In yesterdays DelmarvaNow! the president of the Mar-Va theatre, Arnold Torres, replies to the comment in the Grapevine section that the Mar-Va Theater is more than just a weekend movie theater. Here is what he wrote:
"This is far from the case. Our schedule for 2010, our first year of full-time operations as a performing arts center, includes more than 50 different live performances -- in addition to 19 different movies. Many live events and all movies have two showings, so something will be happening in the theater on more than 100 evenings during 2010.
Our schedule includes bands, dramas, concerts, talent shows, dinner theaters, comedians, gospel music, pageants and more, all at easily affordable prices. See our Web site at www.marvatheater.com or call 410-957-4230 for information about upcoming events.
Until this year, the nonprofit Mar-Va Theater was operated totally by devoted volunteers, many of whom have given thousands of hours of their time to restore the beauty of this historic old theater and upgrade its functionality, all to bring quality entertainment to the Eastern Shore.
This year we've hired a theater manager, but we're still primarily a volunteer organization. Very few performing arts centers survive on box office income alone without the help of a large number of volunteer workers.
If you would like to support the Mar-Va Theater, visit our Web site to find ways you can contribute either financially or by volunteering your time."
Arnold Torres
Pocomoke City http://www.delmarvanow.com/
If you would like to be a volunteer and a friend of the Mar-Va Theater email Emily at
Everyone should try and make a commitment to attend a movie or show atleast 4 times in 2010. I plan on attending Beauty and the Beast put on by th Ballet Theater of MD. I can't believe the cost is ONLY $3.00! $3.00, I almost feel guilty being entertained for a mere 3 bucks and will slip more money in the converted popcorn machine.
What memories I have of this place. In the late 50's and early 60's parents would drop off the kids at about 7:30 on Friday nights. We would go to George Reid's soda parlor for a coke and a chocolate treat, then get a 10 cent bag of popcorn from the old machine in the lobby. Admission was 35 cents if under 12 and 50 cents for the oldsters.
If there was a ruckus or loud noises Dawson Clarke patrolled the aisles with his trusty flashlight to quell the disturbance. One night his wayward beam caught me with my arm buried elbow-deep in Patty XXXXX's ample 14 year-old bosom. He just shook his head and moved on. After all, we weren't making any noise or causing a ruckus.
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