Thursday, September 26, 2013

Worcester County Recreation Center ~ Stroller Fitness

From Worcester County Dept. of Recreation & Parks:
Stroller Fitness started today at the Worcester County Recreation Center! We are still taking registration for this class, so join us next week, Thursday, October 3 at 10:00 a.m.

New Police K-9 Unit For Pocomoke City Police Department

The newest member of the Pocomoke City Police Department was introduced to the Pocomoke City Mayor and Council at their September meeting.
K-9 Exodus is ready to go to work and will be handled by K-9 Officer Matthew Conner. 

Welcome K-9 Exodus !!

Pocomoke Fire Co. 2nd Annual A.Y.C.E. Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction

Pocomoke Fire Co. 2nd Annual A.Y.C.E. Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction

Friday, October 11 
5 pm-8 pm

Pocomoke Community Center 
Pocomoke City, Maryland


Treyon Miles Parker
(September 23, 2013) – On September 21, 2013, at approximately 1:30 p.m. Ocean City police
responded to Continental Cycles at 7203 Coastal Highway in reference to the theft of a scooter. Upon their arrival, officers learned that an employee had noticed a scooter was missing approximately a half hour before calling the police. The employee informed the officer that during that time, they had located the scooter in the area of 75th Street with a blanket draped over it and the registration plate and key missing.

 During the investigation, officers quickly determined the suspect’s as: Treyon Miles Parker, 22, of Laurel, DE.  When officers located Parker, they discovered that he had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. During a search, officers found prescription Xanax pills on his person. Officers then were able to locate the registration plate and key to the scooter nearby. 

 Parker was charged by Ocean City police with theft ($1,000 to $10,000), possession of Xanax without a prescription and unlawful taking of a motor vehicle. Parker was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and was held on $8000 bond.  Parker was later transferred to Worcester County Jail.

Submitted by:
Ocean City Police Dept.

Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company Celebrating 125 Years!

Celebrating 125 Years! 

The Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company was officially chartered on December 18th, 1888 following a devastating fire in November of that year. 

We are proud to have served our community for over a century.

Data Entry Personnel From a State Public Safety Department will Assist MSP With Additional Firearm Purchase Applications

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – With intense security protocols in place, two dozen data entry personnel from a state public safety department have been enlisted to assist Maryland State Police with the entry of information from additional firearm purchase applications that have been received in the last two weeks at the rate of about 1,000 per day.   

Beginning Friday, September 20, 2013, 24 data entry employees from the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) have assisted the State Police Licensing Division with the input of applicant information from another 10,000 firearm purchase applications that have been received in the last two weeks.  This data entry enables law enforcement personnel from the Maryland State Police (MSP) and the assisting state law enforcement agencies to begin the required background investigations of each purchase applicant sooner.  No employees from any other state agency will be involved with the additional data entry assistance.  The DPSCS employees will not be involved in investigation of any firearms application. 

Security protocols are in place to limit the access of DPSCS employees to the State Police database.  They include the following: 

-The input screen for the database is on an internal MSP network, meaning the Internet will not be used; 

-Access to the internal network is encrypted; 

-A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is being used to encrypt data to and from the server and the end user’s computer for both DPSCS and MSP employees; 

-Each individual DPSCS employee has been assigned a unique log-in and password; 

-Every action a user makes on the network will be recorded and all activity will be monitored; 

-IP addresses provided by DPSCS are filtered and restricted in range to the smallest amount needed to complete this task; 

-With the exception of the supervisor overseeing the work, DPSCS employees will only be able to enter data from new applications and will be unable to view or access any other records in the database; 

-Access to firearm application records will be restricted to only the information needed to enter the record into the database; 

-Upon their employment, all DPSCS employees agreed not to disclose confidential information acquired by reason of his or her public position; 

-In addition to this agreement and further instructions at the commencement of the assignment regarding the confidentiality of the 
information, all assisting DPSCS employees will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement specific to this detail;   

-No DPSCS employee will be accessing criminal background databases or conducting any aspect of a firearm purchase application background 

In a separate program, originally announced on September 12, 2013, additional assistance to conduct background investigations continues to be provided to the Maryland State Police by 20 sworn state law enforcement officers from the Maryland Transportation Authority Police, the Natural Resources Police, the Maryland Transit Administration Police and the Maryland Capital Police.  Those officers were trained last week and have begun to assist with background investigations. They will be working in a Maryland State Police facility, using Maryland State Police computer systems and will work under the direct supervision of Maryland State Police Licensing Division personnel.  No firearms application data is being released to, or shared with, their employing agencies. 

The Maryland State Police Licensing Division continues to diligently address the unprecedented increase in regulated firearm purchase applications received this year.  As of September 20th, 102,001 purchase applications had been received.  Of those, 52,256 had been processed.   

