Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Visits Pocomoke City

Everyone will remember for quite a long time where they were and what they were doing just a few days before the Halloween celebrations in 2012.  I don't remember ever witnessing anything quite like this storm and it is the only the second time in my life I have felt total  fear and helplessness.

The photos below were sent to me by Rob and Donna Clarke, who on the morning of Monday October 29, 2012 until around noon,  ventured outside and around Pocomoke City to take these.

Notice this beautiful tree just beginning to turn into its fall colors.  I wonder what happened to this tree during the storm and if the power lines were torn down by the branches in the wind.

"Beauty Amidst the Fury"
Photo/Rob Clarke

Cypress Park before the storm.  If you have seen the aftermath of Sandy you know conditions got much worse in the park and downtown.  Photo/ Donna Clarke

 Pocomoke City Cypress Park
Photo/Rob Clarke

Looking towards Cypress Park around 11:00 a.m. 
on the 29th day of October. Photo/Rob Clarke

Photo/Rob Clarke

Intersection of Cedar Run and  Holiday Drive.
Water already covering Cedar Street.
Photo/ Donna Clarke

City Crews working during the beginning  of Hurricane Sandy. The city crews  were right back  to work after the storm clearing the city streets of debris.  Photo/Donna Clarke

Eighth Street near EMS
Photo/Rob Clarke

A huge thank you goes to the City crews, the Pocomoke City Police Department and office staff, Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Company and crew who stood by at the fire house over night, EMS, volunteers and anyone else who risked being in harms way in order to keep the city of Pocomoke City and citizens safe.

Pocomoke City Police Dept. ~ Trick-Or-Treat

From Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell
Re: Trick-or-Treat/Candy Scan

The Pocomoke City Police Department will be out in full force on Friday, November 2nd for Halloween Trick or Treat between the hours of 5 PM and 7 PM.  The Pocomoke Police Department will have candy available for all the little ghouls and goblins who wish to stop by our new station at 1500 Market Street and say hello.

Officers on Patrol will also have treats available for the youth while on patrol.  When you see a Pocomoke Police Officer feel free to stop and wave to them, you just might get yourself a super treat to enjoy.  Chief Sewell has also made available a metal detector to scan your Halloween candy if you wish, the scan will be available at the Pocomoke Police Station from the hours of 6 PM to 8 PM.

On behalf of Chief Sewell and the Pocomoke City Police Department we wish everyone a Spooky, fun Halloween Trick or Treat Night.


Storm Photos ~ Sandy~

Power was restored yesterday (Wednesday) to businesses  downtown that had been without electricity since Saturday.  Lusby's, Delmarva Discovery Center, Riverside Grill, and Mar-Va Theater and the Pocomoke drawbridge... maybe more

Downtown Pocomoke
Tuesday Oct. 30, 2012

Tuesday October 30, 2012

Tuesday October 30, 2012
Above:  Beaver Dam Presbyterian Church
This quiet country church has certainly seen high water in its day but I don't know if the waters have ever been this high.  I am seeing water in places I have never seen in my life and certainly higher than I can remember.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... An 1834 Heartfelt Appeal From Snow Hill.

"Fellow Citizens:- The people of Snow Hill have made it our duty to address in behalf of the sorely scourged inhabitants of their unfortunate Village." --- "Not for ourselves, but for others, would we excite your sympathies fellow-citizens, we would not exaggerate, nor give a single color of the picture, for the accuracy of which our community would not vouch."
It's one of the TIME MACHINE items this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!
  Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

A & N Electric Update

Hurricane Sandy Update
November 1, 2012
8:00 AM

Hurricane Sandy restoration continues this morning. There a few scattered services out and crews have been dispatched to repair. IF YOU ARE WITHOUT ELECTRIC SERVICE PLEASE CALL TO INSURE THAT YOU ARE ON OUR RESTORE LIST.

Yesterday, we had a number of cases where leaning trees or broken limbs fell, once again taking down lines. We may continue to experience such storm related outages until we are able to remove the leaning or dangerous trees that were damaged during the storm.

