Saturday, September 8, 2012


On August 24 and August 30, 2012, OCPD patrol officers discovered two different OceanCity boardwalk businesses selling smoking devices fashioned in a manner to smoke controlled dangerous substances.

At the time of the discovery the items were seized.  At the “Shore Side Shop” (106 South Atlantic Ave) on August 24th the suspected CDS smoking devices were discovered by police in a box on the floor behind the counter.   On August 30th, at the “NY Piercing” (409 Atlantic Ave) the suspected CDS smoking devices were observed in a large glass case.   At the time of this discovery, the suspected contraband was found in the proximity of various items that promoted the use of Marijuana such as: ash trays, t-shirts and statues all displaying Marijuana leaves.

The business owners are identified as: (Shore Side Shop owner) – Benjamin Darmony, 48, of Berlin, Maryland and (NY Piercing owner) – Claude Darmony, 23, of Ocean City.

During the investigation, Ocean City Police consulted with the Worcester County States Attorney and determined the items were in violation of the Maryland Criminal Law Article prohibiting the sale of such items of CDS Paraphernalia.

On August 30th and 31st, OCPD officers made application for charges for these two business owners with the Ocean City District Court Commissioner and received charges for possession and distribution of CDS Paraphernalia.

Ocean City Police had previously met with both men in June 2012, and furnished them with a 15-page packet containing the Maryland Criminal Law Article governing CDS Paraphernalia, with explanations and examples of what constituted CDS paraphernalia.

The Ocean City Police Department will continue its strict enforcement of all laws related to the illegal possession and distribution of controlled dangerous substance and associated paraphernalia.  Persons and or businesses involved in the use, sale or possession of these illegal substances, will be charged with these violations and prosecuted.

Ocean City Police Department New Release

Legislative Updates From Delegate Mike McDermott

Taking Back the Truth-"thoughts on the democrat convention"

Taking Back the Truth
by Delegate Michael A. McDermott

I always got a chuckle out of the “Honest Abe” commercial where Mrs. Lincoln asks her husband the age old question, “does this dress make me look fat?”  Fast forward to this past week when Governor O’Malley was asked, “Can you honestly say that Americans are better off today than they were 4-years ago?” O’Malley gave an Honest Abe response...”No, we’re not better off...”

The reaction by his party, and his subsequent efforts to take back those words, offer a revealing look at the Democratic leadership. When your man is the President and has not moved the country “forward” as promised, you have two options: lie, or take responsibility. Their choice is quite clear.

Ironically, within his party, the governor’s only sin was stating the truth. The governor would spend days walking back the truth to the satisfaction of those who wish to live in an alternate universe where good is evil an evil is good.

The president’s policies have not led us “forward”. On the night of his acceptance speech, our national debt passed $16 trillion. His own Dept. of Labor reports that we have only recovered 300 thousand  jobs during his term, not the 4.5 million with which the president seeks to cloak himself.

I listened to a speech that was to be pragmatic with direction and I heard a retreaded “Hope and Change”. The president said he had “changed” during the past 4-years, yet this is where he and Bill Clinton part company. Clinton accepted the winds which were afforded him and set his sail accordingly. Obama will not change his tack preferring to command the wind.

We all suffer from leadership that will not take responsibility (“The Buck Stops Here!). If you cannot accept that your policies have failed, you will not change direction and our countrymen will continue to suffer. When you cannot create your own wind, that’s when the whip and oars come out as you determine to tax and regulate your way “forward”. Marylanders know all too well how increased taxes and a punitive regulatory environment are not the pathway of prosperity.

Tears and emotional pleas will not fuel our economy. False narratives and fear mongering are a pitiful way to ask Americans to give you another 4-years “to get things right”.

Governor O’Malley had a brief moment of clarity, but it passed him by when he would not embrace it. When that moment comes for you, don’t be afraid to say, “The Emperor has no clothes”.

Pocomoke City Downtown Fall Festival ~ Vendors Welcome ~

Both food & non-food vendors are still welcome for our Downtown Fall Festival.

Forms available from DEADLINE:  SEPTEMBER 15

**Market Street from Second Street to Front Street will be closed off!** 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Westover Moose Lodge #2431 ~ FUNDRAISER~

COMING SOON To The Delmarva Discovery Center

Worcester County Maryland Library ~ Pocomoke City Branch

Pocomoke Branch September Programs

Adult Knit/Crochet Group An informal monthly group for people who love to knit or crochet to gather and share ideas, patterns and projects.
Monday, September 17th @ 11:00 am

Family Game Day
 Grab the family and come to the library to play all of the old family classic board games
Saturday, September 22nd @ 9:00am

Movie & Craft: The Avengers
The movie that dominated box offices all around the world. Come watch it at the library and make an Avengers related craft.
Tuesday, September 25th @ 4:00 p.m.

Litwits: an informal adult reading groupAn informal discussion of recommended titles, authors and genres. Come share your favorites. Refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, September 25th @ 11:00am

Rocket Launches Scheduled September 8-15 From Wallops Island

Two Terrier-Lynx suborbital rockets are scheduled for launch September 8 -15 for the Department of Defense from NASA’s launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

Based on the approved range schedule, the first rocket is scheduled between 8 and 10 p.m., September 8. The backup launch days are September 11 and 12.

Visibility map for Terrier-Lynx Launch
The second rocket is scheduled for launch between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m., September 15. The rockets may be visible to residents in the mid-Atlantic region.

These launches will not be shown live on the Internet nor will launch status updates be provided once the countdown begins. The NASA Visitor Center will not be open for viewing the launches.

For more information:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... 1915 Article Recalls Vanished Glory Of Eastern Shore Cooking.

The year is 1915 and Dr. Fulton, who travels the peninsula, laments the fact that some old Eastern Shore cooking favorites are disappearing. "A number of dishes are almost lost in oblivion."
Read about it this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Mother Removes Children From School Due To Bonus Question On Test

This is just ridiculous, this mom pulls her children from school to home school them because she thinks a bonus question on a test that ask "who the Reindeer are?" is instilling Christian beliefs. 

WHAT? Since when did "Reindeer" have anything what-so-ever to do with religion or religious beliefs? Reindeer?

From what she says in the video about being called in to the school office repeatedly... it sounds like to me that a little religious installation wouldn't hurt her little juvenile delinquent in the first place.

Congressman Scott Rigell to Hold Town Hall Meetings On Eastern Shore Friday

Congressman Scott Rigell is scheduled to be on the Eastern Shore this Friday  -September 7, 2012- to hold a series of town hall meetings.

Looking to bolster a re-election after his first term, Rigell will hold the first meeting at the Chincoteague Council Chambers at 10:00 AM, a second town hall be in the town of Onancock on the town lawn at noon and the final will be at Rayfield's Pharmacy in Cape Charles at 2:30 PM.

The public is welcome to attend.

Congressman Rigell is racing Democratic Challenger Paul Hirschbiel, a businessman from Virginia Beach who is the owner of the venture capital firm Eden Capital.


Obama's Citizen Kill List Goes Mainstream - Drone Kills 16 Year Old American!

New Humane Society Helpline

The Humane Society of the United States
just launched a helpline for those who have questions about the recent court ruling in Maryland involving pit bull-type dogs.
Please share this message, and if you have questions call 1-855-MDDOGS1

Wall Street Journal: Oh My, O'Malley

Oh My, O'Malley

Anyone who watched his speech last night at the Democratic conventionknows that Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley is an unflinching critic of Republicans and defender of President Obama's record. But what about Mr. O'Malley's record?

"Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan now say they want to take America back. And so we ask: Back to what? Back to the failed policies that drove us into a deep recession? Back to the days of record job losses?" said the governor, who is expected to run for president in 2016. "No, thank you. I don't want to go back."

