By Jennifer Shutt
BERLIN — Worcester Republicans say they’re upset with State’s Attorney Joel Todd for sending out campaign materials falsely implying he’d gotten endorsements from key figures in their party.
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Lee McClaflin, chairman of the Worcester County Republican Central Committee, held a press conference Wednesday to draw attention to recent election mailers, sent by Todd’s campaign, which showed him pictured with several people under the heading “Community Leaders Support Joel Todd.”
Many of the people on the mailers were not aware they were on it, McClaflin said, and do not endorse Todd as a candidate for re-election. Todd, a Democrat, is being challenged by Republican candidate Beau Oglesby.
Anita Todd, Joel Todd’s wife and his campaign manager, said she is responsible for the mailer. Joel Todd never saw or approved a final draft of the flyer, she said in an interview.
“I screwed up, and should not have had those four photos under the word ‘support,’” says Anita Todd. “There was no malicious intent, no intent to misrepresent.”
Four different versions of the mailers were sent out to different parts of the county. Several prominent people from each region are featured on the mailers, including Pines police chief David Massey, Worcester County Sheriff Charles Martin, Circuit Court Clerk Stephen Hales, County Commissioner Louise Gulyas, County Commissioner Bud Church and Pocomoke City police chief J.D. Ervin.
"I don’t endorse anybody but myself,” said Gulyas, in an interview. “It’s over and done with, and it really doesn’t bother me.”
Guylas "I don't endorse anybody but myself" and that's good!
Her son is the one who is suddenly after 4 yrs suing Oglesby. Her son also operates under another company beside Ace which is Atlantic Coast Enterprises which routinely and consistantly has to have charges filed against them by the state for taxes they never pay on time.
I get it! Joel Todd used the pictures without actually "solicting" an endorsement from those folks in the pictures.
That's not even half as bad as the mailing of sample ballots to Pocomoke's District 1 with District 4 candidates for County Commissioner and Board of Education.
Somebody really slipped or should lose their job.
If I was a candidate, they should demand the correction and remailing of these OR file an immediate injunction/legal action to stop this election in Worcester County.
Really should be an investigation by the AG because this area has experienced way too many absentee ballot issues, certain party representatives soliciting absentee ballots and submitting them and now this mess of incorrect information mailed to District 1 for all the 'elderly' (those without internet and a newspaper) to not know who the 'heck' to vote for!
All of this pointing fingers about flyers and mailers sounds alot like 'playground' childishness.
I'm more concerned about a candidate running for public office with a substantial tendency to break the law. One of the candidates for Pocomoke's District 1 County Commissioner has been charged with theft, malicious destruction and A&E. Once an individual commits these types of crimes, it usually advances to more serious crimes. What is this about him being taken to court by Charles T. Harris, from IBEW Local 1307, for four thousand dollars in Wicomico? This was just filed a few weeks ago. Now that is truly something to be worried about.
Do we want something who will steal, hurt another person, or destroy someone else's property EVEN ONE TIME as our county commissioner?
Would like to know story behind this RECENT FILING.
Guess what, Mr. Schoolfield is being sued for four thousand dollars by Charles Harris, IBEW Local 1307, that is the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.....of which he belongs!
He's an electrician in Pocomoke.
What is UP with this?
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