By Odor Eliminator
Chapter 5: Just the facts, Man!
OE has decided that this chapter will not be about Nictitates misguided, misinformed, and sometimes made up story. Somehow along the way of this tale, OE came to the realization that Nictitates book was just plain stupid! There will always be someone out there looking to suck off of another to sensationalize their self. Anyone with half a brain can figure out Nictitates motives and if you can’t, OE will tell you that the motives are not pure.
Christine’s family has chosen to align their selves with Nictitate and have exhibited behavior beyond belief to all who have done nothing more than extend a hand of compassion. We know who has done what and belaboring the point is useless. Their behavior is self destructive and OE believes that they know no other way in life.
OE began this tale because too many lies were being told about efforts to find Christine and bring the people to justice who are responsible for her disappearance. Good, kind hearted people were being unfairly maligned and it was beyond OE’s realm of understanding how anyone could be so evil and hateful wishing to intentionally cause pain to others. It is still beyond OE’s realm of understanding.
Much ado has been made about the Fires on Byrd Road. Readers have asked many questions about what went on during the period from September to November of 2007 at the farm where Christine was staying and was last seen. Speculation about these fires is that the occupants disposed of Christine in one of the many fires and one of the searches focused on sifting through the ashes of the burnt down chicken house. OE has searched out the story about the fires and is now sharing them with you.
Sources tell OE that the first fire started around 10:00 P.M. on September 20, 2007. The neighbors tell OE that their dog had been barking off and on and they assumed that it was barking at deer walking around and eating in the just harvested corn fields surrounding the farm. They first noticed the fire while watching television and catching a glimpse of bright orange out the window. One of the neighbors got up and looked and saw that the end of one of the old chicken houses on the farm was in flames. They immediately called 911 to report the fire.
Fire crews arrived within minutes to put out the flames which were by then burning out of control. The neighbors say that “they were thankful that the fire fighters took the initiative to place a fire truck and firefighters on their property to protect their buildings in case the fire spread”. Amazingly, the fire didn’t spread and the neighbors say that it was due to the “quick response and hard work of the fire crews getting the fire under control”.
Sources tell OE that speculation and questions about how the fire got started in the first place began immediately. The farm had stood empty for about 5 years prior to the occupants moving in. The electric to the old chicken houses was turned off at the main breakers. Why didn’t the occupants of the farm house call 911 to report the fire? Sources tell OE that they had to have seen it because by the time the neighbors saw it the fire was burning out of control.
It is known that the occupants first said that “hunters” had been on the property and insisted the “hunters” were around when the fire started and were also back on the property afterwards. No one else saw these “hunters”. Sources tell OE that the following day one of the occupants of the farm house produced a Delaware license plate that had been partially burned. Supposedly, it was found while the occupants were looking through the remains of the fire. This was turned over to a Deputy Fire Marshall who was investigating the fire.
Contradictory to this story, one source tells OE that the owner of the farm had been on the property that day and one of the occupants and his nephew who was visiting from New York at the time, had told a story about how they had removed the license plate from the owners truck and made it look like he had been the one to start the fire. They did this because the owner had given them notice of eviction. Purely for informational purposes, the owner of the farm did not have insurance on the old chicken houses.
In the early hours of September 22nd, someone invaded the neighboring home while they were sleeping and stole a laptop, cell phone, and wallet. Sources tell OE that the neighbors have no doubt that it was one of the occupants of the farm house. Amazingly, one of the occupants of the farm house taunted the neighbors afterwards telling them that he had done it. He was brazen enough to admit in court to the Judge that yes he had told the neighbors that he did it.
The occupants came up with the rent money and were not evicted. Speculation about where the money came from to pay the rent ran rampant because none of the occupants worked a job. The big question was, where did the money come from to pay the rent?
By early October, the neighbors were in fear of the occupants of the farm house. Several incidents had occurred whereby the police had to be called to remove the occupants from their property. Sources tell OE that every time that the neighbors had company or tried to sit outside in their backyard, the occupants of the farm house would come on their property and start trouble. At one point, one of the farm house occupants was arrested and spent the night in jail. Sources tell OE that particular incident started the threats from the farm house occupants of hurting or killing the neighbors. One of the farm house occupants was carrying a lead pipe and trying to hit people with it. By this time, Justin Hadel was living at the farm house.
The terror of huge “bon fires” began. Sources tell OE that at all hours of the night 30 to 40 foot flames would suddenly shoot up into the air in the area surrounding the farm house. Eyewitnesses tell OE that it appeared as if the whole place was going to go up in flames. OE is told that on some occasions during these huge “bon fires” the occupants of the farm house could be seen dancing around the fire and throwing something into it that exploded.
The second fire began around midnight in early October. The other end of the old chicken house that had not burnt down in the first fire burst into flames. Security guards who had been hired to protect the neighbors called 911. Eyewitnesses watched as a small glow began in the building and then burst into flames. By the time that fire crews arrived, which was in minutes after the 911 call, the remainder of the building was burning out of control.
This time, Fire Marshall McMahon arrived to investigate. The occupants of the farm house told the story of seeing the neighbors on the back part of their property and that they started the fire. When the Fire Marshall questioned the neighbors, it was learned that the security guards were on the back part of the property patrolling not the neighbors. It was learned that while patrolling, the occupants of the farm house were observed sitting in a car drinking beer and then taking off and tearing up the soybean field surrounding the old chicken house.