Yet Mr. O'Malley's own record as a job creator and champion of fiscal responsibility is spotty at best. He tends to embellish his
performance as governor with selective facts. When I criticized him
for falling short of Virginia and other states in the region on most
measures of progress, the governor fired back with a press release
filled with ad hominem attacks and cherry-picked statistics. That's
par for the course, Maryland political watchers tell me.

But the facts are tough to dance around despite Mr. O'Malley's best
efforts. Maryland has lagged behind Virginia in job growth since 2007.  During the first six months of this year, Maryland has lost jobs compared to gains in both Virginia and Pennsylvania. The political group Change Maryland notes that he has raised taxes or fees 24 times as governor. And Ohio, under Republican Gov. John Kasich's reforms, is now rated as more pro-business than Maryland.

 Mr. O'Malley's fiscal record is a bust, too. His press office says
that he "has cut more state spending than any governor in Maryland's history—$8 billion." But Change Maryland says that "nobody understands where this number comes from." Its research shows that the state budget expanded to $35.5 billion today from $28.8 billion in 2007 .

"With our lagging economic performance and record tax increases, the evidence grows by the day that Maryland is falling behind other
states," says Larry Hogan of Change Maryland. With this record,
Republicans think that Mr. O'Malley is the ideal spokesman for Mr.

Suicidal Subject Subdued By Ocean City Police

On September 1, 2012, at approximately 9:55 p.m. Ocean City Police responded to the area of 2109 Philadelphia Avenue to check on the welfare of an unknown male subject.  Citizens called police after the man, whose name is not being released, was initially acting disorderly but had since walked away from the area and passed out in a vehicle that was parked at the above address.

Officers met with the male, who appeared to be highly intoxicated, and learned that he had been arguing with his girlfriend and was upset over the altercation.  The subject suddenly produced a folding knife from within the vehicle, opened it and held it to his own throat.  Officers immediately established a perimeter around the vehicle, restricting the vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the area. 

While attempting to negotiate with the male, he pulled the knife away from his body but was still holding it in his hand.  During this time, an officer equipped with an Electronic Control Device (ECD) seized the opportunity to deploy his ECD into the subject.  The subject experienced neuro-muscular incapacitation and dropped the knife. 

At this time, officers were able to pull the subject from the vehicle and take him into custody.  Despite the impact sites from the ECD probes, the subject was not injured during this incident.   He was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC) for an emergency evaluation and also received treatment to remove the ECD probes, which had become imbedded when he fell. 

While at PRMC, the subject made statements that he intended to commit “suicide by cop” but the officers’ actions stopped him before he got the opportunity.  This incident was successfully resolved through the use of the ECD.  Since February 2012, Ocean City Police officers have had 10 uses of the new weapon. 

Ocean City Police Press Release

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan on Martin O'Malley's DNC Remarks

Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan on Martin O'Malley's DNC Remarks:

Annapolis - "Governor O’Malley talks a lot about 'moving forward' but here in Maryland his policies have slammed us into reverse and have us stuck in a ditch.

If Governor O'Malley worked in a bipartisan manner in his six years in office, state government would have made the tough choices needed to restore economic performance. Instead, he criticizes others and relishes partisan attack-dog politics rather than focusing on the hard work of governing.

"Under Martin O'Malley, Maryland lags behind our region in attracting jobs, businesses and those who pay taxes. Make no mistake, modern investments in a modern economy is just code language for more tax-and-spend governing like we have had here in Maryland."

Change Maryland is the state's largest non-partisan grass roots
citizen's organization.


Pocomoke City Gets New VA Outpatient Clinic

When the Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic opened its doors 12 years ago, it had one doctor and one nurse working just one day a week.  Over the years, the staff has more than tripled and operating hours grew to five days per week.  As the staff and Veteran population increased, the need for a larger space became evident. 

