Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator
Chapter 8
The Invention of a Story
We have been patiently waiting to hear about the tremendous efforts to find Christine by Nictitate and the groupies. It has been very quiet and one could assume that a time out was taken for the Holidays.
A few rather strange postings have appeared on blogs concerning Christine’s case. One rather entertaining post introduces a person named Henry. Where Henry came from is anyone’s guess and OE supposes that he is another conjured up mystery to try and keep Nictitate in the spotlight.
Using the imagination, OE has invented a story to go along with this new mystery.
Along came a spider named Nictitate spinning tales of deception while the groupies hanging from her nest conjure up subjects to add to the tales.
A person named Henry met Christine through a mutual friend. They went out on a date and he instantly became obsessed with her. Supposedly, Christine never told her family about Henry. - Okay, I can buy that she might have met someone and gone out on a date however how could her family not know about Henry. Someone had to babysit for her while she was out and she was living at her mother’s home. Did she just up and walk out and not tell anyone where she was going? What excuse did she give for needing someone to watch the children?
The story continues with Henry instantly becoming so enamored with Christine that he turns into a stalker. Anyone who has ever been a victim of stalking knows that their stalker appears everywhere that they go and the stalker is always watching. Are we to believe that no one ever saw Henry the stalker and that Christine told no one not even her sister whom she was close with or her BFF “Q”?
Continuing on…… Henry has been stalking Christine however he convinces her to go out on another date. What? I’m sorry folks but OE was shocked by this revelation. No one in their right mind would go out on a date with someone who has been watching and following them. The end of the story about Henry the stalker is that while out on this date he took Christine across the State Line and she disappeared.
Nictitate and the groupies have out done their selves with this one.

We all know that Christine and the boy’s left with her BFF “Q” after having an argument with her mother and went to the Milford, DE Wal-Mart to meet JR & Tia. We also know that JR & Tia took Christine and the boy’s across the State Line to Pocomoke, MD where she lived with them at the farm house on Byrd Road until she disappeared.
On a blog frequented by Nictitate and the groupies one of the comments wonders when we will hear the next chapter on Christine. We all are waiting for the great one to tell us where Christine is and still we wait, and we wait, and we wait……….

As is appropriate for the New Year, OE is taking a “look back” at 2009. Sadly enough, looking back at the Nictitate saga in Christine’s case, OE comes up with a big fat zero.
It’s been almost 6 months since Nictitate and the groupies were inserted into Christine’s case. Many of us knew from the beginning that the promise of solving the case within 3 months was empty. Some of us tried to warn Christine’s family about Nictitates real motives for getting involved. We were attacked for doubting and anyone who opposed Nictitates methods were quickly turned into being suspect or being someone with something to hide.
Nictitates methods made an attempt at tearing a community apart and we saw the owners of a local blog jump into Nictitates nest and spew forth hatred and ugliness at anyone who dared to oppose their Queen.
Conspiracy was the word for 2009. One after another, conspiracies swirled around Christine’s case like a dust devil. They blew in from nowhere, stirred up the dust, and blew away as quickly as they appeared.
Friendships were broken and support for Christine’s family was withdrawn by many people because the family supported Nictitates methods and never spoke up in an attempt to end it. Many people felt a slap in the face as Nictitate continued on with the whirlwind of destruction.
From the very beginning of Nictitates appearance, lies were told. Bloggers quickly did research and past acquaintances of Nictitate came forward with the truth. We had in our midst nothing more than a self proclaimed investigative journalist who has a habit of worming into cases of missing people. High profile was the target and we were told that the national media was coming to cover Christine’s case. Sources tell OE that efforts from the community got more attention than anything Nictitate did. A letter writing or sending email campaign to America’s Most Wanted by the community got Christine case onto AMW’s website. We’re still waiting for Nictitates national media blitz.
Sadly, it appears that Christine’s case is at a standstill. Sources tell OE that private opinion of some LE is that the case has been turned into a 3 ring circus. Without naming names, it’s easy to figure out who’s staring in each ring!
A post by the great one herself says that she is letting the powers to [that] be do their work…….. What a novel idea. It’s a little too late for that notion don’t ya think?
The post finishes by saying that “with some other interesting developments in the background……”. If the groupie story about Henry is an example of the interesting developments in the background, OE for one can’t wait to see what is conjured up next.
Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.
Read Chapters 1-7 HERE
I would be shocked if any charges are ever filed in this case.
There are atleast 2 bits of information made public by Shannon Stoy that should never have been revealved, in my opionion. Rumor has it that at one time, one of the investigators even tried to dismiss the tidbit, maybe to make it appear as though unimportant?
The family now has no one to blame but themselves and Shannon for this 3 ring circus.
OE, I also saw Shannon's post claiming to have "stated in an interview" about the "interesting developments in the background."
She promises "to update when we can."
I'll update for you, Shannon. You f'ed up big time. I bet this case never sees the inside of the courtroom, thanks to your stupidity. I hope you're proud of yourself.
So now we have "Henry". It's not strange that the family would not know him to add his name to the pile of charecters. Parents don't often know every person their child knows. I believe that!
But to have just "stumbled" upon this as shocking new evidence is a little unreal. Where has this mutual friend been for two years? Why didn't that mutual friend come forward two Decembers ago and tell what they knew about Henry being in the picture possibly?
Oh, I don't buy that for a second. But maybe if there is truth to it the friend should be questioned along with Henry.
Jmmb, I think it's all about another psycho, oops I mean psychic coming out of the woodwork, claiming someone named Henry is involved somehow with the disappearance. You would have thought Lynn would have learned her lesson after the stick guy fiasco.
I have my feelings that all this occured because of all the thieving going on by Jr and all.
And now I'm tending to believe Lynn knew all about this, but is one of the things someone said she was withholding or "forgetting" to tell LE. And wasn't Stephanie spouting off about how Mike said something like, if you knew Lynn you wouldn't be friends with her?
Talk about a web, there's so much more to this story, I'm betting.
After all I said, I do wish something would happen. It's not a good feeling to have killers running around freely and thinking they have gotten away with something so terrible.
Sept 19, 2009, Anon 12:07
"There are alot of facts in this case that have not come to light, many which would give you an insight into the personal lives of the family and why Christine left Delaware in the first place."
This poster was hinting at something. What do they mean by "insight into the personal lives of the family". And is there more to her being in Pocomoke than the fight with her mom? Somewhere along in Blink's story is mentioned that Christine was out gathering up tin to sell. I wonder if it wasn't more than "tin" that was being gathered? Jr's record is one of burlaries.
I think the boyfriend knows about the family and could give some insight, unless he's involved some way, then he would remain silent. Maybe the sister IS truly clueless about what was going on in the household and would only want to think the best of her family.
Anon 11:34 just might have hit the nail on the head.
I'm beging to think that all of us have been looking in the wrong places and at the wrong people. There is some information that hasn't come to light for public view. There are definately some things that Lynn has not told LE and has conviently forgot. It's called "selective memory" or withholding evidence.
JR & Company "the gang" had a lot of things going on. Stealing and selling was one of the "things". Gathering tin for resale was included when metals were at a high price. Christine participated in the tin gathering - didn't "B" confirm this?
Question is - what else was being stolen and resold and what does Lynn know about all of this? Craigs List ring a bell?
Oh what a tangled web we weave....
One of the post's withheld by Stephanie before the March search was from a person claiming to be JR. Stephanie has never explained why the post was withheld. Lynn also agreed to the withholding of the post. Hmmmm?
This particular post said that we were all way off base and would find nothing. Was someone trying to tell us something?
At the very least, JR & Tia know what happened to Christine. Could it be that they know but don't want to be blamed for it?
Sept 19, 2009, Anon 12:07
"There are alot of facts in this case that have not come to light, many which would give you an insight into the personal lives of the family and why Christine left Delaware in the first place."
Is this where we should be looking? Everything concerning Christine's case has been very quiet lately. Searches on the farm by LE have discontinued. Are they looking closer to home?
Anon 12:07 on September 19, 2009 - please let us know what your post means.
I've heard you should put things on the New Jersey craigslist, you'll get many more buyers.....
I'm glad to see Richard Hornsby's back up. I guess he was busy with a trial. I'm surprised Shannon didn't try and take credit for getting him "shut down."
She must be afraid of him, after he sent her packing with her tale between her legs.
Follow the link provided on PPE and click on the post-
"Attorney of Record in Record Time". The Richard and Shannon exchange happened at 5:33pm on Dec 30.
