Saturday, March 22, 2025

Recollections from generations past. (Rodney Bounds- 5)


(Rodney Bounds 1892 - 1990)


INTERVIEWER: I read an article, and I was talking about that to the ladies, that

 there was a brick kiln in the area of Basketswitch. Have you ever heard of

 that? They said that was the reason that the railroad siding was put in there

 at Basketswitch, to handle the bricks that were being produced by the brick

 kiln at Basketswitch, and it was an article that came out in the Sunday Sun

 Magazine, a number of years ago. And I’d never heard of a brick kiln there.

RODNEY: I never did either. There was a, after the church was done away

 with. Walt Bowen had a steam mill there. And he got killed. He got wound up

 in the one of the pulleys had, the way I understood it, I didn’t see it, but you

 know there’s a key that fits in there and the key fit in there and it was loose

 and I think he drove some kind of wedge into it, but it stuck out a little bit

 pass the axel or whatever, shaft, he walked by and it caught into his clothes.

 It was winter time, and had on a lot of loose clothes, right smart clothes

 wound him around down and it beat him to death, right there. For several

 years after that, before this factory was put there. I can’t think of their names,

 now they did it, I know them. But they were from around Ocean City, I think.

INTERVIEWER: I know their name but I can’t remember it. Was there a lot of

 woods here in this area and the Basketswitch area? Lets say if you went up

 to  Queponco, if you went out this way, has this been lumbered? That’s what

 I’m trying to say.

RODNEY: Well we had a station right down here. Wesley Station. And a calf

 pen where you would bring calves and put them in. They would stop there

 and ship them. That’s been a long time ago. I never brought none out there

 but I carried them to Newark, and the freight would come along before that

 morning and at Basketswitch, and down here they had a place where they

 would load cars, a switch. Load three cars or something like it. There was

 three mine prop outfits to load them with, as windlass you might say. The

 poles settled and braced and then a wench or a shaft went from it, with a

 block and pull, and you hook on your load, start your mules out and pull

 them around and load your car with. I never loaded any down here, but I did

 at Basketswitch.

INTERVIEWER: And they had that at Basketswitch and another one at Wesley Station?

RODNEY: Yes. And at Ironshire it was the same way. I loaded props at

 Ironshire. Had a little piece of woods up there, between Ironshire and Berlin,

 and that was the closest place to load it. Mine props used to be good

 business. And piling and they got so that they were cutting them props in 9

 foot lengths, hauling them right to the mines, Trader wouldn’t buy any more,

 load his own car then, so that kinda knocked that in the head. That was back

 there in the 30s. Gradually the poling business got out too. Anybody that

 wanted a load of piling they had trucks to haul them and so it done away with

 all their railroad stuff.

INTERVIEWER: Now Wesley Station is right down this road? Yes this is

 Cedartown Road. It’s just right down here beside the railroad track. Right/

RODNEY: Where the bushes had growed up and so forth. The fellow bought

 the lot and built a home on it, just last year. That’s where the mine props was.

 If I remember right the pens that loaded the calves was on the other side of

 the railroad. They used to have an extra wheel like that, you know, and all day

 long all the little stations, if the farmers wanted to ship calves that’s the only

 way he had to get rid of them, was to carry them out, put them on the train.

Continues next Saturday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye.

Friday, March 21, 2025

TidalHealth masking update-



Thanks to the efforts of our team members and visitors, TidalHealth will return to our baseline of masking only with transmission-based precautions. 

Team members and visitors are no longer required to mask with patient facing interactions unless required by patient isolation. Staff may still mask if they choose to at any time. 

TidalHealth will stay diligent in testing patients with onset of respiratory symptoms and fevers.  

PHS athletes honored at the State House


Time Machine Preview-

This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye: 


1993  ..

1925  ..

1947  ..

(Read about Oldsmobile's Hydra-Matic Drive)

2009  ..

(Pocomoke City loses an icon) 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1938, 1950, 1947, 1962.



September, 1938

Salisbury Times

(Pocomoke Public Eye note: Post card picture. The Emerson C. Harrington was permanently docked on the Somerset side of the river east of the Pocomoke City drawbridge.)