On Saturday, August 18, 2012,  VA Maryland Health Care System Director Dennis H. Smith, Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic staff, local dignitaries and over 70 Veterans joined to cut the ribbon and celebrate the opening of the new Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic at 1701 Pocomoke Marketplace, Unit 211 in Pocomoke City.   The clinic currently serves more than 1,500 Veterans in Worcester, Wicomico, and Somerset Counties on Maryland’s Lower Eastern Shore and Accomack and Northampton Counties in Virginia.

The Pocomoke VA Outpatient Clinic provides the following services:
  • Primary Care
  • Medication Management
  • Anti-Coagulation Clinic
  • Mental Health Care
  • Comprehensive Diabetes Care
  • Telehealth Clinics
  • Preventive Health Care
  • Women’s Health Care
  • Education Services
  • Referrals for Specialty Care Services
Veterans on the Lower Eastern Shore can enroll for VA health care at the Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic by bringing a copy of their DD-214, a photo I.D., and financial information from the previous calendar year to facilitate the enrollment process.

Veterans may also enroll for VA health care by calling the Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic at 1-866-441-0287 or 410-957-6718.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Seeking Help In Identifying Subject

The Worcester County Sheriffs Office is currently investigating several thefts that have occurred in the southern portion of Worcester County and in the Pocomoke City area.

Below is a photo of a person of interest.

The Worcester County Sheriff's Office would like the public's help in identifying the male subject in the picture.

Please contact the Sheriffs Office at 410 632 1112  if you can help identify the subject in the picture or if you have any information regarding the thefts that are occurring in Pocomoke City area.

As always you may remain anonymous.

Deputy investigating the thefts is D.F.C. Trotter.

"Voter Suppression" In Last Snow Hill Election To Be Investigated

Somerset Prosecutor To Probe Snow Hill Election Allegations
By Staff Writer Travis Brown
SNOW HILL -- Investigations into accounts of voter suppression during the last Snow Hill election in May have been transferred to Somerset County State’s Attorney Daniel W. Powell, despite the protests of the man bringing the claims.

“We would have preferred that our State’s Attorney investigated the matter,” said Edward S. Lee, a member of the Snow Hill Circle of Leaders who is spearheading the request for an investigation.

Lee asserted that the “outcome of this decision could have statewide implications” and should have been handled by someone familiar with the area that is also known by the community.

“I do not know the State’s Attorney in Somerset County; I do not know what he stands for or his beliefs,” said Lee.

Lee has accused Snow Hill’s recently-elected Mayor Charlie Dorman of “voter suppression” including stuffing campaign literature into absentee ballots, unauthorized surveillance of voters and intercepting and interfering with leaflets from a local church and using them to self-promote his bid at election.

For his part, Dorman declined to comment on Lee’s accusations at the time, only saying that he was willing to wait for the investigation to “run its course” and doesn’t expect any wrongdoing to be confirmed.

“When it comes back it will prove, I’ve done nothing wrong,” Dorman said.

"Good Neighbor Day" At Enchanted Florist

Today is GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY at Enchanted Florist in downtown Pocomoke

At Enchanted Florist, we're hoping to bring the "Good Neighbor" spirit to Pocomoke City

FTD has been the national sponsor of the event for 17 + years.

What is Good Neighbor Day?

It originated in 1994 by an FTD Florist, and continues to be a day of celebration of friendship and goodwill for everyone!

Visit the Enchanted Florist
Wednesday, September 5th,
 receive a dozen flowers (while supplies last) when you bring in a minimum of 5 non-perishable food, paper or hygiene products.

You keep one flower for yourself and give the others away to 11 different people.
Photo Enchanted Florist

All donations will be given to the Samaritan Shelter, in Pocomoke City.

So, be a "Good Neighbor" and contribute to the community and make someone smile with a flower!!

We will open at 6:30 a.m. until they are gone.

