Monday, March 26, 2012

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

 Field Notes Week 11
 Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities By Delegate Mike McDermott

Week 11 March 19-24, 2012
The news I bring you this week from Annapolis is not good. I will be providing a supplemental to these notes on some budget specifics. There will be changes and further compromises with the Senate before the final version is voted on. While I do not normally include amendment links, I did so on the budget and tax bills so you could see what was rejected by the democrat majority that rule the House. Not one Republican amendment was accepted.
Monday Evening Session
Second Reader, Third Reader
Tuesday Morning SessionSecond Reader, Third Reader
There was only one controversial bill voted on this morning. HB-1204 will impose fees and further regulations for companies seeking to develop drill sites in western Maryland. No other state requires these types of fees, and now Maryland seeks to impose fees charged per acre on “potential” sites and continue to put the brakes on discovery and drilling for natural gas deposits located in Marcellus Shale. There was a significant amount of propaganda put forward by Chairman McIntosh citing many ground water contamination concerns. Although none of these instances has shown to have been caused by hydraulic fracturing in the process described, the chairman is a believer and is not swayed by many known facts. The passage of this bill only continues to set Maryland up for terrific losses of revenue due to the crafted moratorium by the General Assembly and the Environmental Matters Committee. This bill was passed on a vote of 88-49…many taking a walk on this bill while sitting at their desks.
Judiciary Hearings on Tuesday
HB-1365 would transfer collections for restitution payments from agencies like Juvenile Justice to the Central Collection Unit of the Department of Budget and Management. It was said that victims should benefit from a streamlined process and the CCU is better able to address the demands of these types of collections. The collection rate is currently 9% while CCU collection rate is 42.5%. HB-1143 would create a felony crime of Armed Home Invasion to address the increase in these types of offenses, particularly in the metropolitan areas. While there are particular cases which would support this bill, all of these offenses can be charged on existing law for the same or even greater combined sentencing. HB-1324 seeks to establish a standard for law enforcement on using eyewitness identification procedures. The goals of the bill are positive, but the opposition from law enforcement centered around the notion that we should not be legislating policy and procedures on best police practices. HB-1438 is a local bill seeking to allow Frederick County to perform background checks of a taxi applicant’s criminal history as a part of their processing. HB-1106 seeks to prohibit “inappropriate” searches of a minor by law enforcement and security (TSA) agents. It would require “probable cause” prior to a minor being subjected to intrusive searches of their person. HB-1111 seeks to provide limitation on the type of searches that can be conducted on persons in the United States. It stems from searches conducted by TSA personnel at airports but would apply to any searches conducted by agents of the government. The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution provides protection from “unreasonable searches” and it would seem that most of the issues brought to the committee’s attention could be addressed through dealing with the TSA and congressional oversight.HB-949 seeks to repeal the Death Penalty in Maryland and replace it with Life-Without Parole. I do not agree with removing the death penalty as an option for society in addressing certain criminal cases. There were many that testified that it should be abolished. I suggested that, perhaps, it should be a Constitutional Referendum to be put before the voters. Interestingly enough, advocates did not like the idea of asking the citizens to vote on the issue, but they would be the first to say that voters do not want the death penalty anymore. To say the least, I find this very interesting.  HB-1310 would place incredible reporting restrictions on firearms dealers and require them to respond to audit demands from the State Police. Currently, dealers licensing is handled by the federal government who issues the licenses in the first place. This bill would provide the ability of the state to suspend a license for several weeks just for a clerical violation. This seems to be a significant change and intrusion from the current laws governing purchases in Maryland.
Voting Session Judiciary Committee Tuesday Evening
Bills voted favorably by the committee:,
HB-130, HB-140, HB-353, HB-509, HB-513, HB-573, HB-589, HB-604, HB-664, HB-666, HB-670,HB-742, HB-823, HB-834, HB-860, HB-942,HB-1120, HB-1334
Bills voted unfavorably by the committee:
HB-469, HB-588, HB-611, HB-778, HB-821, HB-1020, HB-1021, HB-1066,
HB-1147, HB-1300, HB-1330, HB-1386
Judicial Hearings Conducted on Wednesday Afternoon
HB-1418 would preserve the right of a person to appeal a conviction under a writ of Coram Nobis. This is a particular writ which allows someone to come before the court with evidence and information which reveals a significant mistake made by the court during the trial. There have been some recent court cases which appear to have diminished a writ of Coram Nobis. HB-1441 would allow for the termination of an alimony payment when the recipient cohabitates. Some states have allowed for reductions in payments under these circumstances. HB-1402 would prohibit a court from incarcerating someone on a Contempt of Court Order for failing to pay Child Support who is a veteran.
Voting Session Judiciary Committee Wednesday Afternoon
Bills voted favorably by the committee:
HB-209, HB-598, HB-742, HB-762, HB-772, HB-834, HB-875, HB-1238,HB-1326, HB-1418, HB-350
Bills voted unfavorably by the committee:
HB-1106, HB-1111, HB-1242
Thursday Voting Session-11 hours
Second Reader, Third Reader
Budget Bills Debated on Thursday
For review, these are the bills and the amendments for the $36.8 Billion budget package. I have included all of the proposed amendments offered which would have altered or eliminated various fees, taxes, transfers, or demands placed upon the citizens or local governments. All but two of them were offered by Republicans.

