Wow! It's Monday already.It has been a very hot and very busy weekend for me....but exciting.
Coming up sometime today will be more on the new Pocomoke City Police Department dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony that was held on Friday. What a wonderful way to spend a hot afternoon....
Saturday was busy! Ten mud trucks from the Eastern Shore traveled to the Carolina Sand Drags and Mud Bog in Elizabeth, North Carolina. Quite an exhausting day but the drivers and their trucks made a wonderful showing and they now know (in that area of North Carolina) that we have some trucks that can move through any mud in seconds too! But, getting up at 3:00 a.m., on the road by 5 a.m. and in the sun, the heat, a thunderstorm then the looooong ride back home is extremely tiresome and just plain hard work!
Sunday was for some much needed rest.... And we did rest until we found this little guy in the woods across the street. My neighbor found him walking down the road dragging a leash and to keep him from getting run over attached him to a tree in the woods. That was earlier in the day and by 5:30 p.m. no one had passed by to claim the little guy.........
I wasn't about to let the little guy endure a night in the woods and have found him a nice temporary home. And since I have to give everything a name I have named him Petey. And right now the little guy needs my attention and I need to make sure he had a comfortable night and is ok.......
I'll have posts up as soon as I can............
By the way, IF Petey is YOUR pet you had better have a REAL GOOD reason for why you didn't look for this little guy yesterday morning and why you never worried about the little guy being in the heat, walking down a hot road until today!
When's the Riverside Grill going to open???
I've heard that it will open July 6. As soon as that is a definite I will post it.
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