A tragic situation unfolded in Pocomoke City Monday. Local media is covering. We suggest WBOC.com as a dependable and up-to-date source for coverage. -PPE
Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
A "Smashing" Good Time
More info here..
Sunday, September 11, 2016
TIME MACHINE: 1894, 1921, 1955.
(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)
July, 1894
Peninsula Enterprise
July, 1894
Peninsula Enterprise
PPE Footnote:A few weeks earlier The Evening Journal in Wilmington reported a dispute over unpaid shoes following Belle Boyd's appearance at the Opera House there. Her manager, who had arranged for the shoes to be delivered to her hotel, was arrested. The newspaper quoted Boyd as saying, "We've got the shoes but haven't the money to pay for them; what are you going to do about it?"
"Belle" Boyd was a Confederate spy during the Civil War. She was also known by names such as "Cleopatra of the Secession" and "Siren of the Shenandoah."
Read more on the life of Belle Boyd here..
February, 1921
The Washington Times (Washington, DC)
The Edwardsville Intelligencer, (Edwardsville, Illinois).
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
No Homework At Snow Hill School!
Is this a good idea or a great idea for students and parents?
-Pocomoke Public Eye
Students at Snow Hill Middle School start second year with "No Homework" policy (WBOC)
"No Homework" Policy For Snow Hill Middle School Continues
Posted: Sep 06, 2016 11:57 PM EDT Updated: Sep 06, 2016 11:57 PM EDT
-Pocomoke Public Eye
Students at Snow Hill Middle School start second year with "No Homework" policy (WBOC)
"No Homework" Policy For Snow Hill Middle School Continues
Posted: Sep 06, 2016 11:57 PM EDT Updated: Sep 06, 2016 11:57 PM EDT
By Tashawna Gaines
SNOW HILL, Md.- Back to school means nightly homework assignments for most students, but that's not the case for students heading back to Snow Hill Middle School. The start of school on Tuesday marks the second year the middle school has adopted a "No Homework" policy for students.
Read more on this story:
Sunday, September 4, 2016
TIME MACHINE: Giant's Era In Salisbury Comes To An End.
(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)
(2016 Photo courtesy WBOC)
As a result of a corporate merger the Giant Food store in Salisbury which launched in February, 1959 as Super Giant, is no more. The store, under new ownership, is transitioning to an ACME market.
(Salisbury Times items below)
January, 1958
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
(2016 Photo courtesy WBOC)
As a result of a corporate merger the Giant Food store in Salisbury which launched in February, 1959 as Super Giant, is no more. The store, under new ownership, is transitioning to an ACME market.
Giant was a very big deal locally when it began operation on South Salisbury Boulevard as evidenced by an estimated 25,000 persons coming to an Open House at the store the day before its opening, and road traffic coming to the store was estimated to be at least 15,000 vehicles that afternoon.
In its early years in Salisbury Giant offered department store merchandise in addition to its grocery items.
(Salisbury Times items below)
January, 1958
February, 1959
(See enlarged reprint below)
(See enlarged insert reprint below)
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to tkforppe@yahoo.com .
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
The Old Fire House Building
News story on the old Pocomoke Fire House
(WBOC photo)
WBOC has a news story concerning the old Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company headquarters.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Meeting Announced
(This announcement was submitted by Citizens For A Better Pocomoke)
Citizens for a Better Pocomoke
will meet
Thursday, September 1st @ 7 PM
at the House of Love
815 Fourth Street, Pocomoke City
All are welcome to hear about how a curfew will affect us, the spring election, and updates on the ACLU law suit.
Even if you don't live in the City, these things will affect you.
Please pass the word about this meeting.
Get Involved!
For more information contact:
Monna Van Ess
This Was A Big Event!
An estimated 25,000 people attended this Sunday afternoon event in Salisbury in the winter of 1959. It wasn't an entertainment or sporting event, nor a religious, or political event. There was nothing for sale nor items brought in for exhibit purposes. What was the attraction?