For the most part today crews will be addressing non-outage related issues such as low hanging service wires or limbs on the lines. If you have a low service wire or you see an unsafe condition such as low wires, leaning trees, limbs on the lines, or wires on the ground please call the cooperative at 800-431-2632 or 757-787-9750. Do not approach a low hanging wire or wire on the ground let our trained professionals handle the matter.
We at A&N Electric Cooperative thank you for your patience as we restored service following Hurricane Sandy.

**A huge thank you to those assisting A&N Electric:
ANEC would like to send an extra special THANK YOU to the following cooperatives and contract crews who assisted us during Hurricane Sandy and the aftermath: Northern Neck Electric Cooperative and Southside Electric Cooperative from Virginia; Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative and Appalachian Electric Cooperative from Tennessee; Lauren's Electric Cooperative, Marlboro Electric Cooperative and Horry Electric Cooperative from South Carolina; Rock Creek Line Construction, Inc., out of Maryland; the Georgia Right of Way Cooperative from Georgia; Asphlund, VA, Lewis Tree Service, NY, and C.W. Wright, VA. We appreciate all your help and your dedication to our cooperative and our community.**

Message From Delmarva Discovery Center

Delmarva Discovery Center CLOSED TODAY.

Delmarva Discovery Center Tues. October 30, 2012
Photo BW


While we still have most of the electrical service to the DDC we do not have full power back yet. We also do not have internet access at this time.

 Please call 410-957-9933 if you have questions. We will post again when we are ready to open to the public.


VA. Dept. of Health Warns Of Riskd To Water Supply Due To Storm

Hurricanes, especially if accompanied by a tidal surge or flooding, can contaminate your water supply. Drinking contaminated water may cause illness. Individuals cannot assume that the water in the hurricane-affected area is safe to drink.

If your well has been flooded, it needs to be tested and disinfected after the storm passes and the floodwaters recede. Questions about testing should be directed to the Eastern Shore Health District at (757) 787-5880, (757) 824-6211 or (757) 442-6228.

Water for drinking and cooking
Safe drinking water includes bottled, boiled or treated water. The following are guidelines to ensure your post-storm water supply is safe for use.

Do not use contaminated water to wash dishes, brush your teeth, wash and prepare food or make ice.

Drink only bottled, boiled or treated water until your supply is tested and deemed safe.

Boiling water kills harmful bacteria and parasites. Bringing water to a rolling boil for one minute will kill infectious organisms (germs).

Water may be treated with chlorine by mixing eight drops (1/8 teaspoon; about the size of a dime) of ordinary household bleach (free of fragrances and additives) per gallon of water. Mix the solution thoroughly, and let stand for about 30 minutes. However, this treatment will not kill parasitic organisms that may have entered a flooded well. Iodine tablets available at sporting goods stores may also be used.

Containers for water should be rinsed with a bleach solution before reusing them (one tablespoon bleach per gallon of water). Use water storage tanks and other types of containers with caution. For example, fire truck storage tanks as well as previously used cans or bottles may be contaminated with microbes or chemicals. Do not rely on untested devices for decontaminating water.

How do I fix my well?
It is important to disinfect both well and plumbing water with ordinary household bleach to ensure that all infectious agents are destroyed.

If you have water treatment devices, remove all membranes, cartridges and filters and replace them after the chlorination process is completed. The amount of chlorine determines the length of time you allow the bleach to remain in your system.

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) recommends the following steps to disinfect a contaminated well:

If the water is discolored before adding the bleach, run the water until it is clear for up to 10 minutes.

Turn off and then drain your hot water heater bleach is not effective in water above 105 degrees.

Remove and replace charcoal filters after the disinfecting process is completed.

To avoid adding contamination to the well during disinfection, clean the work area around the top of the well. Then, remove grease and mineral deposits from accessible parts of the well head and flush the outside surfaces with one-half cup of bleach in five gallons of water.

Turn off the pump. Remove the cap or the well plug on the rubber seal. There are many types of well caps and plugs. If you have questions, you should contact a licensed well driller. If you have a submersible pump, you may also want to contact a licensed well driller for advice on disinfection procedures.

The recommended amount of bleach varies depending on the amount of water in the well. However, a half gallon of ordinary unscented household bleach should be adequate for most home wells. Try to coat the sides of the casing as you pour. If you get bleach on the pump or wiring, flush it thoroughly with fresh water to prevent later corrosion.

