on the
Supreme Court's Health Care Decision
Supreme Court's Health Care Decision
Washington/Thursday -- Congressman Scott Rigell (VA-2) released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s health care ruling:
"Like the underlying legislation that it addresses, today’s 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is lengthy and complex. I will be reviewing the decision thoroughly so I can fully understand the practical implications of the ruling.
A cursory review, however, makes it clear that much of the PPACA has been ruled constitutional. This is deeply disappointing because it sets a legal precedent that greatly expands government’s ability to “mandate” other aspects of American life. For the first time in our history, Americans will be taxed not for what they purchase, but for what they have not purchased. That is wrong, and in my view, unconstitutional.
I have often said the PPACA is misnamed because it does not do what the name implies it will: protect patients and offer them affordable care. Instead, it:
• Hits hard-working Americans and job creators with a mandatory tax disguised as an individual mandate increasing costs and uncertainty for our families and small businesses;
• Imposes $800 billion in additional tax increases on Americans and small businesses;
• Cuts $500 billion from Medicare, putting senior care at risk, while adding to our nation’s $15 trillion debt;
• Creates an Independent Payment Advisory Board of 15 bureaucrats which will restrict health care choices for seniors;
• Infringes on Americans’ religious freedoms.
For these reasons and others, I have and will continue to vote to repeal the PPACA and replace it with legislation that protects the patient-doctor relationship and ultimately ensures that individuals – not the government – maintain control of their health care."
"Like the underlying legislation that it addresses, today’s 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is lengthy and complex. I will be reviewing the decision thoroughly so I can fully understand the practical implications of the ruling.
A cursory review, however, makes it clear that much of the PPACA has been ruled constitutional. This is deeply disappointing because it sets a legal precedent that greatly expands government’s ability to “mandate” other aspects of American life. For the first time in our history, Americans will be taxed not for what they purchase, but for what they have not purchased. That is wrong, and in my view, unconstitutional.
I have often said the PPACA is misnamed because it does not do what the name implies it will: protect patients and offer them affordable care. Instead, it:
• Hits hard-working Americans and job creators with a mandatory tax disguised as an individual mandate increasing costs and uncertainty for our families and small businesses;
• Imposes $800 billion in additional tax increases on Americans and small businesses;
• Cuts $500 billion from Medicare, putting senior care at risk, while adding to our nation’s $15 trillion debt;
• Creates an Independent Payment Advisory Board of 15 bureaucrats which will restrict health care choices for seniors;
• Infringes on Americans’ religious freedoms.
For these reasons and others, I have and will continue to vote to repeal the PPACA and replace it with legislation that protects the patient-doctor relationship and ultimately ensures that individuals – not the government – maintain control of their health care."
sad day for the USofA
unbelievable...i may not have anythang else; but i has health insurance
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