Johnson testified that when she returned home the evening Christine went missing there was no one at home except Christine's two small children. Clarence Jackson (Tia's boyfriend) and Hadel returned that evening and explained that Christine just "took off" and they had been out looking for her. Johnson, Jackson, Hadel along with Sheddy were all staying at the farm house.
A phone call is made and a short time later Christine's small children are picked up by a relative. The three of them, along with Tia's two children and taking clothes for them to wear to school the next day, leave the Pocomoke house to stay at a bed and breakfast located in Snow Hill, Maryland. Jackson supposedly, had a key to the property. At this point in time Tia claimed she did not know that Christine is dead.
Johnson testified that she felt as if Justin was trying to tell her something. Within a short period of time Justin admitted to Johnson that he and Christine had argued over a sex matter. Justin told Tia he hit Christine with a shovel during the argument, taking her life, claiming it "was an accident".
According to the testimony it was during the first night at the bed and breakfast Christine was buried in a shallow grave in the backyard by Clarence Jackson and Justin Hadel.
Tia confessed she never told police about the murder claiming Justin had threatened her if she told. She was concerned for her safety and the safety of her family.
Jurors also heard testimony from an inmate from the same facility as Justin Hadel. Handy stated that during an argument between Jackson, Hadel and Sheddy, Clarence (Jr.) Jackson began hitting Christine and told Justin to 'finish her off'".
Her remains were found buried behind a Snow Hill bed and breakfast in February 2010. Justin Hadel has been charged with first-degree murder and second-degree assault but has plead not guilty.
Late Tuesday afternoon Defense Attorney, Arch McFadden gave no argument to the jury and called no witnesses to testify.
The part I don't understand is that if Jr. helped in the murder of this young woman why isn't he at bare minimum charged with assault or manslaughter or SOMETHING.....where is this JR fellow in all this? did he testify?
I don't think Jr did testify. Maybe now reality come to Hadel and he will finally come out with most of the real and true story. I say real and true because I doubt we will ever have complete 100 percent accurate details of this crime.
jr made a deal with the detectives that if he could get out of the trouble he was in from tenn. he would give details of chritines dissappearnece. so that he did and made it look like justin was the fault. tias knew the whole two yrs but nsay she was scared, not of justine its jr. she soo scared of him. so she didnt get introuble because she testified against justine. i swear if jr walks free, he' ll do it again. Tia is the dumbest person there is out there seriously. tia helped dispose of her body, and it was her car the took her there in. i just dnt get it.
If Tia was so scared of Jr then she would have told of Jr's role in all of this which would guarantee his life would be spent behind bars. I'm not buying the "she was/is scared" story. Sounds more like an excuse she's made up.
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