Virginia has filed court papers to join a federal lawsuit claiming that health care giant Johnson & Johnson paid tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks so nursing homes would put patients on its schizophrenia drug.
The filing was confirmed through an online database maintained by the federal courts.
Prosecutors claim the company paid kickbacks to nursing home prescription provider Omnicare Inc. so its pharmacists would recommended that patients with signs of Alzheimers be put on the schizophrenia drug Risperdal, which was later found to increase the risk of death in the elderly.
Folks you just can't say it enough! If you have a loved one in any nursing home select a family member to be the spokesperson for the individual under their care. ASK, LOOK, and ASK again what type of medications are being given to your family member. Find out what that medication is for and then for goodness sake DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK and read about the medications. Until YOU take an interest and ASK questions this type of thing will continue.
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