MSP is committed to making this an open and transparent process and will, as it has done in the past, notify the public of any significant changes in the processing of firearms applications.

Submitted by:
Maryland State Police 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ribbon cutting Oct 19

Jennifer RafterPocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce

Saturday, October 19th at 10 am
You are invited to the Ribbon Cutting at
RDL Boutique
1522 Market Street, Pocomoke
Hosted by the Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce

RDL is a family owned business that carries a diverse array of unique items, including men’s apparel, religious gift and supplies, an assortment of scented and soy candles, handmade jewelry and a great collection of handbags you will not find anywhere else.  In addition, RDL Boutique is a local U-Haul dealer.  Stop by for the ribbon cutting at this distinctive store and see what RDL Boutique has to offer!

Annual Global Day of Student Prayer – Wednesday, September 25, 2013

See You at the Pole is a student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led event. In fact, it started in the Ft. Worth, Texas suburb of Burleson in 1990, at the initiative of ten students praying at several schools in their community.

See You at the Pole ~ Pocomoke Middle School earlier today.
Photo/Lynnhaven Baptist Curch

See You at the Pole ~Pocomoke High Students begin to gather at the pole earlier today.
Photo/ Lynnhaven Baptist Church

Ocean City Police Dept. Lieutenant Graduates From FBI National Academy

Ocean City Police Lieutenant Ray Austin graduated on Friday, September 20, 2013, from the FBI National Academy Program at Quantico, Virginia.Lt austin 2 Lieutenant Austin was among over 200 law enforcement officers from across the country originating from local law enforcement agencies to federal and military organizations.

Lieutenant Austin began the internationally recognized program in July His time during the National Academy Program consisted of ten weeks of training, including topics on health and fitness, advanced criminal investigation and leadership development. The FBI Academy is a very selective program in which participants must have proven records as professionals within their agency.

“It is no surprise to me that Lieutenant Austin was selected for this prestigious program,” said Chief Ross Buzzuro.  “Graduates from the FBI Academy typically return to their agencies to serve as leaders of their departments in command level positions.  Ray has been a leader and a great example of a police officer for years.  His recent training at the FBI Academy will not only be a great experience for him but ultimately for the officers who work for him who will also benefit from his guidance.”

Lieutenant Austin is the assistant commander for the Criminal Investigation Division. He was hired by OCPD in July 1994. He was promoted to PFC in 1998, Sergeant in 2003, and Lieutenant in 2010. He has worked in the department’s Patrol Division and Criminal Investigation Division where he has served as a detective in both General Assignment and Narcotics Units. He was also a member of the Traffic Safety Unit while he was in the Patrol Division. In addition to his supervisor responsibilities, Lieutenant Austin is also a certified police trainer and has taught Drug Identification to Seasonal Officers during past seasonal academies.

Ocean City Police Dept.

Cygnus Rendezvous Postponed Until Sunday

Managers from Orbital Sciences and NASA decided Monday morning to postpone the approach, rendezvous, grapple and berthing operations of Orbital's Cygnus cargo logistics spacecraft with the International Space Station to no earlier than Saturday, Sept. 28. Cygnus' rendezvous now will follow the launch and arrival of three crew members of Expedition 37-38 on Wednesday.

Orbital has confirmed that over the past 24 hours, the Orbital team developed and tested a software fix for the data format mismatch that necessitated a postponement of the first rendezvous operation that was scheduled for the early morning of Sunday, Sept. 22. 

However, that process, together with the impending Soyuz crew operations, resulted in a tight schedule to the point that both Orbital and NASA felt it was the right decision to postpone the Cygnus approach and rendezvous until after Soyuz operations. 


Northampton Circuit Court On Monday

Northampton Circuit Court
Monday~ September 23, 2013

By Wesley Edwards

Harry Anderson pled guilty to a charge of distributing cocaine.
Mr. Anderson from Cape Charles will remain out on bond pending a pre-sentencing report. 

Theany Tor was charged with possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine.

He pled guilty of possession and the intent charge dropped. Mr. Thor was sentenced to 10 years with all but 90 days suspended . A work release for work at the Pottery in Cape Charles was denied.

Shekia Thomas was charged with illegal obtaining a credit card, illegal use of a credit card, and unauthorized use of a credit card. Shekia and her sister faced use of the credit card in question for a total of $866.50. With a guilty plea the case was continued for a pre-sentencing report.

