As the 'Grand Finally' bangs away and starts to wind down the engines start, the headlights come on, the sound of folding aluminum chairs being closed and the marching of feet of those that walked to the river where the festival is held, they all know it's over and look forward to another year.
The tiny town becomes empty in much less time than it did to accumulate the happy visitors. The people of Pocomoke know that when the 'Grand Finally' makes it's final pop and the last spark dwindles away it's like the curtains closing on your favorite movie and Pocomoke shuts the gates until the next wing-ding.
The Festival comity does a wonderful job at organizing this event, the volunteers are always smiling, the work by the PCVFD, the extra toll on the PCP officers, the clean-up by the city maintenance crew, etc. etc. is all forgotten by the time the final finally last ash hits the ground and people scurry to their vehicles and head home.
We would like to send a big Thank You to everyone that makes our festival what it is and what it will be next year.
To all involved in the Cypress Festival; Thank You.
I captured some pictures of the fireworks, sorry about the quality, I took these with my cell phone.
Click any image to enlarge

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