SB 150
Floor Amendment (Delegate Bates) {273422/1 Rejected (48-84)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kach) {653224/1 Rejected (46-86)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDonough) {753429/2 Rejected (40-89)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Vitale) {253229/1 Rejected (42-92)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Schulz) {573123/1 Rejected (48-82)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Costa) {743821/1 Rejected (41-88)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McComas) {313528/1 Rejected
Floor Amendment (Delegate Hough) {563720/1 Rejected (46-88)
Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {903726/1 Rejected (47-90)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 152
Floor Amendment (Delegate Donoghue) {193826/1 Rejected
Floor Amendment (Delegate Simmons) {563124/1 Rejected (26-109)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDermott) {813529/1 Rejected (43-85)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDermott) {883323/1 Rejected (43-86)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDermott) {813923/1 Rejected
Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {693424/1 Rejected (53-79)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Krebs) {213323/1 Rejected (41-91)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Minnick) {393724/1 Rejected (50-81)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McConkey) {263922/2 Rejected (45-86)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Barkley) {243927/1 Rejected (62-72)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Serafini) {353329/1 Rejected (45-85)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Eckardt) {683729/2 Rejected (44-90)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Szeliga) {693622/1 Rejected (43-91)
Floor Amendment (Delegate George) {913820/2 Rejected (42-92)
Floor Amendment (Delegate George) {913820/3 Rejected (41-92)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Frank) {913221/1 Rejected (42-92)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDermott) {543629/1 Rejected (51-85)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Stocksdale) {253029/1 Rejected (42-87)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Aumann) {363324/1 Rejected (45-84)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Olszewski) {933823/1 Rejected (43-78)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Krebs) {233226/1 Rejected (42-88)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 1412 is the bill which allows for counties to override their citizen imposed Revenue/Tax Caps and would require the Comptroller to take county revenue and give it directly to the Boards of Education if a county cannot make maintenance of effort on their budgets.
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kramer) {923327/2 Rejected (52-78)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kramer) {923327/4 Rejected (46-78)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kramer) {923327/3 Rejected (46-70)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kramer) {723320/1 Rejected (49-77)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Haddaway-Riccio) {623020/1 Rejected (42-81)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McMillan) {963626/1 Rejected (40-86)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Krebs) {533722/1 Rejected (48-77)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 523 is the tax bill from the senate which creates various tax and fee revenues in support of the proposed budget.
Floor Amendment (Delegate Serafini) {143729/4 Rejected (41-87)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Serafini) {143729/6 Rejected (44-85)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Fisher) {983121/1 Rejected (40-67)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Szeliga) {773924/1 Rejected (42-69)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB- 987 is perhaps the most potentially damaging legislation to the tax payer this session. It will require counties to fund projects to address storm water management which will cost billions. Baltimore City costs exceed $10 billion, Prince Georges exceeds $2 billion, Frederick County exceeds $4 billion, and Anne Arundel County exceeds $2 billion. These would be problem numbers if we were talking millions, but this is much worse. These are just four of the counties who fall under phase one of this mandate by the state in conjunction with the EPA (Executive Order-not legislated). While the Eastern Shore is exempt in the first round, there is no doubt we will be captured in future legislation. Many of us made strong arguments against this bill. It has everything necessary to bankrupt many of our jurisdictions in coming years while the science supporting these actions is questionable.
Voting Session Judiciary Committee Friday Morning
Bills voted favorably by the committee:
HB-300, HB-480, HB-543, HB-545, HB-707, HB-774, HB-1122, HB-1441
Bills voted unfavorably by the committee:
HB-719, HB-739, HB-1082, HB-1086
Friday Session Voting
Second Reader, Third Reader
There were a couple of contested bills. HB-1275  puts greater demands on those seeking to petition a bill to referendum and would require some of the information to be available online. I view these democrat sponsored efforts as an attempt lay stumbling blocks between the people and their government. It passed 93-42. SB-150, one of the budget bills, passed along party lines with 3 democrats not voting 95-43. SB-523, the Revenue/Tax Bill, saw several more  Hdemocrats unwilling to sign on the dotted line for this massive taxing package. Sadly, this bill was approved 81-56. HB-443 is Maryland’s response to Obamacare. In spite of court decisions that look to rule it unconstitutional, the O’Malley-Brown administration continue to advance this agenda. Several amendments were made on this bill to strike out taxpayer funded abortion language now and in future bills, and this was met with stiff resistance from democrats. While the amendments went down to defeat, it was clear that many are sensitive on the issue in the House and do not like it coming up for votes. HB-1412 was one of the more troubling legislative acts outside of the budget so far this year. Democrats, including Del. Norm Conway, sponsored this bill which will effectively destroy a Tax Revenue Cap put into effect by the voters in counties such as Wicomico. Not only does it allow for an override of the cap, if the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) budget for the Board of Education, it requires the Comptroller to withhold tax money due the county. Further, it requires the Comptroller to take the money and divert it to the local Board of Education to make up any money the county withheld from the budget. This is one incredible overreach by the state and may only serve to force some of our counties into a state of bankruptcy or never ending tax increases. It passed 92-46.
Voting Session Judiciary Committee Friday Evening
Bills voted favorably by the committee:
HB-1438, HB-1122
Regular Session SaturdaySecond Reader Bills, Third Reader Bills
The most interesting bill of the day was HB-576 which deals with public-private partnerships on special projects throughout the state. The legislation itself is not problematic, it was an amendment placed on the bill which would allow it to be retroactive, including pending litigation in our courts. It seems the redevelopment project in Baltimore City at the Center has been bound up in court by folks who opposed the project. This amended bill would have allowed a direct appeal to the Court of Appeals by the plaintiffs in the case, and he amendment was proposed by a lobbyist for those who want the Center project to get moving. There was strong argument against the General Assembly being used in this fashion. It was said to be turning the state into a “Banana Republic” where the one with the money buys the justice they desire. While many were offended by the debate, they were only offended by the truth. This bill was amended to help one particular party with a case already before the court, and, no matter how you slice it, that is just plain wrong. I was so glad to be ending my week on such high note.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