Robin Orsinger was charged with obtaining money by false pretenses and a probation revocation. The probation charge goes back to 2002 for embezzling. The restitution in that case was $74,595 dollars of which approximately $39,000 has been paid. Ms. Orsinger has been serving weekends before her sentencing today for a total of 56 days. Todays charge of obtaining money was related to welfare fraud of filing a false claim for food stamps and free school lunches for her 16 and 18 year old daughters. The total dollars in this charge was $1102 dollars with $220 dollars paid back. Ms. Orsinger was sentenced to 10 years on each charge to run concurrently with all but 10 months suspended and 3 more months for the probation charge for a total of 13 months to be served. Work release was denied.

Jermaine King was charged with Grand larceny, assault and battery of a family member and assault and battery. These charges were from the McDonalds in Cape Charles ladies room where Mr. King took money from his girlfriend and assaulted his girlfriend and her sister. The girlfriend Ebony Collins testified on his behalf and told the judge that she and Mr. King were living together and raising two sets of twins, one of which he was the father. With time serve on two other occasions Judge Revell Lewis III sentenced Mr. King to 5 years on each count with all but 2 months suspended.

Keith Jubilee was charged with possession with intent to distribute cocaine. Mr. Jubilee who was not in court today and had been found guilty in May of 2013. It was reported Mr. Jubilee was in a Seaford Delaware hospital. Mr. Bruce Jones the Northampton Commonwealths attorney said that Mr. Jubilee was not looking forward to sentencing and this report needed to be verified. Judge Lewis said that they would continue this case until October 21, 2013 and deal with it then.

Dijon Gaskins was charged with probation revocation. With a not guilty plea this case had a lot of issues. Mr. Gaskins was allowed to transfer his probation to Richmond Va. back on November 28th 2012 where he was to live with his mother or aunt. His Richmond probation officer went out on a leave of absence and according to Mr. Gaskins was told he would be coming to his home for a visit when he got back to work. A new parole officer reported Mr. Gaskins to Northampton County as missing with no word causing Mr. Gaskins to be arrested on September 11th 2013 and he has been in jail since. The mother and aunt brought to court payroll checks going back to sometime in 2012 where he had been employed since returning to Richmond and testifying that he had lived at one of their houses since returning to Richmond. Judge Lewis after hearing all the testimony and with the check stubs found Mr. Gaskins not guilty of probation revocation after clear instructions about how to prevent this from ever happening again.

Lawrence Bright was charged with probation revocation. With ongoing reporting problems and positive cocaine test Judge Lewis revoked Mr. Brights probation and reimposed the 6 year 6 month sentence with all but one year six months suspended.

Everado Rosales was charged with a 3rd DUI ,eluding, and reckless driving. With a plea agreement to drop all charges except the DUI charges this case was continued for a pre-sentencing report. With a question about was this the third or fourth DUI and questions about the defendant names it was felt that it was important to wait for the presentencing report. Mr. Rosales bond was revoked and as the minimum sentence was 90 days he was taken away to start whatever sentence is handed down after the pre-sentencing report is received. 

Arkiece Montwelle Davis of Exmore pled guilty to providing a cell phone to an incarcerated prisoner. He was sentenced to 12 months in jail.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

FREE Concert in Cypress Park Wednesday

U.S. Army Jazz Ambassadors Band
Concert in Cypress Park

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
6:00 pm until 7:30 pm

Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and listen to the U.S. Army Jazz Ambassadors Band from Fort Meade, MD for free! 

Concessions will benefit the Samaritan Shelter.

In case of rain, concert will be held at the 
Mar-Va theater. 

Sponsored by the City of Pocomoke and the Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce.

Public's Help Needed In Fatal West O.C. Hit-and-Run Probe

WEST OCEAN CITY, Md.– Maryland State Police are asking the public's help in identifying whoever was responsible for a fatal hit-and-run crash that occurred late Friday night in West Ocean City.

Police said that shortly after 10 a.m., troopers responded to reports of a pedestrian struck by a vehicle in the area of eastbound U.S. Route 50 and Elm Street in West Ocean City. The male pedestrian was pronounced dead at Atlantic General Hospital a short time later.

Investigators are asking for help identifying the vehicle that fled the scene after hitting the victim. The incident occurred in the left-hand lane of eastbound U.S. Route 50 directly in front of Starbuck's Coffee and Outback Steakhouse, according to police.

Witnesses have noted the vehicle in question to be a 2009-2013 red Ford full-size pickup truck, investigators said. The truck would have severe damage to the driver side front fender, bumper and headlight region of the truck. The truck continued eastbound on U.S. Route 50 where witnesses lost visual of the vehicle.

Troopers are specifically requesting anyone that was in the area at the time of the incident that noticed something unusual or are aware of the whereabouts of the vehicle in question to contact Crime Solvers at (410) 548-1776 with any information.