Re-cap or plug the well opening and wait 30 minutes.

Turn on and, if needed, re-prime the pump. Open all of the faucets on the system one at a time. Allow the water to run until there is a noticeable smell of bleach. You may also want to flush the toilets. If you have outside faucets, you may want to direct the water away from sensitive plants. If you cannot detect a bleach odor, repeat the disinfecting process.

Turn off all of the faucets and allow the bleach to remain in the system for at least four hours, although overnight is preferable.
Backwash water softeners, sand filters and iron removal filters with bleach water.

Again, open all the faucets and run the water until there is no bleach-smell for up to 15 minutes.

After disinfecting your well, the water needs to be tested to verify that it is safe to drink. Although bleach is effective against microorganisms, it will not remove chemical contamination that may have gotten into your well. Contact the Eastern Shore Health District for information about how to get your water tested.

For more information about how to protect yourself and your family before, during and after natural disasters, visit or the Virginia Department of Emergency Managements Web site at For further information, please visit


Get Ready For Bingo!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A & N Electric Update

Press Release #8
Hurricane Sandy Update
October 31, 2012
5:00 PM

The total number of members without service is approximately 200, which has changed little since this morning's update. The vast majority of accounts without service this evening are from new outages. There are a significant number of leaning trees and broken limbs that have fallen throughout the day creating new storm related damage. In this manner, Hurricane Sandy is similar to the December 1998 ice storm which continued creating new outages once the storm had passed.

All service interruptions that were created during the Hurricane on Monday should be restored by the end of today. New service interruptions caused by falling limbs or trees will be addressed as they are received. If you see a tree leaning toward the electric lines or spot a broke limb that might fall and damage the electric line please let us know. Should you find a low hanging or fallen wire please stay away from the wire and call the cooperative at 800-431-2632 or 757-787-9750.

We at A&N Electric Cooperative thank you for your patience as we restore service following Hurricane Sandy.

**Thank you for the awesome job, and for what is continued being done on Virginia Eastern Shore  by A & N and out of town electric crews** jmmb  

Trick Or Treat Announcements From Local Towns

The following are the announced plans for local Trick or Treating this evening:

Cape Charles will be having trick or treating tonight and the curfew is 8:00 PM

Chincoteague will be having trick or treating from 1:00-5:00 PM on Saturday due to unsafe conditions.

Eastville will be having trick or treating

Exmore will be having trick or treating tonight and the curfew is 8:00 PM

Onancock is having trick or treating tonight and the curfew for children under 12 is 8:00 PM

Onley is having trick or treating and the curfew is 8:00 PM

Parksley will be having trick or treating this evening from 5:00-8:00 PM

Pocomoke City, Md. will be having trick or treating Friday evening from 5:00-7:00 PM for children 12 and under
Saxis will have trick or treating this evening

Bloxom will have trick or treating until 8:00 PM and a Trunk or Treat is planned at the Firehouse from 5:00-7:00 PM

Wachapreague has postponed trick or treating until Friday from 6:00-8:30 PM

Crisfield trick or treating is planned to take place tonight

Painter will have trick or treating tonight 5-8

WESR is still awaiting on word from Painter, Hallwood, Tangier and Melfa. We will report as soon as we hear.

If you would like to report your town's policy on Trick or Treating in the wake of Hurricane Sandy please call WESR at 787-3200.

Important Announcement From The Mar-Va Theater

Important Announcement
Since the Mar-Va is currently without electricity, we will be unable to show Night of the Living Dead this evening. Hurricane Sandy also affected the shipping routes for this weekend's film, Trouble With The Curve.

The good news is that we are planning to show a children's movie on Friday night at 7:30 PM and Night of the Living Dead on Saturday night at 7 PM. Friday's movie will be announced soon.

Thank you for understanding and please spread the word!

For any questions, please email

We appreciate your business.

Trick-R-Treating Rescheduled

From the office of Mayor Bruce Morrison

Trick or treating  for Wednesday  October 31 is rescheduled due to unsafe conditions on some streets. But not to disappoint the little Ghosts and Goblins Trick or Treating is rescheduled to Friday November 2 from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Suspects Sought In Salisbury Double Shooting /Reward Offered For Information

(SALISBURY, MD) – State and local police are searching for multiple suspects who were involved in a Wicomico County robbery and shooting last night in which two young men sustained life threatening injuries.