Any guesses?
The answer on this Sunday's Time Machine posting here on The Pocomoke Public Eye.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
TIME MACHINE: 1920, 1964, 1861, 1904.
(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)
The Ocean City inlet that exists today was created during a 1933 hurricane but it wasn't the first time Mother Nature cut a channel from the Sinepuxent to the Atlantic. But even with the benefits brought about by the creation of an inlet in 1920, it wasn't or couldn't be maintained.
April, 1920
June, 1964
October, 1861
July, 1904
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
The Ocean City inlet that exists today was created during a 1933 hurricane but it wasn't the first time Mother Nature cut a channel from the Sinepuxent to the Atlantic. But even with the benefits brought about by the creation of an inlet in 1920, it wasn't or couldn't be maintained.
April, 1920
The Evening Journal (Wilmington, De.)
June, 1964
The Daily Times
October, 1861
. The Weekly Standard (Raleigh, NC)
July, 1904
Peninsula Enterprise
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to tkforppe@yahoo.com .
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
White Marlin Controversy
(From The Dispatch in Ocean City)
Court Asked To Rule On White Marlin Open Controversy; Two Polygraph Tests Find Deception By Winners
Pictured is the 76.5-pound white marlin hooked on the second day of the White Marlin Open. Photo by Hooked On OC/Fish In OC
(Read the full article here:)
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
And there's more late summer fun on Saturday, 8/27, in Princess Anne with a free Bluegrass concert on the courthouse lawn from 3 to 5 p.m. featuring the popular Blue Crab Crossing band from Somerset County. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs. Food and beverages available.Also on Saturday, beginning in the morning, the inaugural Great American Watermelon Blast..similar to fall Punkin Chunkin ..will be held in Vienna, Md. You can read more about this at:
Sunday, August 21, 2016
(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)
August, 1906
(Democratic Messenger-Snow Hill, Md.)
Old Days at Scott's Beach
"Scott's Ocean House," situated on Green Run Beach, this county, was a pleasure resort of more than local celebrity some twenty five or more years ago. The late James Scott was its proprietor and conducted the same successfully and satisfactorily, until the advent of Ocean City, situated some twenty miles to the northward. When Ocean City was laid out, and a corporation, known as the "Atlantic Hotel Company" erected the Atlantic Hotel, which is even now the leading hotel of the place, "Scott's Ocean House," dwindled in importance, and it has never regained the prestige it enjoyed in former years.
What is known as "Scott's Ocean House" was situated on a shallow cove, making up from Synepuxent Bay, on the eastern side of Green Run Beach, just opposite the farm on the mainland known and called "Watermelon Point." From the year 1865 up to the year 1876 the place was decidedly on the boom. From a small beginning, Captain Scott having at first taken only a few summer boarders, he conceived the plan of erecting a large building for the accommodation of the public. This he did, and it was not long before the fame of the place had so extended that patrons began to pour down upon him, and he was obliged to erect another large building as an annex. Still, this was not sufficient to accommodate his guests, who, in order to secure rooms had to engage them weeks in advance. It is wonderful the distance a number of his guests hailed from, some coming every season from points in Ohio, and many from Wheeling, West Virginia. The then Catholic Bishop of Wheeling, with a number of his clergy, were accustomed to come to "Scott's Beach" every season, no other resort, whether in the mountains or on the seashore suiting them so well, they said. They found here in Worcester County, just what they wanted, viz., delightful bathing, a quiet retreat, rustic scenes, and nature in her simplest garbs. Many, also, were its patrons from Baltimore, Philadelphia and other large cities. The only place of any importance that competed with it in this particular section was "Coffin's Beach," on the mainland to the south of Ocean City, just in sight of the latter place. The reputation of "Coffin's Beach," as well as of the guests who most frequented it, was distinctly of a local nature.