Information leading to an arrest in this case may lead to a cash reward of up to $1,000. All information will remain anonymous and confidential.


David Craig on Baltimore County Common Core Meeting

David Craig on Baltimore County Common Core Meeting

For immediate release 9.23.13
Contact: Jim Pettit

Harford County Executive and Maryland candidate for Governor David R. Craig released the following statement regarding the Baltimore County Common Core meeting last week in which a parent was ejected and subsequently arrested.    

"The value in public meetings - whether it is about Common Core or any other policy issue affecting a community - is giving people the opportunity to speak.  It is a long tradition that goes back to the founding principles of our country and occurs in county and municipal forums to this day. When speech is limited or meetings are overly scripted, it tends to cause angst among all who are involved.  

"The Common Core national education standard is controversial and for good reason. It slipped under the radar in Maryland three years ago and there are serious concerns about it,  many of which are being raised for the first time.  School administrators should be holding public forums like the one in Baltimore County, but these officials will actually learn more by encouraging a robust debate and the exchange of ideas.  Their ultimate constituents are students and their parents and those voices must be heard."


Parent faces prison time after being removed from a Common Core public forum

Arsonist Tonya S. Bundck Out Of Jail On Bail WITH Special Conditions


ACCOMAC, Va. - The woman accused of setting fire to a home on April 1st is now Out Of Jail, more than a month after a circuit court judge granted her bail.

Tonya Bundick, 40, who is charged one count of arson and one count of conspiracy to arson for her alleged involvement during the night of her arrest, is no longer wearing handcuffs and a white jumpsuit, for the time being.

Bail bondsmen Bill and his son, Michael Allen say they took the call Monday morning. The elder, Bill, says he will treat Bundick's situation "just like any other case."

Minutes after Bundick made her exit from the Accomack County sheriff's office, Allen spoke with WMDT, outlying the details of her bond. According to Allen, two to three people co-signed for her release at $3,000, or ten percent of the original $30,000.

Even though she's free, there are conditions on her bail.

Court documents say Bundick "may not travel outside of Accomack and Northampton counties unless for a medical necessity or emergency. Also, the accused felon must submit to drug and alcohol screening and testing, plus refrain from the use of illegal drugs and controlled substances not prescribed by a health care provider.

Allen says Bundick must also go into his co-owned Eastern Shore Bail Bonds office at least once a week leading up to her trial.

"If she doesn't check in [any week], we'll go look for her," Allen says.

When Bundick left the sheriff's department, she walked out through the side of the building before getting into a sheriff deputy's vehicle. A person associated with the department drove her around the block before dropping her off right behind me at the Accomack County General District courthouse.

At that point, she gathered her belongings before WMDT saw her lawyer Shannon Dunham drive off with Bundick in the front seat.

WMDT caught up with Virginia commonwealth attorney Gary Agar about her release, but he said he was hard pressed to make any comments. 

"We'd rather try our cases in the courtroom than the news media," said Agar.

Neither Bundick nor Dunham would answer questions at this time.

Bundick's trial is set for November 6th at the Accomack County Circuit Court.

Meanwhile, Agar said an agreement came on the exact date for the other alleged arsonist and Bundick's fiance Charles Smith, who's charged with 67 counts of arson and one count of conspiracy to arson. 

Smith is scheduled to have a bench trial on December 16th at the same courtroom, according to the commonwealth attorney's office.


Eastern Shore Man Sentenced In a Tidewater Court For Conspiracy To Distribute Cocaine

An Eastern Shore man was sentenced in a Tidewater court Monday to 25 years in prison for conspiracy to distribute cocaine. 41 year old Jarrid Cropper pleaded guilty to the crime. 

According to court documents, Cropper bought cocaine from Norfolk, broke it into smaller quantities and sold it on the Eastern Shore. One witness testified that he sold Cropper more than 14 kilos in one year.

Cropper apologized to the court and offered a warning to anyone selling drugs on the Eastern Shore. He said,  "If they think they are going to get away with it, it isn't going to work. "

The judge then sentenced Cropper to 25 years in prison.


LARGE Cocaine Problem On The Eastern Shore

I ran across this article and found it quite informative for those of us that do live in the small towns on the Eastern Shore.  After  a "home invasion" in a quiet area of Accomack County  a few weeks ago I am constantly on the look-out for any info that can clearify WHY this happened and WHAT teenage boys could own that would be worth breaking into a home for. 

I know what others are saying  but if cocaine/drug sales are so prevelent on the shore then my neighborhood is not too good that it wouldn't be infected. 

This article was written a few months ago but I found it very interesting and it lets us know what has happened to some of the "pushers" who have infested our shore areas.