Again, many questions and speculations ran rampant. One source tells OE that the occupants of the farm house were heard arguing and one of the occupants was hollering at the other saying “I know that you did this”.
The Fire Marshall laid down the law to everyone and said that if he saw so much as a spark, he would take it as someone trying to burn something down. Sources tell OE that any little flame was to be reported. During this time, a burn ban was in effect because the weather had been dry and vegetation was very dry. The entire area was like tinder waiting to burn.
Following this fire, the occupants of the farm house continually started the 30 to 40 foot “bon fires” at all hours of the night. Sources tell OE that there would be total darkness and then all of a sudden flames would leap into the air. As directed, the security guards or the neighbors called 911.
After a few times of doing this, one particular incident had a Worcester County Deputy and a Deputy Fire Marshall waking the neighbors up a 3:00 A.M. to talk to them. Sources tell OE that Deputy Sheriff Purnell and a Deputy Fire Marshall who wouldn’t identify his self told the neighbors that if they called in another fire they would be issued a citation. The neighbors explained what Fire Marshall McMahon had directed them to do and were told that the occupants of the farm house could now do whatever they wanted. Eyewitnesses tell OE that this “talk” got very loud and threatening. The neighbors ended it by telling the LE men that the whole place could burn down and they wouldn’t pick up the telephone. They then sent the LE men on their way.
This incident has had many accusing the VFD of threatening the neighbors. Clearly, the VFD had nothing to do with it. The neighbors say that if they had wanted to do something about it, they would and that they “surely would not ask Nictitate to stick her nose into it”. After seeing a recent email where Nictitate is questioning about the threats made to them if they called the fire department, they are angry that it continually appears to be a sticking point with Nictitate and that all kinds of wild accusations are being made. They feel that it’s no one’s business unless they say it is and have talked to OE and PPE only because the entire story has been misconstrued and they want the record set straight. They are also angry that Nictitate has taken pictures without permission that belong to them and is using them for personal gain. They have requested in the past and are requesting again that the pictures be removed from Nictitates website.
OE has obtained an actual picture of the second chicken house fire. Unlike Nictitate, OE was given the picture with permission to use it.

The last fire reported at the farm was the infamous house fire. The neighbors were sleeping and the security guards on duty sat and watched but did not pick up the phone as they had been directed not to. This time, the occupants had to call in the fire their selves.
As the story goes, the occupants were utilizing an old wood stove in the farm house to provide heat. Sources tell OE that they had grabbed up or chopped up any piece of wood that they could find. In spite of being told not to use the woodstove, they did. Somehow, the house caught on fire and again, fire crews had to put out another fire on the Byrd Road Farm in the early morning hours.
Christine was living at the farm house at this time. As a matter of fact, this fire occurred 2 days prior to when she went missing. Questions remain as to why she stayed after the fire because the farm house was not habitable. The VFD had cut a hole in the roof to put out the fire and everything had to have been soaked from where the fire fighters used water to put the fire out. We know that there was no hot water or heat. It’s inconceivable that anyone would inhabit a house under these conditions especially with two small children. OE’s question for Nictitate is – Did Christine go somewhere else to stay after the house fire?
After the farm house fire, the “bon fires” continued. They were never reported. In November, the occupants of the farm house were evicted and this time they moved away.
Amazingly, since November of 2007, the VFD has not had to rush to Byrd Road. Clearly, something was going on however it has been explained to OE that suppositions are not enough evidence to put an arsonist behind bars. Unless an arsonist is witnessed in the actual act of starting a fire a conviction is rare. Don’t criticize the VFD’s or the Fire Marshall for this. Go to your Sate Capitol and get the laws changed.
There appears to be a clear pattern and we have learned that one of the former occupants of the Byrd Road Farm has now been arrested in Tennessee for repeating the same pattern. Eviction equals set it on fire.
Coming soon: Chapter 6 – We have a blog that has decided to try and discredit the PPE. Christine’s family has taken up residence on this blog and PPE is being accused of fabricating the stories about what happened on Byrd Road and of putting the efforts of LE down (they better go back and read Chapter 3 and 4). OE deems it time for a good ole slap down. We will continue to have information provided by eyewitness accounts and sources that have been close to Christine’s case from the beginning. It’s time!
Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.
As a matter of fact, wasn't the neighbors son looked at by the LE as a POI?
thanks... "B"
Try again PE.
What's the problem we are talking facts right?
It's strange because on one hand I feel bad for the neighbors for being so scared they had to hire a gaurd and install cameras for protection of Jr and company. On the other hand, it later comes out that their son was pointed out by someone as a POI and LE had to look at him. I'm not saying this is or isn't a probable therory just saying it's what happened. Their son was also threatened at his place of work by these thugs. Why? Why is the neighbor all of a sudden working so hard to trash Christines family when she never did before? In fact she was one of the greatest supporters, even with Luke. It raises questions that's all.
Actually, all of the neighbors were looked at as is customary in any investigation! Yes my son was asked on the telephone by Detective Kagean if he ever saw Christine. We have all been asked if we saw her, even the neighbors across the road, down the road, and up the road. Guess that verifies that LE was doing its job not being a bunch of stupid ass cops who can't get their fat ass moving, right Lynn?
Oh my gosh, we must have done something or we must be hiding something – get a life. A POI gives a written statement so get your story straight before you flap your jaws.
I've stayed out of this but it's now time to tell you anonymous jerk’s what a bunch of liars and phonies you are. Don’t hide, use your name. What are you all hiding? By your behavior, I’m beginning to think that maybe the POI’s should be much closer to home.
As for Blink, we have never talked to her, never given her any pictures, and definitely never given her the time of day. Shannon Stoy misrepresented herself to us and as Lynn is well aware, you lie to me, you’re done with me. Point blank Ms. Blink – take my pictures off your web site. You do not have my permission to use them.
I’m really surprised at Lynn for stooping so low. As much as my family has helped her over the past 2 years and this is what it comes too? If you want to throw something out there about other people’s children Lynn, take a deep breath before you run your mouth. Your sick and twisted drama is getting on my very last nerve.
I know what this is about, OE and PPE has found the truth and now you all think that it’s some kind of twisted mind game and strike out at anything that moves to try and hurt someone. It’s really pathetic. Oh yeah, I almost forgot – before you decide to go off on me Jennifer for what I’m saying – take some advice – If I’m not mistaken it was partially your going off on people that got everyone so mad to begin with. Try being a tiny bit gracious and appreciative.
You all know very well that there is information about what happened to Christine and yet you continue to act like it’s a big mystery. Does the water ring a bell in your sick heads?
Carole said...
"I know what this is about, OE and PPE has found the truth "
and there it is folks... straight from the most knowledgeable source in this whole thing.
Thankyou, Carole.
Now maybe people will believe that none of us were spouting trash OR hindering an investigation!!!!
Lynn did not write on here so try again. Carole, did I strike a nerve? You are the one who should be shameful. You are just as bad as the rest of the assholes on here who take it as a fun pass time to dance on Christines grave. Ask yourself wwjd? The answer would not be "Giving the family a "good ole smack down" now would it?
First; he could read in context, nowhere does anyone say "Giving the family a "good ole smack down" nowhere!
Second; I doubt Jesus would use that language.
Anon 11:17
May I suggest that you return to chapter 5 and reread the last paragraph. The is NO indication that the "good ol' slap down" was meant for the family. Perhaps you don't know what it means.
And as for your question of WWJD?
He would probably ask that you not use the word a***holes in the same paragraph as his name.
What is it about the story that you find untrue?
OE states I'm the article they deem it time for a good ole smack down. Reread your article
Anon 11:17 Sorry, don't speak your lingo -WWJD?
I couldn't really say if you hit a nerve or not since I don't know you -you're hiding, naughty, naughty!
My very last nerve has been gotten on by the sick and twisted drama that you appear to thrive on.
What does give the family a good old smack down mean?
If we were all dancing on Christine's grave, now that would be a good thing - right? At least then, we would know where she is!
Or would it be a bad thing since you act like you don't want her found. Would that mean that your claim to fame would be gone? Hmmmmm... I wonder?
I'm not hiding, why are you?
Fantastic article. Great Job.
The truth always wins out. Always.
IMO Blink is delusional in her rantings and in the titles she gives herself.
It is going to be interesting to see if over the next few months the truth will affect her status at all.
Keep up the good work.
Dear Carole - I am sorry that you have now come under attack by Lynn and Blink.
I figured you would be their next victim. Please, don't be worried by what they say, no one believes a word from their mouths.
If I were you, I would contact the owner of scared monkeys and demand those pictures be taken down. Best I can tell is the owner's email is either klaasend or Red followed by I think it time we all let the owners know what kind of dispicable human being Blink is.
I can't believe that no matter how much she is paying them for use of their server that there reputation is not more important. She is not about missing children, she is just about EVIL.
People are not working on trashing christine's family. We are just stating the truth.
If that makes them look bad then that so be it! But the truth always prevails.
Sorry if that offends anyone.
You must live under a rock since WWJD is widely known as "what would Jesus do?". You are the one thiving on the what you call drama (when I see it as an unsolved murder case). Your hands are all over the trash talking of Christine's family now a days by giving exculsive interviews and photographs knowing the people on here are just here to bash. You tell me what a good ole smack down means. You probably wrote it since OE has information you would only know by being a pretend suppporter of Lynn trying to FIND HER DAUGHTER. Either way OE thrives on the drama, not me. OE is the one who deems it nessecary to have a good ole smack down- it's written in black and white on this thread. Way to avoid what you are doing (dancing on Christine's grave), by making a sarcastic remark about it. Lastly, where on earth, or blog world, have I ever had a thought or word written that I don't want her found? I want Christine found and the family to have peace in their life and pray everyday this happens. Talk about pulling things out your butt! You must of had to dig deep for that one! I am going to refrain from posting here from now on since this is a site with half truths and false help. I hope you all ask WWJD from now on before you post.
Geeze, it looks like Blink and her minions are getting their panties all in wad. The truth can do that to pathological liars.
I am not sure Lynn knows all that Blink has done though. She is just desperate to find her daughter and desperate people do desperate things.
Unfortunately, she will learn sooner or later that Blink was a poor choice. She will be left with not only not finding Christine but will have lost so so many supporters. Her reality will be worse than ever before. How sad for her and her family.