Before the days of "Scott's Ocean House" a most distressing and heart rendering accident occurred near Coffin's Beach." It seems that what was known as a "bay party" was given by some people of Berlin and Whaleyville, and a number of young men and ladies, full of life and youth, drove gaily down one warm summer day, bent upon having a happy time. They danced and had refreshments, and, before departing, it was suggested that they take a bath in the bay. They entered the water with zest and lightness of heart, none of the party knowing what the future had in store for them. In a short time, two of the young ladies of the party were drowned. One of them was a Miss Connoway, a sister of the late H. Clay Connoway, of Berlin; the other a Miss Mumford, a sister of the late Mrs. James A. Ennis, of Snow Hill. Both of the young ladies were very young and popular, and the sad event cast a gloom over the entire community.
Very providentially, it would seem, there never was a serious accident of any kind to chronicle in the whole history of Scott's Beach, the untimely death of the late Dr. Ralph Purnell, of this town, did not occur until many years after the place had been abandoned as a summer resort. The death of this promising young man, just entering upon the threshold of life and his profession, was very much lamented.
It is very doubtful if there ever was more genuine, more real pleasure experienced anywhere, or by anybody, than by the patrons of "Scott's Beach." Since 1864 Snow Hill has had steamboat communications with Baltimore, and a few years afterwards the railroad was completed to Snow Hill, which was its terminus for many years. Down at "Public Landing[, Md.]" there was kept a public house, and the sloop "Fairfield," the late Captain Frederick Conner, commander, made regular trips from the pier at "Public Landing" to Scott's.
There was a regular line of hacks running from this town to "Public Landing," conveying passengers to and from Scott's. Our hotels did a good business, as did also the public house at the landing.
Those were happy days for the young people of that period, especially. If the old pier at Scott's could talk; if the old porticos, extending the full length of the house, had the faculty of memory and speech; if the sand on the ocean beach possessed the same gift, and chose to impart its knowledge, in the language of the late Horace Greeley, it would be "very interesting," and what tales of love between love sick swains and maidens would be unfolded! It was the custom in those days for the young people to go over in parties, chaperoned by some young married lady, and, whilst this was so, there was no selfishness or clannishness existing. All mingled with each other, each one endeavoring to make the other as happy as possible until the trip was at an end.
The young ladies were all sweet, pretty and attractive, as they are now; the young men were just as attentive and ardent in their wooings as they are now; the sun shone just as brightly as it does now; nature adorned herself then in just as pretty garbs as she does now, and everything went "as merry as a marriage bell."
The place was provided with a spacious hall for dancing purposes, with musicians, a ten pin alley, with a saloon adjoining, where something stronger than water could be obtained, although there was but little inebriety manifest and nothing done or said that could grate harshly on the most modest ears, or give offense to the most tender sensibilities. Perfect order prevailed, and was maintained throughout the history of the place. At sunrise the ox cart was brought around to convey the ladies with gentlemen escorts to the ocean for a bath. The merry party was obliged to traverse a road of a half mile or more before the ocean was reached. Bath houses were provided for both sexes. After a pleasant plunge in the surf, the return trip was made in time for breakfast, which consisted, for the most part, of trout, just caught and fried, together with all the delicacies of the season. It is doubtful if Ocean City, with all its magnificent hotels, its stores, shop, and all the surrounding country to draw from, could surpass Scott's, in the height of its glory, in all that constitutes good, substantial, solid living, and as a place for healthful and genuine recreation.
The arrival and departure of the sloop, "Fairfield," was a great event with the guests; some of whom went down to witness the departure, others the arrival, of friends, also to hear the latest news from home; for, be it remembered, there were no mails to and from the place, there being no post office or anything of the kind at Scott's. Rural Free Delivery was not conceived of in those days, and all correspondence was received at the post office in Snow Hill, to be delivered to the driver of the hack, who in turn delivered it to Capt. Conner. From Capt. Conner, the mail was handed over to Capt. Scott for distribution among his guests.