By: Scott Daugherty
March 11, 2013

Eastern Shore proves cocaine isn't just an urban issue

Scenic farming communities. Idyllic waterfront homes. Friendly roadside grills.

The Eastern Shore is known for them all. But it's not all bucolic on this sleepy peninsula just north of Hampton Roads.

There's a cocaine problem - a big one.

Nine men have pleaded guilty in federal court in the past three years to dealing at least 5 kilograms in Northampton and Accomack counties. One kilogram - which is about 2.2 pounds - is worth more than $26,000 and can be cut and sold to hundreds of users.

Some of the Eastern Shore dealers handled more than 14 kilos in a single year, according to court documents.

"People have a misconception," said Terrance Sullivan, the assistant special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration's regional office, which oversees the Eastern Shore. "They think you have to go to New York City to see quantities like this. You don't."

On average, police in the two counties, which are home to about 45,000 people, investigate about as many drug offenses per capita as Norfolk and only slightly fewer than Virginia Beach, according to state police statistics.

Several law enforcement and substance abuse experts said dealers choose to set up shop in rural communities like the Eastern Shore because of simple economics. As long as there are people interested in using drugs, there will be people who are interested in selling drugs. And in rural areas, there is likely less competition.

"The problems of substance abuse and addiction know no geographic bounds," said Susan Foster, vice president and director of policy research at The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University.

Plus, Sullivan said, some dealers might view rural areas as a safer place to work.

"It's that there is not a lot of law enforcement, or it is at least perceived that way," he said.

Cocaine is not a new problem on the Eastern Shore. Twenty years ago, there were a half-dozen spots in Northampton County where dealers would set up shop in the open, Sheriff David L. Doughty Jr. said.

Doughty recalled his days on patrol in the 1990s - when he would spend his time chasing dealers off corners. Back then, dealers would loiter outside gas stations and peddle drugs through car windows.

"We'd pull up, and it wouldn't be uncommon to see people start running," Doughty said.

Over time, police cracked down, and the dealers got smarter. They moved behind closed doors and started working by referral.

"Things have evolved into a totally different market," Doughty said. Smarter dealers require smarter police work. Enter the Eastern Shore Drug Task Force.

Founded in 1989, the task force is made up of police officers from the Virginia State Police, Accomack County Sheriff's Office and Northampton County Sheriff's Office. In the past few years, agents with the FBI and DEA also have assisted with investigations.

"They've been a huge help to us. They've made a big difference," Doughty said.

He said his deputies - two are currently assigned to the task force - are capable of conducting their own drug investigations. But they often require resources only the FBI and DEA can provide. And they can always use extra manpower.

"When you work investigations on individuals like these, it takes time to uncover all their associates and habits," Doughty said.

The task force's coordinator said the federal agents are vital when it comes to conducting surveillance in a rural area.

"It's pretty difficult to get police officers undercover here," Special Agent C.S. Wade of the Virginia State Police said. "Everybody knows everybody."

The task force has been on a roll the past three years, with federal prosecutors securing nine convictions.
The first of the drug rings that the task force took down - and one of the largest - involved Harry Byrd West and his right-hand man, Terrance Price.

According to court documents, the men would travel to Florida, North Carolina and Delaware to buy cocaine and marijuana. They would return to the Eastern Shore, break it down into smaller quantities and deliver it to midlevel dealers and users.


Salty Dog Grooming's ANNUAL PUPPY PARADE

Monday, September 23, 2013

Downtown Fall Festival and Studio Day with Artist Doris Glovier Saturday, October 12

Jennifer RafterPocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce

Downtown Fall Festival and Studio Day with Artist Doris Glovier
Saturday, October 12 from 11 am to 4pm

   Saturday, October 12 from 11 am to 4 pm experience an autumn tradition with the Downtown Fall Festival in Pocomoke! Enjoy food, crafts, live music, a dog parade and a car show. Little ones can try a hand at pony painting, enter a costume contest, take a hay ride, get their face painted, or try painting a pumpkin, climb aboard a Pocomoke fire truck, and play the passport game. Market Street will be closed from Front Street to Second Street for the celebration.  Don’t forget to stop by the Chamber at 6 Market Street in front of the Delmarva Discovery Center to see artist Doris Glovier at work, and get your passport stamped!

          The Chamber is honored to have accomplished artist Doris Glovier for the Studio Day taking place in conjunction with the Downtown Fall Festival. Paintings by Doris Glovier often reflect her impressions of life on Delmarva. Much of the work illustrates the subjects that interest her most - animals, particularly wildlife, describing marvelous faces in portraiture, capturing people in ordinary situations and articulating the beauty of the water, landscapes and unique landmarks of the Eastern Shore.  She is an enthusiastic art instructor currently conducting open studio workshops in her home studio/classroom. Ms. Glovier's website address is .  Her blog with paintings and commentary can be found at .