3:55 PM
it's obvious you don't understand, comprehend, etc. there's a wall here somewhere, I don't know if its, regional, educational or ethnically a barrier.
Carole's family was accused (lied about) almost from the very start, her property abused and stolen but it's no need for me to say go back and read it or even post it as you said you wont be back or I'd be happy to point it out.
I do feel the need to post this for those that do read... it is what it is, the mirror holds the answers. and it's a backwards "B"
In one breath the family and others say LE wasn't/isn't investigating this case and it's sitting on a shelf and then someone comments the neighbors son was looked at as a POI.
Come on people, you can't have it both ways!!! Is LE doing their job or not?
It's been proven after hearing the family, Blink and the Burkes state emphatically that the property had NEVER been searched by LE that it had on numerous occasions. You all are looking quite foolish these days. Why all the lies? What is it you all are trying to prove?
No on one here is dancing on anyone's grave, 11:17am. And no one on here is going to apologize for setting the record straight. Alot of people need a good old smack down for misleading the public. No need to name names, you know who you are.
This site, nor any other is about "finding Christine". That's LE's job. By the looks of things, they have been doing their job. This site is about finding the truth with respect to the job LE has/had and have been doing and to debunk the lies told by the family Shannon and the Burk's.
It's embarassing to be proven a liar. It's common liar behavior to try and deflect the issue at hand with comment's like the neighbor's son being looked at as a suspect. It's called, trying to change the subject. Sorry to tell you all, it's not going to work around here.
This site is not about find Christine and you all know it. Its about a bunch of folks who go out and 'raid' other blogs that write about Crime - and do it well. Unlike WS - which is a forum-only format with no articles except for the daily computer problems or other minutia of Tricia's daily life in her ridiculous tidbits cover. This is only about Tricia and her jealousy. For everyone's information - this is not the only site that Tricia sends her Wizard of Oz flying monkeys out to. If you are a casual reader of any of the Caylee Anthony blogs or Haleigh Cummings (missing Florida girl) blogs its is a well-known tactic. The only real traffic this site receives is because of this - and only this. I cannot for the life of me understand how you people are so gullible as to not see you're being used. When it was exposed by Blink and other users of WS that Tricia had hired a convicted child molester as not only a moderator but an administrator at her site - and then allowed that molester's sister to post defending her by saying the children were lying that this whole thing started. Tricia began a campaign to rid her blog of anyone who dared comment about it - and boy did she. Surprise!? What happened? A lot of these people found other homes to comment from - which we all benefited from because a bunch of great new places sprung up out of that. Tricia makes a living off of her website through ads and selling merchandise. Think about that the next time you give her traffic or register because its just money in her pocket.
what the hell?
hello New York
If you actually looked at my IP you would see Houston Texas but nevermind telling the truth here.
Just google websleuths and check out all the discussion of how many were banned from same. Anon :53 is so right.
I guess that last post must be from ole "NativeonLI" another one of Lynn's "poor me" groupies. Lynn will act like your best friend as long as you are feeding her ego and joining in the "pity party". Unfortunately being the good soul that she is, Carole got sucked in. The only thing she has done wrong is believe Lynn and try and help.
PE - i really wish you would delete post 5:53. not sute why would you give blink and her flying monkeys a platform to bash tricia?
it is all lies and many people here do not know the whole truth. it seems unfair to tricia and ws, jmo.
also, blink sure can waste her time on subjects other than christine. i guess lying about tricia is more important now then finding christine. very telling.
5:31 I so agree with you. When Blink is caught lying she attacks and diverts attention from the real subject. She is a very effective liar. She has had years of practice. Her own mother, Pam, will have nothing to do with her. Blink is very disturbed and suffers from a personality disorder and yet Lynn chose her to be her guardian angel?? What is wrong with this picture?
5:53pm, Exactly that is what we have said. We are not trying to find Christine. We are trying to debunk the many lies told.
Your long rambling diatribe about Tricia is another attempt at changing the subject. Personally I hope Tricia is making a fortune. It's called being a capitalist and a good business woman.
So, she had a sex offender on board and she got rid of them, what's the point? Happens in the business world all the time.
I can say this much....I sure know what Jesus will do to you, Blink. I hope you like the heat.
Whoa there Anon 5:53!
And your only gripe is to comment on here about Tricia! First of all, most of us on here don't care about those other two cases you mentioned. Those have been drug through the mud too and I assume the "crime blogs" get credit for that. I do not care about "what" you or anyone else thinks about Tricia. She apparently does not care for blink as blink,and perhaps others, do not care for her.
This is not the issue. That seems to be the failure with alot of people that do their reading here and them comment such foolish things as you have.
NO ONE ever that writes on this blog as EVER said we never want Christine to be found. WE just want the other side of the story to be told because we KNOW that the chapters written here are the honest truth.
Alot of people have tried so hard to cover the truth that is written here, but I assure you that the entire truth will come out in due time. That's what has so many disgruntled today.
I suggest you use some common sense and stop your bashing. It is not becomming.
6:41, If I were her mother I would be mortified. The poor mother must cringe when friends ask her "how is Shannon doing?"
5:53, How is anyone here being used and gullible? Myself and many others never were as gullible as to believe Lynn, Jennifer, the Burkes and now Blink that an official investigation had never occured or that the case was sitting on a shelf.
