What happened next was that I put-up a post here on TPPE in defense of our VFD men and women being accused of a cover-up or conspiracy and at that point I was accused of suddenly being against this investigation and Christines family.
This is when 'they' accused me of using multiple screen names and that I was actually arguing with myself.
This only has one purpose and that is to try to discredit me for whatever twisted reason, who knows?
Ok.. so lets get to this IP username challenge.
I'm posting my IP and info from the forum that I admin and I have almost 15,000 post.
I'm not posting this to prove my innocence, I know the truth! What I am doing is posting this so those other sites will have the chance to prove to you all that I am lying IF THEY CAN, which I already know they can't and wont because it was all lies concockted for whatever reason.
Now first I'll put-up my profile from the Motor-Mouths forum that I admin.

Next I took a screen shot of my username AND IP while no other users were online as not to capture their IP.

Now there it is for anyone to look-up with a number of free internet IP search tools.
Now below is a REAL explanation of how AOL IP's actually work.
In short, AOL transmits the IP of the closes server being used by however many users from that pool of IP's
AOL users don't access your server directly, they have to go through proxies. An arbitrary number of users will be routed through the same proxy at any one time. What makes things even worse is that AOL tends to rotate their users through several proxies during the same session. It is not uncommon that successive page requests by the same user come from different IPs.
In other words: With users coming from AOL, there is no clear correlation between a person and an IP address. What you see in your logs is *not* the IP assigned to the users machine at that time. That doesn't mean that those "several" visitors can't be the same person, just that the IP isn't giving you any solid indication. All you know for sure that they're coming through AOL.
does that explain 4 people sharing 4 different IPs?
absolutly - any sort of connection sharing will allow more than one simultaneous user to appear to be from the same IP.
So if they're using a router set up to do NAT (Network Address Translation) or even a modem on a PC sharing its internet connection, they will all look as if they've all got the same IP.
Most dial-up and DSL connections will give you a different IP each time you conect.
I guess it would be a little odd if a DSL connection was being disconnected / reconnected very frequently. But it's still possible.
So yes, a group of several users all from the same simultaneous IP at the same time, then a little later from the same IP, but different from what is was before.
So there it is, now I challenge any site or accusing user from those sites for that matter to match my IP to another user with the SAME info as mine. Remember AOL Ip's are routed to a local servers IP. NOT static IP's so several IP's can and will be the same depending on where they are routed by the service provider.
Apologies welcome
Public Eye, don't worry about it. We all know who is telling the truth.
well, if there was any question it will be cleared out now.
I started to do this a couple of days ago but I'm not one to try to embarrass other folks.
I thought maybe they would do their own looking into it and tell the truth.
Now, sorry to say they are forced to tell the truth or live with their shame. If they have any that is.
What would be the advantage of using different user names? I get confused using the one I have.
We support you Public Eye. Your integrity is not in question as far as I am concerned!
tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock
No need to defend yourself PE but I like the challenge.
That Boo is really stupid, she must be part of the team. I can believe she has not passed the 3rd grade.
And no comment to Seashed...yet.
2:30, You really are going to comment to Seashed? Oh my, he's really going to tell you off! He can add and he's served his country. Beware!
So the attacks against PE keep on going....and "they" feel so justified.
I guess Stephanie can have 2 screens name Stephanie and Wymzie but that is alright. There is no difference in what she has done and what Tom has done.
Tom/PE/Xtraham never hid it. He only posted on their site as one name, so what is their stink all about?
Some people just like to fight and they will fight about anything. Then they take great pleasure in blaming others for being the distractions. It is time for them to reread things SLOWLY!
Publice Eye, we all know the truth. There have been countless false allegations by Blink.
Blink's MO is to attack, deflect, accuse, attack, deflect some more.
I believe the Sheddy's enjoy this kind of "investigation." Their hatred is so over powering, they want everyone to suffer along with them. JMHO
i4ni clearly says it in the name he chose. (By the way, that biblical term has been taken out of context too).
1:31 thanks for clearing up what i4ni meant. I could tell they had some kind of problem going with Mike McDermott. Mike's all they ever made a comment about.
Good challenge Public Eye but now Blink is really going to attack you. That's what she does when she is caught telling her lies.
Then she adds "What does this have to do with Christine?"
I watch her closey without blinking, lol.
Thanks; but it's not really a challenge, I say that because a "challenge" would give the challenger some means to win or a victory, or in this case, to prove their case.
They cannot do it... I know that and I think most of y'all do too.
My investigative skills tells me that Marci is GypsyDD. :)
nothing yet?
I put it out there, match it up!
Public Eye, Blink is just a paranoid fraud. If she had anything, she would prove it. But how can she prove a lie?
Lies on top of lies, attacks on top of attacks, divide and conquer are her tactics to keep people from seeing who she really is.
I am glad we all see her for who she is.
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