Tonya Bundick Released TODAY??

UPDATE:  Tonya S. Bundick has  been released from jail.2:01 pm.

Tonya Bundick, the woman accused of assisting in the rash of arsons in the Accomack County area is in the process of bailing out of jail this afternoon.

Tonya Bundick, along with her boyfriend, Charles Smith, have both been incarcerated in the Accomack  County jail since April of 2013 for arsons they could be responsible for setting beginning in November 2012.

In August, Bundick was granted a $30,000 secured bond. That bond could only be posted by a professional bondsman and Bundick was not allowed to leave Accomack or Northampton counties unless by medical necessity.

It is unknown what time Bundick will be released from custody.

TEE OFF FOR YOUTH~ Nassawango Gold Course


Worcester County Library ~ BOOKFAIR FUNDRAISER

Issues With Softwear Delayed Cygnus Docking At ISS

Orbital Sciences has confirmed that this morning, around 1:30 a.m. EDT, its Cygnus spacecraft established direct data contact with the International Space Station (ISS) and found that some of the data received had values that it did not expect, causing Cygnus to reject the data.

 This mandated an interruption of the approach sequence. Orbital has subsequently found the causes of this discrepancy and is developing a software fix. 

The minimum turnaround time to resume the approach to the ISS following an interruption such as this is approximately 48 hours due to orbital mechanics of the approach trajectory.

Maryland State Police Still Seeking Public's Help.....

Maryland State Police are still seeking the public’s help in finding more information on the fatal pedestrian hit and run accident on Friday night, shortly after 10p.m., in Ocean City. 

Police say the accident happened on the eastbound lanes of US Route 50 right in front of Starbuck’s Coffee and Outback Steakhouse. 

Police are looking for the driver of a red Ford pickup truck that was seen hitting a male pedestrian, who later died from his injuries at Atlantic General Hospital. 

If you have any information, contact Maryland State Police, Berlin Barrack, at 410-641-3101.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

First Day of Fall

"Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees."
                                                           ~David Letterman~

TIME MACHINE ... 1944-45, 1892, 1895, 1919

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material) 

March, 1944
(The Salisbury Times)



Men Would Be Housed In Army Camps; Kiwanis To Endorse Plan

Members of the Salisbury Kiwanis Club last night expressed their intentions of endorsing plans for locating German prisoners of war at two Eastern Shore points for use as farm laborers during the approaching planting and harvest seasons.

In taking the action the club planned to endorse the relocation program that may bring at least 700 German prisoners into Worcester and Somerset counties only if public sentiment is favorable.

Officials tentatively are contemplating the use of Camp Decatur near Berlin and Camp Somerset near Westover as prisoner-of-war camps where the Germans would be quartered.

They would be isolated and under the supervision of the Army.

Only model German captives would be brought into this area and there would be one guard for each five prisoners.

Details of from five to 100 prisoners could be contracted for by farmers through the government. The prisoners would be paid according to international standards of pay for prisoners of war.

Farmers could provide transportation for the prisoners at their expense or contract with the government for transportation costs. An interpreter, possibly a non-commissioned officer, would accompany each work detail.

August, 1944
(The Salisbury Times)

Sgt. Hans Flunkert, 23, Nazi war prisoner quartered at Camp Somerset, Westover, who escaped from a labor detail at Denton was recaptured Tuesday afternoon about 28 hours after he flew from the Nuttle Lumber And Coal Co. yard in Denton. He was taken into custody by Trooper J.B. Allen, Delaware State Policeman, when the prisoner approached a filling station at Greenwood, Del.

June, 1945
(The Evening Herald- Hagerstown, Md.)


Colonel Refutes Charge that Prisoners Get Insufficient Food

Camp Somerset, Westover, Md., June 22 (AP)- A top army official denied today charges that German prisoners of war working on farms in the Snow Hill area were receiving insufficient food and "are being systematically starved to death."

Colonel Eugene J. Fitzgerald, commanding officer of Camp Somerset, base prisoner of war camp for the Eastern Shore, said in a prepared statement that "at Berlin (a branch camp), the day's meals now average 5,400 calories and other adjustments may be made."

He compared this to 2,500 to 3,700 calories established by War Department directive for prisoners. 

The charges were raised by two members of the editorial staff of the Democratic Messenger, Snow Hill weekly newspaper, who announced earlier today that they had wired protests to Maryland congressmen in which they stated that "certain prisoners of war, working from the Berlin POW camp are being systematically starved to death."