Many of the crime blogs have had a couple of bad moderators. They are just volunteers. Tricia got duped and fired her, happens in our governmnet too.
So Blink stop trying to take the focus off the real issue. You got caught lying, you think you are smarter than everyone and you have been outed.
Now please go back to the rock you crawled out from and leave the good people alone. It is really very simple.
5:53:00 PM
Get your facts straight it wasn't Blink that exposed the mod at WS, it was Beaconhell. Just another attempt by Blink, etal to claim work done by another -- shame shame
I really thought Blink's "I beat my lil siter in a race" was the stupitist thing I ever read. But she proved me wrong...she kept getting dumber and dumber as her chapters went on.
Oh and by the way, when is her next chpater coming out? Has she hit a little road block? Has she run out people to lie about? Oh wait, I know, she has info that she can't write about. lol
I have an idea...she should write some more childhood stories. ;)
I don't think when she started she expected anyone to know more than she did.... well that wasn't hard
I don't see where Shannon is even writting about Christine anymore on her crime blog. It appears to me that she has dumped the whole thing and is off to write about Caylee, where she claims to have inside sources.
6:29 Yes, Lynne sure puts on a good act then puts the knife right in your back. Now I understand why Christine left home to live in squaler.
Blink claimed to have inside sources around here also. That was a lie. Lynn's her only source.
I am not Blink - but believe whatever makes you feel good - since that is all this is about. Have fun kids.
Wow Anon 3:55 PM - Sure got you going and you were dumb enough to answer! LOL WWJD? - can't say, He was a better person than me.
As for the rest of your questions -can't answer while you continue to be naughty, naughty! Why won't you crawl out from under your rock? Do you have something to hide?
Funny thing about those exclusive interviews and photographs - no one lied to me to try and get them. As a matter of fact, I specifically told Lynn that I would not send any pictures to Blink that LE had them and that's all that needed them.
If you weren't so busy going for my jugular it would have registered in that sick little mind of yours that the picture is of a fire not of pertinent evidence in the case. Now I ask, who is hindering an investigation? Ahh, if you can't grasp it - that would be Lynn and Blink. Only thing that I'm left to think is that they want to screw the case up. And since you're right up their butt guess that means you do too!
Looks like Jennifer knows how to spend her time constructively! lol
Why don't these people pay attention to the LIVE family memebers? Apple didn't fall too far from the tree. What a disgrace.
Since Lynn and Shannon like to give out people's personal info, I wonder how she will feel when it somes back to them. Oh, and I am not just kidding.
Shannon is in for a treat and a half.
If I ever meet the "private eye" they will know him as "popeye"
Yeah, Blink has inside sources alright. They are called little voices in her head.
Odd, how she seems to be consumed with other peoples children but doesn't give her own the time a day. What's up with that?
Stephanie Burke is claiming Lynn is blocked from here? Is that true?
Also, she is right, Christine's children will read what has been said and done and they too we be appalled by Lynn's actions. Guarantee it. I am so embarassed for her.
Stephanie, no ones wants to put their real name out there and be lied about by the likes of you, Lynn or Blink. You know damn well PE is not on parole and never done a damn thing to correct it. So STFU already!!
there are more than a handful of posters here and the Burkes are well aware of that. i think they are feeling pretty disliked at this point.
Sean knows what Blink is all about. They would have came if it was NOT for Blink and her actions.
Oh yes....the Burkes. The "Brain Trust" from California. Smooth move to illegally record someone and not only alter the recording and post it on your website, but heck, send it to the States Attorney and Attorney General. That's really showing some intelligence. They are going to make great witnesses for the prosecution!
As far as Lynn goes, she has successfully killed any chance that one of her beloved MSM outlets would pick up this story. Jerry maybe but not Greta. She and Jennifer are ANGRY, nasty people. And despite what she claims, Lynn didn't do squat to organize a search, nor did she ever contribute one red cent. The only time she ever writes something nice to someone is when they reiterate one of her opinions. As far as 3VSS goes, I think he has run for the hills and does not want his business name forever linked to Blink and Lynn.
LOL 9:59 Maybe we should buy an old historic house together. LOLOL
Oh yes, Lynn is so thankful - as long as you play it her way. But when the truth is told, watch out.
Lynn certainly knew of some of the lies about other people and just said, "Oh well!" But don't dare speak the the truth about her and her family.
I, for one, am very sorry I ever gave a cent to her. I feel so bad for Christine, thanks to her own mother she may never be found. I know many would never have searched if Lynn or Blink were there. I would be afraid the ground would suck me in being near those two nutjobs.
Looks like Billy Goat is in a baaaaaa baaaaaa baaaaaad mood tonight. He's gonna love it in the zoo.
9:59 has it down. Only change needed is that Lynn didn't do squat to organize a search and never contributed one red cent just tried and did mooch off of others. The only time she writes something nice is when she wants something.
Stephanie Burke claiming that Lynn is blocked from posting here - well we all know by now not to believe anything either one of them say. Just another ploy to have a pity party for Lynn
You mean people, you. lol
I just think he likes the attention
WWJD? He would ask us to pray for you. So that I will. I pray that Lynn sees the light about Shannon and Shannon just goes away quietly into the night. I pray both of them ask for forgivenss for all the hurtful and nasty things they have done to people, people who truly cared about finding Christine.
