Purnell received 455 votes, followed by James Lane with 408 and former mayor Richard Scott with 14.
Three incumbent City Council members --Raymond Anderson, Barry Dize and Kim Lawson, who were elected with Purnell in 2006 as part of the Clean Sweep Team -- also appeared to be the winners for their at-large seats.
Lane said Wednesday night he was not ready to concede to Purnell.
"It's not over until they count the absentee and provisional ballots," he said.
City elections officials said they mailed out 51 absentee ballots, but the number returned was not immediately available Wednesday night. They will be opened this afternoon.
There also were 17 provisional ballots, as well as some people who were turned away because they were not on city voter lists.
Some of Lane's supporters said they planned to challenge the outcome of the mayor's race.
"We'll take it to the highest court," one woman shouted at reporters. "Put that in the paper."
Lane said he knows of one woman who registered to vote last month, but whose name was not on the list given to city elections officials.
"I'm sure there's going to be some examination of the process," he said.
In the City Council races, Anderson and Dize were clear winners with 513 and 465 votes, respectively, but Lawson, with 422 votes, was only 44 votes ahead of challenger Pamela Whittington, with 378 -- a lead that could change with today's absentee vote count.
Purnell said he was happy with the outcome so far.
"I think it's reassuring at this level of a challenge," he said.
Just before the polls closed, Clean Sweep Team supporters, who had camped outside City Hall all day, predicted it would be a close mayor's race.
"It was hard to tell," said Frederick B. "Fritz" Gerald, a former mayor and city manager. "This morning it was a little bit lopsided, but this evening it evened out."
Preliminary winners
James Lane -- 408
Percy Purnell (I) -- 455
Richard Scott -- 14
City Council (3 seats)
Raymond Anderson (I) -- 513
Barry Dize (I) -- 465
Robert Hooks -- 35
Jordan "Bo" Joyner --139
Kim Lawson (I) -- 422
Carolyn Marquis -- 240
Greg Sterling -- 145
Pamela Whittington -- 378
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