Public safety is a core mission of government that is taken seriously by Pocomoke City's mayor and council. We have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in technology dedicated to thwarting and reducing crime in our city. This includes a bank of 24/7 targeted surveillance cameras monitored by police personnel. We have also focused efforts on building strong ties and relationships with our young people, in particular those deemed to be "at risk."
This has been done through direct support of the Save the Youth Organization, the Salvation Army Youth Programs, and a host of grant funded programs created and administered by our police department. We are the only municipal government in Maryland to be consistently recognized and awarded each year by the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention for these efforts.
We are an active partner with our local schools and were thrilled last week when Pocomoke Middle School received national recognition as one of the top schools in the nation. Principal Caroline Bloxom and her staff represent everything that is right in fostering a protected, learning environment for our young people. She provides them with hope and a future.
Pocomoke City takes a multi-faceted approach:
~A new comprehensive master plan for growth and development~Comprehensive zoning review
~Housing enforcement review
~Downtown economic development
~Targeted industrial development
~Engineering studies of critical infrastructure needs.
Considering our city's future needs, we are reviewing options for construction of a new police department facility. Our existing facilities provide a full gymnasium for use by local nonprofits; we are examining ways to continue providing this service. Once all options are identified, they will be discussed openly at a regular meeting of the mayor and council.
With local investment in our downtown, including the Mar-Va Performing Arts Theater, Delmarva Discovery Center, new Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center, Sturgis One-Room Schoolhouse, Costen House and the new riverfront restaurant breaking ground in the spring, it is no wonder new businesses are locating here.
City Hall will remain in its historic location, downtown, irrespective of any potential move by the police department. The city's commitment to a thriving downtown is self-evident.
I recently attended a celebration honoring Bishop Isaac Jenkins for his 50 years of service as pastor at New Macedonia Baptist Church. One can learn much from the dedication and commitment the reverend has displayed over five decades. He always focuses on that which is "good" and "positive," encouraging us to do the same.
Anyone can throw stones, but it takes vision to see how each stone can be used to build up a community. Pocomoke City has been blessed with citizens who gather and build up "the friendliest town on the Eastern Shore."

This is a joke, right? He is mayor of the worst town in the entire county. It ain't friendly at all. It's scary.
Just a little confused. Is this responding to Overholt's letter? or to Duffy's letter? Doesn't seem respond to either. Something missing here. Did only I miss something as no one said Pocomoke doesn't have positive things.
No, this isn't about the Mayor either. No one is 'throwing' stones. Isn't there a scripture about 'brother's keeper'? Didn't someone who ran for office say something about transparent government?
This looks funny. With our Mayor running for office and the next town meeting after elections, he probably won't show up again. This is something our government has been talking about for over 4 months in secret, just when is the public meeting to talk with us about this?
Why can't we just get a straight answer from our government?
Scary, mr. anonymous, doesn't even begin to describe downtown after dark. if police depart is moved it will be worse!
Everyone pass it around and drink the 'coolaid' just looking at the positives.
As we quietly go about in government doing whatever we want to do without talking with you!
What makes anyone think this kind of governing is acceptable? This is an example of what will happen when elected delegate.
This is a joke right?
Wow, you know what just made sense of all of this,
if police station relocates, then who is the honest person?
and the wrong answer is our elected officials.
i didnt see where anyone said Pocomoke doesn't have positive things.
this isnt about the Mayor either. No one is throwing stones.
Did here a government challenged to talk with people about police station.
Better yet, just answer the question because probably already got grant monies for it. (lol)
Just answer question -
yes or no
it really is a simple answer and not a letter avoiding question.
is police station moving
and to where?
thought Christians weren't suppose to be fortune tellers or psychic.
The mayor wrote concerning construction of a NEW facility.
He ALSO said there would at sometime be an open discussion about it at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council.
Now, my question is, since SO many of you say there is nothing downtown in Pocomoke, why are some of you worried about the department changing its location?
if you had a home or a business there do you think criminals are going to leave town or think it is 'open season'? take a guess. it aint rocket scientist work or take lots of grant money to figure this one out. (lol)
criminals already think Pocomoke is open to all kinds of crime because noone takes it serious. Remember meeting with Todd, McDermott, several police officers and a few citizens when Mayor first got in office. They said Pocomoke didnt have gangs.
Chief even said Saturday 'crime is down in pocomoke'.
and i've got an statute of LIberty to sell you too!
Romans 11:17 and Mark 10:42-44
"...you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you." Romans 11:17
Arrogance. Paul warns against it a third time in verse 20 of the same chapter when he commands the readers "Do not be conceited!" Though Paul was specifically speaking of the humility Christians should exhibit in relationship to our Jewish "elder brethren" of the faith, the triple warning found within these four verses is one we do well to contemplate in all areas of our lives.
Jesus called them together and said, "You know that those who are regarded as leaders of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..." Mark 10:42-44
Jesus called them together and said, "You know that those who are regarded as leaders of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..." Mark 10:42-44
"We have also focused efforts on building strong ties and relationships with our young people, in particular those deemed at risk."
Oh really, did our Mayor show up to the youth day at Pocomoke Middle hosted by Save the Youth?
did our Mayor show up to past 5 community awareness meetings?
Would anyone tell this song and dance to the boy's mother who was stabbed to death?
No as a community, we let him down.
Every day we refuse to acknowledge that gangs exist in this town, WE BURROW OUR HEADS INTO THE SAND AND HIDE!
Heck, Overholt and Duffy are two local churchgoers, active in their community for change and very optimistic & positive people.
Heard too our Mayor really attacked Duffy at celebration dinner for Jenkins. Said from his 'pulpit' that degrees, licenses, and all dont really mean anything. The whole time he was looking right at her and it was very creepy.
"Once all options are identified, they will be discussed openly at a regular meeting of the mayor and council."
Yeah right, and they'll be certain to do that. Like they notified Clark's district about the Delmarva Power rep?
After reading the previous 14 comments, I think you folks are well on your way to making some change here in this town. Stay involved and informed. The squeaking wheel usually gets the grease.
What is Mark's last name and who are these Romans you are talking about? Why would Italians have anything to do with Pocomoke? They must be at least 3,000 miles away.
"The squeaking wheel usually get the grease." I'm not buying that as all the "squeaking wheel" is getting alot of lip service and talking points from the politicians and city officials. Talking points such as the need to work together and stop pointing blame.
I agree everyone does need to work together and until the parents and/or guardians of these high risk and at risk children attend these meetings not a thing is being accomplished.
Yep, that's correct all the wheel is getting is a bunch of lip service. Until there is Zero Tolerance across the board from code violations, petty crimes, child support and from the courts, states attorney and probation offices the problems ain't going to go away.
My friend's have been waiting over 5 years to be paid restitution for damage done to their house. Well they actually gave up waiting a few years ago after numerous calls to the court and probation offices. They fixed the damage right away because they take pride in their home. This is wrong and not fair to hardworking people who have always obeyed the law to put out $1000 and not be paid back after the person was ordered to.
I just read something in the Daily Times that just burns me up! A student group at UMES is having a fundraiser to raise funds for underprivileged children in AFRICA! Well what about the underprivileged children in their own backyards????
I'm sure the Save The Youth Organization and the Salvation Army Youth Program the mayor mentions could use and would welcome fund raising efforts by this student group.
Anon3:52. I read that also. I agree. Ask any teacher in the public schools teaching in Somerset, Worcester or Accomack Counties and those teachers CAN tell you which ones in those schools NEED funds and underpriveledged..that's right in our own area! Alot of these children are right under our noses.
I have no problem with helping with children all around the world but I am a firm believer of taking care of our children FIRST!!
When America's children are warm, dry, full of good food, happy and safe I will be able to understand generousity for others in foreign lands..........NOT NOW~
jmmb, I've been trying to find out some information on the Save the Youth Pocomoke organization and it appears as though this great organization is dying a slow death.
heck no, Save the Youth is continuing and new programs being planned.
`a board member
Please tell us about the Save the Youth program. The community needs to get behind this organization.
I would like to know more out the program also. I know it has existed in Pocomoke for a very long time but wasn't able to find alot of info on it.
If the board member that left the comment would email me about the program I will be more than glad to post it.
Board Member,
The Worcester Co Govermnent website had a Volunteer Guide and I don't see STY listed. I know alot of parents and students use this guide when looking for volunteer opportunities for graduation requirements.
Also maybe internship opportunities for the SSU social work program.
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