A request for more information on the organization was left and there was no response. I personally emailed the person who's name was on the request that the info be posted to see how the membership drive was going and if I should post it again. No response. I am not going to deny the fact that Save The Youth at one time, many years ago, was a very good thing. Recently, however, if you were to check back on the Pocomoke City Council minutes you will find that Bishop Jenkins with the Rev. James Jones have been to the council meetings numerous times but the minutes will show they have failed to produce what the council has requested. Readers of the PPE have requested info and there is no response with any information.
You can not expect the citizens of Pocomoke to just accept this group without the knowledge of who they are. I have personally searched many times for information on this group to see how it is progressing and who some of the leaders may be but have reached nothing but dead ends.
Here is one comments:
Please answer the above questions and more!
What does "Save the Youth" do for the youth? How many are saved? What are they saved from?
How are the parents involved? Where is your roster?
What age youth do you serve?
How are they supervised?
What do the youth do for the community? Do the youth simply take from the community or do they contribute to the community?
Are they taught entitlement or self-reliance, ethics and moral behavior?
How are the youth involved in fund raising?
Do you have an official non-profit tax status with paperwork up to date?
And here is one reply:
Never read such degrading and negative remarks. STY for years held basketball tournaments outdoors for youth, sponsored motivational speaker events, and workshops targeting the youth.
No other organization has thus far come close.
Instead of spreading fear, hatred and negativity... GET INVOLVED!
Kudos to Bishop Jenkins and staff.
Now, how is anyone supposed to get involved if there is no phone #, no email, NO NAMES ! How can people get involved if they have no information??Not one soul seems to have gone to bat for the Save The Youth - which is now - Save The Youth Crime Prevention. Seems to me that if this organization is SO very crucial to the youths of the city someone would be answering some questions....and the citizens would know who you are.
And while we are on the subject of youths ...
This was emailed to me earlier this week and I find that it is an ideal time to post it.
Wise Words from a Judge in New Zealand - for Young People and Adults
"Northland College (NZ) principal John Tapene has offered the following words from a judge who regularly deals with youth.
"Always we hear the cry from teenagers 'What can we do, where can we go?'
Start behaving like a responsible person. You are important and you are needed. It's too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday. Someday is now and that somebody is you..."
"Always we hear the cry from teenagers 'What can we do, where can we go?'
... My answer is, "Go home, mow the lawn, wash the windows, learn to cook, build a raft, get a job, visit the sick, study your lessons, and after you've finished, read a book."
"Your town does not owe you recreational facilities and your parents do not owe you fun. The world does not owe you a living, you owe the world something. You owe it your time, energy and talent so that no one will be at war, in poverty or sick and lonely again."
"In other words, grow up, stop being a cry baby, get out of your dream world and develop a backbone, not a wishbone.
I think if STY is to survive and/or revive itself it needs to first reinvent inself.
So far everything has been along the lines of "come to us'-Come to us for a pamphlet, come to us to sign up.
Just this weekend is the Wor Co Fair in Snow Hill. If STY were serious they would have had a table set up there and the numerous other events the area offers that has Not for Profit Vendor space.
Success never comes for those who wait around for it. It takes getting out and working for it. The successful non profits know this and work hard to promote their causes and increase their visaibity. Non profit success and visibity go hand in hand. Books have been written on the connection and their is alot about it on the internet.
I have no idea about this non profit yet if it is true it will be a listed as a 501 3C and that can be checked if you search online. Now it takes dedicated people wng and getting into that is very few and hard to find here on the Lower Shore. I found many who talk yet dont act. They want someone else to do all the work.
I was a volunteer and served as President for one year for a legit non profit. I dealt with more people who were only I want, I want unreasonable things and I want my way yet they displayed no commitment, poor communication and no follow through. How can others depend on a no show up non profit?I dont give up or quit yet that is what I dealt with these others who did. Hard to find those who can give yet they really are looking to receive.
I have no idea about this non profit yet if it is true it will be a listed as a 501 3C and that can be checked if you search online. Now it takes dedicated people who know what they are doing, that is very few and hard to find here on the Lower Shore. I found many who talk yet dont act.Others would jump in before they knew what was required and mess things up. Most wanted someone else to do all the work.
I was a volunteer and served as President for one year for a legit non profit. I dealt with more people who were only I want, I want unreasonable things and I want my way yet they displayed no commitment, poor communication and no follow through. Some had no clue yet demanded their way. I dont give up or quit yet that is what I dealt with these others who did. Hard to find those who can give to give rather than an I want my way mentality.
If James Jones who portrays himself as a minister was not involved we would have a Save The Youth program in Pocomoke. I don't blame the council for voting it down. I do feel sympathy for Bishop Jenkins because he cares a great deal for the future of kids in pocomoke. But having James JUJU Jones involved in the Save The Youth program This man has for years lied, cheated and stole from innocent people.
Site has gone nuts...slander, defamation of character, and attacking people. Shame.
at least Bishop and "Juju" try to do good. what have you done for our community? nothing like they have.
Easy to sit behind a computer and slander and point fingers at people. Bet you aren't brave to say it to their faces. Then again gossiping is a full time job and everyone knows it is B's job.
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