The victims are a 23-year-old male and a 16-year-old male, both of whom lived in the 1000-block of Margaret Street, in Salisbury, Md. Both victims sustained gunshot wounds. They are not being identified at this time for safety reasons.

The suspects are described as African American males, believed to be in their teens or early twenties. Two suspects were armed with guns. The armed suspects were part of a larger group of about six to eight suspects who were at or near the scene when the shootings occurred.

Shortly after 11:30 p.m. yesterday, officers from the Salisbury Police Department responded to the 1000-block of Margaret Street for a report of a shooting. When officers arrived, they found both victims lying wounded on or near the front porch of the home. Medic units responded and transported both victims to a hospital, where they remain in critical condition.

Salisbury Police Department Chief Barbara Duncan contacted the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit and requested it take the lead in the investigation. The Homicide Unit is being assisted by the Salisbury Police Department Criminal Investigation Division and the Wicomico County Bureau of Investigation. Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matt Maciarello and his staff have been on the scene throughout the night and are assisting investigators.

The preliminary investigation indicates the victims were on their front porch about 11:30 p.m. yesterday, when a group of six to eight African American males were walking down the street. Four of those males separated from the group and walked toward the victims. Two of those four males approached the victims and demanded money. Both of those suspects were armed. The shootings occurred during the robbery.

Crime scene technicians processed the scene and investigators spent the night interviewing people in the area. Those interviews will continue today as police canvass the neighborhood to develop leads.

Anyone with information about the suspects, or who may have seen suspicious persons or circumstances in the area late last night, is urged to contact police immediately. The Wicomico County Crime Solvers organization is offering a $2,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in this case. Persons with information are urged to call Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776, or the Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165, or the Maryland State Police at 410-749-3101. Callers may remain anonymous.

Maryland State Police Press Release

Riverside Grill Is OPEN

OCTOBER 29, 2012

-Tomato Florentine Soup w/ grilled cheese 5.99
-Cajun Shrimp Caesar Wrap w/ fries 8.99
-Shepherd's Pie 7.99

-Taco Salad 6.99


-Crab Pizza 9.99
-Chili Nachos 5.99

4 TO 7 PM
1/2 price apetizers and import beer

$4 Hurricanes all week!

Crew Rescued From Tall Ship Off Hatteras - Two Stilll Missing

Portsmouth, Va. – The Coast Guard rescued 14 people from life rafts and two more remain missing off of Hatteras after abandoning the tall ship HMS Bounty in Hurricane Sandy’s rough seas.

Two MH-60 Jayhawk helicopters from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C., rescued the crew.

The first Jayhawk crew arrived on scene at approximately 6:30 a.m. and hoisted five people into the aircraft, and a second helicopter arrived and rescued nine people.

The 14 rescued are being flown to Air Station Elizabeth City where they will be met by emergency medical services personnel.

A C-130 Hercules aircraft remains on scene and is searching for the two missing crewmembers and a third Jayhawk is en route to assist search and rescue efforts.

The 16 people donned cold water survival suits and life jackets before launching in two 25-man lifeboats with canopies.

Coast Guard Sector North Carolina initially received a call from the owner of the 180-foot, three mast tall ship, HMS Bounty, saying she had lost communication with the vessel’s crew late Sunday evening.

The Coast Guard 5th District command center in Portsmouth subsequently received a signal from the emergency position indicating radio beacon registered to the Bounty, confirming the distress and position.

An air crew from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City launched aboard an HC-130 Hercules aircraft, which established communications with the Bounty’s crew.

The vessel was taking on water and was without propulsion in 40 mph winds and 18-foot seas.

The Bounty is a replica of the original HMS Bounty, and was built in 1960 for the MGM movie version of Mutiny on the Bounty, which starred Marlon Brando. The Bounty has appeared in many films and documentaries, including Treasure Island, Yellowbeard, Sponge Bob, Square Pants, the Movie, and Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean – Dead Man’s Chest.


