Dear Friends,
On this Memorial Day, we pause to remember and honor the sacrifices made by generations of brave Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen who have given their lives to defend our country and its ideals. Earlier today, I had the opportunity to personally convey my gratitude to members of our Armed Force serving our country in Afghanistan, where I am visiting along with colleagues on the Armed Services Committee. We all owe these heroes and their families a debt that cannot be repaid. Today, I am humbled to honor their service and convey our appreciation for their sacrifice.
As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I’ve traveled to Afghanistan to discuss the status and progress of Operation Enduring Freedom with commanders and troops serving on the front lines. In addition to meeting with members of the military, civilian employees, and foreign officials, my colleagues and I are here to discuss issues pertaining to the training and equipping of US forces deployed in theater, the recent surge, reconstruction efforts, training of the Afghanistan National Police, and what can be done to combat corruption.
Our military operations in Afghanistan were among the topics debated earlier this month during the Armed Services Committee’s markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which authorizes funding for our armed services at home and abroad for the upcoming fiscal year. Our committee unanimously passed the NDAA, which subsequently was passed by the full House of Representatives last week and now awaits action in the Senate. I was pleased to play a role in drafting legislation that reflects our continued commitment to defend America, support U.S. service members and their families, and protect Americans from the threats of tomorrow. The final legislation included a number of amendments I authored, including provisions aimed at improving mental health services for combat veterans, assessing the needs of transition programs for returning vets, and ensuring that members of the Armed Services never give Miranda rights to enemy combatants. More information about the NDAA is available on on my website.
Our commitment to our service men and women, and to the memory of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, cannot be limited to this one holiday. We must re-affirm our obligation to our nation’s heroes by ensuring that they receive the resources and support necessary to carry out their mission and return home safely.
With warm regards,
Rep. Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.
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