Maryland Court Did Not Define What They Think A "Pit Bull" Is

High-Altitude Suborbital Rocket Launch Rescheduled

Due to required additional testing of the payload, the launch attempt for September 5, 2012 has been scrubbed.

The next attempt will be September 6.

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA – NASA will conduct a test flight of a Talos-Terrier-Oriole suborbital sounding rocket between 7 and 10 a.m., September 5, from the agency’s launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

This will be the first flight of this launch vehicle which is being developed, using motors that currently exist in the sounding rocket fleet, to support high altitude space science research.

The backup launch day is September 6.

Chuck Brodell, project manager with the Wallops sounding rocket programs office, said, “One of the main objectives of this mission is to develop alternative high altitude vehicle three and four stage configurations that will augment the current NASA stable of suborbital research vehicles. In addition we will test several new hardware developments as well as flight support systems.”

This will be the first flight of the Oriole motor as a third stage for the NASA Sounding Rocket Program and the first flight of the Terrier as a second stage.

The 3-stage, 65-foot tall vehicle is projected to lift its 1,664 pound payload to approximately 176 miles above the Earth. After a 10 minute flight, the payload is expected land in the Atlantic Ocean about 300 miles off the Wallops Island coast. The payload will not be recovered.

The launch may be visible to observers on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, the three lower counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and southern Delaware.

The NASA Visitor Center at the Wallops Flight Facility will open at 6 a.m. on launch day for public viewing.

The mission will be available live on Ustream beginning at 6 a.m. on launch day at:

Mission status on launch day also can be followed on Twitter and Facebook at: and

Mission status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.

Change Maryland on O'Malley's Criticism of OH Gov. John Kasich

Change Maryland on O'Malley's Criticism of Gov. John KasichOhio Creates 3 Times More Jobs Than Maryland Under Kasich

Annapolis - Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley continued his series of attacks of other elected officials yesterday, saying Ohioans should have "buyers remorse" in electing Ohio Governor John Kasich in 2010.  The records between the two Governors could not be more stark - Ohio has produced three times the jobs Maryland has since Kasich took office.  In state rankings, the cost of doing business in Maryland is mired in the 40's whereas Ohio is now sixth in the nation.

"Martin O'Malley's serial attacks on Governors with better records than his, continues the pattern of deception that we're all too familiar with here at home," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "John Kasich has done a tremendous job turning Ohio's economy around in a very short period of time. We can't say the same thing for Martin O'Malley who has been in office four years longer and who rightfully admitted that we're not better off before backtracking on his comments."

Under Governor Martin O'Malley's tenure since 2007, taxes and fees have been raised 24 times, removing an additional $2.4 billion from the economy annually.  The results speak for themselves where Maryland leads the region in lost jobs, businesses and taxpayers.

"Martin O'Malley is managing the decline of Maryland;  John Kasich is restoring Ohio's economic performance,"  said Hogan.


"(O'Malley) used his speech to the Ohio delegation Monday to link Romney and Kasich, blast them and praise former Gov. Ted Strickland, who may be running for the job again in two years."

“If there’s one place to find buyer’s remorse, it’s Ohio,” O’Malley said. "O’Malley: Ohioans Should Know Better Than Most What Romney Would Do"

Background / Economy:


Ohio has created three times more jobs than Maryland since January of 2011.

MD: 37,300

OH: 122,500

BLS: Data extracted on: September 4, 2012

Business climate:

Maryland is mired in the 40's but drastic improvement in Ohio.


