Tonight in the state of Massachusetts Republican
Scott Brown has won! Brown defeated Democrat
Martha Coakley who was in the race to win the senate seat held for 46 years by the late Ted
Browns victory in Massachusetts makes him the 41st Republican in the Senate, which means that the Democrats are no longer capable of stopping a GOP fillibuster. This throws a huge monkey wrench in to President Obama's agenda and the health care legislation currently pending in Congress.
Who says there is never any hope?
Washington: How do those tea bags taste? VICTORY!
This was like a divine intervention. First Ted Kennedy dies before the final health care vote. Then Brown was way down in the polls until after Christmas giving no time for the "community organizers" to conjur up some bogus absentees and/or register every Tom, Dick and Harry ineligable to vote. The timing of it all couldn't have been better.
The crowd last night was chanting "Kerry's Gone Next."
the message is clear... or should be
3 states recently by a landslide
oooh us redneck, racist, gun tote'n, tea bag'n, bible thumpers were just astro turf huh?
Hows the "astro turf" feel now Ms. Pelosi?
Senator Brown's quite handsome:) :)
Senator Brown is quite easy on the eyes and should really add alot to the senate for alot of reasons.
I just hope when the people of Massachusetts gets back to their feet and take notice of what has happened in their state they don't try to drag him down.
Brown might not be what we all think and hope but at least it's a new face and new ideas and a new voice coming from that state.
His election puts a "new light" on things in the political arena.
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