If You Are A Dog Owner Please Read.....

These dog treats made in China  are causing death in some dogs and for other to become seriously ill. The contaminent in these treats, which can cause a dogs kidneys to slowly shut down, has not been determined by the FDA and have not been pulled from the shelves. 

 Before you buy ANY dog treats for you pets BE SURE to read the label.  MADE IN CHINA  will be printed in very small lettering located near the bar code.  Most packages will have "An American Company" written in larger print.  From what I have read this has been an issue since 2007.

Oh, I can't wait to get to the grocery store.......

Here's a link that may be helpful:

Sen. Brown Pressures FDA to Pull Tainted Dog Treats

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Candace Thaxton, of Westlake, is convinced tainted chicken jerky dog treats made in China caused her beloved pug Chancy to fall ill and die.

She said she nearly lost her puppy Penny after she ate the treats, as well.

“Angry. I’m feeling angry, and I want something done,” Thaxton said.

Thaxton says she is angry because the Food and Drug Administration will not pull the treats off the shelves, even after receiving reports for more than five years that the China-made treats are allegedly killing people’s pets.

“I think they need to recall the products and get them off the shelves until they can figure it out,” Thaxton said.

Since 2007, the FDA has issued caution alerts to dog owners four times about the chicken jerky treats made in China, warning pet owners to watch their dogs closely for signs of illness after eating the treats, according to their website.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) has repeatedly urged the FDA to take more action.

“It just seems the FDA can be a little more aggressive with the companies that are producing this stuff,” Sen. Brown said.

In a letter to Sen. Brown, the FDA wrote, in part:
“No specific products have been recalled or implicated because the laboratories running tests have not detected a contaminant that could have caused the reported illnesses.”

The chicken jerky treats in question are being sold at retailers across America.

Sen. Brown is urging people not to buy them, and read the packages of treats closely to find out if they are made in China, before they are purchased.

On the back of the packages, there are usually two locations listed.

One is where the product was distributed from, usually a U.S. city.

“But then hiding under the bar code, it says, ‘Made in China,’ ” Thaxton said.

Fox 8 reached out to several major retailers as to why the dog treats in question remain on the shelves.

Wal-Mart was the only one who responded.

An email sent to Fox 8 News read, in part:
“We are closely monitoring the FDA’s ongoing investigation. If evidence is found linking a contaminant to any of the products we carry, we will take appropriate action. Currently all of the pet foods and treats available at Walmart are in compliance with all government regulations.”

In the meantime, Brown is urging pet owners to buy products that are clearly made in America.