MD: Cost of Doing Business: 42

OH: Cost of Doing Business: 6

CNBC "America's Top States for Business"


MD: Cost of Doing Business: 43

OH: Cost of Doing Business: 29

CNBC "America's Top States for Business"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Heroin Distribution Investigation Leads To Arrest

In July 2012, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team began a Heroin distribution investigation and identified Tony Lamont Mills, Age 32, of Berlin, Maryland who was distributing Heroin throughout Northern Worcester County. During the course of this investigation several purchases of Heroin were made from Mills. As this investigation progressed, an undercover Detective from the Criminal Enforcement Team was able to conduct two hand to hand purchases of Heroin directly from Mills on two separate occasions. It should be noted that during one of these hand to hand purchases of Heroin, Mills conducted this transaction while holding an infant child on his chest. It was also learned that Mills was also wanted on a Parole Retake Warrant from the Department of Corrections and a Violation of Probation Warrant from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office. The Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit assisted the Criminal Enforcement Team throughout this investigation.

As a result of this investigation, Detectives authored a search and seizure warrant for a residence located on Elizabeth Street, Berlin, Maryland, where Mills was residing. On August 31, 2012, members of the Criminal Enforcement Team executed this search and seizure warrant utilizing the Berlin Police Department SWAT Team. Mills was subsequently apprehended while attempting to hide in a closet inside of the residence. A search of the residence revealed 6.8 grams of marijuana and additional six bags of Heroin along with a loaded .32 caliber revolver. A total of 28 bags of Heroin was recovered over the course of this investigation totaling approximately 2.8 grams. Mills is prohibited from owning and/or possessing a firearm as a result of a previous conviction of a disqualifying crime. This loaded .32 Caliber handgun was located in the closet where Mills was taken into custody. Additional items of evidentiary value was also seized from the residence. Mills was subsequently transported to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office where he was charged with the following offenses:

On View Charges:

·         Possession of Marijuana – 1Ct.
·         Possession of Heroin – 3 Cts.
·         Possession with intent to Distribute Heroin – 1 Ct.
·         Distribution of Heroin – 2 Cts.
·         CDS – Possession of a firearm – 1Ct.
·         Firearm – Possession with felony conviction – 1Ct.
·         Firearm in relation to drug trafficking crime – 1Ct.
·         Illegal possession of a firearm – 1 Ct.

     Committed to the Worcester Co. Jail - $55,000.00 Bond


·         Violation of Probation – $25,000.00 Bond
·         D.O.C. Parole Retake – Lodged as a detainer

     The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted during the execution of this search and seizure warrant by the Berlin Police Department SWAT Team, Berlin Police Department Canine Division, Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Virginia Has New Pesticide Website

The state has launched a website to assist homeowners, gardeners and others on the safe use of pesticides.

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services created the site after staff in its office of pesticide services concluded a lot of misinformation on pesticides needs correcting.

Commissioner Matt Lohr said the website will be useful to anyone who has applied a pesticide to their lawn to kill weeds or insects. Farmers and groundskeepers can also find value in the Virginia Pesticide Safety website.

To access the site, visit

" afternoon with the Mar-Va" ~ Get Your Tickets

"Good Neighbor Day" At Enchanted Florist Pocomoke



Wednesday  September 5, 2012

Receive a dozen flowers (while supplies last) when you bring in a minimum of 5 non-perishable food, paper or hygiene products.

You keep one flower for yourself and give the others away to 11 different people.

ALL donations go to the
Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke City.

So, be a "Good Neighbor" and contribute to the community and make someone smile with a flower!!
Open at 6:30 a.m. until they are gone.

Just look for the balloons !!!

NASA Testing High-Altitude Suborbital Rocket ~ September 5

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA – NASA will conduct a test flight of a Talos-Terrier-Oriole suborbital sounding rocket between 7 and 10 a.m., September 5, from the agency’s launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

This will be the first flight of this launch vehicle which is being developed, using motors that currently exist in the sounding rocket fleet, to support high altitude space science research.

The backup launch day is September 6.

Chuck Brodell, project manager with the Wallops sounding rocket programs office, said, “One of the main objectives of this mission is to develop alternative high altitude vehicle three and four stage configurations that will augment the current NASA stable of suborbital research vehicles. In addition we will test several new hardware developments as well as flight support systems.”