In addition to the patronage extended the place by our own county, the prominent families of Somerset, Wicomico and Dorchester counties were frequent habitues of the place, coming over in large parties and making extended stays thereto. The young people and others of our town and county were always, and "very much" in evidence at Scott's. The season usually opened about the 20th of June, and closed in the month of September. Many of the young men of those days have become prominent in the political, professional and business life of our county and state, whilst others have crossed the River and gone to the great Beyond, unlike unfathomed and unfathomable to mortal ken.
A great change has taken place at old Scott's, and the section adjacent thereto. In those days there were a great many inhabitants of Green Run Beach. The place was provided with a public school, which was well attended, and with a competent teacher. The advent of Ocean City completely knocked "Scott's Ocean House" out of business. There is now no one living there, or in the neighborhood, save the crew of the Life Saving Station. The windows of the old house have fallen out, and the place that was once the scene of so much fashion, dancing and gayety, has become the abode of bats, crickets and fleas. We have been much impressed recently with the silent gloom of the place. The very echo of the human voice, or footstep is sad, silent and mournful, and the last time we saw Scott's it made us feel like not wishing to see it again, until, at least, a complete rehabilitation should take place and restore it into something like its original self.
Bibliographic Information: "Old Days at Scott's Beach" Democratic Messenger (Snow Hill, Md.: August 18, 1906)
Another article (below) on Green Run Beach was published in a June, 1967 Wicomico County Centennial edition of The Daily Times in Salisbury.
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to tkforppe@yahoo.com .
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
August, 1906
(Democratic Messenger-Snow Hill, Md.)
Old Days at Scott's Beach
"Scott's Ocean House," situated on Green Run Beach, this county, was a pleasure resort of more than local celebrity some twenty five or more years ago. The late James Scott was its proprietor and conducted the same successfully and satisfactorily, until the advent of Ocean City, situated some twenty miles to the northward. When Ocean City was laid out, and a corporation, known as the "Atlantic Hotel Company" erected the Atlantic Hotel, which is even now the leading hotel of the place, "Scott's Ocean House," dwindled in importance, and it has never regained the prestige it enjoyed in former years.
What is known as "Scott's Ocean House" was situated on a shallow cove, making up from Synepuxent Bay, on the eastern side of Green Run Beach, just opposite the farm on the mainland known and called "Watermelon Point." From the year 1865 up to the year 1876 the place was decidedly on the boom. From a small beginning, Captain Scott having at first taken only a few summer boarders, he conceived the plan of erecting a large building for the accommodation of the public. This he did, and it was not long before the fame of the place had so extended that patrons began to pour down upon him, and he was obliged to erect another large building as an annex. Still, this was not sufficient to accommodate his guests, who, in order to secure rooms had to engage them weeks in advance. It is wonderful the distance a number of his guests hailed from, some coming every season from points in Ohio, and many from Wheeling, West Virginia. The then Catholic Bishop of Wheeling, with a number of his clergy, were accustomed to come to "Scott's Beach" every season, no other resort, whether in the mountains or on the seashore suiting them so well, they said. They found here in Worcester County, just what they wanted, viz., delightful bathing, a quiet retreat, rustic scenes, and nature in her simplest garbs. Many, also, were its patrons from Baltimore, Philadelphia and other large cities. The only place of any importance that competed with it in this particular section was "Coffin's Beach," on the mainland to the south of Ocean City, just in sight of the latter place. The reputation of "Coffin's Beach," as well as of the guests who most frequented it, was distinctly of a local nature.