TIME MACHINE ... "Oh, give me spring by Pocomoke..."

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


May, 1916

(The Washington Post)


Folger McKinsey in Baltimore Sun.

Along the shores of Pocomoke the pines and cypress creep,

The honeysuckle buds are out, the winds of morning sweep.

The water laps the twisted boles and round the cypress knees,

The inky flood still comes and goes through all the centuries.

A quiet land of charm and dream,

Where life still sweet and clean

Smiles through the summer's silver gleam

In leagues of living green.

Along the shores of Pocomoke the laurel rears it head,

The air is sweet with southern sun where southern memories tread.

Mimosas and acacias wave their fronded boughs in air,

And life forgets its troubled dreams and lays aside its care.

A lovely world of wood and glade,

Of evergreen and flower,

Where down the river's accolade

Life sweetens hour by hour.

Along the shores of Pocomoke the trumpet flowers are fair,

The sweet Virginia creeper climbs, the wild grape haunts the air.

The cedar and the pine are twins, the cypress dark and sweet,

Kneels to the inky tide that flows in music at its feet.

Oh, give me spring by Pocomoke,

And make a whole life mine.

When honeysuckle comes to deck

The honeysuckle vine! 


Pocomoke Area's Early History

(The Daily Times- Salisbury... July 4, 1976 Bicentennial Edition)


In the late 1600's and early 1700's people in Worcester County lived largely by hunting and fishing. At Steven's Landing, now Pocomoke City, game was abundant. Deer, bear, and many kinds of waterfowl and fowl were easy to get. A turkey was easy to bag.

The river teemed with fish- rock, catfish, drum, herring, shad, sturgeon and others.

The most important industry was trading of furs. Steven's Landing led in this trade. Furs sent from this section were about one-half the total amount sent from Maryland to the fur markets. One shipment contained nine bear, 42 beaver, 70 otter, 893 mink, 20 wildcats, 2,084 raccoons, 445 fox, 239 dozen muskrats and five cubs.


June, 1886

(The Petersburg Daily Index-Appeal - Petersburg, Va.)

The increase in Foxes along the Eastern Shore accounts for the scarcity of diamond back terrapins. The fox regards terrapin eggs as a special delicacy, and during the breeding season, tracks the terrapin in the sand, snatches up the freshly laid eggs and devours them. - Eastern Shore Herald.



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Special Anniversary Today



TIME MACHINE Preview ... "Oh, give me spring by Pocomoke..."

Published in two major newpapers nearly a century ago, "Along The Shores Of Pocomoke" painted a verbal picture of nature's handiwork along the shores of the Pocomoke River.

Hopefully these wonders of nature are still in tact 96 years later.

Read it in full this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Beauty Spring Brings....

Unlike those living in the cities who must be aware of the dangers that they may face at every turn....

Those of us living in the country are aware of the peace and  beauty that faces us at every turn and celebrate it.
And we are thankful.

Special thank you to my sister for sharing her peach blossom photo.

Remembering MR. POTATO HEAD

Mr. Potato Head turns 60!
An American made plastic toy and the first toy to be advertised on television. Mr. Potato Head and all of his accessories have remained in production and quite popular since his debut in 1952. Through the years this popular spud has kept up with the changing times and even has a facebook page.

Invented and developed by George Lerner. Hasbro manufactured and distributed the original Mr. Potato Head toy consisted of only the push pin parts - hands, nose, mouth, eye glasses, shoes, ears, be used on a real potato...Now that sure gives a whole new meaning to "don't play with your food!". After complaints regarding the rotting potato Hasbro created a plastic body part for the guy. The rest is history........

Mr. Potato Head has been quite a popular guy since the days when many of us spent hours rearranging his face. And how ironic is it that Mr. Potato Head celebrates his birthday just as potato planting season gets into full swing on the Eastern Shore.

Today I am reminded of the grandmother with her grandson who wasn't acting the obedient child she thought he should be (many years ago). She squeezed his hand, bent down to him and looked him in the eye. She said to him, "(name) tatas has eyes". I understood the meaning- so did he.

And  I am still haunted today by a birthday of my only daughter many years ago when all she wanted for her birthday was a Mr. Potato Head. Silly me made the decision to give her something entirely different. There was holy you-know-what raised that day when she discovered there was NO Mr. Potato Head. I learned an important lesson on that day.

And today, tucked away with all her belongings from the past, I am sure, is Mr. Potato Head.

Who knew.

To read more about the exciting life of Mr. Potato Head go here


Mar-Va Theater Adds New Board Members and Theater Manager

Written By
Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- When the Mar-Va Theater board now meets, there are four new faces around the table: new board members Sage Allen, Rob Clarke and Kennis Austin, along with new theater manager Katy Fleming.