I also pray they try to make ammends to those they have lied about and to those they intentially hurt for no reason.
I ask Jesus to forgive them and help them change their hearts.
I ask all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen
a clip from Steph
"Wake up people and think about what you are doing to this family, if you are going to assassinate the characters of people you don’t even know, you could at least sign your name"
She is a real rocket scientist. Yes, sigh your name so we can lie about you. Sign your name so we can lie and harass you and your family. What a briiliant idea from a very unethical couple. I agree, she needs to stfu and be called out for what she is. A shit stirring, 2 faced liar.
Anonymous 5:53 PM said:
"WS that Tricia had hired a convicted child molester as not only a moderator but an administrator at her site."
Here we go again. First Blink you need to ask a person named Amraan about Windchime. Amraan was a moderator at WS and really pushed for Windchime to join us in the mod room. Amraan gave me the most sparkling recommendation for Windchime and I took her word. Amraan is now at If not for her Windchime would not have become an admin. And again, as soon as I found out Windchime was gone from WS.
Blink, why not talk to us about the time you kept trying to get back into WS by using different hats but your same "blink on crime" email extention. LOL. We got a kick out of that one.
This is just like you Blink to change the subject. What in the world does what I do at WS have to do with Christine? NOTHING.
Rarely has one person been so disgusting to so many. Way to go Blink.
Disgusting Tricia? You've looked in the mirror lately? No? Don't blame you
If PE would do the right thing - he would let ya'll know that Blink isn't posting here at all. And its obvious that nobody is interested in hearing the other sides of this story - you all know there are always 3 sides, right? Yours, mine and the TRUTH. Read the Tattler today, google "ms griffith and websleuths and windchime' even better add in Jonbenet. This crapola goes way back. Don't be played for fools. This is about money. No more no less. As to those of you who have changed your tunes 180 degrees in less than a year - why are you not supporting Christine? She and her children are the victims here. Not you.
I wonder if Scared Monkeys checked out Blink's references before they decided to back her? This could be a big black mark for that forum/blog.
9:17am, what we all want to know is why all the lies about the farm not being searched and suspects not questioned were told by first the family, then expanded upon by the Burk's and Shannon?
You all keep changing the subject and bringing up Tricia. Why don't you answer the questions?
Jennifer's cry me a river post over on the Pocomoke Tattler is comical. All we want to know Sweetie, is why you, for over a year, lied about what was going on with the investigation?
Mirror Mirror on the wall - who the biggest liar of then all.
I nominate Blink!
If you were snow white - now that would be fascinating. But evidently that ironic detail slipped your thought process. How funny is that?
Blink, you are a joke. Period~!!!
Keep it up, girlfriend! Your day is coming.
Today is the first time I checked out this sight. Imagine to my suprise that I am a "Lynn" groupie. I was also shocked to learn that I am now posting under "anonymous". Even as I type this I have to wonder why I would come on to this sight knowing a bashing is a coming. Not sure why, maybe because for no self serving purpose at all I just wanted and still want to know the truth about Christine and want her children to know the truth. I have done nothing but attempt to find the truth and for that I am condemned here? I do not understand why and never will so I will not attempt to comprehend. I guess all I can do is pray she is found and pray that everyone that posts here finds some peace in time.
Hello? P.E.? I am not Blink!!! Is that what makes you feel better?
Native on LI
Thankyou for stopping by to read. I do not know anything about you being condemmed from this sight but I do know that decision is not made by the readers but by PE. There would be no reason for his to do so.
Please be advised that we want Christine found also and her case to solved. I want that peace for her family also.
Simply because I chose to not follow Stephanie's decision to allow blink to assist in this case does not mean I don't want what is best for that family.
I just like hearing the truth.
PE - it wold be real easy to put at least one lie to rest. Well, maybe 2 or 3 liars to rest!
It's being said that Lynn is blocked from posting here. Send her a personal invitation to post, let her post, and let's see what pattern she follows. That is if her appointed family spokesperson allows her too.
If she doen't take up the invitation we will know the being blocked from posting story is a lie. If she post's in a typical Lynn fashion, we all will know that nothing has changed. If she post's in a typical shithouse lawyer fashion we will know that she has been "advised".
Finally, if we get a bunch of mean hateful anon comments, we will know that the subject is being diviated from.
I for one am all ears.
Tricia, If you are making a fortune, good for you! You go girl!
Sounds to me like someone is jealous and is not doing nearly as well as Tricia. WWJS about coveting what another has?
Why are comments even being made about Tricia? I thought that Nictitate and the groupies were supposed to be the 8th Wonder of the world and the "right ones" to solve Christine's case.
Guess we better leave it to LE because all that the 8th wonders can do is talk about Tricia.
NativeonLI, what's your opinion on Inspector Stoy?
There is no self serving purposes on this site, just an attempt to find the truth as you stated. This site's goal is to find the truth in all areas and not just the self serving ones.
Some of the untruths uncovered so far are:
Stoy claiming to be an investigator.
Stoy claiming to have spoken with the neighbors.
Stoy claiming a car driven by JR belonged to a deceased woman.
The farm property never being searched before the big March community search.
LE not investigating.
What's your take on all of this?
I liken Blink to a malignant cancer. Her poisons just keeps attacking every thing. She takes no prisoners and just keeps on destroying. She really must be a miserable person at heart. I think I am starting to feel so sorry for her.