This will be the first flight of the Oriole motor as a third stage for the NASA Sounding Rocket Program and the first flight of the Terrier as a second stage.

The 3-stage, 65-foot tall vehicle is projected to lift its 1,664 pound payload to approximately 176 miles above the Earth. After a 10 minute flight, the payload is expected land in the Atlantic Ocean about 300 miles off the Wallops Island coast. The payload will not be recovered.

The launch may be visible to observers on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, the three lower counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and southern Delaware.

The NASA Visitor Center at the Wallops Flight Facility will open at 6 a.m. on launch day for public viewing.

The mission will be available live on Ustream beginning at 6 a.m. on launch day at:

Mission status on launch day also can be followed on Twitter and Facebook at: and

Mission status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.

Monday, September 3, 2012

State Police Investigate Golf Course Burglary

WESTOVER, Md. - Authorities are looking for information in a burglary. State Police say an undisclosed amount of money was taken from the Great Hope Golf Course between 7:30 Sunday night and 6 AM Monday.

 If you know anything regarding this incident call Maryland State Police at 443-260-3700.


Martin O'Malley Fact Check: Top 10 False Assertions

Martin O'Malley Fact Check: Top 10 False AssertionsMaryland Governor's Self-Described Economic Record Riddled with Errors, Falsehoods, Omissions For Immediate Release

Contact: Jim Pettit


Annapolis - The O'Malley Administration's top ten assertions this year about state finances, jobs and taxes contained 19 false or misleading statements according to Change Maryland. The grassroots citizen organization utilized federal government sources and other non-partisan information in making this determination.

"As Governor Martin O'Malley prepares to lecture the nation on the economy this week in Charlotte, and to criticize a Presidential nominee, the U.S. House of Representatives and other Governors, Change Maryland would like to call attention to some actual facts about O'Malley's record here at home," said Chairman Larry Hogan. "We are seeing a pattern of deception from the governor here that must be taken into account on the national stage."

This is the first among many Administration assertions Change Maryland will analyze in a periodic and much-needed fact-checking process.

Listed below are Martin O'Malley's Top 10 false and misleading assertions followed by Change Maryland's clarifications and corrections.

State Finances

1. Martin O'Malley: "In fact, to achieve balance over the last three years, we have relied almost entirely on cuts."Governor O'Malley State of the State Address, 2012

Change Maryland: From 2007 to 2012, O'Malley raised taxes and fees 24 times, removing an additional $2.4 billion annually from the Maryland economy.

Fact Sheet: Maryland Tax and Fee Increases, 2007-2011

2. Martin O'Malley: "Governor O'Malley has cut more state spending than any governor in Maryland's history - $8 billion."

Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: State spending increased nearly $7 billion from $28.8 billion in 2007 to $35.5 billion today.Maryland House GOP Caucus, 8.2.12

3. Martin O'Malley: "Under Governor O'Malley's leadership, the Administration has been successful in making the tough choices that have protected the State's long history of sound fiscal stewardship..."Office of the Governor, 1.18.12

Change Maryland: Maryland has the second highest debt burden in the region and 13th-highest nationally. As a percentage of state GDP, Maryland's unfunded pension liability combined with other debt is 9.6%. This compares to Virginia, 3.7%; Delaware 4.7% and Pennsylvania 6%.Barron's "State of the States," 8.27.12

4. Martin O'Malley: "According to a recent report by the National Association of State Budget Officers, general fund spending in Maryland decreased between FY2009 and FY2011."

Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: The Administration is citing an old report from 2010, attempting to cherry pick data.

