Saturday, March 13, 2010




Funny Animal

Peace Brother!!!

Random Thought for the Day:

Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.

~ A Quote For Today ~

"To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."

~Elbert Hubbard~

Some Warnings Canceled But I Guess Not The Rain








Favorite Book


Friday, March 12, 2010



Picture For Today


Did Toyota Prius Driver Fake Unintended Acceleration?

Did the driver of a runaway Toyota Prius in San Diego tell the truth when he said his accelerator pedal stuck earlier this week? New evidence is calling the driver's credibility into question, although the real answer will not be entirely clear until Toyota and the NHTSA announce the results of their investigation. Details about the driver, James Sikes, leave many wondering if he had ulterior motives for his claims.
USA Today and are directly asking the question as to whether or not he faked the incident, citing previous issues with debt and repeated insurance claims as reason for their doubts.
The reports indicate that prior to his unintended acceleration incident, James Sikes and his wife -- both realtors -- found themselves grappling with California's notorious housing bubble and filed for bankruptcy in 2008. Reports show they have $700,000 in debt to their names. He already had a motor home, Mercedes-Benz automobile and Dodge Truck repossessed in the proceedings with creditors.
Among the creditors to whom he owes payments is Toyota Financial Services. Various reports indicate that Sikes is either current with his payments or behind by five months on the 2008 Toyota Prius involved in this week's incident, which has 7,200 miles on it and is valued at $20,494.
Are All Claims Real?
If everyone who gets into a car accident or gets caught speeding is driving a Toyota, should we assume they're experiencing sudden acceleration? The question is an uncomfortable one: if every incident involving a Toyota could be blamed on the company and not the driver, it gives a free pass (albeit a frightening one) to those who choose to exploit it.
For example, in the first 10 weeks of 2009, there were 272 complaints filed to NHTSA in the U.S. for speed control issues with the Prius, according to Associated Press reports. In all of 2008 there were only 74 and just 8 in 2007.
If Sikes's claims were fake, he played a convincing hand. At the time of the incident, all signs pointed to his experience as being authentic.
"I won't drive that car again, period," he told reporters.
Furthermore, the recording of his 911 call, since released, was evidence of the situation's authenticity; unless Sikes was an actor of the highest order, we can't imagine how he'd fake this incident.

Perhaps even more damaging are reports that Sikes has a long history of items being stolen from him, for which he then filed insurance claims.
Skeptics of Sikes also cite the 911 tape that was released shortly after the incident. During the tape, the dispatcher repeatedly told Sikes to put the car in neutral in order to stop it from accelerating. Sikes did not comply with her instructions or the instructions of the officer on the scene who told him to do the same thing via his public address system as they tore down the highway.

Beyond the call itself, the Associated Press reports that Sikes's car was equipped with a brake override system, something that should have slowed the car down once he stomped on the brake pedal.
Sikes claimed he thought that would "flip the car."
"I've since found out that's not possible, but I had no idea," Sikes told USA Today. "Hopefully, I helped save five to 10 lives because people are now finding out" how to put a moving Prius into neutral.
Until Toyota and the NHTSA release the results of their investigation, there won’t be any real answers.


Christine Sheddy, It's Not Over

The process is just beginning in the Sheddy case. The local LE and the SA's office will have their hands full in the next several weeks trying to add all of this up.

We have one person behind bars that was 17 years old at the time of Christine Sheddy's murder, he did not do this alone if in-fact he committed the the murder at all.

JR Jackson (convicted arsonist), his girlfriend Tia, the mysterious Domo that made many comments about how Christine came to his house to wash clothes are still subject IMHO.

These people know what happened, they have known what happened for over 2 years, how did they sleep at night? I have my theory as to what led-up to the murder of Christine Sheddy but I'll keep that to myself out of respect to the family.

I just hope and pray that they ALL are convicted and get the maximum sentence allowed by law, and I hope it's the death penalty.

Jennifer Bowden made a comment on another blog as follows that I find very disturbing. WHAT does she know to make such a comment? The part I find disturbing I have bolded. You be the judge.

Jennifer Bowden, said:
I can guarantee you that my cousin Justin is not the only one involved and he is being sold out by another party involved! I pray that every one of them are brought to justice whether it is my family or not! That girl did not deserve to die the way she did with her kids being left behind. I promise you, if I knew more about what happened I would make sure they all paid fo the crime. I love my family but right is right and wrong is wrong! I know in my heart that Jr. had something to do with it because he don’t even treat my cousin Tia good. She is not too bright staying with a murderer neither. My first priority would be the safety of my kids but some people are just blinded with stupidity!

Funny Animal


Random Thought for the Day:

You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.


The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch for Accomack and Worcester Counties.

Three to 5 inches of rainfall are possible throughout the watch area tonight through Saturday morning.

Flooding could begin as early as this evening along some creeks, while larger rivers could see flooding persist into Sunday, the weather service said.

Flooding of roadways, underpasses and poor-drainage areas is also possible.

Motorists are urged not to attempt to drive through flooded roadways, and those living in flood-prone areas should be prepared to take action should flooding develop, the weather service said.

Daylight Savings Time!!!!!

Don't forget!!!

This Sunday, March 14th daylight savings time will go into effect. One hour of sunlight will be gained.

Before bedtime on Saturday night set your clocks one hour ahead and you'll be on time the next day!

Gov. Bob McDonnell Says Va's Energy Goals Are Realistic

One day after signing offshore energy bills, Gov. Bob McDonnell addressed petroleum executives in Richmond as he continues his quest to make Virginia a national player in the energy market.

McDonnell spoke Thursday at an energy summit sponsored by the Virginia Petroleum Council and the Virginia Manufacturers Association. He repeated his goal of making Virginia an energy capital on the East Coast and said the state is "open for business" when it comes to offshore drilling.

But the governor acknowledged the large task that lies ahead, with Virginia the No. 2 importer of electricity in the nation.

McDonnell stressed the offshore resources are only a piece of Virginia's energy puzzle. He said coal, nuclear, bioenergy and natural gas are all part of the mix.

Wisdom Of A Retiree

I've often been asked, 'What do you old folks do now that you're retired? Well..I'm fortunate to have a chemical engineering background, and one of the things I enjoy most is turning beer, wine, Scotch , and margaritas into urine.

Favorite Book


"Dennis the Menace" Comic Strip Celebrates Birthday

Today is the birthday of the comic strip Dennis the Menace. The inspiration for the comic strip came from the real life son (named Dennis) of Hank Ketcham.

Unable to find a suitable name for his comic strip depicting the antics of his four year old son, it was "one" day that Dennis at four years old, refused to take a nap and went about messing up his room.

It was on this day that Dennis' mother (Alice) exclaimed to his father, "Your son is a menace!"

On March 12, 1951, the precocious yet lovable, freckle-face boy in comic strip form made its debut in sixteen syndicated newspapers.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Funny Animal

There's no explaining Love.

Random Thought for the Day:

Bad decisions make good stories.

Justin M. Hadel, 19 charged in Christine Sheddy murder

A Texas man has been charged with murder for allegedly killing Christine M. Sheddy, the Delaware woman and single mother of three who went missing from a Pocomoke City area farmhouse in November 2007.

Justin M. Hadel, 19, of College Station, Texas, is being held without bond at the Worcester County Jail on charges of first- and second-degree murder and first- and second-degree assault. No date has been set for his preliminary hearing.
According to Worcester County State's Attorney Joel Todd, as of Thursday no other arrests have been made in the case.
Sheddy's body was found buried on the property of the River House Inn in Snow Hill on Feb. 19.
In November 2007, Hadel and Sheddy were guests at a rural farmhouse rented by Clarence Jackson in the 2900 block of Byrd Road outside of Pocomoke City, according to a statement from the State's Attorney's Office. Todd said he could not comment on why Hadel, a Texas resident, was in Maryland, or about his relation to Jackson.
Sheddy, then 26 years old, and her two young sons arrived early that month to stay with Jackson, whom she knew through her boyfriend, Levi Hall. Her third child, a daughter, was not with her at the time.
Sheddy's stay was a temporary arrangement, said her mother, Lynn Dodenhoff, in an interview with The Daily Times in 2008. On Nov. 10, after having only been there a few days, Sheddy called Dodenhoff. She was very upset, and the two made plans to bring her and the children back to Dodenhoff's Bowers Beach home Nov. 13. However, when Hall went to pick up Sheddy and the children that day, she had disappeared.
As the case went cold in the years after her disappearance, Dodenhoff and local residents searched the area around the farmhouse and had Sheddy recognized on "America's Most Wanted."
"It will come to an end, and we will find my daughter, and justice will be served," Dodenhoff told The Daily Times in 2008. "I have full confidence that will happen."
Information from unnamed witnesses led police to the Snow Hill property Feb. 19 of this year, according to the State's Attorney's Office. Dental records later confirmed the remains were Sheddy's. A warrant was issued for Hadel the following day. On Feb. 25, he was arrested in Texas and, after waiving extradition, he arrived Tuesday at the Worcester County Jail.

 Todd said there was very little he could say about the case, which is still under investigation by his office, the Worcester County Sheriff's Office, the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation and the Maryland State Police.

However, if Hadel is found guilty of murder, he will likely not face capital punishment for the killing, Todd said.
"In order to get the death penalty in Maryland, there has to be certain aggravating factors that are not off-set by mitigating factors" like additional killings or rape, Todd said. "I do not think this is the type of case that is going to have aggravating factors."
Dodenhoff has not said anything publicly about the discovery of her daughter's body or the arrest of her alleged murderer.
"At this time, she is in seclusion with Christine's children, helping them to begin the healing process," said Mandy Albritton, a spokeswoman for the family. "I can tell you that they are comforted to know that their mommy did not leave them."


PPE NOTE: Todd says "no death penalty" I know this is not Todd's call but I say we all do what we can, contact or reps. congressmen, etc. and lobby to get the death penalty delivered to ALL that were involved in the murder of Christine Sheddy.

I'm sooo happy Hadel is behind bars but at the time he was 17 years old and he DID NOT do this alone nor did he do this and others not know. Where's Domo? I have not read or heard anything about him or the others and I have had bad vibes from day one about Domo, he had to many excuses and explanations and the alibi of washing clothes never did wash with me. 

Pocomoke; Census tour makes mark on Shore

As the U.S. Census Bureau prepares to tally every person in the country this fall, officials are making sure people are prepared to be counted.

But -- in the interest of counting -- the four jazz musicians, three city officials and dozens of Pocomoke City residents who visited the 2010 Census Road Tour as it stopped at the Chamber of Commerce on Market Street as part of a Lower Shore loop, will know exactly what to do when they get the questionnaire in the mail next month.

"I learned that they are going to be sending out a form of 10 easy questions and I will be sending it back," said Pocomoke City resident Sage Allen. And since she is the head of her household, she added, it's her job to fill out the questionnaire.

Pocomoke is one of 80 stops the Philadelphia regional campaign -- one of 13 across the country -- will make to generate awareness for the once-a-decade national tally of the population, said Jackie Lisjuan, a Eastern Shore representative of the Census Bureau.
"It's important to remember that everyone in the U.S. counts," Lisjuan said. "Whether they are undocumented, working, homeless or a child."

The census, last taken in 2000, helps in determining where the federal government needs to spend the roughly $400 million it distributes to communities every year for schools, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure.

That money is very important to local governments like the one in Pocomoke, said City Manager Russell Blake.
"I've been around long enough in government to know how important the census is," Blake said. "I use the numbers all the time."

Population numbers are often used locally when applying for grants and loans to enhance city services, he said.
The Census Road Tour also stopped in Crisfield and Salisbury on Wednesday, its only stops on the Lower Shore. And had Pocomoke not offered to host the bus, Denise Wagner, head of the Chamber of Commerce, said the tour might not have come to southern Delmarva at all.

"We were the first group that agreed on the Shore," Wagner said.
Hosting the tour -- and lining live entertainment from the Pocomoke High School girls' choir and local band, The Larks -- is part of a few things the Chamber is doing to raise awareness about the national count, Wagner said. Throughout April, the organization will have a representative from the census on hand to answer any questions residents have about the form. "People don't understand that's how our federal dollars come in to play," Wagner said. "I really want to draw attention to Pocomoke City. There are so many treasures here."


School Board Cancels Prom Rather Than Allowing Same-Sex Couple

School board members in Fulton, Miss., decided to cancel the senior prom at Itawamba Agricultural High School rather than let a lesbian student take her girlfriend to the dance.

Now 18-year-old Constance McMillen says she fears retaliation from her classmates.

"The message they are sending is that if they have to let gay people go to prom that they are not going to have one," she tells the Clarion Ledger in Jackson, Miss.

"A bunch of kids at school are really going to hate me for this, so in a way it's really retaliation," she adds.

The American Civil Liberties Union in Mississippi has taken up McMillen's cause.

School officials in Fulton (a town of about 4,00 people in the northeast corner of the state) circulated a memo Feb. 5 telling students that same-sex couples would not be allowed at the prom.

In an ACLU press release, McMillen reports meeting with the assistant principal and later the district superintendent. She says she was told she could not attend the prom with her girlfriend or show up wearing a tuxedo.

And no matter what they did, McMillen says in the press release, she was told they would be thrown out if their presence made any other students "uncomfortable."



A doctor examining a woman who had been rushed to the emergency room, took the husband aside, and said, 'I don't like the looks of your wife at all.'
'Me neither doc,' said the husband.
'But she's a great cook and really good with the kids.'

An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if he can remove a curse he has been living with for the last 40 years.
The Wizard says, 'Maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you.'
The old man says without hesitation, 'I now pronounce you man and wife.'


While shopping for vacation clothes, my husband and I passed a display of bathing suits. It had been at least ten years and twenty pounds since I had even considered buying a bathing suit, so I sought my husband's advice.
'What do you think?' I asked. 'Should I get a bikini or an all-in-one?'
'Better get a bikini,' he replied 'You'd never get it all in one.'
He's still in intensive care.


The graveside service just barely finished, when there was a massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning, accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance.
The little old man looked at the preacher and calmly said, 'Well......she's there.'

Random Life Laws

1. Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee.

2. Law of Gravity - Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

3. Law of Probability -The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act

4. Law of Random Numbers - If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone always answers.

5. Law of the Alibi - If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.

6. Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).

7. Law of the Bath - When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

8. Law of Close Encounters -The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

9. Law of the Result - When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.

10. Law of Biomechanics - The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

11.. Law of the Theater and Hockey Arena - At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer, or the toilet and who leave early before the end of the performance or the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs or big bellies, and stay to the bitter end of the performance. The aisle people also are very surly folk.

12. The Coffee Law - As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

13. Murphy's Law of Lockers - If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.

14. Law of Physical Surfaces - The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor, are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug.

15. Law of Logical Argument - Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about. ( A democrat politician come to mind?)

16. Brown's Law of Physical Appearance - If the clothes fit, they're ugly.

17. Oliver's Law of Public Speaking - A closed mouth gathers no feet. ( A democrat VP come to mind?)

18. Wilson's Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy - As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.

19. Doctors' Law - If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you'll feel better. But don't make an appointment, and you'll stay sick.

Wednesday- Virginia General Assembly

Virginia Becomes First State in Union to Ban Federally Mandated Health Insurance

Virginia's General Assembly became the first in the nation Wednesday to approve legislation that bucks any attempt by President Barack Obama and Congress to implement a national health care overhaul in individual states.

The Republican-ruled House of Delegates, with wide Democratic support, voted 80-17 without debate for the largely symbolic step aimed at the Democratic-backed reforms pushed by Obama and stalled in Congress. The vote sends the measure to Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell who intends to sign it.

Thirty-four other state legislatures have either filed or proposed similar measures statutes or constitutional amendments rejecting health insurance mandates, according to the American Legislative Exchange Council.

Obama carried Virginia in his historic ride to the presidency in 2008, the first Democrat to do so in a presidential race in 44 years. But since then, the tide has turned. Virginia's Republicans routed Democrats in last year's gubernatorial and legislative elections, partly because of public distrust of Democrats' proposed health care reforms.

GOP lawmakers expedited the bill and three others like it as a legislative statement reflecting broad voter discontent over the proposed reforms. Virginia's legislative session is, on average, the nation's briefest, and the bill passed four days ahead of Saturday's scheduled adjournment.

The legality of bills like Virginia's is questionable because courts generally rule that federal laws supersede those of the states.

The bill's sponsor, Del. Robert G. Marshall, R-Prince William, and other supporters advocated the measure as a defiant statement to an overreaching federal government. They say it falls under the Constitution's 10th Amendment that deals with state sovereignty. Marshall said he expects the law to be challenged and ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

"There are limited powers the federal government has. Simply because of the supremacy clause, it doesn't mean anything that the Congress does, in fact, must be enforced at all levels of government in the United States," Marshall said in an interview after his bill won passage.

"It gives the state of Virginia the right to intervene on behalf of individuals should they decide not to pay for insurance and they refuse to pay the fine or they refuse to pay the fee or the tax or whatever you call it," he said.

Separate bills passed by the U.S. House and Senate would impose a penalty on people who don't have health insurance except in cases of financial hardship. The intent of the mandate is to expand the pool of people who are insured and paying premiums and thus offset the increased costs of insuring those with preexisting conditions or other risks.

More distressing for Virginia Democrats was that 21 of their 39 delegates in the 100-member House sided with the GOP in defying the initiative that is their party's national priority.

This Weekend at the Mar-Va Theater

Directed by Guy Ritchie

Plot summary (from

After finally catching serial killer and occult "sorcerer" Lord Blackwood, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson can close yet another successful case. But when Blackwood mysteriously returns from the grave and resumes his killing spree, Holmes must take up the hunt once again. Contending with his partner's new fiancée and the dimwitted head of Scotland Yard, the dauntless detective must unravel the clues that will lead him into a twisted web of murder, deceit, and black magic - and the deadly embrace of temptress Irene Adler.

Robert Downey Jr.
Jude Law
Rachel McAdams
Mark Strong

Favorite Book


Eastern Shore Tourism Budget Cut Could Hurt Shore

With the tax revenue shortfalls currently taking place everywhere around us, many programs and services will be cut by local governments. The Eastern Shore Tourism Commission is currently looking at a proposed $20,000 cut to their budget from the Accomack County Board of Directors. Donna Bozza and Steve Potts of the Eastern Shore Tourism Commission say that is not a good idea.

"We need to feed our economic drivers. Tourism is an economic driver," said Bozza. "People come to our Welcome Center and our surveys show that they leave and go to towns up and down the Eastern Shore. So here we have tourists, coming into our towns and spending money in our stores."

If the Accomack County Board of Supervisors approves the cuts, it could lead to closings of the recently opened Welcome Center by the Bay Bridge Tunnel. Governor McDonnell has proposed increasing state tourism funding by approximately $7 million.

"These cuts would force us to close the newly opened Welcome Center several months out of the year," explains Bozza, then continued "there was an article in the Virginia Pilot recently about Virginia Beach opening up a new Welcome Center on the Seagull Pier that will be open and staffed 7 days a week. If our doors are closed, we will be sending the tourists over to Virginia Beach."

Bozza and Potts say the Eastern Shore Tourism Commission has been responsible for getting the Eastern Shore into many travel publications including the New York Times, Budget Travel Magazine, National Geographic, the New York Daily News and the Today Show. With the budget of the Tourism Commission cut, it will hinder the ability of the Commission to travel to meet with such publications and provide this form of advertising for Eastern Shore Tourism.

The next budget meeting will be Monday night at 5:00, which both Bozza and Potts plan on attending.

More Information Virginia Pilot Article About VA Beach Welcome Center

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



Picture For Today


Funny Animal

'Uh, cat? What cat?'

Random Thought for the Day:

I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.

Blink of (BOC) Finds Missing Mother Christine Sheddy and her Murderer

Well at least she says she did.

It's truly amazing, or is it astonishment? that Blink (Shannon Stoy/Moser/Poser) has accepted complete and total credit for the finding of the missing mother of three Christine Sheddy that vanished from a Byrd Rd farm just outside Pocomoke City over two years ago .

While we have recently had our differences the Pocomoke Tattler has from the very beginning worked with the missing Christine's mother and family and consistently published articles and updates about Christine . Now here comes this "B" Blink and is taking 100% credit for solving this case when in fact Blink and team did nothing but hamper the case from her very inception.

We saw this right away, sadly others are not as backwoods swavy as us "inbreeds" and they accused us of this very occurrence.

This Blink on Crime article speaks for itself folks, check it out and be sure to read the comments if you can make it through all the back patting. This Post is "B's" most recent Also notice that the great "B" had to steal pictures from the website.

That site nor it's so called "team of experts" had anything to do with finding Christine. It was those that stayed up all night making phone calls, posting on the internet, it was relentless family and LE officers that would not give up, the same people that has been slammed by BOC.

I hope this is a wake-up call to those who have so blindly worshiped that "B"

I hate to say I told ya so... but...................

Favorite Book


NEWS RELEASE / Sheddy Case

On February 20, 2010, following the discovery of the remains of Christine Sheddy in Snow Hill, charges were issued against Justin Michael Hadel, age 19, of College Station Texas for 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder, 1st Degree Assault, and 2nd Degree Assault. The Application for Statement of Charges in that case, requested by a detective from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office assigned to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, states as follows:

On or about November 13, 2007 at 2911 Byrd Road, Pocomoke, Worcester County, Maryland Hadel did kill Christine Marie Sheddy.

Sheddy was reported as a Missing Person [sic] to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office on November 14th 2007. The investigation revealed Sheddy had been staying as a guest at the 2911 Byrd Road, Pocomoke, Maryland address. Justin Michael Hadel-(Hispanic, Male, 11-11-1990) was also a guest at this residence during this time frame. Information developed during the investigation revealed Sheddy was murdered. Witnesses stated Justin Hadel was responsible for the murder of Sheddy and provided investigators with a potential location of her remains.

On Friday, February 19th 2010, investigators searched the location described by witnesses. During the search a clandestine grave was excavated which produced deceased human remains. Clothing found on the deceased human remains were consistent with the clothing Sheddy was reportedly wearing on the day of her disappearance –(11-13-2007).

On Friday, February 19th 2010, the Worcester County Forensic Investigator for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office-(OCME) responded to the scene and examined the deceased human remains. The Forensic Investigator [sic] advised the deceased human remains would be transported to the OCME’S office [sic] for autopsy.

Based upon these charges, a fugitive warrant was issued which was served upon Hadel on Thursday, February 25 in Texas. Hadel has now waived extradition. On March 9, 2010, Hadel was transported from Texas to the Worcester County Jail.

On March 1, 2010, the OCME confirmed that Christine Sheddy’s death was a homicide.

This case remains under active investigation by members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, assisted by the Maryland State Police Homicide Team and Cold Case Unit.

'Is that Nookie Green?'

An Irish man went to confession in St. Patrick's Catholic Church.
'Father', he confessed, 'it has been one month since my last confession. I had sex with Nookie Green twice last month.'
The priest told the sinner, 'You are forgiven. Go out and say three Hail Marys.'
Soon thereafter, another Irish man entered the confessional. 'Father, it has been two months since my last confession. I've had sex with Nookie Green twice a week for the past two months.'
This time, the priest questioned, 'Who is this Nookie Green?'
'A new woman in the neighborhood,' the sinner replied.
'Very well,' sighed the priest. Go and say ten Hail Marys.;
At mass the next morning, as the priest prepared to deliver the sermon, a tall,voluptuous, drop-dead gorgeous redheaded woman entered the sanctuary. The eyes of every man in the church fell upon her as she slowly sashayed up the aisle and sat down right in front of the priest. Her dress was green and very short, and she wore matching, shiny emerald-green shoes.
The priest and the altar boy gasped as the woman in the green dress and matching green shoes sat with her legs spread slightly apart... just enough to reveal that she wasn't wearing any underwear.
The priest turned to the altar boy and whispered, 'Is that Nookie Green?'
The bug-eyed altar boy couldn't believe his ears but managed to calmly reply, 'No Father, I think it's just a reflection from her shoes'.

Normal Visitation Policies for Nassawadox Hospital

Effective immediately, area hospitals will return
to normal visiting policies. At Riverside Shore
Memorial Hospital in Nassawadox, the normal visiting
policy restricts children 11 years of age and younger
from patient care areas. Children 12-15 years old who
are accompanied by an adult may visit patients, as may
visitors aged 16 and older.

According to the latest update from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most states in the nation are no longer reporting any flu activity, and Virginia is reporting normal flu levels. In a shared interest of public safety, 18 area hospitals collectively restricted minors from visiting hospital patients in October 2009, to limit the spread of 2009 H1N1 flu. Medical evidence suggested children under 18 to be likely carriers of the illness. The restriction was put into place when 2009 H1N1 flu activity was widespread in the U.S. "I commend the hospitals and health systems in Hampton Roads for the extraordinary collaboration during this unique flu season to protect the community," says State Health Commissioner Karen Remley, MD, MBA.

Experts caution the community about relaxing personal preventative measures that limit the spread of flu and other communicable diseases.

The goal of area health care providers is to use every available and appropriate resource to protect patients from exposure to outside infections and illness. Area hospitals and public health officials will continue monitoring flu levels in the region and around the world for indications of increasing levels. In the event that flu levels rise again, area hospitals are prepared to implement the visitation restrictions in the best interest of public safety. Individuals experiencing flu-like illness are still asked not to visit area hospitals. The collaboration involved 18 area hospitals who stand ready to collaborate on any future public health concerns.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Classifieds; a smile for your day...


8-years old. Hateful little bastard. Bites! 

1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor's dog. 

Mother, AKC German Shepherd. 
Father, Super Dog. Able to leap tall fences in a single bound. 

Looks like a rat. Been out a while. 
Better be a big reward. 

Also 1 gay bull for sale. 

$300 Hardly used, call Chubby. 

California grown - 89 cents/lb. 

Must sell washer and dryer $300. 

Worn once by mistake. Call Stephanie. 

And the best one?: 

Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition. 
$1,000 or best offer. No longer needed, 
Got married last month. Wife knows everything.
Hat Tip; Ree 

Funny Animal

Par-tay, Par-tay, Par-tay!

Random Thought for the Day:

Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

Bring out yer dead! Maryland has no law requiring proper corpse disposal

We have quite a few dumb laws on the books in the state of Maryland – and I’m not just talking about the ‘no sending a text while driving, but reading one is okay’ legislation.
We can’t take a lion to the movies in Baltimore City; can’t throw a bail of hay from a second story window; and absolutely must not eat while swimming in the ocean.
But it’s a law we don’t have that is calling attention to the state’s 2010 General Assembly session: Maryland currently lacks a state law that prohibits improper burial or disposal of a body.
When state senators and delegates convened on January 13, Delegate Theodore Sophocleus  (D-Anne Arundel County) proposed a bill that would require residents to send human remains to cemeteries, family burial plots, crematories or funeral establishments.
If House Bill 12 does indeed become law, citizens of the not-so-Free State will no longer be able to leave grandma on the sofa they place on the curb.
Gone will be the days of putting grandpa in the backyard lot next to Fluffy and Tweety.
Nevermore can we un-strap Aunt Edna from the roof of the Wagon Queen Family Truckster and prop her in a lawn chair in the yard of a long-lost cousin.
Over the past decade the state has seen at least three high-profile cases involving strangely stored human remains.
In 1999, a father buried his daughter in the family’s backyard following the child’s accidental death. The lack of a burial law left prosecutors unable to charge the man with anything more than littering.
In 2004, Ocean City police discovered a recently stillborn fetus wrapped in a towel under a woman’s bathroom sink, and later, found three more fetuses buried in various locations around her residence. Not only was she cleared of first-, second- and third-degree murder charges, but also escaped prosecution for the handling of the remains.
Last year, police responded to a call at a Maryland apartment complex and found the body of an 83-year-old grandmother in a freezer. The woman had been ailing and bedridden, and had died several weeks before police made the discovery.
The Maryland General Assembly session closes in April, and in most cases, laws take effect on either July 1 or the first of October.
At best, you’re looking at a scant nine months to ‘bring out yer dead.’


Hat Tip; SR

Pocomoke Bulk Trash Pick-up Wed, 3-10

Don't forget if you have those big items that can't go out for regular trash pick-up, tomorrow is the day to put it out. Make sure to have it out before 7:30 AM

Another Toyota Experiences “Stuck” Accelerator PedalPrius hits 94 mph before police rescue driver

With Toyota attempting to recall, repair and explain its way out of recent unintended acceleration problems, the issue is proving to be difficult to resolve. Yesterday was another frightening example of the unsettled issue: a man in San Diego, CA couldn't get his 2008 Toyota Prius to slow down while traveling on the freeway. He ended up hitting speeds of nearly 100 mph before police helped him get his car shut off.

“I thought it was maybe stuck,” James Sikes explained to reporters yesterday. “Somehow the pedal was stuck. But it wasn’t stuck on anything that was visible.”
Sikes was driving east on Interstate 8 when he tried to pass a slower car. While going around the other car, Skies noticed that his Prius kept accelerating, seemingly of its own accord. He called 911 and asked for help.
Twenty miles away from where the incident began, California Highway Patrol Officer Todd Neibert caught up to Sikes, who was still trying to slow his car down.
“When I saw him, I could smell the brakes,” Neibert said.
Sikes said that he “was standing on the brake pedal looking out the window at him,” when Neibert began to issue instructions via his public address system.
The officer suggested a variety of remedies, including the emergency brake and turning off the car. After slowing the car to around 55 mph, Sikes was able to push the start/stop button on his Prius (the car does not have a traditional key start; it turns on and off by way of pressing and holding a start/stop button on the dashboard), shutting the car off.
Sikes slowed his car down, eventually running into the back of the officer's patrol cruiser before coming to a complete stop, although not before the car attempted to accelerate again.
Sikes was, not surprisingly, shaken by the incident.
"I won't drive that car again, period," he told reporters.
Perhaps even more frustrating, Sikes's car was not under recall for sticky accelerator pedals. The 2008 Prius was not included in that February recall for issues with accelerator pedals, though it is covered by a separate Toyota recall for floor mats.
Sikes, however, reported, “my mat was perfect. There was nothing wrong with my mat.” The pedal “stayed right where it was” during his attempts to pull it up while the car was accelerating.
He said that there were several instances during his frightening ordeal when he came close to striking other vehicles on the interstate and that he was worried he would be unable to keep his car on the road.
In a statement on Monday, Toyota addressed the incident, saying that the automaker “had dispatched a field technical specialist to San Diego to investigate the report and offer assistance.”