Having been in banking since 1974, Allen is branch manager and business development officer for Shore Bank in Pocomoke City. Prior to coming to the area Allen had attended the International Fine Arts College of Fashion in Miami and Fairmont University in West Virginia, her native state.

Having attended her first meeting, Allen said that it was an honor to be named to the board. She called the group professional, "one of the best boards I have ever been on," and she looked forward to working with the members.

Clarke is perhaps best known in the Pocomoke City area as the Councilman from District Five. He was recently elected to his third term on the Council. At Salem Church, he serves as treasurer of the trustee board. He is a forester with Maryland's Department of Natural Resources and has a B.S. in forest resource management.

Clarke said that it is a good feeling to see all the traffic in downtown Pocomoke on Friday and Saturday nights. He hopes that the theater and the other museums will encourage more businesses to locate in the downtown. He mentioned the fact that the Holly Gove school had used the theater for a program, hoping that a connection will be made with other local groups.

Austin is a 17-year veteran with the Worcester County Board of Education, having served as a teacher, administrator and currently a student services specialist. He is a graduate of Radford University and Old Dominion University.

Austin said that he was excited about being a part of the board that operates "one of the great symbols of Pocomoke." He is impressed with the preservation of the theater.

Fleming comes to the Mar-Va from the Delmarva Discovery Center, where she served for 16 months as the visitor services coordinator. She is a graduate of Hollins University where she worked in marketing and public relations during her college tenure.

At the Mar-Va, Fleming said, her duties will include mainly marketing and promotions. She praised the board, citing the support that they have given her. "Everyone has a role," she said.

***The annual Mar-Va dinner meeting is planned for March 27 at 6 p.m. at the Pocomoke Fire Comany community center. A beef and dumpling dinner will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary, and tickets are $20.***

Another program is a presentation by Aaron Wilburn, a comedian and songwriter, on March 31. Wilburn has been featured on the Gaither Homecoming Tour. Tickets are $10 at the door or $7.50 in advance.


***Since this article was written the date for the Mar-Va dinner has been changed.  Please see post below for new date.***jmmb

Annual Dinner Meeting ~ Note Change Of Date

Annual Dinner Meeting
Pocomoke Community Center
April 10th at 6 PM
Tickets: $20
Menu Includes:
Beef & Dumplings with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Turnip Greens, Baked Corn, Pickled Beets, Cornbread, Iced Tea, Coffee, & Dessert
by the Pocomoke Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary
Thank you for your continued support throughout the years. We sincerely appreciate it and hope that you'll join us on Tuesday evening, April 10th.
Tickets can be purchased at the Mar-Va Box Office or on our website before noon on April 3rd.
If you're unable to attend the new date and have already purchased tickets, please contact the Box Office for your refund.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Maryland's 'Move Over' Law


(PIKESVILLE, MD) – State Police Superintendent Marcus L. Brown, in partnership with M. Kent Krabbe, Executive Director of the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund (MAIF), together with representatives from several law enforcement agencies, fire and emergency medical services departments, reminded Maryland motorists today about the importance of the Maryland’s ‘move over’ law.

The intent of Maryland’s ‘move over’ law is to provide an extra barrier of safety for police officers, firefighters, and emergency rescue personnel working along Maryland roads. In light of two recent, separate incidents resulting in injuries sustained by law enforcement officers, the need to boost awareness of the law is evident.

On the morning of January 15, 2012, Trooper First Class Jason James, assigned to the Golden Ring Barrack, was transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center after being struck by a passing motorist. TFC James was working a traffic stop when the incident occurred.

On the morning of January 22, 2012, a Howard County Police officer, a person he had in custody and the driver who hit them suffered injuries, after the motorist failed to slow down and move over. All three individuals were transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center for treatment.

“Roadside safety is a matter we feel strongly about, because it comes with the job as a first responder,” said Colonel Marcus Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. “Ultimately, we would like it to become instinctive for drivers to slow down and move over, if possible, when they see the lights of emergency vehicles activated on the roadside.”

As part of the effort to boost awareness of the law, officials today  (Wednesday) unveiled a new decal provided by MAIF, to be displayed on patrol vehicles of first responders for one month. The decal reads, “If I’m on the Shoulder, Slow Down and Move Over” and serves as a reminder for drivers approaching from the rear of an emergency vehicle using visual signals while stopped on a highway to, if possible, ‘make a lane change into an available lane not immediately adjacent to the emergency vehicle.’ This movement should only be done if another lane in the same direction is available and the move can be made safely and without impeding other traffic. If moving to another lane away from the stopped emergency vehicle is not possible, the law requires drivers to ‘slow to a reasonable and prudent speed that is safe for existing weather, road, and vehicular or pedestrian traffic conditions.’

