Just the other day a couple of friends of mine made the comment about the way some people were dressing to go to court. Some walk into court looking like they just jumped out of bed. Some are dressed in cammo clothes, other in baggy jeans (you know the kind).
My husband came home the other night and mentioned a woman shopping while still in her bathrobe. The secretary at his work place mentioned seeing another robed lady in another store over the weekend. I've seen pajama bottoms and bedroom slippers myself in public places. The shopper was just scuffing up and down the aisles not worried about the Sponge Bob SquarePants she wore.
Then tonight a friend of mine asked the question on facebook...."who made it fashionable to wear pajamas in public?"
I guess I am from "the old school" and I don't/can't/won't accept the anything goes world we live in today. People who looked disheveled and unkept years ago were considered poor. Most couldn't help it. But in this day and time I don't believe that should be even a lame excuse.
Does anyone know what's going on with this new fad of sloppiness and lack of pride? (That's what I'd call it). Or is it a huge pajama party going on somewhere the rest of us haven't told about?
And on one last note. If you EVER see me in public in MY pajamas PLEASE take me home or call a family member! It just means I have finally lost my mind!
I don't think it's fasionable to were PJ's in public. If you look at those who are wearing them they are far from fashionable with their dirty hair and usually dirty shoes on and usually carrying alot of extra weight on their bodies.
wow. so people who don't put jeans and a t shirt on to run into walmart is now stereotyped to be a dirty overweight slob? how about a busy short on time mom who didnt feel like putting jeans on to run into walmart for one simple item because she didnt give a crap about what people think! thats why they do it! they dont care!! and the judgements being made are disgusting. bathrobes and slippers may be crossing the line, but "dirty" hair "dirty" shoes and some sweats is acceptable. dress how you cant and if you dont liek what someone else is wearing & its not offensive to the general public, then look the other way :) thanks!!
Yep, those that run out in public in pajama pants are nothing more than slobs. It takes 10 seconds to put on a pair of pants.
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