Footnote: According to a 2007 posting on the "Delmar Dustpan" blog site, Camp Somerset at Westover started as a Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) camp in 1935. It became an Army post during World War II with nearly a thousand soldiers stationed there before the operation was moved to Camp Pendleton, Va., in 1944. With the purpose of filling a labor shortage on the Eastern Shore, Camp Somerset became a German POW camp housing some 1,000 prisoners and 150 guards. In 1946 the prisoners were sent to England and presumably were returned to Germany. Camp Somerset then became a migrant labor camp. 

March, 1892 

(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House, Va.)

The Parksley Free Library will open Saturday, March 26th, with 500 volumes. Cards will be given and books distributed from 3 to 4 and 8 to 10 p. m. In the evening the ladies have arranged for a social gathering, having on sale, for the benefit of the library, cake and hot coffee at reasonable prices. A cordial invitation is extended to all the people of the county to come and bring their friends.

(Excerpts from a later article)

There was not even "standing room for one more." Miss Chadbourne made the presentation address, in her usual happy style, outlining the progress of the work of collecting the Library and making an eloquent plea for its liberal use and support. Miss Willie Wright in well chosen words gracefully accepted the gift in behalf of the trustees. Vocal and instrumental selections were rendered by a number of the school children. The firework's display, the most elaborate ever seen in this section, was furnished by the National Firework's Company of Boston, and consisted of a liberal assortment of rockets, bombs, fountains, batteries, maroons, colored fires, etc., concluding with a set piece, "Parksley Library 1892," which was manufactured especially for this occasion. 

January, 1895
(The Frederick News)

Owing to an epidemic which carried off a large number of horses and mules in Pocomoke City last fall, there is an unusual demand for stock of this sort at the present time.  

July, 1919
(The Washington Post)

(Country Properties For Sale)

On the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Containing 23 acres, close to rail and water transportation; large lawn extending to the water edge. Colonial house recently put in first class condition; contains 14 rooms, 3 baths, toilet; hot-water heat; large porch, extended view of water; servants' quarters; garage for 3 cars, stable, boat house; unusual water supply. Personal property included. Price, $23,000.  

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Pit Bull Named "Cotton " In Training To Become VSP K-9

Cotton Pup
VSP Photo
Cotton:   Pit bull rescue pup discovered by K9 Handler/Sr. Trooper R.T. Clements at the Heritage Humane Society in Williamsburg. 

After passing several pre-tests to see if he was eligible for the VSP K9 program, Cotton made it into the narcotics dog training school and today completes his 2nd week at the VSP Academy. 

Stay  posted on his progress! He also has his own Facebook page at:


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pocomoke Police Department Press Release

 August 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013

08-01-2013 Nyoka Brown, age 38 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $1,000.

08-02-2013 Kristy Godwin, age 23 of New Church, VA was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

08-02-2013 Kenneth Schoolfield, age 54 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct and Failure to Obey a Lawful Order.

08-03-2013 Lamont Lindsay, age 35 of Laurel, MD was arrested and charged with CDS Possession – Marijuana and CS Possession with Intent to Distribute.

08-03-2013 Chad Collins, age 30 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Violating a Protective Order.

08-03-2013 Travis Bailey, age 23 of Princess Anne, MD was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct.

08-06-2013 Tia Beckett, age 18 of Princess Anne, MD was arrested and charged with Theft less than $500.

08-06-2013 Kiana Hardy, age 26 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct.

08-07-2013 Miles Lewis, age 50 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Att. 2ndDegree Murder, Assault 2nd Degree, Reckless Endangerment, and Arson –Threat.

08-09-2013 Minister Wright, age 57 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree.

08-09-2013 Douglas Croswell, age 25 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree.

08-10-2013 Donna Belote, age 53 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft Scheme $500 +.2

08-11-2013 Moneeka Reese, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct.

08-12-2013 Patrick Richard, age 19 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with CDS Possession – Not Marijuana.

08-13-20103 Kenneth Schoolfield, age 54 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree.

08-14-2013 Arthur Hemmeian, age 62 of Salisbury, MD was arrested and charged with Public Alcoholic Drinking in a Retail area.

08-14-2013 Maurice Bishop, age 54 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Public Alcoholic Drinking in a Retail area.

08-14-2013 Michael Marshall, age 49 of Greenbackville, VA was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

08-16-2013 Leander Crawford, age 20 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with CDS Possession – Marijuana.

08-16-2013 Chad Collins, age 30 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct.

08-16-2013 Erica Uff, age 23 of Westover, MD was arrested and charged with CDS – PossessionNot Marijuana

08-17-2013 Chad Collins, age 30 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree.

