The state’s attorney is the critical link between arrest and conviction. Without a conviction there can be no punishment, no deterrence and no rehabilitation. Thus, public safety is compromised.
I am proud to have received the support and endorsement of all three of Worcester County’s Fraternal Orders of Police (Worcester County, Ocean City and Berlin), the Maryland State FOP, Chief Deputy Reggie Mason of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis, Wicomico County FOP and Caroline County FOP. These endorsements are from the men and women who know best the importance of a strong and effective state’s attorney. Law enforcement is a team effort and these unanimous endorsements prove the need for immediate change in the State’s Attorney’s Office to increase public safety.
As your state’s attorney, I will execute an office-wide policy of prosecution that ensures individuals will be held accountable for their criminal behavior. All cases will be prosecuted with a hands-on, aggressive approach and in a manner that is firm, fair and consistent.
I appreciate your consideration on Tuesday. Together we will make Worcester County the first place you want to live and the last place you want to commit a crime.
Beau Oglesby
Ocean Pines
Oglesby is a candidate for Worcester County state’s attorney. — Editor
I was going to early vote yesterday, but because of this race and still be undecided I choose to wait until Tuesday.
I can overlook the mailer mistake and also the experience issue that Joel Todd is campainging on. I know that Oglesby can and will bring in prosecutors experiened in each and every type of situation.
What I can not overlook is what appears to be Todd's acceptance and allowance of Jonathan Tayor and his followers behavior. By his silence on this he is condoning this behavior.
The best man for the job, hands down!!
"...the last place you want to commit a crime." Are you implying that I WANT to commit a crime? Nice job in Caroline County, you actually try 7% of your cases. Todd prosecutes almost 13%. That's improvement?
"What I can not overlook is what appears to be Todd's acceptance and allowance of Jonathan Tayor and his followers behavior. By his silence on this he is condoning this behavior."
I'm with you on this, Todd needs to denounce that vile blog or he's lost my vote also.
It's terrible the way Joel Todd has allowed his campaign to be hijacked. I know for a fact some memebers of LE would have spoken in favor of Joel but want no parts of the unsavory connection of Jonathan Taylor associated with their names.
Todd doesn't need to denounce anything.
Just do his job.
Which he does, so he has my vote.
ok, yea right, you mean like his "rubber stamp' that says "nolle prose"?
read the briefs that's posted here and count the criminals that walked.
and Todd does need to explain his association with the hate blog. By being silent about it looks as if he approves of all the vile lies and vitriol spewed from the keyboard of the great yard-wide lard-hide land whale
Some voters frown upon one person controlling a position for an extended period. State's Attorney position is no different.
I think it's time we get a fresh set of eyes to look at things.....
That doesn't bother me as much as what was it, last weeks reporting of Nol Pros of the boy who was stabbed a month earlier in pocomoke by the Ballard guy.
That made me question things....like do they actually talk with them?
How does one Nol Pros a guy who was killed a few weeks earlier? Should've been dismissed.
Just made me question if they are understaffed and/or actually talk with those charged.
So you don't mind voting for someone who is trying to rip off a local small businessman? That's ok?!? Really?
Ask yourself this question. If Beau is so "Tough on Crime" why then is Wicomico County such a mess? He worked there all those years and it had gotten worse while he was there! Why also is Caroline County a mess? He actually only tries approximately 7% of his cases?
Forget "who" is the most popular. Go with who has the most experience and can do their job. I'm sorry, but for me, the nod goes to Joel Todd.
My family is much safer for it. Beau, keep doing what you're doing in someone else's neighborhood!
12:21, I think also there's too much buddy buddy going on also. I know that I have heard certain lawyers are running the show and if you want to get off hire those particular lawyers.
Hey 10:47:00 PM,
The association with the hate blog is obvious. Todd's wife used to work with the owner of that blog and they are friends.
With friends like the Taylor's, the Todd's don't need enemies to sabotage Joel's campaign.
That blog has taken dirty politics to a new level.
I've been printing out some of the posts and comments just in case a Todd poll worker comes up to me on Tuesday. I want to show them how terrible this all has been and then ask them WHY I should vote for someone who has condoned this all along.
Isn't this a Pocomoke blog? When has Mr. Oglesby come to Pocomoke? I was interested in hearing him speak not just read about him in the papers.
He was at the firehouse, 8:32. You need to keep up. I don't even live in Pocomoke and knew about it.
This sleazeball mailer from Concerned Citizens for Joel Todd, that I got in the mail has made up my mind. Myself and 5 other voters have decided to go for Beau.
Don't believe Joel Todd or Beau Oglesby. Go to the link and type in both of their names and check out their records.
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