Today, after 72 years the Guiding Light will cease to guide its fans any longer.
Although I am not 72 years of age, the Guiding Light has been one of my two
favorite soaps for many years. It is how, on some days, I know what time it is
without the use of a clock. Three o'clock........Guiding Light.
After today no more Reva. I suppose in the years gone by I have witnessed every
wedding she has had. I worried about her stranded on that desert island for so long.
I was intrigued when she found out she had a "clone' sister. When a long lost son appeared I was stumped! When Reva was mad I
supported her. Reva always seemed to have it all and most importantly Reva loved
So after today there will be no Springfield. The Spaldings will be gone. No more Buzz Cooper and Company Resturant. Even the Beacon Hotel will be gone. So will Lillian, Allen Michael and that mean old dastardly Allen Spalding. And say goodbye to Josh's brother Billy, the recovered alcoholic with the heart. The list of wonderful characters is endless.
Seventy-two years of the Guiding Light. That would date back to around WWII, I guess. That's alot of episodes. That's an awful lot of years that were used to reflect the lives of real people.
From from 3:00 until 4:00 today I will seated in front of the television to watch the final episode (commercials and all) of The Guiding Light who has been my friend for so many years.
Then on Monday I'll turn the television off at 3 P.M. It will still be 3:00 but I won't need the tv at that time anymore.
Guiding Light fans know what I'm talking about.
The light at the Beacon Hotel has ceased to shine.
My wife loved watching that soap.
That and the Young and the Restless
OH YES!!!! Josh and Reva rode off into the sunset!!! Just like I had hoped!!! The perfect ending. What did she think?
Now it's just The Young and the Restless.......
I remember the wife watching the young and the restless many years ago.
I was looking at it the other day and I asked her what she was watching and she said "it's the you and the restless"
then she started telling me who was who.
I said DAMN! they need to change the name now to "the old and the useless" ;)
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