Sometimes on the weekend you just have to give in and visit the Wal*mart store. 
Now I have to admit that the store does look very nice. The openness of the store gives more room to walk and browse and I must admit also the brightness does make it very appealing. Good move on Mal*mart to decide to remodel. The recent fire hasn't seemed to make any setbacks in their work. This is wonderful.
Sometimes though, it's not what is for sale inside the store that is appealing but rather what waits on the outside. Upon leaving I had the wonderful opportunity this weekend during my dreaded visit to meet some of the finest young ladies. The Girl Scouts.
These young ladies were out there in the cold selling their cookies just as hard and fast as they could. It was the first year for the two young ladies who sold me my cookies so I let the younger one give me her sales pitch and tell me all about the two new flavors for this year. Being a Girl Scout many years ago I could appreciate the pitch and was amazed at how she knew so much not just about the cookies but exactly what the Girls Scouts when not selling cookies.
We talked awhile and the Mother chimed in that it was her first year also and how wonderful it has been for all of them. I must admit that a conversation with those girls made my day.
Girl Scout cookies have been a familiar part of America for probably 80 years and I must say the cookies cost more than they did when I went door to door selling them. It's harder today to sell them because people want a whole lot of cookies for that whole lot of money.
But here's the way I look at it...... If my small purchase can help just one young girl in this world today grow to be a better person for life, develop skills she will use her whole life, and show her what life is about the right way then my money was not wasted.
Please order or buy your Girl Scout Cookies. Even if it's only one box. These girls are on the right track to life. Let's help them keep learning and growing in the right direction.

Now I have to admit that the store does look very nice. The openness of the store gives more room to walk and browse and I must admit also the brightness does make it very appealing. Good move on Mal*mart to decide to remodel. The recent fire hasn't seemed to make any setbacks in their work. This is wonderful.
Sometimes though, it's not what is for sale inside the store that is appealing but rather what waits on the outside. Upon leaving I had the wonderful opportunity this weekend during my dreaded visit to meet some of the finest young ladies. The Girl Scouts.
These young ladies were out there in the cold selling their cookies just as hard and fast as they could. It was the first year for the two young ladies who sold me my cookies so I let the younger one give me her sales pitch and tell me all about the two new flavors for this year. Being a Girl Scout many years ago I could appreciate the pitch and was amazed at how she knew so much not just about the cookies but exactly what the Girls Scouts when not selling cookies.
We talked awhile and the Mother chimed in that it was her first year also and how wonderful it has been for all of them. I must admit that a conversation with those girls made my day.
Girl Scout cookies have been a familiar part of America for probably 80 years and I must say the cookies cost more than they did when I went door to door selling them. It's harder today to sell them because people want a whole lot of cookies for that whole lot of money.
But here's the way I look at it...... If my small purchase can help just one young girl in this world today grow to be a better person for life, develop skills she will use her whole life, and show her what life is about the right way then my money was not wasted.
Please order or buy your Girl Scout Cookies. Even if it's only one box. These girls are on the right track to life. Let's help them keep learning and growing in the right direction.
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