Change Maryland: The most recent 2012 NASBO/NGA report shows Maryland's general fund spending has increased 15.5%, three times the national average, and the highest in the region, between fiscal years 2011 and 2013.Fiscal Survey of the States, Spring 2012


5. Martin O'Malley: "Maryland actually gained 1,700 jobs over the first 6 months of the year while many neighboring states continued to see a decline."Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: Most neighboring states are not seeing a decline. During the first six months of this year, Maryland's job loss compares to a gain of 40,800, Virginia; Pennsylvania, 8,300; the District of Columbia 7,800. Since January of 2007 to present, Maryland has lost three times as many jobs as Virginia and has the second-worst job performance in the region.

Change Maryland: Maryland has lost 6,600 jobs during the first six months of this year. The Administration back-dated BLS data one month to December of 2011, while omitting July, attempting to cherry pick data.

U.S. Dept. of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics:

6. Martin O'Malley: "Maryland is creating jobs at 2 ½ times the rate that Virginia.

Change Maryland: Politifact Virginia found O'Malley's claim to "only approach validity when he gets to cherry-pick the data" and rated his statement false.

Politifact 2.05.12


7. Martin O'Malley: "According to the conservative group Change Maryland, 30,000 taxpayers fled the state for Virginia after Governor O'Malley raised taxes on millionaires in 2007."

Change Maryland: We actually reported that 11,455 Marylanders fled to Virginia during the period in question, the 30,000 included taxpayers who fled Maryland for other states.Change Maryland: Nowhere in CM's tax report is the word "millionaire" mentioned. The Administration is attempting to deflect Maryland's tax flight problem into a class warfare issue where none exists.

Change Maryland Tax Migration Report:

8. Martin O'Malley: "Change Maryland used data that the IRS openly recognizes as incomplete to draw their erroneous conclusions." Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: The IRS does not say the data is "incomplete," openly or otherwise. It includes tax returns filed by late September of the filing (calendar) year which covers 95% to 98% of all returns during the period IRS monitors.

9. Martin O'Malley: "Maryland saw the smallest tax filer change in the region from 2007 to 2010, losing 25% fewer tax filers than Virginia." Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: -The Administration is not citing a source

-According to the IRS, Maryland saw the largest taxpayer exodus of any state in the region, and seventh-highest nationally.

-Delaware, which is also in the region, but omitted from the Governor's statement, saw a net inflow of nearly 7500 residents, according to the IRS.

-The District of Columbia, which is also in the region, but omitted from the Governor's statement, saw a net outflow of just over 1100 residents, according to the IRS.

10. Martin O'Malley: " In Maryland, tax filers decreased only 5.3% from 2007 to 2010 compared to a 7.1% decrease in Virginia, an 8.5% decrease in Pennsylvania, and a 15.5% decrease in West Virginia." Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland:

-The Administration is not citing a source

-According to the IRS, Virginia's net inflow of residents was nearly 30,300.

-According to the IRS, Pennsylvania's net outflow of residents was just over 8200 residents.

-According to the IRS, West Virginia's net inflow of residents was just over 14,600 residents.

Tax Foundation:

IRS Statistics of Income Division:

Change Maryland Tax Study:

MORE Graffiti????

Recent graffiti in the Accomack County area of Jenkins Bridge.

THIS time on the bridge- more taxpayer's money to repaint and on the Verizon equipment that is located in the very same area as where the Jenkins Bridge post office was.

Have A Safe Labor Day.....

I'm going to be enjoying this last "unofficial" day of summer.
I will be back later with some mud bog photos from Saturday and some photos concerning some activities in Accomack County that truly bother alot of taxpaying citizens!

Enjoy your day.  Be safe.

MISSING From Eastern Shore Virginia

**Timothy VanHart HAS BEEN LOCATED**

Timothy VanHart, 15 year old runaway.  Last seen 8:30 PM  Sunday at Ocean Deli - Wallops Island, Virginia.

Thought to be headed to Virginia Beach with people from Exmore, Virginia.

If you have seen Timothy or know where he may be PLEASE contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office OR  
757-894-3469 ~  757-894-5395 ~  757-8947-096.