08-17-2013 Heather Lambertson, age 32 of Westover, MD was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

08-18-2013 Louron Johnson, age 32 of Bridgeville, DE was arrested and charged with Concealment of a Dangerous Weapon.

08-19-2013 Robert Sucting, age 26 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with CDS Possession – Marijuana.

08-21-2013 James Gooldrup, age 18 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

08-26-2013 Eliseo Rozas, age 35 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Att. 2ndDegree Murder, Assault 1st Degree, Assault 2nd Degree, Reckless Endangerment, Disorderly Conduct and Failure to Obey a Lawful Order.

08-28-2013 James Taylor, age 59 of Snow Hill, MD was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

08-29-2013 Antonio Drummond, age 34 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding warrant.

08-29-2013 Graham Lentz, age 29 of Westover, MD was arrested and charged with Assault 1st Degree, Assault 2nd Degree, Use of a Firearm with a Felony, Reckless Endangerment, Harassment, Resist/Interfere with Arrest, Alcoholic Beverage/Intoxication, Disturbing the Peace.3

08-30-2013 Moneeka Reese, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with CDS Possession – Marijuana

08-30-2013 Keiuna Hitch, age 21 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged CDS Possession – Marijuana.

08-30-2013 George Bell, age 62 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding warrant.

08-30-2013 Daniel Schell, age 72 of Baltimore, MD was arrested and charged with DUI.

A Pocomoke City juvenile, age 17 was arrested for Burglary 4th Degree.

A Pocomoke City juvenile, age 13 was arrested for Disorderly Conduct.

A Pocomoke City juvenile was arrested for Theft less than $100.

A Pocomoke City juvenile, age 16 was arrested for CDS Possession – Marijuana.

Sixteen (16) additional arrests were made for various traffic violations during the month of 

Kelvin D. Sewell
Chief of Police 

Press Release Pocomoke Police Department

Press Release
July 1, 2013 to July 31, 2013

07-03-2013 Meghann Russell, age 25 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged withTrespass – Private Property.

07-04-2013 Landon Doanne, age 21 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

07-05-2013 Quinesha Hudson, age 27 of Snow Hill, MD was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

07-08-2013 James Aspdin, age 25 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct.

07-09-2013 Gabriele Heath, age 22 of Westover, MD was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

07-09-2013 Chad Collins, age 30 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-10-2013 Michael Spragg, age 39 of Oak Hall, VA was arrested and charged with Theft Scheme - $500 +

07-13-2013 Darnell Dennis, age 56 of Eden, MD was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-13-2013 Latoya Williams, age 39 of Atlantic, VA was arrested and charged with Theft 
less than $100. In addition, she was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-13-2013 Keirra White, age 19 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Trespass 
– Private Property.

07-13-2013 Tamika Fisher, age 20 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Trespass – Private Property.

07-15-2013 Anthony Dickerson, age 47 of Tasley, VA was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100.

07-15-2013 Kevin Presco, age 37 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding Warrant

07-17-2013 Dana Boyer, age 29 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-18-2013 Shawn Brown, age 42 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Trespass – Private Property.

07-19-2013 Courtney Baylis, age 19 of Bloxom, VA Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Trespass – Private Property.

07-20-2013 Kristopher Payne, age 35 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with 
Assault 2nd Degree.

07-21-2013 Robert Sucting, age 26 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with CDS Possession of Paraphernalia.

07-22-2013 Kenneth Foreman, age 24 of Berlin, MD was arrested and charged with 
Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct, Failure to Obey a Lawful Order and Resist/Interfere with arrest.

07-22-2013 Latasha Blake, age 28 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct.

07-23-2013 Lena Mae Taylor, age 46 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft 
less than $1,000 and Theft Scheme less than $1,000.

07-23-2013 Miquel Watley Surdew, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with 
CDS Possession – Marijuana.

07-26-2013 Louise Thomas, age 32 of Salisbury, MD was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-26-2013 Isaac Cook, age 51 of Salisbury, MD was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-27-2013 Chad Collins, age 32 of Pocomoke was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-29-2013 Alan Bergmann, age 29 of Millsboro, DE was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-29-2013 Stacey Landon, age 26 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $500.

07-29-2013 Kayla Kinard, age 22 of Stephens City, VA was arrested and charged with Theft less than $500.

07-30-2013 Terrance Justice, age 31 of Temperanceville, VA was arrested and charged 
with Disorderly Conduct.

07-30-2013 Latasha Blake, age 28 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Burglary 3rd Degree.

07-31-2013 Adron Knight, age 44 of Oak Hall, VA was arrested on an outstanding Warrant.

07-31-2013 Devin Bryant, age 24 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree.

Fourteen (14) additional arrests were made for various traffic violations during the month of 
July 2013.