Thursday, March 18, 2010
6PM at Northhampton High School in Eastville.
Admission $8.00 per person/ kids 4 years and under FREE
The Eastville Fire Dept. will team up with the Cape Charles Post Office and play against the Northampton Field hockey/soccer players. The Sheriff's Department plays against Bay Shore Concrete.
Concessions will be sold and FREE donkey rides for kids 12 and under at half-time.
Come out and support the Northampton High School PTSA.
For more information or questions contact Sheryl Newman @ 678-3371
This is so funny! I've never heard of this sport. Where in the world do they get the donkeys and how do they get them to cooperate? I hope this is on WBOC at 11.
Most of the time the donkey won't cooperate! That's the funny part. So you get down and pull on the rein hoping he will move!
Even more hilarious than basketball is Donky Baseball!
It's one of the funniest things you will ever see.
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