One of the post's withheld by Stephanie before the March search was from a person claiming to be JR. Stephanie has never explained why the post was withheld. Lynn also agreed to the withholding of the post. Hmmmm?
Law enforcement also agreed that the post should be withheld after it had been forwarded to them for review & comment.
A side not the first public mention of a skull being found was made on this (PPE) website.
That was a tidbit Law Enforcement asked to remain confidential.
I don't know why people think that Lynn or The Tattler would not continue to work with Law Enforcement on this case.
Billy Burke, Publisher
Pocomoke Tattler
Speaking of Nictitate34, where is she? Seems to be missing from the primate clan and has all but abandoned her blog. Maybe nobody payed to have the domain renewed lol.
Billy I don't believe that PPE was the first place the skull was ever mentioned. I believe it was during the last part of August 09 or the first part of September 09 that Blink spoke about it in an interview she had with Dana Pretzer.
I don't believe the skull was ever mentioned in the Odor of Nicitate stories until a comment during the end of Sept. and again, briefly, in Chapter 4 in October 09.
Sorry if I am wrong. But that is what I seem to recall.
You are not wrong, jmmb. That being said, Billy's way off base anyway.
Oh God, Billy AGAIN letting the facts muddy the waters!!!!!!!
The skull wasn't even mentioned on THIS site, PPE, until September 30, 2009.
The fact is, it was mentioned on Stink of Crime on September 9 by a Nictitate groupie calling themselves, seekingjustice.
And even before that, on that stupid a$$ podcast no one but Nictitate has ever even heard of! Maybe Nictitate should go on one of our own local radio shows?
It's something way more subtle and way more important than the skull, Billy.
Ho Hum, they are back to that search place not being "inviting" to search by WCBI.
They don't need to be invited. It's not like any of the search areas are even under the control of WCBI.
That fly by night group probably wants to be invited so if any liability is incurred it will fall on the tax payers of the county. Say for instance, one of their remote controlled airplanes does a nose dive and whacks a park goer in the head and kills em, 3 View can pawn the responsibility off of WCBI saying, well we were invited!
The B reported that they were going to Haiti. Hmmmmmm.
Anonymous said...
8:37:00 PM
The B reported that they were going to Haiti
sooooo, did they have to be invited to go to Haiti?
Haiti? Nice thought but it ain't going to happen. You can't just go to a disaster area on a wing and a prayer. If you do, you end up becomming part of the problem.
This type of disaster needs to be left to the professionals who fly in self contained with everything from water, tents, communication equipment, armed guards, and even toliets and usually a medic. All this requires large sums of money.
Anyway the methods used by 3 View are primitive compared to what the US military can offer.
I doubt the seach group will go to Haiti, but you know Blink. She'll steal pictures of Haiti off someone and claim they were forwarded to her by 3 view. You know, like she did with Showell VFD's picture of the chicken house controlled burn..
Tia's still saying on her my space
TIA AND JR FOREVER but she's hanging out wit the boyz from Salisbury. She even had it out with one of them yesterday.
3 View is a nonprofit 501 C 3? Oh really, Shannon?
Once again, Billy does not state the facts correctly. LE did not find out about the posts made by the person claiming to be JR until after the fact. If truth be known, the withholding was reported to LE and not by the Burkes. Something to remember Billy - You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time!
The information being let out about the skull being found came from none other than Christine's mother and the Blinkster. Own it!
You big mouths (mentioned above) need to learn that you can't play God and try and minipulate circumstances to suit your selfishness. Are you afraid of just telling the plain truth? Talk about conspiracy!
Bet you that Nictitate and the groupies know nothing about where to find Tia and her latest happenings. If they did, it would have been the news flash of the year! LOL
Billy can mark this one down as having heard it here on PPE first -Appears that Tia has had some difficulties with the boyz she's been keepin company with and is once again in the court system.
At one point some girl from TN was leading them on a wild goose chase about she and Jr. They thought just because the girl in TN had a one night stand with him many years ago, she may have had some knowledge of what happened to Christine. Not only that, but they got the whole story wrong on him. Keep an eye out in and around Pocomoke and you might just see him.
Clara Mae, Are you talking about the guy from Salisbury? And have you seen her myspace? Everyone thinks jr has been in jail. I heard his car has been seen around town lately. I know she's been back.
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