Probable Path of Storm Center


Please take note-

Pocomoke Animal Hospital is CLOSED today.

Food Lion is CLOSED.

Cancellations, Postponements and Delays- Virginia


I will keep this post up to date as long as I can throughout the weekend.

No work at Perdue.

NASA Wallops will be closed to all but esstntial personnel today.

Northampton County Public Schools will be closed on Monday, October 29th and Tuesday, October 30th, 2012.

The Northampton County Waste Collection Centers will be closed on Sunday, October 28th, 2012 and Monday, October 29th, 2012.

Accomack County Schools will be closed Monday and Tuesday

Simply Storage located in Wattsville next to Ray's Shanty is offering high ground storage of cars and boat trailers at no charge during the storm. call 854-4400 or 301-325-6468 for more information.

Accomack County will close all Solid Waste Convenience Centers and landfills all day Monday and Tuesday. They will reopen at the earliest opportunity.

The Dialysis Center will be closed on Monday. If you're scheduled for Monday contact the Dialysis Center for a Sunday appointment.
Northampton Circuit Court and clerks office closed Monday

Trash Collection for the Town of Parksley cancelled for Tuesday the 30th. Will be collected on Wed the 31st

Bingo at the Elks Lodge in Accomac has been cancelled for tonight.

Belle Croft School in Accomack. (Miss Jean's)

Volney Hall of Eastville Closed.

Mosher Physical Therapy Closed.

Eastern Shore Community College Closed

Riverside Shore Cardiac Rehabilitation and outpatient cardiology testing at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital will be closed on Monday.

Accomack General District Court will be closed Monday.

Riverside Shore Home Health in Onley.

The USDA Service Center in Accomac will be closed Monday October 29, 2012. H.L. Kellam Jr.

All Accomack County offices closed Mon and Tues.

Voter registrar's office in Accomac closed Mon and Tues.

The Eastern Shore Community Services Board will be closed tomorrow. Residential workers report as usual.

New Revina will be closed Monday.

Broadwater Academy Closed Monday and Tuesday

The Eastern Shore YMCA in Onley will be closed Monday.

Star Transit will not run Monday.

ANPDC Regional Housing Aurhoity and the Va. HousingAlliance wb closed Mon

The Chincoteague Island Library will be closed Monday and Tuesday.

District 4 Probation and Parole will be closed Mon.

ESAAA will be closed Monday.

Attitudes Fitness will be closed Monday

Northampton Circuit Court and clerks office closed Monday

St Paul on the Shore Lutheran School will be closed Monday.

Trash Collection for the Town of Parksley cancelled for Tuesday the 30th. Will be collected on Wed the 31st.

In anticipation of the effects of Sandy, the Accomack County Convenience Centers and landfills will be closed Monday and Tuesday, October 29 and 30.  Will reopen when storm is over.
Accomack County schools will be closed Monday and Tuesday, October 29th and 30th due to weather conditions associated with Hurricane Sandy.

The Eastern Shore Rural fundraiser to be held at Bill's Seafood on Chincoteague on Sunday has been canceled.

The Fall Social at Kegogank Elementary School has been cancelled and rescheduled for Friday November 2.
Youth football scheduled for Saturday at Nandua High School has been canceled.

Antoich Baptist Church has canceled its Gloria E. Johnson Cancer Fund Program for Saturday.

The Exmore Moose Lodge "Wicked Woods" is still ON for tonight.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Message From Mayor Bruce Morrison

From Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison

Pocomoke City Hall will be CLOSED Monday October 29, 2012.

ALL other city departments will be working.

If you do not have to work tomorrow please stay off the roads if at all possible.

This will enable the city crews to their job.

Thank you.
Mayor Bruce Morrison

Preparing For The Storm...

Oak Hall, Virginia
Sunday Afternoon,  October 28, 2012

Most of you will recognize these two popular  places.

Food Lion

Photo BW

Photo BW

T'S Corner

Photo BW
Photo BW

If you must be out please travel safely.

Accomack County Shelters OPEN

Accomack County will be opening emergency shelters at the following locations at 2:00 pm on Sunday, October 28, 2012.

