Congratulations to all the winners in the Miss Hope Eastern Shore Pageant. From all the comments I have read not one contestant had a bad experience and I think the entire event left them with more than they had expected. I have read comment after comment about the event and have yet to hear one person find anything to disagree with. And I've been told that everyone had a blast.
The entire event was the idea of two young local women, the Pettine sisters. They have every reason to feel so very proud for what they have accomplished. Arranging and managing what they did was not an easy task and I would have been holding my breath the whole time! Giving so much of their time and energy for such a worthy cause should never be forgotten.
What is so wonderful to know is that most, if not all, of the participants know Courtney Bloxom. Some of them are Courtney's good friends. Some of them sit with Courtney in her room at the center helping to keep her motivated, trying to bring her back to wonderful self. Some know her very well simply by the facebook page Courtney's mother keeps.
Miss Hope ES contestant Lennie Bowe
and Miss Hope ES Ashley Mapp |
Regardless, these participants gave of their time to help someone in need.
Everyone, now matter what your task was in bringing this event together, needs to give themselves a big pat on the back.
Saturday nights pagaent raised over $7,000.00 for the Courtney Bloxom Fund. The contest included 35 participants and crowned 22 Princesses while a crowd of 475 watched. That's incredible.
But the Pettine sisters are finished yet .The fundraising continues. They set a goal of $19,000 for the Courtney Bloxom Fund and they intend to meet every bit of that commitment. Every penny raised for the pageant went towards the fund in an effort to purchase physical therapy equipment for Courtney. The professional photographer has pledged ten percent of his sales to go towards the cause. A CD is being made and 10% from the sales will be donated back.
Miss Hope Eastern Shore Teen Amy Wigglesworth with other
local queens. |
So it seems every one came away with a good feeling. Strangers became friends forever. They are 'pageant sisters'. They are that for life simply because they gave unselfishly to a cause for a beautiful young lady that needs so much right now. And I can't help but feel that if this had been for anyone elsebesides Courtney, she would have been there participating herself.
**DVDs are available at Alan-Lynch Productions. The email is or 302-344-2977 . All checks need to be made out to Alan-Lynch Productions. PLEASE BE SURE TO SEND: Name, Address, Email, Cell, and Home phone number for this order. DVD's are $30 each. 10% will be donated back to the Courtney Bloxom Fund.**