My opponent, Reggie Mason, with his staff, has for some time been under investigation by the Maryland Attorney General's Office for violating the Hatch Act, passed in 1939 and redefined in 1993.
It states: No one shall engage in any political activity while on duty, in government office, wearing an official uniform or in the use of a government vehicle.
Photos and other evidence have appeared recently on blogs showing my opponent and uniformed deputies campaigning while on duty. Mason refuses to step forward and explain or defend himself.
Instead, he has sent his henchman to attack me personally. They do not attack my policies on crime, of which my opponent has none. Instead, they call me names. I have had more than $600 worth of campaign signs stolen from the northern part of the county in the last two weeks, which is where my opponents and his henchmen live.
To anonymous writers who criticize me and not my stance on issues? You are afraid the "good old boy" way of running things are coming to an end.
To my opponent: You hide behind your henchmen and refuse to tell voters where you stand and what you plan to do for them. Why?
To Worcester County voters: Look at your candidates well; see what they will do -- fight for you or hide from you?
Visit www.bobbybritting hamforsheriff.com and vote on Nov. 2.
Bobby Brittingham
Pocomoke City
If this supposed investigation is going on why hasn't it been reported in the Daily Times or on WBOC or WMDT?
I've gotten a few forwards of this letter to the editor already today and everyone is of the opinion that's it nothing more than a tactic by Martin and Todd being fed to Bobby to be made public. I don't know if that's true as this is just of opinion of the everyday folks.
It would have been nice if Bobby Brittingham had included a letter from the Attorney General's office confirming that yes, an investigation is being conducted.
Accusations that aren't backed up with solid information tends to be believed as just that-accusations.
Instead of a letter from the Attorney General's office it seems to me that if anyone was under investigation that office would have put a rush on the matter to get it resolved BEFORE an election! Seems unfair for the voters to have this happen.
Threats, blaming, finger pointing and gossip do nothing to promote anyone running for office.
It reminds me of a bunch of PMS women! Simply pathetic!
Well, it's like this...most people in Worcester County have no idea what the Hatch Act is and those who are aware of it don't care. They know they will never get caught and even if they do they will never get prosecuted. Of course personnel from the Sheriff's Office campaign in uniform; it's just the way it's done around here. You can piss and moan all you want, it's not going to change.
"No one shall engage in any political activity while on duty....." so where you on 'duty' that day at the Pocomoke City mayoral elections, Mr. Brittingham, when you were in uniform and getting up in the face and threatening a candidate for public office?
Please don't lie, I still have the pic.
Check Webster dictionary but this meets the definition of 'bullying'.
Finally, when a CANDIDATE for SHERIFF'S office has another candidate's sign in their yard who has numerous CRIMINAL CHARGES for theft, malicious destruction, and assault/battery, and is being sued in Wicomico County for $4,000.00 AND another individual in his house had CRIMINAL CHARGES OF POSSESSION and INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE, this demonstrates lack of integrity by a SHERIFF 'supporting' such a person, BUT ALSO
Mr. Brittingham, your conduct at the polls on McDermott's mayoral election day, when you were in uniform, showed me that YOU are a part of any 'good old boy' way of doing things.
Intimidating others when you are in uniform on election day is this your way of doing things?
Men, you've learn the 'good old boy's' motto of 'DEFLECT' very well.
Haven't heard you DENY getting into a candidate's face that day.
Anonymous 12:30 am...that's what they do well is DEFLECT.
Here's the creed I consider a candidate for public office by....how have they IMPROVED their own lives AND those around them not just in the last 3 months before filing for office, but in the last several years. If one continues to try to improve and to help others before they will after.
Believe me 'candidates' don't suddenly become people who 'care' about others at the moment they are elected into public service!
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