to follow soon.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pocomoke City Police Department Seize Cigarettes and Large Amount Of Cash During Traffic Stop

Kelvin D. Sewell, Police Chief
On February 20, 2014 the Pocomoke City Police Department received a complaint for a person purchasing a large amount of cigarettes and is about to cross the Virginia State line into Maryland.
Pocomoke City Police set up surveillance on Maryland Route 13 and Ocean Highway and observed the suspect vehicle crossing the Virginia State line into Maryland.
 The Pocomoke City Police conducted a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle, a 2002 Chevrolet Suburban green in color. Upon contact with the driver Pocomoke City Police Officers recovered 40 cartons of cigarettes and $4,313 in cash.
Pocomoke City Police arrested Mansour A. Shabaik, age 64 of Jamaica New York. Shabaik was also arrested in December 2013, and is currently pending similar charges from Somerset County, Maryland for transporting cigarettes over the state line.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1935.. Governor speeds to Girdletree to quell serious protests by clammers in dispute over new license fee; 1996.. Governor and Worcester officials hope to quash Ocean Downs slots speculation; 1921.. Pocomoke City auto dealer offers latest Essex vehicle; 1950's.. Pocomoke's busy Willow Street; 1967.. What $68 will buy in a Salisbury appliance department.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Re-elect Reggie Mason for Worcester County Sheriff

Reggie Mason for Worcester County Sheriff

Here is the link to Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason's website.


This new website contains a  bio and qualifications along with programs, units and measures that have been implemented and continued at the Sheriff's office.

You will also find  direct links to websites with information on voting in Maryland.

 Worcester County  Primary Election: June 24th

General Election: November 4th.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Who Approved This Change?

From this

To this?

this resembles the Obama symbol.....

Pocomoke Police Department Holds Biweekly Com- Stat Meeting

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell and Supervisors hold their biweekly Com- Stat meeting to discuss the Officers performance and city wide crimes.

 During the past two weeks the Pocomoke City Police Officers issued 98 citations, 98 warnings and completed 21 Arrest.

 During this meeting Chief Kelvin Sewell announced, the Pocomoke City Chamber of Commerce awarded the department with a Community Service Award.

Chief Kelvin Sewell and his department were  given the "Community at Heart"  award.


Aunt Arrested In Child Abduction Taken Into Custody In Accomack County

Investigation by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, with the assistance of the Virginia State Police investigators,
 issued  an Amber Alert for 5 year old Amiyah Monet Dallas.  The child was in the care of her aunt, Olivia N. Davis.  It was believed by investigators that the abducted child could be in imminent danger.

Photo/ S.  Diamond

Around 12:45 PM (Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014) the Virginia Amber Alert was canceled.

Photo: S. Diamond

The aunt was spotted driving a maroon Mercedes around 1:00 PM near the Hair Loft in Painter, Virginia (Accomack County) and pulled over by a Virginia State Police trooper. 

Olivia Davis was arrested without incident and the child was safely recovered.

UPDATE: Virginia Amber Alert Canceled

UPDATE:  Virginia Amber Alert Canceled, 5-year-old Virginia girl found safely

The Virginia Amber Alert was canceled as of 12:45 p.m. Wednesday (Feb. 19). A Virginia State Police Trooper spotted the suspect vehicle while on patrol in Accomack County.

Amiyah M. Dallas, 5, was safely recovered.

The aunt, Olivia N. Dallas, was taken into custody without incident.

Amiyah Monet Dallas (left)
An Amber Alert has been issued for a 5-year-old Orange County, Virginia girl.

Amiyah Monet Dallas was last seen February 18, 2014 at 3:50 p.m.

“Amiyah Monet Dallas, 5, was last seen in the custody of her aunt, Olivia Dallas,” according to information on ”There has been no contact with Amiyah or her aunt since Feb.

 18, 2014, and their whereabouts are unknown. The investigation has led investigators to classify case as an abduction and believe the missing child could be in imminent danger.”

Click here for more information from Virginia Amber Alert.


Amber Alert Issued For 5 Year Old Virginia Child

Virginia State Police
 Amiyah Monet Dallas, 5, was last seen in the custody of her aunt, Olivia Nicole Dallas.

There has been no contact with Amiyah or her aunt since Tuesday (Feb. 18) and their whereabouts are unknown at this time.

 Further investigation by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, with the assistance of the Virginia State Police, has led investigators to classify this case as an abduction and believe the missing child could be in imminent danger.

The aunt does have connections to Maryland and South Carolina.