Violation of the ‘move over’ law is a primary offense with a fine of $110 and one point. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash, the fine is $150 and three points. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash resulting in death or serious injury, the fine escalates to $750 and three points.

Maryland became one of the last three states to enact the law. Statistics indicate more than 150 U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed since 1999 after being struck by vehicles along America's highways. According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, there were a total of 177 law enforcement officer fatalities, 64 of which were traffic-related. To date, forty-three Maryland State Troopers have been killed in the line of duty and three of them have been killed by motor vehicle crashes.

Tattoo Parlor To Open In New Church

ACCOMACK: County approves tattoo parlor in former New Church funeral home

Written By
Carol Vaughn
Staff Writer
NEW CHURCH — This town near the Virginia-Maryland border will soon have a new business — a tattoo parlor.

The Accomack County Board of Zoning Appeals granted a special use permit for the business to Jeremy Rantz, who said he plans to open the parlor next month.

The parlor will be located at 4194 Lankford Highway, in one half of a former funeral home. The building is in a business-zoned district.

Rantz said he plans to locate a military surplus store in the building’s other half.

Rantz told zoning officials he has worked as a tattoo artist in another state and is in the process of getting licensed in Virginia.

The Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation regulates tattoo artists along with other professions including cosmetologists, surveyors and real estate agents.

Rantz, who recently completed EMT training, said his priority for the new business is safety, saying he has seen some tattoo artwork “done by people who do not know what they are doing.”

The room where the work will be done will be “wiped down, floors, walls and ceilings...It’s just like a hospital,” he said.

The building was extensively renovated after termite damage was discovered, including installing a new roof, Rantz said, adding, “This is the only place that has been 100 percent designed for a tattoo parlor.”

No one spoke against the business and no adjacent property owners registered opposition after receiving notification of the application.

Rantz’ business will not be the town’s first tattoo parlor; there was one located in a former bank building further north in the past, but it is no longer in business.

A Pocomoke City, Md., woman in 2008 was granted the first permit to operate a tattoo parlor in Accomack County for her business, Forever Yours Tattoo, in Temperanceville, which also later closed.

Building and Zoning Director David Fluhart said then other tattooists have worked in the county as a home occupation, which is governed by different zoning regulations.

Over the past decade tattooing has become one of the fastest growing categories of retail business in the nation, according to U.S. New and World Report.

An estimated 15,000 tattoo parlors are in operation in the United States and at least one new one opens each day, according to a 2011 report.

America’s Millennial generation — teens and twenty-somethings — have embraced tattoos as a means of self-expression.

Nearly four in ten have a tattoo, and among those who do, about half have between two to five tattoos and 18 percent have six or more, according to the Pew Research Center.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

 Press Release on Budget Debate
Bay Fund Raids by Democrats
 By Delegate Mike McDermott

“Mr. Speaker, when I started out in politics, I asked how it was possible to keep raiding funds to balance our budget. The answer I received was that it wasn’t a ‘raid’ it was a transfer! This amendment is intended to keep the tax dollars collected for the Coastal and Chesapeake Bay funds intact. We are once again, allowing the raid on a fund that was intended to protect our most beloved natural resource.” said Delegate Mike McDermott (R-District 38B Lower Shore) regarding his amendment to the Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act (BRFA)  that was on Second Reader today in the House. The BRFA is part of the yearly budget that determines the way governmental monies are spent and what, if any, new taxes are assessed.

“Transferring money away from something as precious as the Chesapeake Bay and our Coastal Bays  is still a raid and  I would consider this “transfer” akin to an act of piracy” explained Delegate McDermott whose amendment, if passed, would have kept $8 million in the Bay Fund instead of the General Fund. The BRFA requires the transfer of part of the monies garnered from the Maryland tax on gas to be transferred to the Bay Fund, as well as the General Fund. Delegate McDermott’s amendment would allow this trust fund to keep more of the money collected for the intended purpose.

“Every  year we raid these funds, Mr. Speaker! It just isn’t right and it’s time we stand up and do what is right--keep the promises you make!” concluded McDermott.

From Richard Douglas For U.S. Senate - Maryland 2012

Douglas Urges Common Sense Before Imposing yet Another Tax

Richard Douglas, candidate for U.S. Senator, noted that the Maryland General Assembly's House Ways and Means Committee is holding hearings today on a "Luxury  Surcharge" tax that would affect boat, airplane and other vehicle owners.

"The Annapolis tax-a-thon marches on," said Douglas. "Here's another ill-conceived attempt coming out of Annapolis to thwart the progress of yet another key Maryland industry," said Richard Douglas.  "With soaring fuel costs, and a gas tax hike still on the table, this is the last thing Maryland's marine industry needs right now."