Nandua Middle School 26350 Lankford Hwy, Onley
Arcadia Middle School 29485 Horsey Road, Oak Hall

These shelters are emergency shelters for the general population and are meant as a last resort. They are for keeping you safe during the hurricane not long term sheltering. Food will not be served.

Cots will not be provided. Emergency shelters should only be used if you are unable to find a safe location to stay with family or friends. You should bring everything needed to be self sustaining for three days.

Things to bring to the emergency shelter:

Photo Identification - All adults must have photo identification and all adults must sign in their complete family upon arrival to the shelter.

Bedding items

Personal hygiene items

Nonperishable food

Manual can opener if bringing canned foods

Bottled water

Special needs food if applicable

Baby items if applicable

Change of clothing

Quiet entertainment such as reading materials and games

Medications - If you have a medical condition and/or take prescription medication please notify the shelter at the time of registration

A way home if you arrive in something other than your personal vehicle, be sure you and your family have a way to depart the shelter when it closes

Things NOT to bring to the emergency shelter

Cooking utensils

Expensive personal items (you will be responsible for your personal items - the shelter is not responsible for lost or stolen items)

Pets please make sure your pets can be safely cared for elsewhere before you come to the shelter

Electronic games that are not battery powered

Loud music




General Guidelines:

Smoking is NOT permitted inside the shelter at any time

Parents are responsible for controlling the actions of their children

Children are never to be left unattended

Noise levels should be kept to a minimum at all times

Everyone needs to be courteous to others

If these guidelines are not followed, you may be asked to leave the shelter. If you decide to leave the shelter before the emergency has ended, you will not be allowed back into the shelter.

From the Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Company -

The Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co. will have volunteer duty crews staffing equipment at the firehouse beginning at 9pm tonight and lasting until deemed no longer necessary.

If you need to report an emergency please utilize 911 phone services as personnel may not always be available in station if answering alarms. If non emergent communication is desired our phone number is 4109572310.

Please take all precautions you can to stay safe during this event!

Thanks so much for caring about  the safety of the town and citizens. PPE

Evacuations Declared In Worcester County

SNOW HILL, Md.- The Worcester County Commissioners have declared a local state of emergency and have ordered waterfront property owners to evacuate due to imminent threats from Hurricane Sandy. This includes all properties in the West Ocean City area, the communities of Cape Isle of Wight, Mystic Harbour, Snug Harbor, The Landings and Assateague Point.

 Also included in this are South Point, anything east of the parkway in Ocean Pines and all other waterfront properties throughout Worcester County due to anticipated flooding. Current forecasts call for between 8 and 10 inches of rain with prolonged, strong winds between 40 to 45 miles per hour sustained and gusts of 60 mph, increasing the likelihood of structural damages, downed trees and power outages that are anticipated to continue for extended periods of several days or more.

County shelters will open at 1 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28. These shelters include Stephen Decatur High School, Snow Hill High School and Pocomoke High School, and the pet-friendly shelters Stephen Decatur Middle School, Animal Control in Snow Hill and Pocomoke High School. Pet owners must provide their own carriers and food.

People with special needs requiring shelter or assistance should contact the Worcester County Health Department at (410) 632-1100 and then press 8.

Worcester County Emergency Services warns residents that the county will experience historic flooding, including water in homes, along with significant rainfall and prolonged strong winds regardless of where Hurricane Sandy makes landfall.

Riverside Grill Sunday Specials



-Seafood Gumbo w/ 1/2 deli sandwich or side salad 6.99
-Shepherd's Pie 7.99

-Taco Salad 6.99
-1 chili cheese dog w/ fries 4.99 or 2 dogs 6.99
-Crab Cake Caesar Salad 16.99

Crab Pizza 9.99
Chili Nachos 5.99

Happy Hour All Day!

$2.50 mimosas and bloody marys
$1.50 domestic drafts
$5 bombs

TIME MACHINE ... Blizzard's Saloon on Fox's Island.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

October, 1886

(The Boston Sunday Globe)


And How Maryland and Virginia Prohibitionists are Fighting it.