I bet she will blame this blog for her failures but it won't be long before she turns on the Burke's and then Lynn. This just the way she works. I have seen this pattern before. She is just an unhappy person without a conscience or a soul. It is actually very sad.
blink's latest assertion about her qualifications, "I have an extensive background in retouching of images for print."
can you tell me the name of the owner of this Blog?
Arleen, Blink's assertions and exagerations of self-importance are proof that she is crazy. She continues in her dreamland of insanity, to imagine feelings of importance that have been denied her in the world of reality.
It's been proven that some are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it.
Shannon has found in a dreamworld of her own creation the feeling of importance which she so deeply desires.
Extensive background in retouching images? Well, well, what will the 8th wonder touch up? I'm sure it will be anything that makes images look how she wants them to look. LOL
Does that mean that the pictures that she has that belong to the neighbors (without their permission) are touched up? If so, who gave her permission to alter them?
This keeps getting better and better. We have someone who has an extensive background in retouching pictures that don't belong to them and we have evidence found by Lynn that was never found in many prior searches. Hmmmmm... What's next? Oh, I know.... Stephanie has an eyewitness to the crime and McDermott has been hiding it!
The 3 "Moochketeers" are unbelieveable. The credibility meter for them is at minus zero and is dropping lower every minute.
PPE- you've been asked a few times if Lynn has been blocked from this site. How come you have not answered?
10:23 I thought PPE did answer it, and said No, she has not been blocked. Why would he do that? I am hoping some of these comments reach Lynn and have her ask herself some hard questions.
Can we all be wrong? Are we all just hateful as they think? Not a chance.
I think Lynn is just the type that can never be wrong and will NEVER admit her mistakes. We all know Blink is a big one, imo. Lynn is like a rebellious teen, the more we tell her the more she will back Blink. Little does she realize - she is only spiting herself. It is very a sad situation.
10:12 I couldn't agree more. Blink is just a delusional empty angry person.
She boasts about being an expert on everything and everyone. Yet, I have not seen her doing anything positive in anything.
If Blink was at all self confident, she would not have a need to attack others when she is presented with facts. She obviously feels threatened and feels like she has to get "even" with people. She is good at fooling people in the beginning but her kind are always discovered and then she will just blame others. I don't think she the abilty to make something she has down wrong...a learning lesson. She will just move on to her next drama filled "mission" and accomplish nothing but more destruction in the lives of others.
alsocurious said...
can you tell me the name of the owner of this Blog?
8:53:00 AM
I have answered that question
You have my name and email I just asked what your name was. I did not realize it was a seceret. Shoot me a email if you don't want to post your name I don't have your address
alsocurious said...
You have my name and email I just asked what your name was. I did not realize it was a seceret. Shoot me a email if you don't want to post your name I don't have your address
12:58:00 PM
sorry, I don't have a clue who you are.
my contact info is at the top right of this blog
Englebert Humperdink?
What doesn't this family understand? Losing a loved one does not give YOU a free pass to crap all over people.
Regardless of YOUR loss (we have all had tragic losses, one way or another) does NOT mean you stop caring about other people, their lives, their joys, their pains. I am so sick of hearing them play the victim then turn around and treat others with no compassion.
Their attitude "all I care about is finding Christine" is sickening.
The world does not center around them. I am not saying that Christine should not be their main priority or focus but I will say it AGAIN...if we were all allowed ourselves to be that selfish, then who who would have helped YOU to begin with.
Try caring about others and maybe people will care more about YOU again.
You can say thank you all you want but your actions speak another message!!!!!!!!
I'm sure that all of the comments have reached Lynn's eyes and she has read 10:01 post. Remember folks that upon waking she gets her coffee, cig, and then hits the computer and checks everything posted about Christine's case.
She remains silent so IMO she has been advised by the family spokesperson to remain that way.
It's definately not typical Lynn fashion and being blocked from posting must be a lie. Really now, did anyone actually think that she would answer the many questions that have been raised about the untruths stated by the family, the 8th Wonder, and the Pocomoke Espionage Team?
The credibility meter is now at minus 25. Going down!
How sad for Christine and her children. How can their own do this to them?
Looks like things got too quiet for Blink. She is back to her allegations.
How can Lynn sick back and allow this BS? That has been her problem from the get go and she does not see that. But in time, she will and I hope hope all bridges are not burned. Let's face it, Blink snowed many of us so....
What does attacking people have to do with finding Christine? Nothing!
She just makes people turn on Christine's family for supporting her. And she just doesn't care. She fuels the fire every chance she gets. Why??
An ethical journalist would never behave in such a manner, nor would an ethical person.
She attacks everything and everyone. She is the one that goes after people for no reason. She has failed at reporting Jose Baez to the Florida Bar, the grandparents of Caylee Anthony's trust fund. Talk about vengeful, she is so mean and hateful. I have to wonder what her childhood was like.
I am guessing she was/is very overweight and was bullied quit a bit. Now she sits behind her computer taking her own pain out on the world as she pretends to be some caring kid person who just wants to help. Stop pretending and be it. What a disgusting way to live your life. I will keep you in my prayers Shannon.