"I would urge our legislators in both Annapolis and Washington to stop harming businesses and look for ways to reduce government spending."

While voicing strong support for federalism in America, Douglas noted that Sen. Ben Cardin consistently hides behind the principle to avoid breaking ranks with Governor O'Malley and his anti-worker circles in Annapolis.  

Said Douglas, "Federalism should not become an excuse for dereliction of duty.  Cardin should support efforts to reduce taxes on Marylanders, and he should loudly oppose O'Malley's efforts to raise them."



Ways and Means Hearing 3/22 at 1:00 p.m.

Boating Trade publication synopsis:

Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company ~ County Fire Tax

The Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company will be hosting an OPEN HOUSE  
THURSDAY, MARCH  22, 2012  
5:00 P.M.  to  7:00  P.M.


11:00 A.M.   to   2:00 P.M.

In regards to the  COUNTY FIRE TAX.

This is an  open public format so please stop by and ask questions and get answers.

There will be a sign up sheet for anyone  that may need transportation to the
7:00 P.M.
Metompkin Middle School in Parksley

Everyone will be permitted a 4 minute turn to speak.


From Richard Douglas For US Senate - Maryland 2012

Upcoming Eastern Shore Radio Interviews

WCTR 1530 AM - The Voice of Kent and Queen Anne's County

WICO 1320 AM - Delmarva's Talk Station

3.22.12 / 8:20 AM

"America's Morning News with Bill Reddish" 

WCEM -1240 AM - The Mid Shore's Radio
3.23.12 / 11:00 AM

Cleveland "Rip" Rippons show

3.23.12 / 1 PM
 "Talk of the Town" 


TIME MACHINE Preview ... "Oh, give me spring by Pocomoke..."

Written almost a century ago and published at the time in two major newspapers, "Along The Shores Of Pocomoke" painted a verbal picture of nature's handiwork along the shores of the Pocomoke River. Hopefully these wonders of nature are still in tact 96 years later.

Read it in full this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

DASH RESCUE Night At Don's Seafood

DASH Rescue Night at Don's Seafood
1344 Ocean Highway
Pocomoke City, Maryland

as they

at Don's in Pocomoke City.

FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2012
4PM until 11:30 PM

Proceeds benefit our dogs in need!

There will be a 50/50 raffle, etc.

Starting around 4pm and lasting throughout the evening
until closing time!

Don't drink? No problem!
Come out for dinner & say hello!

Wednesday nights launch from NASA at Wallops Island was postponed one more time due to poor weather conditions.

A significant criteria for launch to proceed is clear skies not only at Wallops but also at viewing sites in New Jersey and North Carolina. Low clouds in New Jersey and at Wallops on Wednesday evening  prevented  the launch attempt.

Have no fear. 

NASA at   Wallops Island, Virginia has rescheduled the launch for  Friday, March  23, 2012 between the hours of 12:00 midnight through 3:00 A.M.

Shore Beef & BBQ

11:00  A.M. to  7:00 P.M.

1/2  Rack Ribs w/Side
Drink ~ $9.95


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another Visit- The New Pocomoke City Police Station

Visiting the Future Pocomoke City Police Department
Friday, March 16, 2012

Front office (top)
and Records Room (bottom)
Of course, changes are always being made.  This is the way the building was discribed to me.  Regardless of what goes where or who goes where really won't matter.  This is just going to be such a remarkable police station I truly don't think anyone will argue.

New carpet has been installed in most of the offices and a crew was in the process of finishing putting down tile.  This photo is just a corner of the Chief's office.......I did NOT step in there.  One reason, the capet had just been put into place.  The other?  Bigger shoes than I wear  will be in that office and with some awesome responsibility so I'll just wait. 

Most of the building now has the walls and trim painted and the floors finished or nealy completed.
This is another office....the "box" is just next door.  Hmmm.....
It was sort of difficult to get anywhere in the building on Friday because of the floors being finished.  Hey, that's ok with me.  Let's get this buiding finished....and it almost is.
More great workers hard at work.  It is amazing how many hands it takes to create great things.
Thanks, guys!
This is one of the larger rooms in the new police station.  When completed it will have computers and desk space for the officers to do any paperwork that is involved once an arrest has been made.  A bench will line the back wall.  Once installed I'll tell you who gets  seated there.  Towards the back of photo is the cell area (left).  The cell doors have been hung (I peeked in but I couldn't find the light switch).  Since the cells are basically holding cells they will have doors and no bars.  You  get your bars when you get to Snow Hill, boys!.    Please note, those are my words- no one  elses.

