That is not the official word from her mother, Theresa, or a family member but we do hope so!******************
As of early this morning a Pocomoke mother still has not gotten any satisfaction from the Pocomoke City Police Dept. in trying to find her missing daughter.
Kristen Shockley has been missing since April 6, 2010 and no one is helping her family locate her.
I have contacted Don Elkins of WBOC. I am trying to get her picture and story on the local news. Same uphill battle as with Christine. You would think lessons would have been learned. Still trying.
Thankyou so much! That was going to be my next step.
It has been two weeks and two days. I understand why law enforcement may or maynot/will or will not take this upon themselves but this mother was hoping that by now someone would advise her on what to do besides sit and wait.
In my experience you have to have as many people call the station. You have to make as much noise as you possibly can. I called my senators office. They put me in touch with the police liason for my state. She should try that. Call anyone in power. Call the sheriff dept and ask if they can look into her case. Ask why WCBI hasnt gotten involved? Given the boyfriends extensive criminal history.....I think there is cause for alarm. Just my opinion. The bottom line is...this is a missing woman. She has a family that loves her and wants her home. The people in authority can make this happen....why arent they? Just a question that I think needs to be answered.
Same old Bull from the police...she doesn't want to be found.
Has anyone thought that possibly this maniac who is her boyfriend has scared her so bad that if she does come home she's dead meat?
The way the law is set up that peace order is only a piece of paper. It is not an armed officer.
Look at this guys record...Sodomy, Assault, Manufacturing and distribution of narcotics 'NOT MARIJUANA'. He is trouble with a capital T and I believe in my heart of hearts she knows that she is in trouble if she comes back. Does that mean she doesn't love her baby?
She may be protecting his very life!
Get off your asses Pocomoke and hand the case over to the State Police and let's get this girl in some sort of protective custody with a cop that will bust this jerks ass and not make a stupid technical mistake to get it Nolle Prossed.
I wouldn't think it too hard for someone from the PCPD to atleast call this mother and let her know that they do care. This shouldn't be too much to ask from the PD. It's distressing to think those who we think are protecting and serving us citizens are so cold hearted.
Oh Anon 10:44am, when Godwin finally does kill someone the judges and politicians will act surprised, and suddenly decide to get tough on crime when the handwriting was on the wall with this guy for years.
well said 10:44. Lets hope she is safe. But statistically it desnt look good.
just spoke to Josh Crompton of WBOC. They are waiting for more information from the police. Good luck there. People should call the station and ask why this girls picture isnt up on their show. Squeakly wheel gets the grease. I will continue to push this.
Lynn, Thank you again. Maybe this evening I will hear something from Kristen's mother that I can report.
Let's hope that today Theresa made some progress in getting someone to attempt to find her daughter.
In the meantime if anyone has received a text concerning Kristen resend it, please. Maybe if we keep her photo out there someone will recognize her.
As of right now there is nothing to report. That's pathetic!
I understand the Kristen has returned home. Funny, about the same time that she will receive a check for Christopher.(1st of the month.) The Pocomoke police and state police know the story of the boy who cried wolf. Now Theresa and Beverly, throw the bitch out. Christoper deserves more a absent mother and father. GO GET CUSTODY!
Hooray she's home now what are you gonna do?
Thankyou for letting us know. We have not heard anything about Kristen returning home.
Give her HELL, Anon 11:00 for worrying the daylights out of her mother and her family. There's NO EXCUSE for this immature little weasel to not have called her mother regularly and let her know she was alright.
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