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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Friday, February 4, 2011
Possible Code On Drivers License To ID Sex Offenders

Eastern Shore Sen. Richard Colburn (R-37) has submitted a bill that would require the state to put a code on the driver’s licenses of convicted sex offenders so police will be able to identify them.
The code would be something that only police can understand, such as a special numerical code or barcode. The purpose is to alert police that they are dealing with a convicted sex offender, so the officers can ask additional questions if necessary.
A similar measure failed to pass last year amid concerns that it violated the offenders’ rights. Local representatives supported the legislation and wondered if it might have prevented the death of 11-year-old Sarah Foxwell of Salisbury in December 2009, whose accused killer is a registered sex offender.
“This was in the predator bill the Eastern Shore delegation submitted last year. I believed in it last year and I still think it’s important,” Sen. Jim Mathias (D-38) said. “It’s a tool for police and investigators and offers heightened awareness of who they’re dealing with.”
Delegate Mike McDermott (R-38B) agrees.
“I think anything we do that might aid law enforcement in making sure our children are safe and we understand who we’re dealing with when we stop a vehicle is not a bad thing. If it had an impact one time and helped save one child, then it would be worth it,” he said.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Election Bullying?????

My opponent, Reggie Mason, with his staff, has for some time been under investigation by the Maryland Attorney General's Office for violating the Hatch Act, passed in 1939 and redefined in 1993.
It states: No one shall engage in any political activity while on duty, in government office, wearing an official uniform or in the use of a government vehicle.
Photos and other evidence have appeared recently on blogs showing my opponent and uniformed deputies campaigning while on duty. Mason refuses to step forward and explain or defend himself.
Instead, he has sent his henchman to attack me personally. They do not attack my policies on crime, of which my opponent has none. Instead, they call me names. I have had more than $600 worth of campaign signs stolen from the northern part of the county in the last two weeks, which is where my opponents and his henchmen live.
To anonymous writers who criticize me and not my stance on issues? You are afraid the "good old boy" way of running things are coming to an end.
To my opponent: You hide behind your henchmen and refuse to tell voters where you stand and what you plan to do for them. Why?
To Worcester County voters: Look at your candidates well; see what they will do -- fight for you or hide from you?
Visit www.bobbybritting and vote on Nov. 2.
Bobby Brittingham
Pocomoke City