*May, 1950
Democratic Messenger

*January, 1947

The News Journal (Wilmington)

*January, 1962

Salisbury Times

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Recollections from generations past. (Rodney Bounds- 4)


(Rodney Bounds 1892 - 1990)


INTERVIEWER: ............. Was there a post office? At Newark?

RODNEY: Yes, it was Newark Post Office and Queponco Railroad. And they

 were as close together as from here as down there to the fence.

INTERVIEWER: Somebody that day said, that if you wanted to send a

 telegram, if you were away and wanted to send a telegram, if you sent it to

 Newark, it wouldn’t go. You had to say Queponco, even though it was the

 same place.

RODNEY: And if you were in Philadelphia or somewhere in a strange place,

 that they didn’t know the place they asked for a ticket to Newark, well they

 wouldn’t know if it was Newark, Delaware or Newark, New Jersey. No,

 Newark, Maryland, well we got no place like that. So you had to tell them

 Queponco, before you could buy it. Of course, if they had been an agent for a

 long while, well they knew it, and they’d tell you you would have to have it for

 Queponco. They had enough stores, and they had a good Blacksmith, and all

 that in them days. Of course after the automobiles come around that

 changed things a little.

INTERVIEWER: Well you really didn’t have to go to Snow Hill for anything? Or

 did you?

RODNEY: Well for any county business, you would go to the courthouse.

 Such as that.

INTERVIEWER: But for food and supplies and things like that…..

RODNEY: No, no. And right across the river there was Whiton. That kept a big

 store, you know, and they kept anything and everything that was needed.

 Same way at Piney Grove.

INTERVIEWER: Is Piney Grove and….I think there are 2 places that are the

 same, I’m going to say Mt. Olive.

RODNEY: Now Mt. Olive and Piney Grove are right close together. Mt. Olive

 Church and Piney Grove, I don’t think Piney Grove Store was over a mile

 from there and the church is still there, but the store is gone. They’ve got two

 houses there now, right close by, there’s an old house across the road in the

 woods, now there at Piney Grove and you can go up in it. You can start out

 and go pretty near Snow Hill without getting out of the woods. I think on one

 side of the road, I mean.

INTERVIEWER: Did you ever go to Forester’s Day of Farmer’s Day, down at

 Public Landing?


INTERVIEWER: I was talking to somebody in Salisbury and they said that they

 used to spend the night at Piney Grove and start the next morning, to make it

 a shorter trip.

RODNEY: Mt. Olive Church, why they would have 4 mule wagon load and stay

 there and go from there right on over. But I never went that way, but I lived on

 the road, they had to go right by the next morning. Several wagons would

 come. They’d get in Snow Hill, they didn’t want to get there too early, they

 wanted to wait till the bar open……That’s what they told me. I don’t know I

 wasn’t old enough to see any of that. But I used to go down there to Public

 Landing at Forester’s Day and we went, Sunday school would go down in a 4

 mule wagon load, from church, Bates Church, it is now……………..

RODNEY: We left Snow Hill, I went to Sunday School there and when we

 moved up there we went to here, where the church is tore down.

INTERVIEWER: Was that church torn down here? They couldn’t remember the

 other day if it burned or whether it was moved, the one here at Basketswitch.

 Is that the one you are talking about?

RODNEY: Well, I can’t tell you for sure, but I think it was torn down. Some

 people that lived around there, that opposed to moving it, they wanted to

 build a new church right there. But they had more backing for putting it in

 Newark, instead of building it right there. I don’t know just the year, but

 somewhere about 66 years ago. And that church has gone down and the

 house that set beside it there, and all of it is gone down. Tore up. A man

 named by the name of Richardson, old man, Mark Richardson, lived in the

 house beside of it. And the that went right on around in front of the Bowen

 Farm, that was sold the other week.

INTERVIEWER: What was there at Basketswitch or Basket Town or whatever

 one wants to call it when……….you say you moved from Queponco, you

 didn’t move to Basketswitch, you stayed at Queponco till you moved here.

 Do you remember any buildings or stores or anything at Basketswitch?

RODNEY: After the church burned down, was destroyed, I don’t know, tore

 down, I think it was, why this gum factory was put there. But that’s been

 recently you know. Maybe 20 years, something like that. No there wasn’t any

 buildings down there, but the house and church, at that time, besides farm


Continues next Saturday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye.