Sunday, August 21, 2011

Did The President REALLY Say This??

Boy, this really has some farmers scratching their heads!!

Virginia Farmer/2010
Obama Wrongly Disses Farmer
By  Brian Sussman

During a Wednesday town hall meeting in Atkinson, Illinois, a farmer expressed concern to President Obama regarding forthcoming regulations involving dust.

President Obama arrogantly dismissed the farmer, saying, “Don’t always believe what you hear.” Obama added that, “Nobody is more interested in seeing our agricultural sector successful than I am, partly because I come from a farm state.”

Once again Mr. Obama proved himself to be a reckless, uncaring demagogue.  The fact is the Environmental Protection Agency is considering revising the National Ambient Air Quality Standard in such a way that particulate matter, such as agricultural dust, could be regulated.

In a letter written to Obama’s handpicked EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson, 16 Senators–representing both parties– concerned about these potential regulations stated, “Whether it’s livestock kicking up dust, soybeans being combined on a dry day in the fall, or driving a car down the gravel road, dust is a naturally occurring event.”  If the EPA particulate standards were altered, the Senators wrote,  it would “impose significant costs to farmers and businesses.”

Mr. Farmer, you sir, are the backbone of America. Our President dissed you, but we salute you.  You work hard and provide us with a wonderful product that we enjoy and depend on.

By the way, Mr. President, we didn’t know Indonesia is a farm state.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

TIME MACHINE Preview ... 1909 Properties For Sale, And A Land Mystery To The South Of Pocomoke City!

A reminder, tomorrow on The Pocomoke Public Eye... Local property listings from 100+ years ago; a 1909 news account of the mystery of a large unclaimed area of land nearby; and from ACROSS THE USA.. in 1906, Houdini's visit to a prison brings amazing happenings!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Baby Giraffe Dies At Norfolk Zoo

A baby giraffe died on Wednesday at the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk.

The male giraffe, who was born on July 28, was found dead in his enclosure on Thursday morning when zoo keepers made their morning check.

Necropsy results showed that the giraffe died from peritonitis, which is an inflammation of the stomach lining. The inflammation is caused by a bacterial or fungal infection.

Zoo officials say the giraffe was alert and responsive on Wednesday and had gained 28 pounds since his birth.

"The baby giraffe's loss is a tragedy," said Greg Bockheim, executive director of the Virginia Zoo. "In his short time here, our staff and visitors had already grown attached to him."

PHOTO/ Virginia Zoo
Many visitors watched the baby's birth, since he was born during public hours. This was the second baby for the giraffe mother, a 9-year-old zoo resident named Imara. Giraffes have a gestational period of 15 months, and the baby endures a 6-foot, headfirst drop when it is born. The deceased baby giraffe was reported to be in excellent health at birth. The zoo planned to open a baby-naming poll to the public.

Announcer Ted Williams Backs Out Of Baltimore Fashion Week

Have you been wondering where he's been???

By John-John Williams IV
Baltimore Fashion Week may be under way, but the showcase of models and designers is missing its star announcer.

Due to contract disputes, Ted Williams, the homeless Ohio man with the golden baritone who became an overnight sensation earlier this year, won't be manning the microphone this weekend, organizers said Friday.

Fashion Week founder Sharan Nixon said she canceled Williams' contract because he made last-minute requests which soured the deal — accusations Williams' camp denies.

Williams signed a contract in March to announce the designers during the four-day event, which runs through Sunday. He was also scheduled to do radio spots and attend promotional events.

The arrangement fell apart earlier this month when Williams asked if Baltimore Fashion Week could also pay for hotel accommodations for his girlfriend, Nixon said.

"According to the contract, I was suppose to provide accommodations for him, his manager and bodyguard," Nixon said. "Then they started demanding other requests that were not in the original contract."

Alfred Battle, Williams' agent, said budget cuts were responsible for the severed contract.

"That was on the producer, Sharan Nixon," he said. "She called and said that she had to do some cut backs, and the budget she had for him had to be cut. We were really disappointed about that."

Battle said adding Williams' girlfriend to the mix might have also played a role.

"I told her that she would have to come," Battle said. "The two met each other in rehab. But her presence wouldn't have been a deal breaker for her. We would have put them in a room together, I don't want to contradict what she had to say. I don't want this to come off as a controversy. But this was due to budget cuts. It was due to her budget."

Williams' absence is the latest setback for Baltimore Fashion Week.

Eight days before the annual event was set to begin, Nixon announced that she did not have a venue to host her event. An initial agreement with H&S Properties Development Corp., the group responsible for developing the area, fell through leaving her without a location. Nixon later found the Scottish Rite Masonic Center north of the Hopkins Homewood campus.

Williams achieved instant celebrity in January after the Columbus Dispatch posted on its website a video interview of him where he demonstrated his voice by doing a mock radio announcement. The video hit YouTube and went viral — making him a household name. He has recorded voice-overs for various national brands and even been offered a job announcing at games for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Nixon said that different personalities from local radio stations will be filling in for Williams, including Belinda Merritt from Magic 95.9, Tim Watts from Magic 95.9. and Mikel from Magic 95.9.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Showing At the Mar-VA Theater This Weekend

Fri, August 19th  
Sat, August 20th 
Time: 7 p.m.  
Tickets: $5  

The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft hidden on the Moon, and race against the Decepticons to reach it and to learn its secrets.
 Rated PG-13


The Northern Sky

I took these looking to the north @ 3:00pm 8/19/2011

Ten Years In Jail For Berlin Businessman

Written by
News Editor Shawn J. Soper
SNOW HILL -- Berlin businessman Bill Scott was found guilty this week on three counts of theft scheme after bilking several resort area condo associations out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and was sentenced to a combined 55 years in jail, all but 10 of which were then suspended.

In April, a Worcester County grand jury indicted Scott, president of Scott and Associates, an accounting and property management firm, on six counts of theft and theft scheme for clearing out the accounts of a handful of condominium associations over a two-year period that ended with his confession earlier this year. His victims included, among others, Sunset Village, Assateague House and San Remo condo associations, from which Scott absconded with over $800,000 from various operating and reserve accounts.

The trial began last Wednesday with victim testimony building the case against Scott. Also last Wednesday, a videotaped confession was shown in court, taken last February by Maryland State Police when Scott’s theft scheme began to unravel. On Tuesday, after closing statements by both sides in the case, Judge Richard Bloxom found Scott guilty of two counts of theft scheme over $100,000 and one count of theft scheme from $10,000 to $100,000.

For each of the first two counts, Bloxom sentenced Scott to 20 years with all but 10 years suspended. For the lesser conviction, Bloxom sentenced Scott to 15 years with all but 10 years suspended. The sentences are to be served concurrently, netting Scott a total of 10 years. He was also placed on probation for five years upon release and ordered to pay restitution to the victims, although the details of the latter will be worked out at a later date.

Before finding Scott guilty and ultimately meting out the sentences, Bloxom heard closing statements from prosecutor Steve Rakow and public defender Chastity Simpson. He also heard emotional testimony from Scott and his wife, Elizabeth, who made an impassioned appeal for leniency on her husband’s behalf.

Bloxom related a story from his service as a public defender early in his career about a client he defended who was convicted of theft and received a significant sentence. According to the judge’s story, the convicted man remarked on the disparity of sentences for low-level theft convictions and convictions for so-called “white collar” theft schemes. Bloxom said he was not going to let that recollection be his guide before dropping the hammer on Scott.

“I don’t know what to make of you,” he said. “You speak well and I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of your remorse, but the amount of theft here is staggering and the extent of the deviousness and deceit is staggering.”

Bloxom said the extent of the theft scheme and the amount of money stolen deserved a hefty sentence.

“These schemes are staggering to me,” he said. “It seems to me the sentence the court imposes has to reflect society’s absolute repugnance for the criminal behavior you engaged in.”

In his closing statement, Rakow pointed out Scott’s theft scheme was carried out against victims who had placed their trust in him to handle their money.

“It was easy for Mr. Scott to steal, to make checks out to himself, because he had unfettered access to those accounts,” he said. “We don’t know why he took the money and we don’t know where the money is, we only know he stole over $800,000. Just because one has unfettered access to accounts doesn’t give one the right to steal money from those accounts.”

Last December and early this year, Scott’s vast embezzlement and theft scheme began to come to light after irregularities were detected in his various clients’ books. When the extent of the thefts started to become revealed, Scott went to the Maryland State Police barrack in Berlin and confessed the crimes, setting off the investigation that led to his indictment.

The defense on Tuesday attempted to paint Scott’s confession in a positive light.

“He walked in there apologetic, seeking to make things right,” said Simpson. “He’s still remorseful. He shamed himself and he shamed his entire family, but he chose to walk in and confess and he was not obligated to do that.”

However, Rakow pointed out Scott’s confession came only after the writing was on the wall.

“Only after he was caught did he go to the Maryland State Police to clear his soul,” he said. “Who knows how long it would have going on if he didn’t get caught? He was obviously taking money from one condo association to pay another so the theft would not be uncovered. Only after he was caught was the existence, mechanism and extent of his theft revealed.”

Simpson also attempted to point out not all of the roughly $800,000 was permanently stolen and that Scott had moved funds from one association’s accounts to another in some cases to offset the deficits.

“This is a case of temporary deprivation versus permanent deprivation,” she said. “Much of the money taken was later returned.”

However, Rakow discounted the defense’s effort to somehow minimize the extent of the theft scheme.

“Theft is theft,” he said. “If you steal from me and you put it back, it’s still theft. The evidence shows a pattern of deceit, manipulation, lies and theft. He admitted to stealing the money from the condo associations.”

Simpson also appealed to the judge to consider allowing Scott to take a reported employment position in Baltimore that would allow him to begin paying back the victims rather than sitting in jail.

“With a felony conviction, it will likely be impossible for him to ever get a job in his field, or even McDonalds,” she said. “He has an opportunity for a job in Baltimore where he can live relatively free while he starts to make restitution.”

For her part, Scott’s wife, Elizabeth, said he was a good husband and father and urged the judge to consider leniency in the case.

“He’s a good man that made bad choices,” she said. “I give him credit for trying to make things right. His conscience led him to the State Police to try to make things right. He’s a good person who can benefit society, my family and our child more by being allowed to work and begin to repay this. Over the course of his lifetime, he has done far more good than the wrongs he had done recently.”

Scott was given the opportunity to speak on his behalf and delivered an emotional statement to the judge.

“I stand here humble, ashamed and embarrassed,” he said. “My actions have tormented me over the last few years, and when someone asked me how I thought it would play out, I honestly thought of taking my own life.”

A tearful Scott implored the judge to allow him to pursue the employment opportunity in Baltimore to begin to repay his victims.

“I exercised tremendously poor judgment and made horrible decisions,” he said. “I want to make them whole again. My name is mud now, but I have an opportunity in Baltimore and I feel like it might be my best opportunity to have a job and make restitution.”

In the end, Bloxom was not persuaded and handed down the stringent sentences in the case.

“Punishment is to deter people from engaging in future criminal activity,” he said. “Some people need more deterrence than others.”


Great Dismal Swamp smoke could drift into area Saturday

The smoke from the Great Dismal Swamp fire has made it's way to and is being seen in Nanticoke as of about noon today. (08/19/11) 

 Is your area being affected by the smoke, or have you personally seen the smoke from the Great Dismal Swamp? If so tell us about it or better yet send in a picture or two.

It appears now that smoke from the Great Dismal Swamp fire could drift into Richmond Saturday instead of Sunday, officials say.

“It looks like tomorrow is the best chance for the Richmond area getting smoke,” said Bill Hayden, a spokesman for the state Department of Environmental Quality.

The smoke should stay off the east on Sunday, Hayden said. “Beyond that, we don't have a good idea yet.”

Officials said Thursday the smoke could arrive here Sunday morning. But predicting the movement of the acrid cloud far this far from the fire has proved difficult.

The fire is contained largely in the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge about 90 miles southeast of Richmond.

Much of eastern Virginia, from New Kent and Charles City counties to the coast, is under a Code Orange pollution alert today, meaning the air could be unhealthy to breathe, especially for people with lung and heart problems.

Lightning started the fire Aug. 4. It is likely to continue until that area gets a drenching rain, experts say.

The fire has burned more than 6,000 acres. It is about 15 percent contained. More than 430 firefighters are battling it.

VIA: Richmond Times Dispatch

Pictures Per;

Worcester County Burn Ban Has Been Lifted

Worcester Co. Burn Ban Status
AS OF 8/19/11 - The Countywide Burn Ban is LIFTED!

Residents are urged to burn responsibly and take the necessary precautions when doing so.

Man Shot During Burglary Gets Eight Years Behind Bars

SNOW HILL -- Cpl. Katie Edgar pulled into the gravel driveway of Venable's Electric HVAC Inc., responding to call of a burglary in process at the warehouse. She stepped out of her Worcester County Sheriff's patrol car to see a pickup truck headed toward her, backlit by the warehouse lights, its headlights turned off.

With her gun in her right hand and her police dog, Jonka, leashed in her left, she yelled at the driver to turn off the car and get out. Instead, the driver turned on the headlights; he gunned the engine.

What happened next set in motion the events that would lead to the police pursuit and arrest of the truck driver, Matthew Noah Collins, and his eventual trial on charges of assault, burglary and theft.

Circuit Court Judge Dale Cathell sentenced Collins, 28, of Salisbury to eight years in jail, finding him guilty of second-degree assault and fourth-degree burglary. Prosecutors dropped a charge of first-degree assault.

Collins admitted in court on Aug. 18 that he'd gone to the Bishopville warehouse to steal metal that he would later sell for scrap. He was leaving the property with several large air conditioning units packed into his pickup bed when he was caught red-handed.

The junked air conditioning units kept behind that warehouse held valuable copper, aluminum and steel parts. With market prices at the time about $3 a pound, the scrap metal would have been worth between $600-$900, testified company owner Dale Venable.

Edgar stood about six feet from the bumper of Collins' 1983 Ford pickup, yelling for him to get out, when the engine went from idle to racing.

Edgar used her gun in self-defense, firing six times toward the oncoming truck.

"I fired as long as he was a threat to me," she said.

Collins pulled the truck hard to the right and drove off. He had been shot three times: in the upper back, shoulder blades and clean through his left elbow.

Worcester County deputies soon caught up with him, and he pulled over on Route 113 north of Carey Road, where he was arrested.

Judge Cathell said Matthew Collins' criminal history of assault, burglary and shoplifting charges in Maryland and Delaware informed his decision to hand down the maximum allowable prison sentence on the burglary and assault charges.

"It seems like nothing teaches you a lesson. Maybe this will," the judge said.


MD. State Police Helicopter Transports Va. Accident Victim

A motorist was injured in an accident near Greenbush early Wednesday morning.

Unofficial reports are that the victim of the accident had other injuries not related to the accident.

The patient was transported by the Maryland State Police helicopter.


Virginia Execution Is Carried Out

By Frank Green

JARRATT -- Jerry Terrell Jackson was executed by injection tonight for the rape and murder of an 88-year-old woman he suffocated with a pillow and robbed of $60.

Jackson, 30, was pronounced dead at 9:14 p.m., said officials at the Greensville Correctional Center where Virginia executions are carried out.

Asked if he had any last words, Jackson shook his head indicating no.

It was the first execution in Virginia using the sedative pentobarbital as the first of three drugs administered in lethal injections. Virginia and most states traditionally used another drug that is no longer available.

Larry Traylor, spokesman for the Virginia Department of Corrections, said there were no complications.

Jackson was escorted into the execution chamber by execution team members at 8:53 p.m. He was quickly ushered onto the gurney and strapped in.

At 8:55 p.m., curtains were closed, blocking the view of witnesses while an IV line was inserted in each of his arms.

After the curtains reopened, Jackson declined to make a last statement and the first of three chemicals started flowing.

His chest moved as he breathed, his right toe appeared to tap and he moved his head a bit, but the movements quickly ceased.

He was pronounced dead by a doctor who was remotely monitoring his heartbeat.

Jackson was sentenced to death for the slaying of Ruth Phillips in August 2001. Jackson broke into her apartment, where she lived alone, assaulted her and fled with her automobile.

Her partially clothed body was discovered by her son, Richard Phillips, who went to check on her when she failed to attend church and did not answer her phone.

"These were senseless crimes committed with no regard for anyone or anything other than Jackson's own gratification," Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli said in a statement tonight. "The just sentence of death has now been carried out.  Our thoughts and prayers remain with the family and friends of Ruth Phillips."

911 Motorcycle Convoy Set For This Weekend Through W. Maryland

By  David Hill
A motorcycle ride through Western Maryland and Northern Virginia commemorating 9/11 is expected to cause major traffic delays Friday and Saturday, state officials say.

Motorists are being advised to stay off roads or seek alternate routes as about 2,500 vehicles — including 1,800 motorcycles — are expected to make their way Friday from Cumberland, Md., to Arlington before heading back through Maryland on Saturday on their way to New York City.

The group of riders could stretch as much as 15 miles in length, according the Maryland State Highway Administration, and will make its way from Cumberland to Arlington between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Friday. Police will close most ramps along the route during that period.

“It’s going to have a significant impact,” said Lt. James E. DeFord, a Virginia State Police spokesman. “We want motorists to be patient and be aware that this is coming through. We’ll get them out of the way as fast as we can.”

The 10th annual ride, organized by America's 911 Foundation Inc., is scheduled to pass the sites in Pennsylvania, at the Pentagon in Arlington and in New York where planes crashed on Sept. 11, 2001.

Riders are expected to arrive in Cumberland between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Friday, and will then take Interstates 68 and 70 about 70 miles east to Hagerstown, arriving before 11 a.m.

After a midday break, they are expected to depart at 1 p.m., taking U.S. Route 15 south to Leesburg, Va., before traveling the Dulles Greenway to Arlington, where they are scheduled to arrive at about 3 p.m.

The group will then depart at 7 a.m. Saturday — after a memorial service at the Pentagon — traveling Interstate 395 to the Baltimore-Washington Parkway, before passing through Baltimore’s Fort McHenry Tunnel and Interstate 95 on its way to New York.

In addition to organizing the ride, America's 911 Foundation funds a scholarship program for children of active first responders and raises money and provides assistance for emergency-response departments and employees.

The group posted a message on its website this week asking those caught in traffic during the ride to “remember that you are still here” and “please take this time to reflect” on the lives lost on Sept. 11.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dinner and Auction To Benefit Courtney Bloxom


Saturday, Aug. 20 at 5 p.m
Temperanceville Masonic Lodge

Dinner includes lasagna, garlic bread, salad and dessert.
Carry outs are available.

Door Prizes ~  50/50 raffles
Cake auction   ~   Games for the children

Lots of local items to be auctioned by Auctioneer Allen Barfield

Tickets:  $15.00  for adults.  Children  8 and under FREE

Tickets are available at Young's Old Shop in Mears and Fox Insurance Agency in Temperanceville or call 757-894-5874
or 757-894-3287.

**Please keep Courtney and her family in your prayers**

Option To Transfer For Nandua Middle School Students

By  Candy Farlow
Students enrolled at Nandua Middle School have the option of transferring to Arcadia Middle School and the county will have to pay for their transportation.

Thats according to Dr. W. Bruce Benson, the new Division Superintendent of Accomack County Public Schools.

Benson told the Accomack County Board of Supervisors Wednesday evening that, because Nandua Middle had failed to meet a benchmark of the Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) for the second consecutive year, students enrolled there are entitled to public school choice.

In all this year, five of the countys schools did not meet their AYP goals based on last springs assessment while six schools did. Of those failing to meet the requirements, only Nandua Middle School and Metompkin Elementary School are required to offer public school choice. This is the second year Metompkin Elementary students are able to choose another school. Last year, of the 581 Metompkin students eligible, only 19 chose to attend another school.

Now Nandua Middle students also have the right to attend another school, in this case Acadia Middle. Students choosing to transfer will be afforded free transportation.

Despite the situation, Benson made it clear that Accomack County is not alone. Noting such situations are prevalent statewide due to requirements of the No Child Left Behind legislation, Benson said it is important that folks understand that we have good schools. Still, he said there are absolutely places we can improve.

A contingent of 54 new teachers in the county will be among those charged with making those improvements. Benson said the new instructors are very enthusiastic and noted that the majority are young, newcomers to the Shore, many taking on their first teaching assignment.

In other news from the Accomack school system, Benson announced that teachers at both Pungoteague and Kegotank Elementary Schools will be participating in a pilot program which offers additional compensation to those who excel. Under the program, individual teachers who are rated as exemplary will receive an additional $3,000 while those who are part of a teaching team can receive up to $2,000.


Shore Beef & BBQ Special

Chopped beef brisket sandwhich
One side and drink ~ $7.50
Don't forget to pick up some fruits
and vegetables for later.........

GUILTY In The Stabbing Of Johns Hopkins Researcher

John Alexander Wagner
By Tricia Bishop
After less than three hours of deliberation Wednesday, a Baltimore jury found John Alexander Wagner guilty of first-degree murder and armed robbery in the stabbing of Johns Hopkins researcher Stephen Pitcairn, who was attacked last year as he talked to his mother on a cellphone while walking home from Penn Station.

Wagner could receive a maximum sentence of life in prison at a hearing set for Oct. 21. His lawyer, Assistant Public Defender Gregory Fischer, said he plans to appeal the conviction.

"Mr. Wagner has adamantly maintained his innocence from the beginning," Fischer said.

Pitcairn's family members, who live out of state, wept as the verdict was announced. Aunts and uncles, as well as his parents and siblings, sat vigil throughout various portions of the trial, enduring as much testimony as they could. They declined to comment after the hearing, though Pitcairn's uncle called out, "Justice was served" as he left the courthouse.

They also praised the work of Assistant State's Attorney Josh Felsen after the hearing, telling him to "take care of the next family as well as you took care of us."

It was a bittersweet victory for the city prosecutor's office. Attorneys finally won a significant conviction against Wagner, who had repeatedly escaped serious punishment despite a lengthy criminal history, but it came at the cost of a promising young man's life.

"This victim … wasn't bothering anyone, he wasn't doing anything but walking to his home," Felsen told jurors during closing arguments Wednesday.

Pitcairn was two days shy of his 24th birthday on Sunday, July 25, 2010, the day he was killed. He spent the weekend with his two sisters in New York City for an early birthday celebration, then took a Bolt bus back to Baltimore, where he performed cancer research.

But as he walked along the 2600 block of St. Paul St. talking to his mother on his cellphone, he was targeted by Wagner and his girlfriend, Lavelva Merritt — who has pleaded guilty to her role in the killing and testified for the prosecution last week. They robbed Pitcairn, stabbed him and left him to die on the sidewalk.

Pitcairn's mother, meanwhile, frantically tried to find help from her home inFlorida after hearing the commotion. Gwen Pitcairn tearfully told jurors last week at the trial's opening that she pleaded for her son's safety to the voices demanding money from her son, a thousand miles away in Baltimore.

The murder was a focus of last year's Baltimore state's attorney race and helped challenger Gregg L. Bernstein unseat longtime incumbent Patricia A. Jessamy.

Bernstein held a campaign news conference on what would have been Pitcairn's birthday, railing against Jessamy's failure to keep violent repeat offenders off the streets.

"If the state's attorney had done her job ... Stephen Pitcairn might still be alive today," Bernstein said at the time, calling the murder "not just senseless, but preventable."

He said in a telephone interview Wednesday that his office was "extremely gratified" by the jury's verdict.

Joshua Eicher, part of a street-cleaning crew with the Charles Village Community Benefits District, pauses from his work to look at flowers and birthday cake left at a makeshift memorial in the 2600 block of St. Paul St. for Stephen Pitcairn. (Kenneth K. Lam, Baltimore Sun / July 27, 2010)
"The defendant represents one of the focal points and objectives of our office, which is to successfully prosecute repeat violent offenders and ensure that they are incarcerated for substantial periods of time so that they do not continue to go through this revolving door and prey upon the citizens of Baltimore," Bernstein said.

Wagner, 38, has previous convictions for assault, theft and violating probation, though he was frequently allowed to remain free. And in at least one instance, prosecutors dropped robbery charges against him despite surveillance video evidence.

Merritt, 25, has at least five convictions on her record, most for drug offenses.

The case against Wagner largely relied upon her cooperation. Testifying against Wagner, she outlined a chilling scenario in which the couple set out looking for someone to rob. They came up behind Pitcairn and grabbed him, demanding money.

Wagner stabbed Pitcairn, and Merritt punched him after he fell, according to testimony. They took his iPhone and his wallet, a Christmas gift from his mother.

On the witness stand last week, Merritt said her boyfriend regretted the act. "All that over a phone," he reportedly said. "I didn't mean to do it."

Wagner's attorney argued throughout the weeklong trial that someone else was responsible for the murder, but the jury rejected that idea. They began deliberating about 3:45 p.m. and reached a verdict by 6:30 p.m.

They asked once to review video footage of two people running from the scene, and refused an offer to leave for the day shortly before 6 p.m.

"They want to stay," Baltimore Circuit Judge Charles J. Peters told attorneys. Within the hour, they had a verdict.

"It is clear, given the length of their deliberations, that they understood and accepted what we presented and, more importantly, what the evidence shows," Bernstein said afterward.

Peters ordered Wagner to stay in shackles as the decision was announced, and the jurors, polled one by one, affirmed the guilty findings.

Lavelva Merritt
Wagner was convicted of felony first-degree murder, which means Pitcairn's death occurred during the robbery, as well as conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon and the robbery itself. He could be sentenced to an additional 40 years for the two robbery convictions.

He was acquitted of premeditated murder.

Merritt will likely be sentenced to 15 years in prison for conspiracy and robbery convictions under her plea deal.

The cases against the two defendants were filed and prosecuted in just over a year, representing another of Bernstein's goals to "more quickly resolve all criminal cases" with the cooperation of the courts.

"It's not only a function of justice delayed is justice denied, [but also that] cases do not get better with age, they get worse," he said.


Delmarva's Got Talent- Looking For Competition

3rd Annual
Delmarva's Got Talent Competition
The MarVa Theater
Musicians, singers, dancers, and other performers are wanted to compete in the third annual talent contest to be held at the
Mar-Va Theater on
Sept. 23, 24, 30, & Oct. 1.

First place is $500.
Second place is $200.
Third place is $100.
Entry fee is $25.
To enter, contact Matt Bogdan at 443-235-3272 or email

TIME MACHINE Preview ... 1909 Properties For Sale, And A Land Mystery To The South Of Pocomoke City!

This Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye... Take a look at local property listings from 100+ years ago, and a 1909 news item tells of the mystery of a large fertile land area nearby that was never claimed. Plus from ACROSS THE USA.. a 1906 news description of amazing happenings when Houdini visited a prison.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Drugs Found In Shopping Cart

This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "pushing drugs".  Don't they push drugs in Berlin anymore?   So where is Mr. Henry now?

POCOMOKE CITY — Police say a man pushing a shopping cart on a downtown street had baggies of drugs in it wrapped for sale.

Pocomoke City police said they arrested Donzel Haywood Henry, 47, of Berlin in the incident, charging him with possession and distribution of marijuana and cocaine. Police saw him Aug. 14, pushing a Wal-Mart shopping cart on Fourth Street, near Maple Street. They stopped him and initially charged him with theft of the cart from the store, and then found six small bags of marijuana and 29 small bags of crack cocaine, police said.

Henry was initially held on $15,000 bond.


Federalsburg Cemetary Vandalized

I remember this beautiful cemetary very well from my childhood days of living in Federalsburg.  I visited there some months ago and it still carries the peacefulness it always did many years ago.  What a shame people have nothing better to do.  The residents of this quiet town are extremely upset and they have every right to be.  If I am correct the Chief of Police of Federalsburg grew up there and I know the citizens feel comfident that he WILL find those responsible for this horrible incident.
Photo By Abby Andrews

By ABBY ANDREWS Staff Writer

FEDERALSBURG For the second time in as many weeks, a Caroline County graveyard was vandalized, Federalsburg police reported.

Police said 31 headstones and monuments, some dating back to the 1800s, scattered throughout the east section of the Hillcrest Cemetery on Bloomingdale Avenue were toppled sometime between 3 p.m. Monday and 7:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Police have no suspects at the time, and are asking for the public's help. Anyone with information should call the Federalsburg Police Department at 410-754-8966. All information will be kept confidential.

Police said they have contacted the Greensboro Police Department, who are investigating a similar incident in an abandoned Methodist cemetery that happened overnight between Aug. 5 and Aug. 6, but so far there is no information indicating the acts are related.

Norman Bradley, a member of the Hillcrest Cemetery committee, said he discovered the damage Tuesday morning, when he and his dog arrived for their daily walk through the grounds.

Bradley said he saw two overturned tombstones as soon as he parked his car, and then noticed two more, which was when he called the town police.

"It's a shame," Bradley said. "It's a shame for the people buried there, for the Town of Federalsburg and for the cemetery."

A 30-year member of the committee, Bradley said this is only the second time he can remember such widespread vandalism in the cemetery. The other time was 22 years ago.

"Maybe a couple of times in the last 15 years or so, we've had one or two headstones knocked over, but not 31," Bradley said.

Bradley said he thought most of the damaged monuments and headstones were very old, though one marked a grave that was just dug in March.

The committee that oversees the privately owned cemetery has insurance, Bradley said, but he did not know if it covered repairs. He said an adjuster was coming out to do an estimate.

Among the cemetery's well-known graves is that of Maryland Court of Appeals Judge Marvin H. Smith.


'Wounded Warriors' - Gumboro Mud Bog

Virginia State Police and DEA Office Still Searching For Drug Dealer

Jonathan Manwell Johnson
Chesapeake -- The Virginia State Police, the Eastern Shore Drug Task Force, and the DEA's Norfolk Office are currently searching for a notorious drug dealer wanted on a federal warrant stemming from a multi-agency investigation in Northampton County on Virginia's Eastern Shore.

Jonathan Manwell Johnson, 28, is a black male, 5 feet 8 inches tall, and 160 pounds. He has black hair and brown eyes. His last known address was in the 2700 block of Arlington Road in Northampton County. Johnson has family in the Philadelphia area, and may flee there to avoid prosecution.

Johnson is known to carry firearms and has a violent criminal history. He should be considered armed and dangerous. He is wanted for conspiracy to distribute more than 5 kilos of cocaine.

A reward is being offered for information resulting in the arrest of Johnson.

Anyone with information on this subject is asked to contact the following agencies. Anonymous tips are welcome.

Virginia State Police: 1-800-582-8350 Toll-free in Virginia

Eastern Shore Task Force: 757-414-0746

Northampton County Sheriff's Office: 757-678-0458

Accomack County Sheriff's Office: 757-787-1131


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Smartphone Users Angered Over Facebook Feature

Some smartphone users are outraged over a Facebook feature that automatically imports personal phone numbers on their pages.

Over the past few days, Facebook users have been circulating messages letting people know that if their Facebook account is synced to a smartphone, phone numbers will then be posted in the user's account.

According to Facebook, the feature is not new. Facebook has posted a disclaimer on its site which says: "Rumors claiming that your phone contacts are visible to everyone on Facebook are false. Our Contacts list, formerly called Phonebook, has existed for a long time. The phone numbers listed there were either added by your friends themselves and made visible to you, or you have previously synced your phone contacts with Facebook. Just like on your phone, only you can see these numbers."

Facebook says only the account user can view the phone numbers. Many people don't feel the numbers are safe. They also worry about the growing number of hacking incidents that are taking place on Facebook.

"I don't want my number on anybody's page," said Latiqueka Cawley.

"I think it just put us in a vulnerable spot," said Facebook user Kim Hollett.

"I don't think Facebook snuck it in. I think people now are more concerned about what information is out there and they don't really understand when they're setting permissions or accepting terms of service what actually is going on," said John Dolinar.

Dolinar is the information security manager at Cuyahoga County Community College. He says just like other apps and games you may download on your phone, users must be careful to read the fine print.

"You really have to be careful on the phone and the apps you install. There are lot of other apps that will try to sync your contacts up to someone onto the internet or for information, marketing, whatever."

In order to erase the phone numbers from your Facebook account, go to "Account," click on "Edit Friends" and then go to "Contacts." From there, click on "Contacts" and then go to "This Page."

Follow the directions on the Facebook page to disable the sync feature on your phone and then click "Remove."