 Anyone with information needs to call Orange Co. Sheriff at (540) 672-1200 or State Police at #77.


1st PLACE WINNERS ~ 2013

STREET CLASS ~ Driver  Amy  Evans / Dirty Deeds
Sorry, no photo available
 PROSTOCK ~ Driver Bruce Vogel / Gold Rush
 SMALL TIRE SUPER STOCK ~ Driver Gerry Downes / Poppy's  Toy

 BIG TIRE SUPER STOCK ~ Driver Kyle Lohmeyer / ShowTime

 MODIFIED ~ Driver Lee Sturgis / Grey Ghost
MINI-OPEN ~ Driver  Kelly Hubbard / High Voltage
UNLIMITED ~ Driver Lee Sturgis / Grey Ghost
 X-CLASS ~Driver Travis Pruitt / Dirty Dog

Congratulations to all of you!!


Maryland State Police


(PORT DEPOSIT, MD) – A reward of up to $2,000 is being offered to anyone with relevant information leading police to an arrest in the murder of a Cecil County man found dead in his home yesterday in Port Deposit.

The victim is identified as Vincent M. Robertson, 47, of the unit-block of Green Lane, Port Deposit in Cecil County, Maryland. Autopsy results indicate Robertson suffered multiple gunshots to his upper torso. Emergency medical personnel pronounced Robertson dead at the scene.

At approximately 11:00 a.m. on the morning of Monday, February 17, 2014, state troopers responded to Robertson’s residence after receiving a 9-1-1 call from paramedics requesting assistance. Upon arrival, troopers from the North East Barrack, were advised by medics Robertson was found lying in the dining room of the residence.

Investigators from the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit responded to the scene and initiated an investigation with continuing assistance from state police investigators from the Criminal Enforcement Division and crime scene technicians from the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division. The Cecil County State’s Attorney’s office has been notified.

Investigators continue to interview witnesses and urge anyone with information to call Metro Crime Stoppers at 1-866-7LOCKUP (1-866-756-2587). All callers may remain anonymous.

SPCA Eastern Shore 2014 Neuter Scooter Schedule




(February 18, 2014) – Ocean City police are currently investigating several recent burglaries that have occurred in the uptown area, between 120th Street and the Delaware line.  The burglaries, some of which appear to be related, have specifically targeted flat screen televisions.

Ocean City police are asking anyone with information about these burglaries or the suspect(s) involved to please contact Detective Nick Simpson of the Ocean City Criminal Investigation Division at 410-520-5349.

As always, the OCPD’s Crime Tipline is available 24/7 and can be reached by dialing 410-520-5136.  Those providing information may remain anonymous.

The Ocean City Police Department reminds citizens to continue to remain vigilant for suspicious activity. 

 Any citizen leaving the area for any extended period of time is encouraged to take advantage of the “Residential Security Check” program.  This free program is available to all Ocean City homeowners.

By providing OCPD with basic information regarding their property, the OCPD will conduct security checks at random times each day. 

For more information and to sign up for a “Residential Security Check,” visit

Ocean City Police Department

Lower Shore Health Insurance Assistance

Lower Shore Health Insurance Assistance
Program Outreach to Uninsured Residents
Wednesday, February 19, 5pm - 7pm
Pocomoke Library 
For more information please visit us at

David Craig - 'Vote Yourself a Raise' Is Message To Voters

David Craig Announces Major Tax Cut, Sweeping Reforms of State Budget Policy

Annapolis, MD - Harford County Executive and candidate for Maryland governor David Craig announced his plan for a sweeping reform of the individual income tax code that would save taxpayers $2.55 billion in a phased-in approach that puts the state on a glide path toward eliminating the tax altogether.  He also previewed further announcements that will roll back the O’Malley- Brown tax and spend legacy.

“The citizens of Maryland now have an opportunity to vote themselves a raise,” said Craig, referring to the individual income tax cuts.  “My proposal will jump start economic growth, keep families together by stopping the mass exodus of Marylanders leaving to other states and unleash a flurry of new business start-up activity.”

In the first phase of the income tax reduction that would take effect in 2016, Craig will lower tax brackets to 4.25% for earners across income levels.  The personal exemption will increase from the current $3200 to $5000.   The savings to taxpayers will be $600 million with an average savings of $352 for married couples or $176 for individual filers.

After monitoring the effects on revenues combined with achieving cost-savings in the budget, Craig would then further reduce income taxes to a flat 3% before the tax is phased out entirely.  This would result in a savings of $2.55 billion for taxpayers in the aggregate and $1500 for married couples or $750 for individual filers.

Combined with these proposals will be reductions in Maryland’s budget which has increased from $28.8 billion in actual spending in 2007 to $39.2 billion proposed for fiscal year 2015, a spending increase of 36% over seven years. 

 The state will be able to afford these tax cuts through a variety of budget reforms including zero-based budgeting, reviewing department and agency operations, eliminating coordinating offices of the Governor and accounting for dynamic growth through increases in disposable income that will lead to greater sales tax revenues and an expanding tax base among other heightened economic activity.

“We must re-think the proper role of government in Maryland,” said Craig.  “For too long the status quo has gone unchallenged and people are not seeing a return on investment on a range of issues including education, health care public safety and transportation.  Are we really better off with over 70 tax, fee and toll increases than we were just seven years ago?  Are the schools better, are the roads better, and are we better able to obtain health care or keep neighborhoods safer in 2014 compared to 2007?

In widely-publicized figures from federal government sources, Maryland lost 31,000 taxpayers between 2007 and 2010, more than any other surrounding state and 7th highest nationally.  The state lost 6500 small businesses during this same period, which is statistically tied with just one other state as the worst in the region.  Unemployment remain a problem with the state chronically under-performing Virginia which is the top state attracting Marylanders looking for a better place to start businesses and find jobs.

Craig will also announce a series of proposals in the weeks ahead that will address the comprehensive list of tax, fee, toll increases and excessive regulatory burdens enacted during the O’Malley-Brown years.

“Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown put everything on the table in raising levies on every aspect of daily life – ranging from being born, to dying, and to driving a car and having a roof subject to a rain tax.  I will also put everything on the table when it comes to reducing them one by one until our state has a rational tax structure that prioritizes individual opportunity over bureaucracy.”

The individual income tax is a particular focus of Craig.  According to the Congressional Budget Office, 94% of businesses pay taxes on personal returns as sole proprietorships, partnerships and certain types of corporations.

“Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and job creation nationally, “said Craig.  “Maryland’s high personal income tax is a major impediment to attracting, expanding and retaining jobs.  It is critical that we eliminate this job killer.”

Maryland counties collect revenue through what is called the “piggy back tax” on state returns.   The tax would be held harmless in Craig’s legislation since the 24 jurisdictions count on that revenue for approximately half of their funding.

In fiscal year 2014, the personal income tax is estimated to generate $7.9 billion in revenues, 22% of total state revenues, second only to federal funds. As county executive, Craig twice reduced Harford’s main revenue source – the property tax - saving taxpayers $50 million.

Worcester County Public Schools To Start Day After Labor Day This Year

The Dispatch

Worcester County Public Schools To Start Day After Labor Day This Year

In a surprise development, the Worcester County Board of Education decided this afternoon to bring students back to school after summer break this year on Sept. 2, the day after Labor Day.

Earlier this month, at a tourism meeting in Ocean City, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jerry Wilson outlined his reasons for opposing the move, which has been the subject of a statewide task force studying whether to mandate all school systems start after Labor Day each year.

 More to come on this development.

The Dispatch - Facebook

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A & N Electric Coop Warns Customers About Scam

From:  A & N Electric Cooperative
Scam Alert!
We have received information about a scam in which someone is calling consumers telling them they will be disconnected if they do not provide a money order or some other form of cash payment.
Be aware that this is NOT an employee of A&N Electric Cooperative (ANEC).

 If you are visited by an ANEC employee he will be wearing an ANEC uniform and driving a yellow truck clearly marked ANEC.
 If you have any questions call our office at 757-787-9750 to verify that you are talking to an ANEC employee.

Arrest Made In Sexual Assault Case At Campground

Police Sketch
Northampton County/Virginia

According to Sheriff David L. Doughty Jr., a Harrisonburg man has been arrested in a sexual assault case that occurred at Cherrystone Campground in October.

Caleb Ryan Parks, 20 of Harrisonburg, was arrested on February 10 in connection with October 27, 2013 sexual assault of a female at the campground.

 Caleb Parks was charged with object sexual penetration and two counts of strangulation. Parks is currently being held at the Eastern Shore Regional Jail in Eastville. (without bond)

According to Sheriff Doughty, on October 27, 2013 at approximately 6:33 am, the Northampton County Sheriff's Office received a 911 call to respond to Cherrystone Campground for a reported Sexual Assault.

The call was for a 25 year old female subject that had been sexually assaulted in the bath house located near the General Store and Mini Golf.

Parks is originally from Accomack County and a 2011 graduate of Nandua High School.


The Greater Parksley Association To Hold Benefit Bingo