Can people be any more 2 faced? Don't forget whose IP will show up where. Don't forget who you emailed? or called? Don't forget the things that you said aloud about Christine and her family and who heard it. Don't forget about who YOU wanted investigated. Don't forget how you stated certain people stole things from you.
People have a right to ask the tough questions. People have a right to change ther minds about people. People make mistakes. People many not have fully understood this case and jumped to some wrong conclusion, But acting like a phony Christian is pushy it too far especially when you live in a 3x glass house.
Thank you to my friends for pointing out the hypcrocasy and low life actions of very messed up individuals.
So very true. I guess doing the right thing and standing up for poeple who have stood up for you is just too difficult for some. Is she is spineless or just 2 faced, tis the question of the day?
1:27, I agree things must be too quiet for Blink, but you know what-who really cares?
Mike McDermott was correct, if we are to believe the Burkes. These are not our kind of people.
I think many here have been on both sides of the fence. We all wanted to give Blink the benefit of the doubt. We all wanted to suoport christine's family. Then Blink made that impossible but then you said Ok, this is not the families fault. But as the family continued to support Blink, many started to turn their backs on them as well. That was a hard decision. If Blink would shut up or just go away, I think many here would be back on the family's side again. JMHO
Whowever is using their husband's ex wife's name - good one. lol :)
Blink should really talk about being a home wrecker. I still working on a "special guest" that will B L O W Blink away. lol
Well so much for censorship. And you know what I mean pubic eye
I just don't understand why the family would have ever even given Blink the time of day.
I think they were taken. No where out there is there any kind of resume or whatever on Blink's successes with this kind of thing.
All she writes is gossip and inuendo and insinuations.
I guess they thought Blink was going to be their savior and truth finder. She has done more to hurt the image of Christine and her family more than anything else.
Is this coming from the group that claims to never visit this site because it is so "hateful" and "mean", Public Eye.
Now you know comments like those last most recent couple will NEVER be posted here...
Why even keep trying? Go post that crap on the sites you are talking about, we won't stoop to their level ever so stop trying. That's enough and you know what I mean.
I have said it before and I'll stress it again... mention a name or website and it WILL NOT see the light of day.. not here. Not anymore. Enough is enough.
I don't have time to sit here and babysit 24/7
B has really lost it. Or maybe she never had it. Her recent ramblings sound like she was on a trip (if you know what I mean). She even talks about how she needs her pain pills. LOL ;) Jeez, is this how she investigates?
What is Christine's family doing with someone like this? Don't they realize that everything that B does and says reflects back on them?
Something is really wrong with the entire situation. It doesn't add up. All kinds of things are being trown out by B and the groupies and it has nothing to do with Christine. Just a bunch of crazy ramblings and lots of lies. Why?
Let me first say that I am an "outsider" and being such I am only interested in this case hoping that Christine will be found and the people responsible for whatever happened to her be brought to justice.
I don't think from what I have read that anyone can dispute the fact that initally this case was treated as a missing persons case instead of a possible homicide case. And according to Chapter 5 (very enlightning) maybe due to the problems and the type of people involved that was a mistake early on. But now nearly 2 years later if LE is closer to the truth the public will not be notified until a case can be brought against the suspects. Meanwhile all of this bashing does nothing to help the situation and if it causes the people of Pokomoke to clam up to LE no one will ever find Christine. I would hope that all these sideline shenanigans can be put aside and everyone pull together to find her, not for Lynn, Jennifer, Blink, Tricia, Pokomoke, but for her children. They are the ones that have lost the most.
From what I have read, heard and seen, many families have in the beginning experience what christine's family has. LE does not automatically suspect foul play immediately when someone goes missing. Hence, a 24 hour wait to report a missing person.
I am not sure what to make of the lead Detective McDermott on this case but it is clear he was not impressed with Christine and Lynn based on what Stephanie is saying. If his feelings about them interfered with his duties then he should be held in contempt by this family and by the community. JMHO
Exactly - if you can't be big enough to put your own personal agenda's and pride away to help 3 children. Well, then there is nothing to say. Instead, admit that you can't do this for the children and just agree to stop being a negative force against them. Surely you have enough heart for that? Look in the mirror and honestly ask your heart if what you're doing is helping children. If not maybe its best to hang up the keyboard on this one?
11:08 Have you read B's latest comment on the other Pocomoke Blog? How does that help? Other than being vindictive, her comment and threats do nothing to help find Christine.
I have never seen any journalist waste their time seeking revenge. Leaves me wondering about her true motives and integrity.
First, I'm sorry I did not know we were not allowed to mention other blogs, guess that is why my one post didn't make it. I do hope PE went to that forum though to check out Blink's post (not the other local one).
I've noticed that Blink has moved on to do destruction elsewhere, even though she stated there would be more about Christine soon. I was really hoping that enough would be said here to cause anyone hooking up with her to at least go and check out her references (claims of people she knows).
I hope there is a part 6, that exposes her with some hard facts. Otherwise there might be another hurting parent put through more hurt.
Arleen, Do you think anyone besides Christine's parents have hooked up with her? It looks to me as if Blink jumps on the missing persons of the day bandwagon and blogs relentlessly about everything and anything no matter how relevant to the issue at hand.
6:16 A bunch of were just saying the same exact thing. It is amazing how she has sources for every case, lol. Too bad she never has the right info.
so no CHAPTER6? WHY6?
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