Before the days of "Scott's Ocean House" a most distressing and heart rendering accident occurred near Coffin's Beach." It seems that what was known as a "bay party" was given by some people of Berlin and Whaleyville, and a number of young men and ladies, full of life and youth, drove gaily down one warm summer day, bent upon having a happy time. They danced and had refreshments, and, before departing, it was suggested that they take a bath in the bay. They entered the water with zest and lightness of heart, none of the party knowing what the future had in store for them. In a short time, two of the young ladies of the party were drowned. One of them was a Miss Connoway, a sister of the late H. Clay Connoway, of Berlin; the other a Miss Mumford, a sister of the late Mrs. James A. Ennis, of Snow Hill. Both of the young ladies were very young and popular, and the sad event cast a gloom over the entire community.
Very providentially, it would seem, there never was a serious accident of any kind to chronicle in the whole history of Scott's Beach, the untimely death of the late Dr. Ralph Purnell, of this town, did not occur until many years after the place had been abandoned as a summer resort. The death of this promising young man, just entering upon the threshold of life and his profession, was very much lamented.
It is very doubtful if there ever was more genuine, more real pleasure experienced anywhere, or by anybody, than by the patrons of "Scott's Beach." Since 1864 Snow Hill has had steamboat communications with Baltimore, and a few years afterwards the railroad was completed to Snow Hill, which was its terminus for many years. Down at "Public Landing[, Md.]" there was kept a public house, and the sloop "Fairfield," the late Captain Frederick Conner, commander, made regular trips from the pier at "Public Landing" to Scott's.
There was a regular line of hacks running from this town to "Public Landing," conveying passengers to and from Scott's. Our hotels did a good business, as did also the public house at the landing.
Those were happy days for the young people of that period, especially. If the old pier at Scott's could talk; if the old porticos, extending the full length of the house, had the faculty of memory and speech; if the sand on the ocean beach possessed the same gift, and chose to impart its knowledge, in the language of the late Horace Greeley, it would be "very interesting," and what tales of love between love sick swains and maidens would be unfolded! It was the custom in those days for the young people to go over in parties, chaperoned by some young married lady, and, whilst this was so, there was no selfishness or clannishness existing. All mingled with each other, each one endeavoring to make the other as happy as possible until the trip was at an end.
The young ladies were all sweet, pretty and attractive, as they are now; the young men were just as attentive and ardent in their wooings as they are now; the sun shone just as brightly as it does now; nature adorned herself then in just as pretty garbs as she does now, and everything went "as merry as a marriage bell."
The place was provided with a spacious hall for dancing purposes, with musicians, a ten pin alley, with a saloon adjoining, where something stronger than water could be obtained, although there was but little inebriety manifest and nothing done or said that could grate harshly on the most modest ears, or give offense to the most tender sensibilities. Perfect order prevailed, and was maintained throughout the history of the place. At sunrise the ox cart was brought around to convey the ladies with gentlemen escorts to the ocean for a bath. The merry party was obliged to traverse a road of a half mile or more before the ocean was reached. Bath houses were provided for both sexes. After a pleasant plunge in the surf, the return trip was made in time for breakfast, which consisted, for the most part, of trout, just caught and fried, together with all the delicacies of the season. It is doubtful if Ocean City, with all its magnificent hotels, its stores, shop, and all the surrounding country to draw from, could surpass Scott's, in the height of its glory, in all that constitutes good, substantial, solid living, and as a place for healthful and genuine recreation.
The arrival and departure of the sloop, "Fairfield," was a great event with the guests; some of whom went down to witness the departure, others the arrival, of friends, also to hear the latest news from home; for, be it remembered, there were no mails to and from the place, there being no post office or anything of the kind at Scott's. Rural Free Delivery was not conceived of in those days, and all correspondence was received at the post office in Snow Hill, to be delivered to the driver of the hack, who in turn delivered it to Capt. Conner. From Capt. Conner, the mail was handed over to Capt. Scott for distribution among his guests.