Baltimore, Md., Oct 9.- The Prohibitionists of both Maryland and Virginia have tried in vain to reach with the law the flourishing saloon of John B. Blizzard on Fox's island. The only house on this little tract of land, which is located seven miles from Crisfield, is the residence and saloon of Blizzard, who is reaping a fortune on his sale of "bottled lightning" to the oystermen. The spot is partly in Maryland and partly in Virginia, yet is amenable to the laws of neither state. On the mainland all around the island in Virginia and Maryland, local option exists. The house is situated partly in Maryland and partly in Virginia, but its exact location cannot be arrived at, as it is not included within the lines of any county or district. Smith's island and Crisfield district lie adjacent to the island, put no portion of it is included within the limits of either of these districts. The proprietor has no license to sell liquor, and not being in any county, as far as the existing lines show, and being unable to locate himself he has no source from which to produce a license, and consequently goes without.

In absence of an authority to grant license there can be, of course, no authority to prohibit him from selling without a license, and not being within the jurisdiction of any county he is not subject to the existing local option laws of the bordering counties. His bar-room, previous to the passage of local option laws in the neighboring counties of Virginia, was located on the Virginia side of the line, but after the passage he has removed it a few feet and over the line, and now conducts his business in Maryland. On this peculiarly situated island a man can stand with one foot in Maryland and the other in Virginia, and drink to the health of both states and defy the authorities of each.

Footnote: The following item was reported in the Peninsula Enterprise of Accomac in May, 1885: Mr. John B. Blizzard of Crisfield, Md., has moved to Foxes Island, this county, which he lately purchased of Mr. Planner Crockett, and proposes to engage largely in the planting of oysters and the soft crab business there, and at no distant day will open a first-class summer resort. 

 October, 1897

(The Denton Journal)

Things That Maryland Can Produce


A recent dispatch to The Sun from Easton, Md., told of a scheme of some farmers on the Eastern Shore to plant almond trees. There have been possibly from early in colonial times almond trees in Eastern and Southern Maryland. In the lower Western Shore counties the almond seldom bears fruit. It blooms very early in the spring and the fruit is killed by frosts. On the lower Eastern Shore counties, perhaps, this difficulty does not exist, and if it does not almonds would be a most profitable crop. The almond is a native of Barbary and is extensively grown in Southern Europe. It is nearly allied to the peach, and the nut is surrounded by a fruit which dries up when the almond becomes ripe and falls to the ground.

Fig trees grow well in Southern Maryland and on the Eastern Shore and produce large crops with great regularity.

March, 1902

(The Denton Journal)

The Pocomoke Telephone Company of Worcester County has been incorporated, with a capital stock of $15,000. 

November, 1949

(The News- Van Nuys, California)


Richard Nixon Announces For U.S. Senator

Declaring that the issue in next year's election is "simply the choice between freedom and state socialism," Congressman Richard Nixon (R) of Whittier announced his candidacy for United States Senator from California at a Thursday dinner meeting in his honor at the Ebell Clubhouse in Pomona.

Nixon told a capacity audience: "We will tell the people the truth... we will raise a banner of freedom which all people, regardless of party, can follow. If we do this we cannot help but win".

June, 1974

(The Journal- Lincoln, Nebraska)

Professor, Former POW Nominated

Winners Say Watergate Issue

From News Wires


A former prisoner of war from Maine, a law professor in Arkansas, and two men in Virginia who want to see Richard Nixon impeached, won Democratic nominations to Congress Tuesday.

Bill Clinton, a law professor on leave from the University Of Arkansas-Fayetteville, won an easy victory in Arkansas' 3rd district run-off against State Sen. W. E. (Gene) Rainwater, 49, of Greenwood.

Clinton will face a fourth-term incumbent, 51-year-pld John Paul Hammerschmidt, of Harrison, in November.

 September, 1941

(The Cumberland Times- Cumberland, Md)

Pocomoke City, Nov. 15.- Governor O'Conor has been invited to address a joint ladies night dinner of the Pocomoke City Lions Club and Pocomoke City Rotary Club here, Nov. 25, said L. Paul Ewell, program chairman.

