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Thursday, October 24, 2024
Early voting underway in Maryland.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Reminder to Virginia voters-
(Shore Daily News)
This Friday, 10/25, is the last opportunity to apply for or request an absentee ballot to be mailed.
The request must be received at your local registrar’s office by 5 p.m.
Saturday, October 26 will be the first weekend day that registrar’s offices in both counties will be open for early voting. Both offices will also be open Saturday, November 2. Saturday hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Friday, September 20, 2024
Early voting has started in Virginia.
(Shore Daily News)
The polls are open at registrar’s offices in Accomack and Northampton Counties. The offices will open at 8:30 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. Voters will be able to vote from now until November 2 at your local registrar’s office. Voting in precincts is only on election day in November. All early voters will need to bring an ID.
Registrars offices will be open for early voting the two Saturdays prior to election day. The last day to register to vote for the upcoming election is October 15 again at your county registrar’s office.
Accomack Voters can vote at the registrar’s office at Sawmill Park in Accomac. Northampton voters can vote at the registrars office on Courthouse Ave. in Eastville.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Votes in the two Virginia shore counties
(Shore Daily News)
(View news story)
Trump and Biden win primaries in both counties - Shore Daily News
(News story correction: Niki Haley won in Vermont. -PPE)
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
More convenient early voting location?
POCOMOKE CITY, Md. -- People in the south end of Worcester County face a significant journey of approximately 45 minutes to Ocean City, the sole early voting location in the county. It is why County Commissioner Caryn Abbott is advocating for a change.
(View news story:)
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Pocomoke's Early Voting Request
By a 5 to 2 vote the Worcester County Commissioners rejected a request to add Pocomoke City as a second early voting location in Worcester County.
The Dispatch:
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Early voting for the upcoming General Election is now underway, October 27th through November 3rd, for Worcester County residents .
The location is Gull Creek Senior Living Community Sunroom at 1 Meadow Street in Berlin. Hours daily are 8a.m. until 8p.m.
For further information contact the Worcester County Board of Elections at (410) 632-1320 or check online:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
'Tax Increase' Supporters Clarified

In the 2007 special session, I voted against all tax increases. However, in the House of Delegates both Jim Mathias and Norm Conway took a different position and voted for HB 2. The bill contained a 25 percent increase in corporate taxes, an income tax increase, a new recording and transfer tax, and a new "combined reporting" tax on Maryland business.
Though I opposed all tax increases, the "combined reporting" tax was especially egregrious because it would damage our Maryland-based poultry companies. In my opinion, we must maintain a strong, viable poulty industry here on the lower Eastern Shore. It is a foundation of our local economy.
I encourage voters to go online to verify the voting record of all candidates. Though we can respectfully disagree as legislators, voters should know how we voted.
To view this information, go to 2007s1/votes/house/0033.htm.
Sen. J. Lowell Stoltzfus
Stoltzfus will retire from the Maryland Senate, District 38, at the end of his current term in January. --Editor
Monday, October 11, 2010
Last Day To Register In Virginia

The state Board of Elections says Tuesday is the deadline to register to vote or to update voter information. Virginians can register to cast a ballot as long as they will be 18 or older by Nov. 2.
They can register to vote at any of the 74 Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles customer service centers or 57 DMV Select locations throughout the state or at their local registrar's office.
Residents also can check their voter status and polling places on the board's website,
Assistance also is available by calling the board at 1-800-552-9745 or the local registrar's office.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
PSST ! Have you heard the latest?

The Democrats are standing back because they KNOW they can't touch a Republican
Don't Forget to VOTE MIKE!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Cowger Will Not Seek Reelection As Commissioner

The Pocomoke City resident and local business owner has served two nonconsecutive terms -- the first in the mid-1990s and the second starting in 2006. Being a commissioner has become a full-time commitment, Cowger said, and between running his paving and site development business, he can't put in the hours needed.
"I've just got a lot of other things going on right now," he said. "I'm not saying I won't run again two or three terms down the road, when I'm retired."
Cowger is set to be the only commissioner to step down at the end of this term. However, two others, Commissioners Linda Busick and Virgil Shockley -- both of whom have announced their intentions run -- have not yet filed their candidacy. The deadline to do so is July 6.
Looking back at his time in office, Cowger said he is pleased that the renovations of Pocomoke High School were kept on track and that the three land use departments -- Develop-ment Review and Permitt-ing, Environmental Programs and Compre-hensive Planning -- had been consolidated, streamlining the process for development and home and business improvements.
Cowger, a Democrat, was perhaps most known for his concerns over the county's budgeting process and his calls to run local government more like a business. He was the sole vote in opposition to the 2010-11 spending plan.
"You've got to make your cuts and stay within your means, and I don't think the county did a good job of that," Cowger said, adding that government itself needs to shrink to keep up with falling revenues. "I predict large tax increases over the next term."
Whether that happens will be up to the next set of commissioners, and three men have already stepped forward to fill the District 1 seat. Jimmy Schoolfield, a local business owner and ordained minister, will likely face the winner of the Republican primary between Larry F. Ward and Merrill W. Lockfaw, Jr.
Ward, a Worcester County native, is the proprietor of Ward's Tree Service.
"I'm dead-set against raising taxes because there can be cuts made all over the place," Ward said. If elected Ward plans to push for a four-day, 10-hour work week for all nonessential employees, eliminating energy and maintenance with keeping buildings open an extra day and better serving citizens who cannot make it to county offices during conventional work hours.
In addition, he would institute cross training requirements for county employees to prevent breaks in service and would push for incentives for jobs, especially those that produce environmentally friendly energy and products.
Lockfaw declined to comment for this story. He is currently the superintendent of Worcester's roads division, although is retiring later this month. Until then, Lockfaw said, he is focused on leading his department.
Schoolfield is currently the only Democrat to have filed for the seat.
"I have decided to run for commissioner in District 1 to be a strong voice for the people," he said. "My focus will be on the crime rate in the district, more activities for our youth, educating our youth with after-school programs and more affordable housing."
Schoolfield, an army veteran, was born in New Church but has long-standing family ties to Pocomoke City. As well as being involved with the local NAACP and Democratic Central Committee, he owns Jae's Electric Company and serves as a minister at Georgetown Baptist Church.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Republican Primary Tomorrow

The six potential nominees are retired U.S. Navy commodore Kenny Golden, Hampton Roads businessman and retired Navy aviator Ben Loyola, retired Navy SEAL Ed Maulbeck, attorney and former U.S. Army soldier Bert Mizusawa, Freedom Automotive group owner and former U.S. Marine reservist Scott Rigell, and former Navy SEAL Scott Taylor.
The winner will challenge incumbent U.S. Rep Glenn Nye, a Democrat, in the election on November 2.
All precincts will hold polls in their usual locations except for the Chincoteague poll location, which will temporarily move from its normal site at the Community Center to the Town Hall for this election.