Last week, Ricochet presented Ian with a check for more than $7500! These funds will help pay for Ian's hippo therapy (horseback), physical therapy, occupational therapy, and aqua therapy.
Most of the funds Ricochet raised were through her inspirational YouTube video "From Service dog to SURFice dog" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGODurRfVv4). The video went viral, and has over 2.5 million views, which continues to increase on a daily basis with donations coming in from all over the world.
The second part of the challenge for Ricochet was to motivate Ian to get back on a surfboard. Ian and his dad were passionate about surfing. The ocean has been very healing for Ian, and some of his first steps after the accident were in the ocean. But, getting back on a surfboard was more challenging and scary for Ian. Sometimes it would take an hour or two to work up his confidence.
Ian's Aunt Melissa, who he affectionately refers to as Aunt Happy says "The night before Ian and Ric were to surf - Ian and I spoke about our schedule for the next day and what it would entail. Ian was SUPER excited to see Ricochet and even more excited to surf with her!! The next morning, Ian woke up boldy demanding, "I want to surf!!!" Any fears that he had were replaced with excitement!! I seriously cried as he boomed toward the water! Since the accident, he hasn't ever been that excited to get on the board. I am so grateful to Ricochet for making that happen as I know the whole surfing experience and being in the ocean - will continue to aide his recovery emotionally and physically."
Ricochet's surf sessions with Ian will continue as the two share a special bond which is illustrated in this inspirational slideshow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-mSXIeVIuE that highlights the healing power of the ocean, and the healing power of a dog!
Ricochet was slated to be a service dog for a person with a disability, but had to be released from that role due to her drive to chase birds and other small animals. She is now assisting people with disabilities in a non traditional way! She also raises awareness and funds for human/animal causes, and has raised more than $30,000 in the last eight months.
Note: For more information, please contact Judy Fridono at 707-228-0679, or pawinspired@aol.com. www.surfdogricochet.com, on Facebook & Twitter: "Surf Dog Ricochet"
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