What To Do If You Experience Problems With Your Accelerator Pedal

What if you experience a sticking accelerator pedal while driving? Each circumstance may vary, and drivers must use their best judgment, but Toyota recommends taking one of the following actions:
If you need to stop immediately, the vehicle can be controlled by stepping on the brake pedal with both feet using firm and steady pressure. Do not pump the brake pedal as it will deplete the vacuum utilized for the power brake assist.

Shift the transmission gear selector to the Neutral (N) position and use the brakes to make a controlled stop at the side of the road and turn off the engine.

If unable to put the vehicle in Neutral, turn the engine OFF. This will not cause loss of steering or braking control, but the power assist to these systems will be lost.

If the vehicle is equipped with an Engine Start/Stop button, firmly and steadily push the button for at least three seconds to turn off the engine. Do NOT tap the Engine Start/Stop button.

If the vehicle is equipped with a conventional key-ignition, turn the ignition key to the ACC position to turn off the engine. Do NOT remove the key from the ignition as this will lock the steering wheel.

The above steps were provided by Toyota.

PPE SAYS: In the video the driver of the runaway car says the officer states to use his E-brake/parking brake;  DO NOT! use the parking brake to try and stop a runaway vehicle.

The parking brake uses the rear wheels as a means to hold the vehicle, unless it's a truck chances are that the vehicle is a front wheel drive vehicle. Most front wheel drive vehicles will just pull the vehicle even with the rear wheels locked completely up by the parking brake because the parking brake has no affect on the drive wheels and will cause the rear wheels to skid. This WILL cause loss of control of the vehicle.

Just remain calm, turn the ignition off but only one click as not to lock the steering wheel and stop the vehicle, if by chance the engine will not shut-down, put the gear selector in (N) neutral, this WILL cause engine damage, but if faced with that situation? better an engine than YOU.

Snatched: AOL Autos

Limbaugh Vows to Leave US Over Health Care

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has thrown down the gauntlet. If the U.S. Congress passes health care reform, Limbaugh will leave the country to receive his medical treatment.

Specifically, Limbaugh told a caller that he envisions traveling to Costa Rica should the government, through a federal program costing upwards of $1 trillion, expand health care coverage to approximately 30 million Americans who are currently uninsured.

Ironically, Costa Rica offers universal heath care to all of its residents.

The caller asked Limbaugh where he would go for health care if Congress were to enact reform.

"I don't know," Limbaugh responded. "I'll just tell you this, if this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented, I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."

Limbaugh's guarantee is but the latest variation of what has come to be known as "Baldwin's wager," after actor Alec Baldwin was said to have threatened to expatriate himself should George W. Bush defeat Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election. Bush won, of course, and Baldwin did not end up relocating to foreign shores.

Other celebrities who have promised the equivalent of "going Galt" provided that political events did not turn out to their liking include director Robert Altman and actress Kim Basinger, who also threatened to pack up and go should Bush defeat Gore.

Poking fun at his own brother, in 2008, actor Stephen Baldwin said he'd leave the U.S. should Barack Obama be nominated to run for president for the Democrats. And, like his brother, he remains in the U.S.

Susan Sarandon, Heidi Klum and husband, Seal, meanwhile promised to join the ranks of ex-pats should John McCain best Obama.

Not to be outdone, however, actress Tina Fey raised the bar further still. Fed up with having to impersonate Sarah Palin, Fey shuddered at the thought a McCain/Palin future.

"If she wins, I'm done," Fey told TV Guide. "I can't do that for four years. And by 'I'm done,' I mean I'm leaving Earth."

Whether Limbaugh, who is 59, will actually follow through with his on-air promise to seek medical care in Costa Rica should health care reform be implemented in the U.S. over the next few years remains unclear. Anyone care for a wager?

Swiped From AOLNEWS