That's it for this trip.  I'll be back soon and maybe those cells will be finished so I can take a good look.  From peeking the other day it looks like to me that if you don't like living in a box you better straighten up and give up the life of crime.  Those are small cells and if have you bad guys out there are as BIG as you think you are you are not going to fit. 

Thanks Councilman Malloy.  A special thank you to Chief Sewell and Lt. Strong for the nice conversation on Friday.  Chief Sewell, I do promise I will not apply for the job as  police officer.

From Richard Douglas- Candidate For U.S. Senate 2012

Douglas Questions Cardin's Opposition to Cut Federal Gas Tax
News Release  3.21.12

Cumberland - Maryland U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas criticized incumbent Senator Ben Cardin today for opposing a US Senate effort to cut the federal gas tax. Appearing on radio stations WCBC and WFRB in western Maryland, where gas prices hover at $4 per gallon, Douglas condemned Cardin's failure to support a Senate bill that would have reduced the current federal gax tax from 18.4 cents per gallon to 3.7 cents over five years.

"Ben Cardin could have voted for working families and against one of the most burdensome taxes in America. Instead, he choked," said Douglas. "Meanwhile, Goverenor O'Malley continues his stubborn gas tax-a-thon in Annapolis, and Mr. Cardin is as quiet as a mouse. This is just pathetic."

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) offered the amendment which Cardin rejected. "Martin O'Malley is talking about bridge collapses and the urgency of 'investing' in infrastructure," Douglas added. "In addition to reducing the federal gas tax, Senator DeMint's amendment would also have drastically sped up transportation projects by reducing bureaucratic delays. Instead, Ben Cardin cast a vote to tax Maryland more and aggravate bureaucratic delay."

While voicing strong support for federalism in America, Douglas noted that Cardin consistently hides behind the principle to avoid breaking ranks with Governor O'Malley and his anti-worker circles in Annapolis. Said Douglas, "Federalism should not become an excuse for dereliction of duty. Cardin should support efforts to reduce taxes on Marylanders, and he should loudly oppose O'Malley's efforts to raise them. Instead, Cardin is absent from his post. Once again, Senator Cardin chokes and Maryland suffers. Maryland deserves a better US Senator."

TAGS: Martin O'Malley, Jim DeMint

Senate Vote on DeMint amendment:

This Mornings Early Weather.....

Second Day of Spring ~ Downtown Pocomoke City


I have been asked many times why the tyveck still remains over the window in the new restaurant.  And NO it is not still covered due to vandalism.  A different type of window has been ordered for that area of the building to make it easier for serving customers on the deck. 


Maryland State Police Press Release03/21/2012 10:15

(BALTIMORE, MD) – State and city police arrested an Eastern Shore man in Baltimore last night who was wanted for fleeing a traffic stop in Cambridge last weekend that resulted in injuries to a police officer.

Demetrice D. Demby, 39, of the 700-block of Douglas Street, Cambridge, Md., was arrested at about 9:30 p.m. yesterday in the 2800-block of Erdman Avenue in Baltimore. State Police were assisted in the arrest by the Baltimore Police Department and the Baltimore City unit of a US Marshals Service warrant task force. Demby was arrested without incident at the home of an apparent acquaintance.

Following the incident early on the morning of March 18, 2012, Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators obtained an arrest warrant for Demby, charging him with first degree assault, second degree assault, attempted first degree murder, attempted second degree murder, and second degree assault upon a law enforcement officer. The warrant was served on Demby last night and he is being held without bond in the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was transported following his arrest.

Demby was the driver of a truck stopped by Cambridge Police Department officers for a traffic violation just before 12:30 a.m. on March 18th. As a K-9 drug scan was being conducted of his vehicle, Demby accelerated away while a Cambridge police officer was standing near the front of his truck. The officer was injured in the incident and that officer and another fired at Demby. Demby was not struck by the gunfire and fled the scene. His truck was found abandoned a few blocks away. A search for Demby had been underway since.

Accomack County Schools

After a 2 hour delay this morning, the Accomack County Schools are now

It's Not Too Early To Sign Up For the 2012 Theater Academy

Virginia Law For Burning

The Virginia Department of Forestry says a statewide outdoor burning ban is now  in effect until the end of April.

According to the  forestry department  the state law prohibits outdoor burning before 4 p.m. if the fire is in, or within 300 feet of, woodland, brush, or fields containing dry grass or other flammable materials.

The ban is in effect until April 30.

Since Jan. 1, 2012  the  forestry department has responded to 166 fires that burned 1,570 acres statewide.

Those who comply with the ban should still avoid burning things if wind speeds are higher than 20 mph, or if the winds are blowing toward homes. Instead of burning leaves, people should compost them.