In addition to the patronage extended the place by our own county, the prominent families of Somerset, Wicomico and Dorchester counties were frequent habitues of the place, coming over in large parties and making extended stays thereto. The young people and others of our town and county were always, and "very much" in evidence at Scott's. The season usually opened about the 20th of June, and closed in the month of September. Many of the young men of those days have become prominent in the political, professional and business life of our county and state, whilst others have crossed the River and gone to the great Beyond, unlike unfathomed and unfathomable to mortal ken.
A great change has taken place at old Scott's, and the section adjacent thereto. In those days there were a great many inhabitants of Green Run Beach. The place was provided with a public school, which was well attended, and with a competent teacher. The advent of Ocean City completely knocked "Scott's Ocean House" out of business. There is now no one living there, or in the neighborhood, save the crew of the Life Saving Station. The windows of the old house have fallen out, and the place that was once the scene of so much fashion, dancing and gayety, has become the abode of bats, crickets and fleas. We have been much impressed recently with the silent gloom of the place. The very echo of the human voice, or footstep is sad, silent and mournful, and the last time we saw Scott's it made us feel like not wishing to see it again, until, at least, a complete rehabilitation should take place and restore it into something like its original self.
Bibliographic Information: "Old Days at Scott's Beach" Democratic Messenger (Snow Hill, Md.: August 18, 1906)
Another article (below) on Green Run Beach was published in a June, 1967 Wicomico County Centennial edition of The Daily Times in Salisbury.
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to tkforppe@yahoo.com .
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
A Local Beach Resort From A Former Era.
"Old Days at Scott's Beach"- A 1906 local newspaper article recounted an earlier era, before the birth of Ocean City, when vacationers journeyed to a popular summer resort on Assateague Island, across from Public Landing.
Read about it this Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Sunday, August 14, 2016
TIME MACHINE: 1960, 1898, 1942, 1943.
(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)
February, 1960
February, 1960
The Salisbury Times
August, 1898
The Evening Times (Washington, DC)
January, 1942
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to tkforppe@yahoo.com .
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Mosquito-Borne Virus
(As reported on wboc.com)
Sources of Mosquito-Borne Virus Found in Wicomico, Worcester Co.
Posted: Aug 10, 2016 3:02 PM EDT Updated: Aug 10, 2016 11:57 PM EDT
SNOW HILL, Md.- Public health officials in Wicomico and Worcester counties have identified two pools of the mosquito species that carry a virus that can be fatal to humans.
According to the Wicomico County Health Department, sources of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), were found last month in a rural part of Wicomico County and near Sheppard's Crossing in Worcester County.
The EEE virus is carried and transferred by Culiseta melanura mosquitoes in the same way that West Nile and Zika are spread, the health department said. Once someone is bitten by an EEE-infected mosquito, the incubation period ranges from four to 10 days. Symptoms can include chills, fever, joint and muscle pain and general discomfort, but some people do not show any symptoms, according to the health department.
The EEE virus can be fatal in roughly one out of every three infected people, and no direct treatment exists. People with milder illnesses typically recover on their own, although symptoms may last for several weeks. In more severe cases, patients often need to be hospitalized to receive supportive treatment, such as intravenous fluids, pain medication and nursing care.
Just like with other mosquito-borne illnesses, the most effective way to prevent EEE is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Use insect repellents and wear long sleeves while spending time outdoors, install or repair screens on windows and doors and remove standing water from your property. For more information on mosquito prevention, visit www.cdc.gov/features/stopmosquitoes/.
Sources of Mosquito-Borne Virus Found in Wicomico, Worcester Co.
Posted: Aug 10, 2016 3:02 PM EDT Updated: Aug 10, 2016 11:57 PM EDT
SNOW HILL, Md.- Public health officials in Wicomico and Worcester counties have identified two pools of the mosquito species that carry a virus that can be fatal to humans.
According to the Wicomico County Health Department, sources of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), were found last month in a rural part of Wicomico County and near Sheppard's Crossing in Worcester County.
The EEE virus is carried and transferred by Culiseta melanura mosquitoes in the same way that West Nile and Zika are spread, the health department said. Once someone is bitten by an EEE-infected mosquito, the incubation period ranges from four to 10 days. Symptoms can include chills, fever, joint and muscle pain and general discomfort, but some people do not show any symptoms, according to the health department.
The EEE virus can be fatal in roughly one out of every three infected people, and no direct treatment exists. People with milder illnesses typically recover on their own, although symptoms may last for several weeks. In more severe cases, patients often need to be hospitalized to receive supportive treatment, such as intravenous fluids, pain medication and nursing care.
Just like with other mosquito-borne illnesses, the most effective way to prevent EEE is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Use insect repellents and wear long sleeves while spending time outdoors, install or repair screens on windows and doors and remove standing water from your property. For more information on mosquito prevention, visit www.cdc.gov/features/stopmosquitoes/.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Concert In The Park Reminder
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
NASA’s successful Astronomy and Night Sky Summer Series is coming to a close. Don’t miss out! The final and most exciting Astronomy Night will be held on Assateague Island, Virginia, August 12.
Unlike the previous two Astronomy Nights this summer, this night will feature the breathtaking Perseid Meteor shower. Join the fun, and gaze through some of Delmarva Space Sciences Foundation’s telescopes. Participants will take a closer look at Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth’s Moon, and uniquely this time—a meteor shower.
The event starts with an Astronomy 101 presentation at the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge Herbert H. Bateman Education Center Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Following this, from 8:45 to 9:45 p.m., participants will have the opportunity of observing the night sky through telescopes and binoculars located at the north end of beach parking lot #1.
“The two previous Astronomy Nights were very popular among locals and tourists alike, drawing in nearly 2,000 people!” said Kim Check, Visitor Center manager. “I would love to see an even bigger turnout for the Perseid Meteor Shower viewing.”
The event starts with an Astronomy 101 presentation at the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge Herbert H. Bateman Education Center Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Following this, from 8:45 to 9:45 p.m., participants will have the opportunity of observing the night sky through telescopes and binoculars located at the north end of beach parking lot #1.
“The two previous Astronomy Nights were very popular among locals and tourists alike, drawing in nearly 2,000 people!” said Kim Check, Visitor Center manager. “I would love to see an even bigger turnout for the Perseid Meteor Shower viewing.”
The event is free and open to the public. The Astronomy 101 presentation will take place regardless of weather. However, the telescope viewing is subject to cancellation due to inclement weather. Park entrance fees apply.
This series is a collaboration between Assateague Island National Seashore, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Delmarva Space Sciences Foundation, and the NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center.
The NASA Visitor Center, located on Va. Rt. 175, about six miles from U.S. Rt. 13 and five miles from Chincoteague, is open daily, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Admission is free.
For more information about the Astronomy and Night Sky Summer Series or the Visitor Center, call 757-824-1344 or visit:
Samantha Kelly
Office of Communications Intern
NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility
Facebook For Seniors!
For those of my generation who do not and cannot comprehend why Facebook exists:
I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles.
Therefore, every day I walk down the street and, if someone makes eye contact with me, I tell them what I have eaten, how I feel at the moment, what I have done the night before, what I will do later and with whom.
I give them pictures of my family, my dog, and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage, watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, driving around town, having lunch, and doing what anybody and everybody does every day.
I also listen to their response, give them the "thumbs up" and tell them I like them.
And it works just like Facebook.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
TIME MACHINE: The Lower Eastern Shore's Past Recounted In 1899.
(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)
September, 1899
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to tkforppe@yahoo.com .
When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye. We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.
September, 1899
The Morning News (Wilmington, De.)
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to tkforppe@yahoo.com .
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Friday, August 5, 2016
A Colorful Past On The Lower Shore
Back in 1899 a newspaper article recounted the contributions of previous generations to a colorful lower Eastern Shore history. Read about it here this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye's TIME MACHINE feature.
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