A Delaware resident visiting friends that lived on the outskirts of Pocomoke city that vanished without a trace over two years ago.
All of a sudden the uproar has died as fast as it reared. Even with shouldering the attacks the PPE absorbed.
What's the hold-up on the DNA of the remains that were found on a local beach that authorities assumed to be of Christine?
A womans remains (bones) were found recently by hunters at a boat ramp near "Dover" on Port Mahon Road, this area is where Christine Sheddy lived. The remains (bones) have been there so long that even the race of the womans remains are undetectable and DNA samples had to be lab tested. The results are estimated to be returned in 90 days so why is it taking so long for DNA results of the skull found on Assateague Island.

Although I'm literally hated for exposing the raw truth of the matter and sticking-up for the PCVFD I still to this day continue to search diligently for answers in this case of the missing mother.
This case will not go away. The good people of Pocomoke still want answers. They volunteered their precious time and monies on more than one occasion only to be chastised by the great hope in the end.
Local LE has worked overtime again and again with no answers. The suspects have moved about endlessly causing turmoil and chaos for others in their path only to return to Pocomoke.
We were told by the new hope "they were being interrogated". We were told "they were cooperating" and that "leads" and "witness's" were "coming forward". What did we get? A long series of embellishments and plagiarism compiled into chapters of who shot John (BS) for one reason and one reason only.
This "new hope", granted, has a silver tongue and even fooled me for a short period. So I don't place blame on those that hate me for exposing the "new hope". I had my hopes up as well and was blinded for a minute, but not much longer.
Where is the "new hope" now? What poor unsuspecting family is she chasing at present? What community is the "new hope" trying to segregate? Who is the "new hope" trying to sue? Which LE agency is being accused of a conspiracy? Yes the "new hope" still has a few of the lesser minded twisted around her little finger, but I bet that Christine's family has had second thoughts by now.
Through all the flack, attacks, and down right mean spirited nonsense we are still here and looking. We need no pat on the back. We need no recognition. We just want Christine found. Period! It's been too long.
Although we must face the facts that many have gone missing and have never been found, sad as it may be it's a reality.
Where is the hero that rode in on the white horse now?
We are still here!!
Apparently Lynn and company is still "thick as thieves" with blink, despite the fact that her "investigative" abilities are quite a joke. Don't be fooled by Lynn's recent silence. She is busy working behind the scenes trying to stir up trouble for LE, attempting to once again take control of the investigation for her own purposes, wasting valuable resources. It's just a matter of time before she publicly rears her ugly head again!
What do you mean 'trying to take control of the investigation for her own purposes'? What would be her purpose other than finding her daughter's remains? Do you really think she cares one iota about anything else? How would her sole total focus on finding her daughter be misinterpreted as 'wasting valuable resources'? What would you do? Good lord.
Would it be too much to ask for either WCBI or the S/A's office to update us on the progress of this case?
At this point in time, it hasn't even been officially confirmed to the public that a murder has even occured. As residents of the county in which a person is missing, I believe we have a right to know atleast this bit of information.
If there are no solid leads and the case has hit a wall, say so. If the case is progressing and suspects have been identified then tell us.
The lack of any official response regarding this case for over 2 years is boardering on ridiculous and only adds to the rumors and speculation.
The way I see it, all Blink accomplished was tarnishing the reputation of not only Christine, but the Sheddy family as a whole.
Blink talks a good game, but in reality she doesn't give a hoot about any victims otherwise she wouldn't have written all the tabloid style things she did about Christine nor allowed the speculative comments about her.
After all she is supposed to be an investigator, isn't she? As an investigator, her blog should reflect the code of ethics investigators are bound by and not allowed speculation. Her blog should just deal with the facts. PERIOD. And the personal, not relevant information should have been left out. PERIOD.
Anyone know what's up with that guy Tia had arrested?
Joyce, you are more transparent than a glass window! You have a lot a stake if Christine's body is found.
What are you really hiding?
What do you all have to say now? Do you think Christine buried herself behind the B&B to frame you're good old boy?
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