Sunday, May 31, 2020

TIME MACHINE: 1937, 2011, 1884, 1968.

January, 1937
 Democratic Messenger

(Reader Comment)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can remember sometime in the mid-60s in Pocomoke High I was talking to Bill Buchanan and he was telling me he wanted to be a teacher because they were making over $5,000 per year now.

I also remember my father coming home from a meeting in Snow Hill and saying, "Worcester County has just hired a county manager and his name is John Yankus. He is set for life because his salary will be $7,500!"

September, 2011
 Daily Times (Salisbury)

October, 1884

 The Baltimore Sun

If you were a teenager on the Eastern Shore in the 1960's your AM radio was probably tuned to a Top 40 radio station like WJDY in Salisbury, WCAO in Baltimore, WGH in Norfolk, and (night time) WKBW in Buffalo and WGN in Chicago.

August, 1968
Pictured from top to bottom: Bill Kline, Jerry Skislak, R.T., Jim King.  WJDY on-air voices from earlier years included Dick Ireland, Johnny Williams, Bob Rogers, Bob Callahan, Herb Kravitz. 

We don't have the musical jingle but maybe some will remember it... "1470 on your radio, 1470 on your radio.. WJDY.. Salisbury, Maryland."  WJDY's call letters stood for the name of the owner's wife- Judy.

1963  ..

1974  ..       Pocket calculators start to appear in stores.
(Reader comment)Anonymous 
Anonymous said...
Pocket calculators started appearing before 1974. One day in 1972 Vernon Redden (father of Vernon Redden III) came into my office and showed his newest acquisition, a battery powered pocket calculator. It looked like something you could get for $4.99 now and only did addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. No percentages, no sine or cosine, just the rudimentary four functions. The price? Only $99.00. And that was in 1972 dollars!

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Time Machine Preview

This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye..

1937  ..  With teachers salaries averaging less than $1,000 a year Worcester County PTA's are urging the legislature to restore cuts made in 1933.

2011  ..  Completion of a large renovation project at PHS brings editorial kudos to Pocomoke City.

1884  ..  

 1968  ..   Recalling "Top 40" radio for Eastern Shore teens.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

TIME MACHINE: 1955, 1965, 1933, 2002.

July, 1955

 Democratic Messenger

Footnote: Pictured is the Wilson Hotel in preparation for demolition to make way for the new J.J. Newberry store at the corner of Market and Second Street. The old Newberry's was located across the street in the middle of the block.

(Reader comment regarding Newberry's and story below about the Pocomoke Centennial.)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can remember sitting in the waiting room of my dentist, Leon Meinster, and watching construction on the Newberry's building. What struck me was the I-beams holding up the 2nd floor were a bright, vivid orange color.

The Wilson Hotel on the corner of Market and 2nd Streets had no foundation and was held up by semi-pyramidal concrete blocks supporting wooden beams. My father and grandfather salvaged many of those blocks and used them to support some of their outbuildings.

The centennial celebration in 1965 also featured a beard growing contest and about a dozen local men gave up shaving for a few months. The winner was Bobby Judd and George Henderson came in second, although most people thought George had the best beard.

The director of the minstrel show was W. Ross Hockersmith although nobody called him that; he was known as just plain "Will'. He later went on to be indicted or convicted of some malfeasance in office although what it was escaped me at this time.

PPE Footnote: Hockersmith was a former Worcester County State's Attorney and in May of 1966 was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to forgery and embezzlement.
August, 1965

 The Daily Times (Salisbury)

October, 1933

  The Sunday Morning Star (The Delmarva Star, Wilmington)

March, 2002

The Daily Times (Salisbury)

1950's  ..  We had a neighbor, Mr. Ernest Dickinson, who was a member of the Pocomoke fire department. He didn't drive.  When the fire whistle blew he got on his bicycle and started peddling while on the lookout for a passing motorist to give him a ride to the firehouse on 5th street which was two or three miles from our neighborhood.  When the fire whistle sounded and folks wanted to know where the fire was they would go down to the firehouse to read a posted location.  -tk

1975  ..  Ex-teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa disappears and would never be found. 
                                                                                                                (New York Daily  News)                                                                                                                                                     

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.

Friday, May 22, 2020

COVID-19 testing will be available at Fruitland, Onley..

(Update) Virginia locations include the Walmart in Onley.


ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Governor Larry Hogan announced on Friday that several Walmart stores in Maryland will open as COVID-19 test sites. 

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