November, 1894

(The Salt Lake Tribune- Salt Lake City, Utah)

John W. Crisfield, of Princess Anne, Md., is one of the oldest practicing lawyers in the United States. He sometimes appears before his son, Judge Henry Page, who dropped the paternal name many years ago. Mr. Crisfield has lived to see the odd little amphibious town that he founded and named for himself about thirty years ago, grown into the most important place on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Latest Storm Track of Sandy

Latest track of Sandy as of 6:45 AM Sunday


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Voluntary Evacuation Order In Effect For Accomack County

ONLEY, Va.- Emergency management officials are advising all residents to prepare for high winds and extended high level tidal flooding as Hurricane Sandy approaches the Eastern Shore.
Accomack County residents are under a voluntary evacuation order, which is in effect at this time. There are no emergency shelters open at present in the county.

Emergency evacuation shelters will be open 2 p.m. Sunday. The shelters are Arcadia Middle School and Nandua Middle School.
If you are planning on evacuating to the emergency shelter, bring a 3-day supply of the following items: sleeping linen, food supplies and medications.

Residents in low lying areas prone to flooding and mobile homes should seek shelter on higher ground. Residents should also prepare for loss of electrical power associated to high wind conditions. Residents should have a three to five day supply on non-perishable supply of food, and adequate supply of medication.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Blizzard's Saloon on Fox's Island.

It's 1886 and Blizzard's Saloon on Fox's Island at the Maryland/Virginia line is in the news. What's going on there?

It's one of the TIME MACHINE items this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!  
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

"Pocomoketoberfest" ~ (Say that 3 times) TODAY

Riverside Grill ~ Saturday Specials

OCTOBER 27, 2012

-Seafood Gumbo w/ 1/2 deli sandwich or side salad 6.99
-NC Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich w/ hush puppies and cole slaw 6.99
-Mahi-Mahi Fish Tacos w/ fries 9.99
-Ale-Batter Fried Shrimp Basket w/ fries 8.99*
-Mahi-Mahi Caesar Salad 10.99
-Seafood Platter: Fried shrimp, clam strips, crab cake, fries & slaw 18.99

*Take another $1 off the shrimp basket all day every Saturday!

@8 Pm to close:
 $3.50 Stoli Drinks, $3 Red Stripe, Corona, & Corona Light


"Trunk Or Treat" At Midway Today!

U.S. Navy Ships Head Out To Sea Ahead Of Storm

Navy sets Sortie Condition Alpha, orders all ships in Hampton Roads to sail by Saturday morning

Norfolk, Va. – The Navy has ordered all U.S. Navy ships in the Hampton Roads area to set Sortie Condition Alpha and prepare to head out to sea as Hurricane Sandy travels up the East Coast.

Adm. Bill Gortney, U.S.Fleet Forces commander, has ordered the ships to sail between Friday afternoon and early Saturday morning.
USS Ashland and USS Carter Hall will sortie from Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia Beach, Va.

The following ships will sortie from Naval Station Norfolk: USS Harry S. Truman, USS Bataan, USS San Antonio, USS Mesa Verde, USS Ashland, USS Carter Hall, USS Leyte Gulf, USS Monterey, USS Anzio, USS Barry, USS Gonzales, USS Mahan, USS Bulkeley, USS Mason, USS Bainbridge, USS Gravely, USS Ross, USS Nicholas, USNS Patuxent , USNS Medgar Evers, and USNS William McClean.

USS Wasp, USS Taylor and USNS Kanawha are already underway in the USFF area of responsibility.

“Based on the current track of the storm, we made the decision to begin to sortie the fleet,” said Gortney. “The current timeline allows them enough time to transit safely out of the path of the storm.”

The Navy orders a sortie during potentially extreme weather conditions to reduce the risk of significant damage to ships and piers during high winds and seas.

Some ships will not get underway, due to various maintenance availabilities, and are taking extra precautions to avoid potential damage. Commanding officers have a number of options when staying in port, depending on the severity of the weather. Some of these options include adding additional mooring and storm lines, dropping the anchor, and disconnecting shore power cables.

As a precautionary measure, Commander Navy Installations Command ordered all installations in the Hampton Roads area to set Tropical Cyclone Condition Three as Hurricane Sandy is forecast to bring high winds and rain to the Mid-Atlantic coast.

Tropical Cyclone Condition Three means destructive winds of greater than 50 knots associated with a tropical system, are expected within 48 hours.

A variety of information is available in support of family readiness during hurricane season including: